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Author Topic: Yvonne - West Jesmond  (Read 4250 times)


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I'm gutted that her profile is down...anyone know whether she has relocated/left etc? I met her once and it was one of the best hours of my life. She was stunning......

Offline Sar-Major

Banned reason: Fantasy reviews. Using UKP name to push boundaries and attempt bareback & stalker
Banned by: daviemac


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She's on holiday; but also, you'll not find her under Angel Yvonne, Angel of the North etc anymore... she evolved a very clandestine new profile and let her regulars know as she was being stalked by some nutter

Offline Sar-Major

I now know who your on about.................. :D :D :D :D :D

 :hi:   :hi:
Banned reason: Fantasy reviews. Using UKP name to push boundaries and attempt bareback & stalker
Banned by: daviemac


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Thanks to all for responding. I'm not a nutter, but can see (given the issues she has faced) that my post isn't the most sensible...

Offline Sar-Major

Thanks to all for responding. I'm not a nutter, but can see (given the issues she has faced) that my post isn't the most sensible...

Such is life J-D..........We all drop the proverbial bollock now and again  :D :D :D :D :D

WHO said you were a "Nutter" ???? My mate knows a Hospital where you'd fit in "Perfectly"   :sarcastic: :sarcastic: :sarcastic:

 :hi:   :hi:
Banned reason: Fantasy reviews. Using UKP name to push boundaries and attempt bareback & stalker
Banned by: daviemac

Offline NotTooOld4It

Such is life J-D..........We all drop the proverbial bollock now and again  :D :D :D :D :D

WHO said you were a "Nutter" ???? My mate knows a Hospital where you'd fit in "Perfectly"   :sarcastic: :sarcastic: :sarcastic:

 :hi:   :hi:

Methinks Cherry Knowle would be a good name for an escort.

Offline groovy

Any update ?
Is she still working ?

Offline The Man from Del Monte

Yvonne's psycho nutter stalker, step forward!  :D


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I think with the problems she has had, no-one should be giving away her new name/details etc... It's up to her who she gives it to.

I know it's not too difficult to find her online (AW, Google, own website etc) but still, that's her right i would say..


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Could you also pm me please too :)


  • Guest
I think with the problems she has had, no-one should be giving away her new name/details etc... It's up to her who she gives it to.

I know it's not too difficult to find her online (AW, Google, own website etc) but still, that's her right i would say..
your wrong on this one. Quote from rules

Censoring info
It is not acceptable to demand the suppression of info that may be of use to other punters, e.g. name changes of service providers, regardless of reasons.

Anyone with link should put it up for help of other punting members
« Last Edit: October 14, 2015, 06:25:40 am by themademan2 »


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your wrong on this one. Quote from rules

Censoring info
It is not acceptable to demand the suppression of info that may be of use to other punters, e.g. name changes of service providers, regardless of reasons.

Anyone with link should put it up for help of other punting members

You're talking rules here... not laws.
And what the hell does 'suppression of info that may be of use to other punters' actually mean in principle. Nothing!
That could mean your personal details as a punter on here who had once disagreed with you etc etc... may want to avoid you in real life, so doesn't want to go anywhere you may be. Oh, they'd need a picture of you too...

Anyway, that's my opinion. Obviously not yours.


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You're talking rules here... not laws.

My site, my rules, don't like it? Logout and fuck off.

EDIT: Did it for you.


  • Guest
You're talking rules here... not laws.
And what the hell does 'suppression of info that may be of use to other punters' actually mean in principle. Nothing!
That could mean your personal details as a punter on here who had once disagreed with you etc etc... may want to avoid you in real life, so doesn't want to go anywhere you may be. Oh, they'd need a picture of you too...

Anyway, that's my opinion. Obviously not yours.
fucking cock :timeout: