I am new to this forum, however I have been induging in our mutual hobby for nearly 20 years
My question regards leaving feedback on AW
I have seen that some people leave feedback that is very negative or stuff like "turned up at location, only for the phone not to be answered and no reply to texts".
This happened to me last week, with a usualy well feedback girl from Harrow, North London
(Petite_Angel Sarah
External Link/Members Only).
I called when I arrived at the area, 10 mns early, she said to me she would call back/text with the exact address in ten minutes. That was the last I heard. I had driven a fair distance and I understad things go wrong , but to ignore calls and texts is rude. Two hours later, when I had got home, I called and she claimed, she had texted and called me (she hadn't) She also threatened me with bad feedback, I was incredulous and asked her to call me back instantly to see if the number she had was correct, she then claimed perhaps her phone lost 'network' for the 45 mins I hung around.
She also said she decided she wasnt taking anymore bookings until Monday (this was Friday)
She has not accepted my booking (it was a last minute thing)
Is there a way on Adultwork to leave feedback even without the booking accepted? To warn potential customers before a long travel to get the exact address from her or at least get the booking accepted
For instance I have noticed other FB's say things like 'no response to booking request' I wonder how the customer managed to do that without the booking being accepted ?