Sugar Babies

Author Topic: Have you been spotted pre- or post-punt and had to come up with your story?  (Read 1497 times)

Offline threechilliman

Question in the title really.

Following a punt on Saturday, I'm making my way home full of post-punt euphoria when I suddenly notice a work colleague following me. The mind races, I can tell you as you wonder how long they've been following you and so on. What will they ask on Monday morning?

Anyway, the question was asked and I just said I'd been visiting a friend. What's the closest you've come to being spotted and having to make up a story?


Offline Problem Child

Never been spotted visually , but was olfactorily spotted once. There's a wee cutie on my way home from work, whom I used to semi frequent when I finished early. One time I visited , I could smell fag smoke in the flat as soon as she opened the door. I should've walked then and there, but didn't.  :blush:
Anyway, went through with the booking  and as soon as I walked in the door, my wife said "you smell of smoke"  :scare: :scare:
I made up some excuse about how the jacket I was wearing was the same one I'd worn to see my dad at the weekend (he's a heavy smoker)  and how the rain that day must've brought the smell out. Personally, I thought it was a terrible excuse , but it was the best I could come up with on the spot. Thankfully , she believed it and just said something about getting it to the drycleaners and it was never mentioned again.
Needless to say, I've never returned to that particular cutie....

Offline SamLP

You should have worn a punting jacket  :D

Offline Problem Child

You should have worn a punting jacket  :D

That'll be the next must have punting accessory. I give it a month till we get a thread titled "Dangers of not having a punting jacket"....


  • Guest
Coming out of a WG's house and walking down the road to be tapped on the shoulder by a builder who was part of a group working nearby - my fucking nephew!!

I was in a profession at the time which involved visiting clients at home, so blagged it accordingly. I think he bought it    ( or was very discreet) but his missus made sure I got the full innuendo for ages after - so much my missus even defended me.


  • Guest
You should have worn a punting jacket  :D

The smell of smoke gets on all your clothes and hair regardless. I've only got to walk through a room that people have smoked it for it to be noticeable.


  • Guest
Never been spotted visually , but was olfactorily spotted once. There's a wee cutie on my way home from work, whom I used to semi frequent when I finished early. One time I visited , I could smell fag smoke in the flat as soon as she opened the door. I should've walked then and there, but didn't.  :blush:
Anyway, went through with the booking  and as soon as I walked in the door, my wife said "you smell of smoke"  :scare: :scare:
I made up some excuse about how the jacket I was wearing was the same one I'd worn to see my dad at the weekend (he's a heavy smoker)  and how the rain that day must've brought the smell out. Personally, I thought it was a terrible excuse , but it was the best I could come up with on the spot. Thankfully , she believed it and just said something about getting it to the drycleaners and it was never mentioned again.
Needless to say, I've never returned to that particular cutie....

I was the same with the North East Legend Juicy Jo a few years back.  Smelled the smoke when I walked in, but after a few minutes, I forgot all about it!!  Fabulous session, and I then went to my regular pub for a wind down, where the barmaid said "I didn't know you smoked".  More alarming, because in those days, you could smoke in pubs, and she could still smell it.

Then there was the problem of getting "clean" before I went home.  No chance - so I ended up phoning that I would be late and headed off to a rough pub, where it was thick with more smoke!  At least I could then say that I'd been to a smoky pub with a straight face.  Never went back to either - didn't miss the pub, but wish I'd seen Jo again.

Offline threechilliman

I was the same with the North East Legend Juicy Jo a few years back.  Smelled the smoke when I walked in, but after a few minutes, I forgot all about it!!  Fabulous session, and I then went to my regular pub for a wind down, where the barmaid said "I didn't know you smoked".  More alarming, because in those days, you could smoke in pubs, and she could still smell it.

Then there was the problem of getting "clean" before I went home.  No chance - so I ended up phoning that I would be late and headed off to a rough pub, where it was thick with more smoke!  At least I could then say that I'd been to a smoky pub with a straight face.  Never went back to either - didn't miss the pub, but wish I'd seen Jo again.

One of the few benefits of smoking is that it hides any smoky smells and a lot of other smells too.


Offline KidCandyShop

Got a parking ticket from a hotel whilst seeing a Wg and my Oh saw it in the car and asked why I had a parking ticket, told her I'd called into the bar to pick a mate up who had been drinking in there and as from a private parking company not enforceable.


  • Guest
Punting last summer (very hot day) and ended up waiting for the girl to arrive at the house, she texted me from taxi, so I went to a disused property our firm owns and ended up taking a photo whilst I was there. Anyway standing on a busy street corner I entered the house when called and had a tremendous fuck. punt over and back to work... Bloody loose lipped receptionist said and what were you doing loitering on****Road Mr ******  at lunchtime . Came up with the excuse I was buying an ice cream from a van whilst visiting our premises, she smiled in disbelieve, luckily when I show her the picture my excuse seemed feasible....  :P


Offline rubric

To be honest, very few people are going to automatically leap to the conclusion that you have been visiting a knocking shop.

If you just come up with something vaguely plausible and don't dwell on things too much then you are usually fine.

Offline Shenshiro

Not much of a story but meh, almost happened to me last night. Travelling home post-punt, switching trains and there on the platform was a chap who'd been sat next to me in a meeting last thing before leaving work. But I was close to home and it was getting late, so had a ready excuse that I'd been round a friend's for dinner. Even had a half drunk bottle of wine we'd failed to finish that would have worked as a prop. In the end though he was far enough away that he didn't recognise me, or he just couldn't be arsed to say hello, so I ducked out of the way and got on the other end of the train.

Offline tantric talents

The smell of smoke gets on all your clothes and hair regardless. I've only got to walk through a room that people have smoked it for it to be noticeable.
Absolutely. I try to avoid girls who smoke but it's hard as most of the EE's and many Latino girls do. If they want to light up at the end of the punt I really try to discourage it.


  • Guest
Absolutely. I try to avoid girls who smoke but it's hard as most of the EE's and many Latino girls do. If they want to light up at the end of the punt I really try to discourage it.
Thats the problem with the smoking ban, you could say you had been in the pub for a pint !