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Author Topic: Amyfantastic of Mussleburgh  (Read 2727 times)

2 review(s) for AmyFantastic (0 positive, 0 neutral, 2 negative) [Indexed by ]


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I have read  another post concerning this lady but that was after I had seen her but I can see where the other people were coming from.

I called Amy on the day that her profile went up on Adultwork so this was during December some time. The initial calls were made during early afternoon but I told her I wouldnt be able to do anything until the evening. But she insisted on calling and texting me every hour or so to see if I could bring the booking forward, trying to tempt me with stories of how she was dressed up sexily and was extremely horny - even offering to send her driver over as I had told her that I was waiting on my car being returned. But when I was finally ready to set off from Edinburgh to Mussleburgh she decided not to reply to any of my calls.

Eventually she called me back at about 9.30 and told me to come over.

Anyway I finally arrived in Musselburgh at around 10 at night. My car hadnt been returned so I had taked the bus. I followed her directions until I was 20 minutes walk away from where she was and had actually got off the bus withing 200 yards of her flat. So freezing cold I eventually arrived at the address.

Wow I didnt realise that Musslebrugh had places like this. Rough looking is an understatement. Wood in place of windows and doors wqas common and for a moment I could have been in the roughest part of any city in Britain.

Anyway she had come down to the street to greet me and took me upstairs to a second floor flat.

So much for the sexy clothes. She was wearing a black bomber jacket and jeans. An attractive girl but definitely not the girl in the pictures.

Inside the flat there was an old woman washing dishes in the kitchen and Amy led me into a bedroom that was half full of boxes and even a bike. She explained to me that she had only moved in the day before so this wouold all be gone very soon. Strangely though - later during the punt she told me that it was her gran's flat and she gave her £10 a punter as rent for the room and that she lived somewhere else.

As for the punt the less said the better. Amy kissed me but because of the cold wouldnt take her top off. So I was with an escort with a nice woolly jumper on. Anyway after kissing a while Amy went down to give a bj, but I am not actually sure she did this as she made sure that her back was inbetween me and the goings on - Im sure she gave more of a hand job and dont even know if her mouth went anywhere near my todger.

I came quickly and believe me I was glad to. All I wanted to do was get out. I had worked out what the smell that had been bugging me ever since I arrived was, and simply wanted to leave.

On reading the other reviewers I would say that they were probably on the right lines. 

I should stress that I never felt frightened or saw any signs to suggest that I should be - I didnt recieve any threats or even the hint of them from anyone. No loiterers bothering me. But her behaviour earlier in the day stand of desperation. She told me she was an old hand at the game but something made me think she wasnt. It was cold I appreciate that but how many escorts actually get under the duvet ?

Its a shame because she really was attractive. Not the girl in the pictures but still very pretty.

Since our booking she texted me on a few occassions out of the blue telling me that she was available. Im sorry but escorts should not call punters except when a time is agreed upon, not all of us have a special "punting" phone.


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« Last Edit: February 07, 2015, 04:54:38 pm by BigBandy »


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Déjà vu
There were warning signs. Only one photo ect...
Alert: The authenticity or legitimacy of this member's profile has been brought into question. Please exercise caution. (more info.)


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He told me Heroin

Thought PMs were private? Doesn't give people much confidence if this lack of trustworthyness is apparent.


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Cmon, Its called looking out for others. If this is a junky people need to know


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Thought PMs were private? Doesn't give people much confidence if this lack of trustworthyness is apparent.

Are you fucking serious!! This girl is a fucking junk bag and the OP refuses to share this and you give BigBandy a hard time. Well done BigBandy, you were absolute in the right to share this, cause it's very fucking important we know shit like that before choosing a punt!!

OP why be part of a forum when you withhold info that is a major red flag and possible safety concern to punters?


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Absolute bollocks. If that was the case why did BigBandy ask the OP to PM him? Just ask him straight. The point here is what is the virtue of a Private Message on this forum if members can choose to ignore its sanctity? If BB felt the response he got should be made public, clear that with the OP first.


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Absolute bollocks. If that was the case why did BigBandy ask the OP to PM him? Just ask him straight. The point here is what is the virtue of a Private Message on this forum if members can choose to ignore its sanctity? If BB felt the response he got should be made public, clear that with the OP first.

You're trying to make a very valid point but have chosen the worst example ever to go about it. Go read the guidelines to posting a review, the op made a cunt of it and you're making a cunt of it too.

A junkie heroin prossie is a big enough deal to break that confidence, the fact you only take issue with the breaking of confidence tells me you're not looking out for other punters, although this shouldn't come as a surprise as your boderline white knighting of fat chics singled you out for someone that doesn't have the punters interests at heart.


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You're trying to make a very valid point but have chosen the worst example ever to go about it. Go read the guidelines to posting a review, the op made a cunt of it and you're making a cunt of it too.

A junkie heroin prossie is a big enough deal to break that confidence, the fact you only take issue with the breaking of confidence tells me you're not looking out for other punters, although this shouldn't come as a surprise as your boderline white knighting of fat chics singled you out for someone that doesn't have the punters interests at heart.

Not doing yourself any favours. Admit it, I did make a valid point. You know I'm right but don't have the balls or humility to admit it. I don't disagree at all that the concern of the OP should have been shared with other punters. But to abuse the PM system is not the way to do it.

As for me White Knighting fat chicks, that comment says more about you than me. Every punter has the right to choose the type of women he wants to see. Other than to comment whether or not the girl is to your taste or not, unless you have info regarding her attitude, services provided, performance etc, what the fuck does it have to do with you what size she is? What if I like black girls, Asians, Catholics, Jews; will you have a view on that?
« Last Edit: February 07, 2015, 09:30:34 pm by DG »


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Not doing yourself any favours. Admit it, I did make a valid point. You know I'm right but don't have the balls or humility to admit it. I don't disagree at all that the concern of the OP should have been shared with other punters. But to abuse the PM system is not the way to do it.

As for me White Knighting fat chicks, that comment says more about you than me. Every punter has the right to choose the type of women he wants to see. Other than to comment whether or not the girl is to your taste or not, unless you have info regarding her attitude, services provided, performance etc, what the fuck does it have to do with you what size she is? What if I like black girls, Asians, Catholics, Jews; will you have a view on that?

Hmmm you obviously need this repeated, I DID say you were trying to make a valid point, so having balls or humility is moot and makes you look stupid indeed. Read the first line of my previous comment, maybe read it again just to be sure.

As to fat chics, and what it has to do with me, well this is a big boy forum and we tend to engage in banter, so if you're so sensitive when we take the piss out of a fat chic you get offended maybe this site isn't for you.

The only view I'll have on the religion and race of girls is poor them having to listen to your shit!


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I'm really bored with this. Balls and humility would be to say I did make a valid point, not trying to make one. Banter my arse, slagging anyone off for what they look like; you and your big boy pals must be really proud of yourselves.

Stupid, I suspect you've got a cupboard full of gold medals in stupidity.


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I'm really bored with this. Balls and humility would be to say I did make a valid point, not trying to make one. Banter my arse, slagging anyone off for what they look like; you and your big boy pals must be really proud of yourselves.

Stupid, I suspect you've got a cupboard full of gold medals in stupidity.

Ah you're a stickler for specifics, DG you DID make a valid point about pm's unfortunately you chose the wrong subject to make your point, as I stated, read the statement from the national institute of drug abuse below.

'Drug abuse and addiction have been inextricably linked with HIV/AIDS since the beginning of the epidemic.'

If after reading this you still feel pm privacy should be upheld no matter what, then you really don't give a shit about punters and shouldn't be part if this site.

No need to suspect mate, I can't close the door for the awards.


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DK we finally agree! As I said before I don't disagree with the premise of yours and Big Bandy's position on this regarding the drug use. But it begs a question as to whether or not this forum needs a PM facility if there are to be exceptions regarding privacy? Enough said on that I think.

Regarding my tarnished reputation for not caring about other punters, I confess when I joined a few days ago i hadn't familiarised myself with the rules or ethos of this forum. So in some respects you are right, it maybe isn't for me. That said, I am a punter and I value some of the advice I have been given personally and that which I have read in the various threads that caught my attention.

If I can provide any info regarding my experiences I am more than happy to share them with everyone, particularly if it will save them any grief and anxiety associated with bad punts. I do however feel that the tendency of this site is to generalise about WGs. The impression I get from reading many posts is that most, if not all WGs are seen as some sort of underclass. Now from the many positive reviews by those same posters, this is obvioulsy not the case. My experience is limited and I have tended to concentrate on a certain type of escort. Whereas some are clearly more 'professional' than others, most I have found to be decent women just trying to earn a few bob, either as a primary source of income or to supplement their day job. Maybe as I try a greater variety and experience some of the disaappointments I read about, I may become more cynical, but for now I think a little more respect towards WGs is warranted than this forum tends to exhibit.

Rant over but hopefully you can now see where I'm coming from.
« Last Edit: February 07, 2015, 10:37:22 pm by DG »


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DK we finally agree! As I said before I don't disagree with the premise of yours and Big Bandy's position on this regarding the drug use. But it begs a question as to whether or not this forum needs a PM facility if there are to be exceptions regarding privacy? Enough said on that I think.

Regarding my tarnished reputation for not caring about other punters, I confess when I joined a few days ago i hadn't familiarised myself with the rules or ethos of this forum. So in some respects you are right, it maybe isn't for me. That said, I am a punter and I value some of the advice I have been given personally and that which I have read in the various threads that caught my attention.

If I can provide any info regarding my experiences I am more than happy to share them with everyone, particularly if it will save them any grief and anxiety associated with bad punts. I do however feel that the tendency of this site is to generalise about WGs. The impression I get from reading many posts is that most, if not all WGs are seen as some sort of underclass. Now from the many positive reviews by those same posters, this is obvioulsy not the case. My experience is limited and I have tended to concentrate on a certain type of escort. Whereas some are clearly more 'professional' than others, most I have found to be decent women just trying to earn a few bob, either as a primary source of income or to supplement their day job. Maybe as I try a greater variety and experience some of the disaappointments I read about, I may become more cynical, but for now I think a little more respect towards WGs is warranted than this forum tends to exhibit.

Rant over but hopefully you can now see where I'm coming from.

Each to their own mate. We kind of got there in the end :drinks:

A word of caution though, I get exactly what you are saying about wg's being seen as underclass at times, if you feel offended, my advice would be to keep it to yourself, unless the comment is so offensive In terms of physical abuse etc towards the girl, as you could end up white knighting unconsciously and permanently damage your reputation on this site or possibly get banned.

Happy punting :drinks:


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Banned for having a conscience, really? Maybe this isn't for me !!


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Banned for having a conscience, really? Maybe this isn't for me !!

Best let you find your own way methinks.


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Maybe I'll restrict myself to posting reviews, then I can't be wrong, can I?


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Maybe I'll restrict myself to posting reviews, then I can't be wrong, can I?

It's your account mate, feel free to post what you want.

Offline Marmalade

The smackhead thing was posted in the previous review last year.


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Absolute bollocks. If that was the case why did BigBandy ask the OP to PM him? Just ask him straight. The point here is what is the virtue of a Private Message on this forum if members can choose to ignore its sanctity? If BB felt the response he got should be made public, clear that with the OP first.

Not to drag this on but I didn't ask the op to pm me I pm'd him. I wanted to clarify if it was the same address due to her saying she had just moved in and she obviously lied to him.


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Not to drag this on but I didn't ask the op to pm me I pm'd him. I wanted to clarify if it was the same address due to her saying she had just moved in and she obviously lied to him.

Fair comment, I noticed that when I re-read your post afterwards. I think me and DK flogged this to death, but the point was about revealing what was discussed in the PM rather than who messaged who first.

Offline skirtLift

Can see the point of the pm remaining private over the exact address of an incall but not because the incall was stinking of heroin, that goes against the ethos of what this forum is supposed to be about. The op should have just said what the smell was instead of making an ambiguous comment about an identified smell....obviously people will want to know more.  Why on earth a punter would want this kept from other punters is beyond me.
« Last Edit: February 08, 2015, 11:10:56 am by skirtLift »

Offline Marmalade

While I don't think it was 'wrong' I felt more concerned about the revealing of the prossie's actual address. What for instance would be the feeling about someone suspected of drug use but who gave good service? Outing by posting the address would seem wrong. Unless a punter has been ripped off, or there was other criminal activity that specifically harmed others then where do you draw the line. Just the fact that someone uses drugs is a moral bias.

Offline Marmalade

Regarding PMs I have a simple policy. If I trust the person I am PMing with the information, that is my responsibility. If I don't,  I feel under no obligation to provide it. I generally ignore one-liner lurkers asking for info and so on. PMing assumes a degree of trust or friendship. If you don't have that, put it on the open forum or keep it to yourself I reckon.

Offline skirtLift

Just the fact that someone uses drugs is a moral bias.
Maybe in some cases, but we're not talking about a lil weed here, heroin users are notoriously sketchy, you only have to look at what they do to their own family members to see how a random punter might fare, you do have a much higher chance of being robbed or worse and that's before we get to the STI side of things, again the risk is way higher amongst heroin users.

Less moral bias more statistical fact.

It seems odd to me that it's accepted that a punter can pass comment about an untidy flat etc. but mentioning the flat smells of heroin is somehow taboo.
« Last Edit: February 08, 2015, 11:26:58 am by skirtLift »

Offline Marmalade

Not at all. Any details are fine. It's giving the exact address that is normally taboo, as in one of the reviews for tthe prossie in question.

Punters have the discretion to avoid drug users like they avoid barebackers. It is a preference though not a logical one in most cases since you should be practicing safe sex correctly anyway (on the assumption that you don't know who she's been with).

I agree the difference between a bit of weed and someone using crack or shooting up heroin is enormous but what about a prossie that snorts a line of coke.  I know I'm splitting hairs, but posting an address invades someone else's privacy: complaining about someone revealing a PM is about a person's inability to protect their own.
« Last Edit: February 08, 2015, 11:39:38 am by Marmalade »

Offline skirtLift

I think the term 'drug users' is a bit too general to be useful, as that can apply to anything from Aspirin to Ice.  But, getting back to heroin users, a condom will only protect you so far & statistical you have more chance of catching something compared to a prozzie who doesn't use heroin, again thats before we get to the comparative probability of being robbed or worse.

As for the prozzie taking a line of coke, it depends on the context, if coke is her thing and she does it in her own time that's one thing, if she is snorting lines, off her face, glassy eyed and talking crazy during my incall that's another thing.

Some people can handle drugs while others get handled by drugs.  There are not many who can handle heroin.
« Last Edit: February 08, 2015, 11:52:30 am by skirtLift »

Offline Marmalade

Nice to know you are such an expert on heroin.  :rolleyes:

It was a bigger problem in Glasgow that has always had pernicious and ineffective policies from a misguided moral high ground. Edinburgh on the other hand promoted the legal needle exchange program, drastically reducing hiv transmission. Statistics are statistics, nothing more. Unless you're an expert on how to use them it's a bit childish to ram them down someone else's throat. But as admin allowed the address that's the decision and I respect admin's judgement  on it. I don't particularly accept scaremongering. Punters should be grown up enough to be discriminating. I'm happy to see punters helping the police with information when a punter has been harmed, as in the case of robbery; less so with potential and putative harm. 'Patronising' comes to mind. But mountains, molehills. Carry on posting if it makes you happy.

Offline Marmalade

So how was your Edinburgh experience, Skirtlift, after availing yourself of the advice on here? With "over 200 punts" under your belt maybe you could share with a review...

Offline skirtLift

I've not been yet Marmalade, I'm generally very busy with very little free time, but it will happen so, thanks for your concern for my mongering.

Glad to see we have descended to the 'I can think think of an appropriate counter point so I'l cop out with the ol you haven't made as many reviews as me so what your saying somehow has less value' logic  :wackogirl:

While I haven't made any reviews, many of the reviews that have been made on here are almost useless & I've commented on some of those, so you see there are other ways to contribute without formally 'making a review'.

Nice to know you are such an expert on heroin.  :rolleyes:
Where did I say I was an expert on heroin?  You making things up again Marmalade?

Sounds to me though you have your head up your arse when it comes to junkies.

Statistics are statistics,
Very profound.

Unless you're an expert on how to use them it's a bit childish to ram them down someone else's throat
You don't have to be an expert to know your arse from your elbow, statistics give us probability, we can use probability to asses what is safe or safer.  Don't know where your getting the ramming stuff down throats from?

Here is an example,

You need someone to house sit for you, there are only 2 candidates to choose from, one is a university student from a good family and no criminal record the other is a heroin junkie.

Which of the two candidates are most likely to look after your home without any drama?

Do we need to be an statistician to make the right choice?

Now thats been cleared up let's get back on topic: incall flat stinking of heroin which some members feels should be kept secret as heroin users are safe as houses....they just get  bad press!
« Last Edit: February 08, 2015, 01:12:32 pm by skirtLift »

Offline Marmalade

Well I think I've got the cut of your jib skirtlifter so I'll leave you to it. Good luck on any punt you undertake.  :hi: