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Author Topic: Best duo for a threesome with in Glasgow area  (Read 1640 times)

Offline Kingdick152

I have never had a threesome yet but wanna make that dream become real soon, could any1 give me any reviews or recommendations on the best duo of girls to have 1 with in the Glasgow area

Thank you

Offline tazman1002001

I've seen Maisie she is a touring is my last three sum review...

Not sure when they are both back in Glasgow but drop an email go get some details.....
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Offline tazman1002001

I've seen Maisie she is a touring is my last three sum review...

Not sure when they are both back in Glasgow but drop an email go get some details.....

There both in Glsgow today and Edinburgh Tomm.......  :thumbsup:
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