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Author Topic: What is wrong with my dick (medical problem)?  (Read 5924 times)

Offline peter_bungee

Hi guys

Iv been having a problem which i would appreciate some advice on

About 6 weeks ago i noticed v small amounts of clear sticky liquid coming out of my dick as well as dull pain around the tip this lasted 2 days, naturally i thought i had an uti or std so went to gp he sent urine off to lab for cultures/uti and i also gave a urine sample for all sorts including gonnereah, chlymedia, syphilus + other stds - these both came back negative and i took a course of antibiotics.

Then two weeks back i had slightly more leak lasting one day and continued dull pain around tip.  I went to another std clinic doc gave me some more antibiotics and gave another urine sample all came back negative.

Iv never had unprotected sex and only done OWO once in last 12 months so doubt its an std

Im seeing an urologist next week, but does anyone know the problem?  Iv read online about non gonnocal uretheritus but unclear if this could be it.   Also I'm only 30 so shouldn't have prostate problems?

As of today im getting the odd discharge every few days and pain on tip.   No problems urinating but libido is nil. I had uti symptoms when i was a virgin but never a discharge. 


Offline cueball

No idea but I'd be back at the quacks with that, whatever the treatment you had ain't worked.


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So, you've been having these symptoms for six weeks, don't know what it is yet, but thought it ok, according to a review you wrote on Friday, to have unprotected oral sex with a pro$$ie just over a week ago! Words fail me!  :scare:

Or perhaps there are some untruths being told? Or should I say something smells fishy, and it's not just your dick.
« Last Edit: July 05, 2015, 10:33:08 pm by johnnyboy61 »

Offline peter_bungee

So, you've been having these symptoms for six weeks, don't know what it is yet, but thought it ok, according to a review you wrote on Friday, to have unprotected oral sex with a pro$$ie just over a week ago! Words fail me!  :scare:

Or perhaps there are some untruths being told?

It had completely stopped then (the discharge) and as i said all std tests were negative

However it has come back, what didnt stop is slight dull pain, the girl i saw you are referring to was over two weeks ago.
« Last Edit: July 05, 2015, 10:33:24 pm by peter_bungee »

Offline Bigus Dickus

Get back to the doctor and stop punting until you know for sure.

You don't want to end up creating one of these threads!

I notice you punt in the same location where Puntico did his final review!  :scare:

Offline peter_bungee

Get back to the doctor and stop punting until you know for sure.

You don't want to end up creating one of these threads!

I notice you punt in the same location where Puntico did his final review!  :scare:

I am seeing the urologist next week so will see what he says, haven't punted and dont intend to for foreseeable .   Its something non sexual just dont know what

Offline claretandblue

No idea op but if you are sure it's non sexual it's unwise to discuss it here in my opinion, there's no smoke without fire etc etc

Offline peter_bungee

No idea op but if you are sure it's non sexual it's unwise to discuss it here in my opinion, there's no smoke without fire etc etc

Thanks i agree, u clearly state that you have tested negative for all std's in 3 separate tests in the last 6 weeks and still u get accused of spreading diseases!

In hindsight you guys cant see inside my body, so i should prolly wait till next week.



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Thanks i agree, u clearly state that you have tested negative for all std's in 3 separate tests in the last 6 weeks and still u get accused of spreading diseases!

In hindsight you guys cant see inside my body, so i should prolly wait till next week.

Well whether it is an std or not I would question the wisdom of sticking your penis in a girls mouth when by your own admission just a few days before there was a discharge and you were sore (2 weeks ago you say you had a further discharge and about 9 days ago you indulged in OWO).  In any case let the doctors get on with their job of diagnosing you, rather than amateur diagnoses which may just cause a few sleepless nights.  Good luck and no more unprotected sex until a proper diagnosis is made please.

Offline MancSean

Many many years ago after cheating on my wife I got similar symptoms just can't remember any pain.  I got tested and was clear on everything. Doctor said she reckons I had an allergic reaction to a condom which caused the discharge


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My advice. Book another appointment at any GUM clinic - first appointment of the day (or very early).  You may have to wait a few days. Tell them you have symptoms so they can prioritise you. On the morning of your appointment, don't take a piss. You want to have kept your chap's-eye closed all night. So ideally when you get to the clinic (still corking your morning piss), the doc will hopefully be able to swab the discharge from your cock (yep another scary encounter with the giant cotton-bud is required but it only hurts for a second). I had urethritis and this is what I did. After the doc identified an infection from looking at the discharge under a microscope, I was given antibiotics. I was told they might not be effective and I should come back if not (presumably you were told the same after being given yours?). If the antibiotics doesn't resolve the problem then the clinic will try another kind. My infection took 3 weeks to go completely, after taking the pills.

Like you, I'd had a couple of urine tests to determine what was wrong and all came back negative for STIs.  They only test urine for the really nasty stuff and not the other infections associated with urethritis.

Offline anyfucker

Well whether it is an std or not I would question the wisdom of sticking your penis in a girls mouth when by your own admission just a few days before there was a discharge and you were sore (2 weeks ago you say you had a further discharge and about 9 days ago you indulged in OWO).  In any case let the doctors get on with their job of diagnosing you, rather than amateur diagnoses which may just cause a few sleepless nights.  Good luck and no more unprotected sex until a proper diagnosis is made please.

Offline jawill

Some thoughts....

Rare, but possible for chlamydia not to show positive on a test even though you have it. Test again,  go first thing in the morning so your using piss stored all night. However , antibiotics should have cleared it, although,  again rare, but sometimes the first round of antibiotics don't clear it.

Secondly, Google 'prostatitis'. And no, your not too young to have prostate problems.

Thirdly,  stay away from the scene until you get an answer, and don't have OWO in future.

Online Iloveoral

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I read the clear sticky stuff is over active testicles (Google searched), had an issue myself similar, had a check up no stds, for me it was when I got a hard on and then it went soft it weeped a bit, less wanking and it seems to have fixed it  :lol:

Offline peter_bungee

I read the clear sticky stuff is over active testicles (Google searched), had an issue myself similar, had a check up no stds, for me it was when I got a hard on and then it went soft it weeped a bit, less wanking and it seems to have fixed it  :lol:

Mm i dont wank alot lol but when i do i sometimes get interupted and stop half way..

Ok so i went again this morning (2/3 of previous samples have been in morning) to 56 Dean Street in Soho,  they did swab which i got results for in afternoon (negative) and urine i have to wait 7-10 days for.  The female doctor gave me a nice testicle massage and seemed to think it could an allergy causing uretheritus irritation however shes guessing

Im seeing urologist tomorrow evening - thank god for private medical insurance! Will keep updated


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The female doctor gave me a nice testicle massage.
Testicle massage? Are you sure you were at one of the clinics on Dean Street and not a walk-up?!  All I got was a stab in the Jap's-eye with the long cotton-bud.


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Testicle massage? Are you sure you were at one of the clinics on Dean Street and not a walk-up?!  All I got was a stab in the Jap's-eye with the long cotton-bud.

The first GUM I went to, I got a nice one of those when the attractive nurse was checking for testicular lumps. I started to feel a potentially embarrasing stirring down there, which was swiftly curtailed when she stuck a swab in to my jap's eye.   :thumbsdown:

Offline peter_bungee

Testicle massage? Are you sure you were at one of the clinics on Dean Street and not a walk-up?!  All I got was a stab in the Jap's-eye with the long cotton-bud.

U must have gone to 36 dean st which is the testing service only, with symptoms they send u to 56 so u can see a doctor. She was hot young english posh, just my type usually £150 ph  :kissgirl:  she asked if i want a male present, i was thinking im not into that lol

Ok so thanks to my insurance i got to see a urologist today, he has booked me to have a camera up there this friday  :scare: it will only take one min + under local anaesthetic 

He seems to think its a skin infection causing uretherus irritation (hence discharge) and has given a 2 week course of antibiotics offlaxcin (?) .  But he said there could be blockage in utherus causing bacteria buildup

Offline jawill

Dude just to prewarn you, the camera (cytoscopy)  up you will be the MOST painful thing you will ever have done in your life.  And you will be pissing razor blades for days afterwards, anesthetic or not.

They always do this and always give Ciproflaxin - usually means  "we dont know whats going on". 

My advice would be to ask for an ultrasound or xray first to see if they can detect anything before going down the Cytoscopy route!  If its an infection, a swob of the fluid would reveal high levels of white blood cells - have they confirmed this?  Have they found any bacteria? 

As for blockage in urethra, this would be caused by narrowing of the piss pipe, which can be detected via a flow rate machine initially rather than cytoscopy. 

I would suggest speaking to him first before having this done, I would use it as a last resort!

Do you have any other symptoms?  Pain in penis?  Pain in legs?  Lower back?  Testicle Pain?

Offline jawill

PS.  Be very careful with the antibiotic Cipro..... its a nasty antibiotic, people have torn tendons and ligaments when on this and it can cause severe pain in your joints.   If you get any of these, stop taking it and ask for Doxycycline instead.

Online maxxblue

Are you a nurse or something, jawill?

Online Iloveoral

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If he's not he's certainly a very clever guy that knows his stuff

Offline peter_bungee

Dude just to prewarn you, the camera (cytoscopy)  up you will be the MOST painful thing you will ever have done in your life.  And you will be pissing razor blades for days afterwards, anesthetic or not.

They always do this and always give Ciproflaxin - usually means  "we dont know whats going on". 

My advice would be to ask for an ultrasound or xray first to see if they can detect anything before going down the Cytoscopy route!  If its an infection, a swob of the fluid would reveal high levels of white blood cells - have they confirmed this?  Have they found any bacteria? 

As for blockage in urethra, this would be caused by narrowing of the piss pipe, which can be detected via a flow rate machine initially rather than cytoscopy. 

I would suggest speaking to him first before having this done, I would use it as a last resort!

Do you have any other symptoms?  Pain in penis?  Pain in legs?  Lower back?  Testicle Pain?

Oh no u have me worried now!! Its happening tomorrow morning and will only take 1min (inserted).  I did ask for an ultrasound/xray but doc said as pain seems localised in urthera he didnt see any need.  He seems think its skin infection and this camera is just to see any blockage of the flow

I had a swab done at std clinic which was clear and urine sample was clear.  Pain is just on penis tip and bottom of shaft not really testicles.  And no pain what so ever lower back/legs/kidney/bladder

This procedure is only for urethra it wont be going up to bladder

I dunno this is happening now  :vomit:

Should i demand a xray/scan as well? I assumed he knew what he was talking about but was surprised scans werent done

Offline peter_bungee

Is it possible to do ultra sound of dick i thought only kidneys?

And im on 2wk course of Oflaxcin (maybe similar to cipro).

Offline Bigus Dickus

I think you should listen to your privately paid for medical adviser and not some random person on the Internet!  :hi:

Offline jawill

Ok, reason I know what I'm talking about is that I had to go through the same thing myself a few years ago.

If there is an infection inside your urethra, a swob or analysis of the fluid should show high white blood fell concentration, or bacteria.

Ultrasound of the bladder will show any blockage .

Maybe discuss it with him first then decide yourself if you want to go ahead,  or give the antibiotics a chance first....

Offline jawill

What I would do is this:

Speak to the doctor and ask....

1) If its in infection or inflammation of the urethra, has the swob or urine test showed any abnormalities?  I.e. bacteria, white blood cells, puss cells, blood etc?  My guess is that they wont have those results.

2) Do they think you have a blockage or narrowing of the urethra.  If so, could an ultrasound or flow meter test be used to confirm this.

3) If they think its an infection, would the antibiotics clear it - although, generally, they shouldnt give them to you unless they know there IS an infection , though generally, urologists will do this anyway whether they know or not... its text book

The in terms of course of action....

1) ask is it a rigid or flexible cytoscope they will use   (rigid is more painful)

2) what are they hoping to achieve using it and is there any other method they can use beforehand to confirm any suspicions

3) if they believe its an infection, can they run tests on your urine to confirm any abnormalities and would antbiotics clear it without need of cytoscope.

See what they say.... if they do it, and not going all the way to the bladder, then it shouldnt be as bad.

Offline Happylad

I`ve only just read this thread, and so it may be a bit late in the day for me to reassure the OP.  I note that he said his consultant has said the procedure will be under Local anaesthetic, which indicates it is to be a Flexible Cystoscopy, where just the camera is introduced through the urethra.  I can assure the OP that none of the alarming results described are at all likely - I suspect that that particular poster underwent a Rigid Cystoscopy (where tools of various types are passed through s tube into the urethra and bladder) which is usually carried out under general or spinal anaesthetic.

The reason is say this is that I have undergone the Flexible Cystoscopy on two separate occasions - the first as a preliminary investigation prior to a prostatectomy, and the second to try to ascertain why, 12 months later, I was still occasionally passing blood in my urine, a question which was never resolved and a problem which occasionally still occurs 5 years after the prostatectomy.  On neither occasion was the procedure in any way painful except that the female doctor carrying out the procedure was very attractive, she handled my dick with great delicacy, and I had the devil`s own job in stopping myself getting an erection.  The tube is well lubricated, and its passage up the urethra produced sensations which I found rather interesting, and the part where water was pumped up the tube into the bladder produced some very unusual and very pleasant sensations.  But he will need to stand and have a good long piss before he goes home.

Offline Dante

Whether or not a cystoscopy hurts depends largely on your age. If you're an older gent, chances are everything is so loose that you'll barely feel a thing. When you are in your 30s, on the other hand, it hurts. Though the worst bit is when they probe around inside your prostate. Fortunately, I heal fast, so it was only for the remainder of the day that it stung when I took a piss.

That's the flexible kind. The non-flexible sort, that they put you out for is even less fun, if they tear the end of your urethra trying to get the thing in. Then cue a couple of weeks of agonising pissing until the wound heals up.

Anyway, to the main point of the thread, a couple of urine tests are no serious check on whether or not you have an STD. It needs swabs and blood tests as well. The usual full workup they do at the GUM clinic.


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I had a nasty road traffic accident and as I immobilised in bed the hospital put in a catheter. One of my, most painful memories was the feeling of my prick being sliced open with a red hot rusty knife when they pulled the bloody thing out.

Offline peter_bungee

What I would do is this:

Speak to the doctor and ask....

1) If its in infection or inflammation of the urethra, has the swob or urine test showed any abnormalities?  I.e. bacteria, white blood cells, puss cells, blood etc?  My guess is that they wont have those results.

2) Do they think you have a blockage or narrowing of the urethra.  If so, could an ultrasound or flow meter test be used to confirm this.

3) If they think its an infection, would the antibiotics clear it - although, generally, they shouldnt give them to you unless they know there IS an infection , though generally, urologists will do this anyway whether they know or not... its text book

The in terms of course of action....

1) ask is it a rigid or flexible cytoscope they will use   (rigid is more painful)

2) what are they hoping to achieve using it and is there any other method they can use beforehand to confirm any suspicions

3) if they believe its an infection, can they run tests on your urine to confirm any abnormalities and would antbiotics clear it without need of cytoscope.

See what they say.... if they do it, and not going all the way to the bladder, then it shouldnt be as bad.

All done first thing! 

Yes it was a flexible one, i will confess i took the easy route, i have a low pain threshold and when they put the tube in to insert the local anesthetic i couldnt handle it so asked for oxygen and then nurse gave me a mild sedative as i was having mini panic attack, which pretty much means i dont remember the rest of it, i came around fully 15min later and i had been wheeled to a ward.   Without the sedative i would have felt it, like the tube for anesthetic that feeling but higher up. 

Results: i have an inflamed urethra , i asked the doctor why non of urine samples showed this, he said its probably something like ureaplasma which everyone has but doesnt irritate/inflame most people.  Also i didnt realise but they also looked at the bladder and prostate (which they said is small) and these r normal.  I am currently "leeking" water n abit of blood which will last 24yrs

So i have to finish my 2 wk course of oflaxcin which apparently is Similar to Cipro and return in 6-8wks.

Thanks for all comments above ur pretty much right


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I am currently "leeking" water n abit of blood which will last 24yrs
Fuck me, I hope for your sake that's a typo!

Offline peter_bungee

Fuck me, I hope for your sake that's a typo!

*leaking *24hours!

When uv have a pipe up there u can be forgiven for not thinking straight!

Offline jawill

Glad your through it , and being knocked out was probably the best way!!!   Strange why your urethra is inflamed.  Forgive me asking, but have you been having a few too many hand shandy's lately?  Too much friction on it can cause inflammation, or perhaps shower gel getting in there/  Anyways glad its over and hopefully will be on the mend.

I thought they would check your bladder and prostate, would be a bit odd of them to go to all the trouble to get it inside you and not have a peek!

Yeah the leaking and bleeding is normal for 23-48 hours afterwards.

Online maxxblue

Glad your through it , and being knocked out was probably the best way!!!   Strange why your urethra is inflamed.  Forgive me asking, but have you been having a few too many hand shandy's lately?  Too much friction on it can cause inflammation, or perhaps shower gel getting in there/  Anyways glad its over and hopefully will be on the mend.

I thought they would check your bladder and prostate, would be a bit odd of them to go to all the trouble to get it inside you and not have a peek!

Yeah the leaking and bleeding is normal for 23-48 hours afterwards.

You certainly seem to know your stuff, jawill! I reckon that you must be a nurse -are you?

Offline peter_bungee

Glad your through it , and being knocked out was probably the best way!!!   Strange why your urethra is inflamed.  Forgive me asking, but have you been having a few too many hand shandy's lately?  Too much friction on it can cause inflammation, or perhaps shower gel getting in there/  Anyways glad its over and hopefully will be on the mend.

I thought they would check your bladder and prostate, would be a bit odd of them to go to all the trouble to get it inside you and not have a peek!

Yeah the leaking and bleeding is normal for 23-48 hours afterwards.

I really dont know and hope it clears up with these antibiotics , i had uti type symptoms last yr no discharge and neg urine results that cleared up on its own.  Btw the tiny bit of blood was only during first urine after, now its just burning when i piss putting me off drinking owt  :angry:

I am always v v careful not to get any soap on the tip and hardly ever masterbate...a few times in past i have cleaned myself with a dirty cloth..

Maybe it could be an allergy to something food wise? Is that poss?
« Last Edit: July 10, 2015, 10:05:12 pm by peter_bungee »

Offline jawill

hmmm, i doubt it would be a food allergy.  Im always careful not to get shower gel in my tip but it happens from time to time  (and stings like fuck afterwards!).   Antibiotics apart from killing bacteria also reduce inflammation so they should help. 

Yeah the blood will come first then urine... youve had a pipe shoved up there, natural its scraped the inside of your urethra, and burning razor blades when going for a piss should subside in 48 hours or so, just drink water.  Nothing acidic like fruit juices!

See how you go with the antibiotics , good luck :)

Online maxxblue

hmmm, i doubt it would be a food allergy.  Im always careful not to get shower gel in my tip but it happens from time to time  (and stings like fuck afterwards!).   Antibiotics apart from killing bacteria also reduce inflammation so they should help. 

Yeah the blood will come first then urine... youve had a pipe shoved up there, natural its scraped the inside of your urethra, and burning razor blades when going for a piss should subside in 48 hours or so, just drink water.  Nothing acidic like fruit juices!

See how you go with the antibiotics , good luck :)

Good advice, Nurse Jawill!


  • Guest
I can't believe we're still even entertaining this shit. OP get your poorly fucking cock down the nearest fucking GUM clinic you twat


  • Guest
I can't believe we're still even entertaining this shit. OP get your poorly fucking cock down the nearest fucking GUM clinic you twat
It seems that "Ricky's Dicky" is now in the public domain. Personally I wouldn't have put it out there for every Tom, Dick and Harry to comment on, but each to their own. I suppose we'll have to hear the whole bloody saga through to its conclusion now, although it is taking on War And Peace proportions, so settle in folks, there could be much more of Ricky's Dicky to come.


  • Guest
It seems that "Ricky's Dicky" is now in the public domain. Personally I wouldn't have put it out there for every Tom, Dick and Harry to comment on, but each to their own. I suppose we'll have to hear the whole bloody saga through to its conclusion now, although it is taking on War And Peace proportions, so settle in folks, there could be much more of Ricky's Dicky to come.
Any reassurance sought from us would merely provide a false sense of security. I'm sure that deep down, he knows only too well that he has to get his hesitant arse down the GUM clinic again.

Offline claretandblue

I really dont know and hope it clears up with these antibiotics , i had uti type symptoms last yr no discharge and neg urine results that cleared up on its own.  Btw the tiny bit of blood was only during first urine after, now its just burning when i piss putting me off drinking owt  :angry:

I am always v v careful not to get any soap on the tip and hardly ever masterbate...a few times in past i have cleaned myself with a dirty cloth..

Maybe it could be an allergy to something food wise? Is that poss?
why are you still speculating and asking for advice on here about this? Medical professionals are required not random speculation!


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In any case let the doctors get on with their job of diagnosing you, rather than amateur diagnoses which may just cause a few sleepless nights.  Good luck and no more unprotected sex until a proper diagnosis is made please.
Yes, just let the experts get on with it as I suggested a few days ago, and then report back with what happened rather than subject us to every twist and turn of the saga which just results in more amateur speculation and unnecessary worry for you.

Offline peter_bungee

I can't believe we're still even entertaining this shit. OP get your poorly fucking cock down the nearest fucking GUM clinic you twat

U really havent read anything in this thread have u? If u had you would have known iv had two full gum examinations and all clear! 

I have nothing more to say on this matter it is now resolved

And fyi iv never had unprotected sex


  • Guest
And fyi iv never had unprotected sex
Glad it's resolved, but one way or the other you are talking bollocks!

You posted a review of a meet with a WG where you describe her OWO and you admit elsewhere that you had a discharge at about the same time as you say you had the meet. In my book that's unprotected sex and incredibly irresponsible, unless of course you're saying now you never actually received OWO? If you look back and re-read the whole thread, as you have asked me to do, you'll see that I've said this before. OWO isn't as risky for catching some STIs as unprotected intercourse, but nevertheless it's still unprotected sex (unless your name is Bill Clinton).

Offline peter_bungee

Glad it's resolved, but one way or the other you are talking bollocks!

You posted a review of a meet with a WG where you describe her OWO and you admit elsewhere that you had a discharge at about the same time as you say you had the meet. In my book that's unprotected sex and incredibly irresponsible, unless of course you're saying now you never actually received OWO? If you look back and re-read the whole thread, as you have asked me to do, you'll see that I've said this before. OWO isn't as risky for catching some STIs as unprotected intercourse, but nevertheless it's still unprotected sex (unless your name is Bill Clinton).

Its funny how people who have nothing else to do make assumptions, i clearly said my symptoms ie discharge had stopped at this point then returned 2 weeks ago, why on earth would i visit anyone if having symptoms its just what uv made up

And by unprotected im talking no condom, though agree owo still has risk


  • Guest
Well whether it is an std or not I would question the wisdom of sticking your penis in a girls mouth when by your own admission just a few days before there was a discharge and you were sore (2 weeks ago you say you had a further discharge and about 9 days ago you indulged in OWO).  In any case let the doctors get on with their job of diagnosing you, rather than amateur diagnoses which may just cause a few sleepless nights.  Good luck and no more unprotected sex until a proper diagnosis is made please.
I'm only trying to put two and two together from what you reported in two separate threads. Sorry if I have misinterpreted your reported time scale.