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Author Topic: Jenna-massage - Croydon - scam IMO  (Read 989 times)

1 review(s) for Jenna-massage (0 positive, 0 neutral, 1 negative) [Indexed by ]

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Called her and expressed I wasn't very interested in massage and just wanted sex and owo - shes was fine with this.

I arrived and was shown into the bedroom where there is a bed and massage table, also this woman was by no means dressed for a sexual encounter - but I gave her the benefit of the doubt. Before paying she asked me what I wanted I said "I only want to have sex I don't want a massage", she actually refused and said "no, you need to have a little massage its good for you". I stood my ground and said "no thanks, I just want to start on the bed".

We were basically at a check mate because she wasn't budging, So I walked.

Just like the previous visit at this place with another WG, I can tell it was blatantly obvious she just wanted to waste my time and probably had no intention of delivering a decent service.


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Offline The_Don

We were basically at a check mate because she wasn't budging, So I walked.

Just like the previous visit at this place with another WG, I can tell it was blatantly obvious she just wanted to waste my time and probably had no intention of delivering a decent service.

Shame you had to waste your time but at least she got no money

Offline pumps

Shame you had to waste your time but at least she got no money

Yeah very rare outcome (the prossie not getting the money) lol

Offline rebelsurge

thanks for the report Pumps, I like a bit of massage, what part of Croydon is she based? Thanks
Banned reason: No reviews in 10 years !!
Banned by: 90125

Offline pumps

thanks for the report Pumps, I like a bit of massage, what part of Croydon is she based? Thanks

you'll have todo the research yourself - I cant be arsed to aid any furture business their way.

Offline lewishamguy


...Before paying she asked me what I wanted I said "I only want to have sex I don't want a massage", she actually refused and said "no, you need to have a little massage its good for you".


Well at least she advised you something how to start the session.
