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Author Topic: Covered Oral : Safe over sorry?  (Read 2996 times)

Offline Destootoo

Hi guys

I wanted some opinions on this

I'm married and really don't want to risk anything going wrong downstairs and sending life haywire. Should I opt for Or with to up the safety factor? I'm not even sure how much safer it is!

I'm not one of those who is massively turned off by it as the girl is why I'm there ;)

So safe over sorry?

Offline SJ772

It's up to you, personally OW does nothing for me, it OWO or covered penetration for me.   There are risks, some say more from OWO that covered penetration, if you can get off on OW then go for it, it's safer than not, but not for me.


  • Guest
I personally opt for oral WITH now and is my standard and of course covered intercourse.

I am quite paranoid but others have done ORAL WITHOUT here for years and never caught anything.

On the flip side others have done it and caught something.

Rod trotter

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Long term if it worries you dont do owo, its not worth the aggro

Offline MancSean

Better sorry than safe as far as I am concerned but when I first started many years ago when I was married I always had ow because I was worried of catching owt. But now I don't punt with a girl unless owo is offered 100%.

Offline peter_bungee

Ow for me at moment and foreseeable

Offline webpunter

Reading articles online the stats suggest that 1 in 50 london hookers are carrying some form of oral infection.  For them it can just mean a sore throat which clears itself within a few weeks.  For the blokes its a rather different story
If this happens to be the average then of course there will be big variations.  Some bird in a parlour who sucks 20 / more cocks in a day & doesn't pay any attention is likely be much higher risk.  Everyone knows the warning signs on some profiles.  And doing OWO with an AW girlie who does bareback all but guarantees trouble.  However a more mature hooker who has been around the block, charges more & is more selective is a lower risk on average.  If only because passing on something is more likely to put off married / attached & wealthy punters as long term clients.  And cost her money in the process.  If the WG is intelligent [getting check-ups etc] then a much safer bet than some dim witted one - whose perception of risk is different.  Factor in that they have less no's of clients & charge more then the odds improve.  But not down to zero.  Also those who offer CIM / swallow are a generally higher risk of passing on infection
Think of playing russian roulette with a gun which can take say 50 bullets [but it could easily be 25 or 100].  Stick one bullet in & if you are happy to play then spin the chamber & pull the trigger
Most times i have the will power to go for OW - but every now & again then this evaporates.  Then there's the mental thought process of checking little WP over the next week
If no OH then its time to fill yer boots.  Go for it & if unlucky then see the quack, get some pills & stay off the booze for a few days then you should be good to 'ride again' as BiggusD would put it

Offline Cuntminion

Wear a hard hat too in case the ceiling gives in


  • Guest
Wear a hard hat too in case the ceiling gives in

Where on earth have you been punting lately?


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I'm not even sure how much safer it is!
So do some proper research (and not just here). Use the NHS website / speak to a doctor / speak to a GUM clinic nurse.


  • Guest
I now opt for OW, too many people catching nasties from OWO for my liking.

The way I see it is this - even if you choose to rubber up for oral the end result (shooting your load) will still be the same AND with the same sensation.  Granted, OW isn't as pleasurable as OWO but in the end the result is the same :thumbsup:

So, OW for me ;)

Offline sublimetoridiculous

  Granted, OW isn't as pleasurable as OWO ...
Not sure that's absolutely true. What she does can count for more than whether there is a condom or not.

And some clever girls have learnt the art of putting the condom on with their mouth so you barely notice and it doesn't interrupt the flow.

I do generally prefer OWO, but have on occasions been pleasantly surprised by skillful OW.

Offline oohisay

OW for me. OWO just too risky for me personally. Used to be very happy with OWO, but as I've got older my opinion has changed.


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Without is a deal breaker for me, no owo then I'll walk. Everything in life has a risk attached to it, sometimes you just have to draw a line


  • Guest
I now opt for OW, too many people catching nasties from OWO for my liking.
Oh dear, another scaremongering thread!

Where is the empirical evidence?

Yes, OW has to be safer than OWO, which in turn is safer than bareback sex, but we live through life on a risk versus reward basis. How many people risk crossing the road at a point convenient to them rather than walk an extra 50yds or so to the relative safety of a pelican crossing?

Anecdotal evidence like "I've caught two STDs, I'm out" counts for nothing and I know of at least one WG who has stopped offering OWO purely on the "evidence" of some of these UKP scaremongering threads. Get yourself regularly checked at the GUM clinic, and if you have regulars ask them if they do too (in a subtle way!), that way the risk is reduced. Personally I don't want to go back to the old days of OW being the norm and can still remember the thrill of the first time I received OWO from a WG.

I'm a married punter, but as we have no sex I'm not worried about passing anything on to the OH.

I know we're not necessarily talking just of the big one (HIV), but the Terrence Higgins Trust's website states:

There have been no reliable reports of someone getting HIV by having oral sex performed on them. This would really only be possible if someone with HIV was giving them oral sex when their mouth was bleeding.

I know that at least one member has disputed this statement before, but due to anonymous nature of this site we can have no idea how qualified they are to comment in this.

Offline smiths

Hi guys

I wanted some opinions on this

I'm married and really don't want to risk anything going wrong downstairs and sending life haywire. Should I opt for Or with to up the safety factor? I'm not even sure how much safer it is!

I'm not one of those who is massively turned off by it as the girl is why I'm there ;)

So safe over sorry?

Punting holds a risk whether you go for OW or OWO, its up to you to assess how much risk you wish to take, so my advice is take LLs advice above and speak to the trained professionals at a GUM. In the meantime stick to OW rather than OWO as that's at least limiting your risk. And to give you my experience, I have been getting OWO for many years and never caught anything, obviously that doesn't mean I wont in the future.


  • Guest
Wear a hard hat too in case the ceiling gives in
Love our favourite cats pearls of punting wisdom.  Don't wear one with a logo though that could identify you !


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It's tricky to get a 'neutral' response on here as most of the guys have a vested interest in justifying their own preferences.

I strongly prefer OWO, and while I understand there are some risks involved, I am happy to believe that the risks are pretty limited - certainly compared to other activities.  I also undertake a regular testing schedule to ensure that if I should collect a nasty, it doesn't stay undetected and have me pissing flames or anything.

So if you want someone to tell you that OWO is relatively ok, ask me or someone else who enjoys it.  If you want to take the 'safety first', high-viz jacket, hard hat, H&S risk assessment approach, ask an OW advocate...


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There is no concern ever about colds, viruses and other non STD's passed by close contact with others.  Most of the concern is not about health of loved ones just about not getting caught out with STD's.  Do the guys not doing OWO still do French Kissing or is the risk to young families to great ?

Offline Mr Sinister

Love a sloppy blowjob but just not with prossies anymore.


  • Guest
Oh dear, another scaremongering thread!

I'm a married punter, but as we have no sex I'm not worried about passing anything on to the OH.

I'm not scaremongering mate, I'm merely voicing my opinion, as is everyone else.  I've taken the decision not to do OWO based several UKP members ( and actually a close mate of mine)  saying they have caught stuff from it, if you are happy to ignore it then totally up to you.  Like you say, you and your missus don't have sex so OWO doesn't matter to you, I DO have sex with my missus so it does matter to me.

So no, I'm not scaremongering at all, I don't give a shit what you get up to :hi:

Offline Cuntminion

Oh dear, another scaremongering thread!

Where is the empirical evidence?

Yes, OW has to be safer than OWO, which in turn is safer than bareback sex, but we live through life on a risk versus reward basis. How many people risk crossing the road at a point convenient to them rather than walk an extra 50yds or so to the relative safety of a pelican crossing?

Anecdotal evidence like "I've caught two STDs, I'm out" counts for nothing and I know of at least one WG who has stopped offering OWO purely on the "evidence" of some of these UKP scaremongering threads. Get yourself regularly checked at the GUM clinic, and if you have regulars ask them if they do too (in a subtle way!), that way the risk is reduced. Personally I don't want to go back to the old days of OW being the norm and can still remember the thrill of the first time I received OWO from a WG.

I'm a married punter, but as we have no sex I'm not worried about passing anything on to the OH.

I know we're not necessarily talking just of the big one (HIV), but the Terrence Higgins Trust's website states:

There have been no reliable reports of someone getting HIV by having oral sex performed on them. This would really only be possible if someone with HIV was giving them oral sex when their mouth was bleeding.

I know that at least one member has disputed this statement before, but due to anonymous nature of this site we can have no idea how qualified they are to comment in this.

I actually agree with you

These threads seem to pop up every other day, honestly when it's comes to sexual health I don't seem advice from a forum as it usually descends into scaremongering

I consult medical sites or professionals for medical advice , more to the point a fully grown adult should have the ability to make sensible decisions on this to suit their own personal needs


  • Guest

I consult medical sites or professionals for medical advice , more to the point a fully grown adult should have the ability to make sensible decisions on this to suit their own personal needs

Quite right, which is why I have decided to go OW from now on.  If you choose not to then that's ok too, no scaremongering here, I was merely offering the OP my slant on it. :hi:


  • Guest
I consult medical sites or professionals for medical advice , more to the point a fully grown adult should have the ability to make sensible decisions on this to suit their own personal needs
I consult my dick and he says OWO, unless he gets a feeling of danger during operation cum on her face.

Offline Cuntminion

I consult my dick and he says OWO, unless he gets a feeling of danger during operation cum on her face.

I consult with DR Google

If the summary comes back that it won't fall off and start break dancing that's good enough for me

Hard hats, steel toe caps, high vis and safety goggles and gloves are a must though


  • Guest
I'm married and really don't want to risk anything going wrong downstairs and sending life haywire. Should I opt for Or with

Always opt for oral WITH if you do not want to expose both yourself and your partner to the risks associated with OWO (herpes, chlamydia, warts, gonorrhoea, syphilis).


  • Guest
Oh dear, another scaremongering thread!

Where is the empirical evidence?

Yes, OW has to be safer than OWO, which in turn is safer than bareback sex, but we live through life on a risk versus reward basis. How many people risk crossing the road at a point convenient to them rather than walk an extra 50yds or so to the relative safety of a pelican crossing?

Anecdotal evidence like "I've caught two STDs, I'm out" counts for nothing and I know of at least one WG who has stopped offering OWO purely on the "evidence" of some of these UKP scaremongering threads. Get yourself regularly checked at the GUM clinic, and if you have regulars ask them if they do too (in a subtle way!), that way the risk is reduced. Personally I don't want to go back to the old days of OW being the norm and can still remember the thrill of the first time I received OWO from a WG.

I'm a married punter, but as we have no sex I'm not worried about passing anything on to the OH.

On a punting forum I'd say the anecdotal evidence of fellow punters is of some value vs general published statistical information. Punters represent a niche group with very specific risk profile. There will never be forthcoming any empirical evidence specific to the topic of "punter risk for OW vs OWO".

Ultimately my view is you can't accept on face value an escort who says she's tested regularly.  None are going to say "nah I never bother" are they?!  Even if you're a regular you can't guarantee they are telling the truth unless you accompany them to the clinic yourself - or at least see a results txt or some other evidence that couldn't easily be faked. 

Even then, I caught gonorrhea from OWO with a regular who I absolutely trusted and believed when she told me she was tested monthly - but her last few "regular tests" were by her GP not at a GUM clinic and her GP did not routinely offer a throat swab to someone with no symptoms so it slipped by. 

I have also witnessed first hand another escort who was told by a duo partner that she may have gonorrhea but who regardless carried on working for more than a week while awaiting her test results.  I therefore feel a little less trusting of WGs who claim they take their health very seriously.  Some clearly take their income far more seriously than their health or that of their clients.

And what about punters who only ever see an escort once? Are you really going to try and insist on seeing evidence of recent STI tests before visiting every WG? Good luck with that one.

But even when you have a very diligent escort who is tested thoroughly say every month the risk is still there - most STI's still have an incubation period during which there are no symptoms, where they will not be detected by the GUM clinic, but can still be transmitted, so there is probably a good 2-4 week period where even the most diligent WG, having been infected by another punter through OWO, can still infect you. 

In short I would say that you cannot rely on "regular testing" to significantly reduce STI risk. 

So if you really can't afford to catch something from OWO then stick with OW.  For some punters it would be the end of their cosy little world if they brought an STI home so not sure it's scaremongering to warn of the potential risks. 

But let's not forget even switching to covered oral is not a 100% answer if your concern is being caught out by your OH.  In the same 6 month period that I got gonorrhea I also contracted something very similar to genital warts - an STI that can be transmitted simply through bumping crotches - just skin to skin contact - and this produced a highly visible rash and left visible scars weeks afterwards - definitely not so easy to hide even if you're not having sex with your OH.

All I can say is I'm really glad I waited til I was single before punting as it probably would have been a much less amicable - and therefore much more expensive - split with my ex if I'd been caught with my pants down so to speak.

But you pay's your money you takes your chances, and anyway nobody ever really catches one of these things do they?  :wacko:

Offline tantric talents

Oh dear, another scaremongering thread!

Where is the empirical evidence?

Yes, OW has to be safer than OWO, which in turn is safer than bareback sex, but we live through life on a risk versus reward basis. How many people risk crossing the road at a point convenient to them rather than walk an extra 50yds or so to the relative safety of a pelican crossing?

Anecdotal evidence like "I've caught two STDs, I'm out" counts for nothing and I know of at least one WG who has stopped offering OWO purely on the "evidence" of some of these UKP scaremongering threads. Get yourself regularly checked at the GUM clinic, and if you have regulars ask them if they do too (in a subtle way!), that way the risk is reduced. Personally I don't want to go back to the old days of OW being the norm and can still remember the thrill of the first time I received OWO from a WG.

I'm a married punter, but as we have no sex I'm not worried about passing anything on to the OH.

I know we're not necessarily talking just of the big one (HIV), but the Terrence Higgins Trust's website states:

There have been no reliable reports of someone getting HIV by having oral sex performed on them. This would really only be possible if someone with HIV was giving them oral sex when their mouth was bleeding.

I know that at least one member has disputed this statement before, but due to anonymous nature of this site we can have no idea how qualified they are to comment in this.
I completely agree with this sensible and pragmatic approach.
If you are so risk averse then don't ever risk even seeing a WG!
Just stay indoors and play with yourself!
Isn't that what we we all used to do before discovering escorts and Ukp?  :lol:
Personally I hate OW. It's like paddling in the sea with socks on! I will put up with the odd sharp pebble.  :thumbsup:


  • Guest
If you are so risk averse then don't ever risk even seeing a WG!
Just stay indoors and play with yourself!
Lots of people visit A&E with masturbation related trauma, no idea on figures but the risk averse must be made aware.


  • Guest
:scare:I completely agree with this sensible and pragmatic approach.
If you are so risk averse then don't ever risk even seeing a WG!
Just stay indoors and play with yourself!
Isn't that what we we all used to do before discovering escorts and Ukp?  :lol:
Personally I hate OW. It's like paddling in the sea with socks on! I will put up with the odd sharp pebble.  :thumbsup:

Not risk averse at all mate, just now prefer OW, simple :hi:

Offline Cuntminion

Lots of people visit A&E with masturbation related trauma, no idea on figures but the risk averse must be made aware.

Don't forget the decimation of Henry Hoover

Explain that away

"It was those come hither eyes doctor "

Offline Cuntminion

Poses another question

Henry Hoover

Ow or owo?


  • Guest
Poses another question

Henry Hoover

Ow or owo?
Deep throat OW, spermicidal lubricant for ease of removal.  Have you tried Hettie ?

Hidden Image/Members Only


  • Guest
Poses another question

Henry Hoover

Ow or owo?
You tell me. I.e which do you like best, the taste of condoms or the taste of Henry's long bendy pipe?

Offline Cuntminion

Deep throat OW, spermicidal lubricant for ease of removal.  Have you tried Hettie ?

Hidden Image/Members Only

There's a hettie?

Now I just don't know

I have been getting blown by a dude Hoover?

What does this mean for my sexuality?

I better start five new threads about this and listen to enya whilst I figure this out


  • Guest

There's a hettie?

Now I just don't know

I have been getting blown by a dude Hoover?

What does this mean for my sexuality?

I better start five new threads about this and listen to enya whilst I figure this out

Listen to Enya?

Fucking hell, man, is there no limit to the risks you'll take with your life?