Sugar Babies

Author Topic: Stolen providers profiles  (Read 442 times)

Offline Corsaire

There seem to be many profiles getting stolen belonging to working girls. I say this because:
 a girl's profile from Grantham, Imogen,  has turned up in Harrow, as,Sassy.andreea.
A girl's profile from Hull, Jayden, turned up in Milron Keynes.
I now notice,a,comment of a similar nature from someone's comment in eastern region.
Apparently theyngetnan e-mail,purporting to be from AW checking their log in details, and they give them out!
Just thought it might explain certain weird town switches or disappearances for you all.

Offline The_Don

Other reason (there are more):

The profile are swapped (owned and managed by some one and not the W/G), seen this happen may times.

The profile are sold (feed back, verified), when done with for a profit.

The profiles are looking for extra credits (PG sales, in a new area) or testing the water for tours.

The profile owner is away (thinking that moving it to a different area) and this will limit issues.

The profile has been hacked (thus moved around), poor or shared passwords and lack of care on the owners (or A/W) part.
« Last Edit: November 15, 2015, 06:07:28 pm by The_Don »