Sugar Baby?

Author Topic: Michael Wenham, 35, denies murdering Karolina Nowikiewicz, 25  (Read 3003 times)


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A father-of-three accused of killing a prostitute after a failed penis enlargement operation used sex toys and went to a swingers' party with his wife in a bid to spice up their love life, a court has heard.
Michael Wenham is accused of stabbing Karolina Nowikiewicz, 25, to death in an apparently unprovoked attack at her flat in Slough, Berkshire.

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« Last Edit: January 26, 2015, 08:42:32 pm by london »


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Shocking case, if true. But I don't think this should be in UK Punting - more suited to Off Topic, surely?


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Shocking case, if true. But I don't think this should be in UK Punting - more suited to Off Topic, surely?
sorry I didn't get it , This happened in Slough, Berkshire  , should I post in Poland punting ? 


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sorry I didn't get it , This happened in Slough, Berkshire  , should I post in Poland punting ? 

No, UK Punting as I understand it is about punting in the UK as in the actual act of punting or advice for it. This, is a discussion (I'm assuming) about the criminal case in the article. Therefore it should be Off Topic.


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Saying all that, I've looked through the most recent UK Punting threads and it seems I'm talking shite.

Ignore me, I'm an idiot obviously  :blush:


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Well, that's a depressing story. I feel sorry for the kids and the poor prossie who didn't deserve to die.


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What a vile disgusting animal to do that to a women.

It shows escorts always have to be on there guard, strangers are always a risk you never know what nutter you will come across.

Online Watts.E.Dunn

Depressing too right, what a very sad story and whatever did that poor girl do to deserve that pour soul:(.


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It certainly makes you think. Poor woman!


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It certainly makes you think. Poor woman!

Which is why you should not be a prostitute while pregnant

Offline jackdaw


Saying all that, I've looked through the most recent UK Punting threads and it seems I'm talking shite.

Ignore me, I'm an idiot obviously  :blush:

Another idiot here...I thought you were right.


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Which is why you should not be a prostitute while pregnant

Plenty of other jobs are dangerous. Recently a pregnant nurse was attacked and lost her baby in China. Don't see people saying "oh she shouldn't be a nurse then".


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And another thing shouldn't the onus be on the men to NOT murder prossies?!

Offline pianodave

What an evil scumbag. I don't support capital punishment, but stories like this make me wonder why not.


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Plenty of other jobs are dangerous. Recently a pregnant nurse was attacked and lost her baby in China. Don't see people saying "oh she shouldn't be a nurse then".

Because normal, sane people can see that was an incredibly rare occurence. The fact you even used China, rather than something closer to home such as the UK, as an example shows how rare it is and being a nurse is a job that does not carry too many violent risks.

Unlike being a prostitute. While most punters probably are regular, friendly people, there are still some aggressive lunatics out there. Being a prostitute whilst pregnant is the height of irresponsibility.

Online Watts.E.Dunn

Sorry, but where does t say she was pregnant isn't in the DM article posted above.


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Personally I don't think escorts should be working in this industry pregnant with a bump.

I don't think its right seeing strangers and it could put the baby in harm with a dodgy punter.

I do think what kind of mother will that poor baby have if she does this while pregnant.

But that's just my opinion.


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Also wether this monster was depressed or not over a botched penis op there is no excuses, being depressed or suffering with anxiety which I have suffered with before never justifies what this monster did.

An evil monster that should rot in jail for the rest of hes life, I feel sorry for his kids having a monster for a father and the poor woman and her family but that's it.

Offline cueball

Harrowing story that. Makes you wonder who these girls open their doors to.


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Personally I don't think escorts should be working in this industry pregnant with a bump.

I don't think its right seeing strangers and it could put the baby in harm with a dodgy punter.

I do think what kind of mother will that poor baby have if she does this while pregnant.

But that's just my opinion.

Well since I am very pregnant I think it's only fair I reply. I'm doing a job. End of. It's NOT irresponsible and my "poor" baby will be fine thanks! I'm a good mother, not that you can even begin to question my parenting skills!!


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Well since I am very pregnant I think it's only fair I reply. I'm doing a job. End of. It's NOT irresponsible and my "poor" baby will be fine thanks! I'm a good mother, not that you can even begin to question my parenting skills!!

Oh god not you again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I wont go into why I think you make bad decisions because its all on your previous posts and comments.

Working why you are heavily pregnant I don't think its a responsible thing to do as this is not like working any other job while heavily pregnant.

But I agree its your life and to do so as you wish and I don't know your situation as to why you need to work so heavily pregnant I would have thought you must have saved some money to take time off but then I don't know what you go through or wether the father is involved or wether he wants you to carry on working.

But I must say and its not meant in a horrible way like you might think but I do feel sorry for you.

You could do with having a strong person in your life  (family etc)  that has the best intentions for you to help you with some of your choices in life because I really think you could do with some helping hands as it does not look like you get it.


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Well since I am very pregnant I think it's only fair I reply. I'm doing a job. End of. It's NOT irresponsible and my "poor" baby will be fine thanks! I'm a good mother, not that you can even begin to question my parenting skills!!

Your probably take my post the wrong way but I say it as I find it and you do go out of your way to get involved with tricky sensitive subjects maybe to push the punters buttons and get a reaction....Im not sure

Offline Deepstroker

Bloody hell,the operation reduced his knob from 5 to 2 guessing thats erect..effectively it seems ending his sex life. Not sure what use a two inch penis might be.
Also note the pot noodle dinner..

His wife doesnt look like a bad looking woman. Im sure this all stemmed from the penis op and the preamble up to it. Looks like his wife was cajoled into doing all sorts of stuff which she may not really have wanted to do.

Maybe the escort mocked him ? something crazy happened anyway. He seems to have become mentally ill.


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Your probably take my post the wrong way but I say it as I find it and you do go out of your way to get involved with tricky sensitive subjects maybe to push the punters buttons and get a reaction....Im not sure

Well most people know I'm pregnant and the other guy brought it up in response to my comment when I said, it makes you think doesn't it. Why say that directly after I commented?! This WASNT a tricky subject until someone said you shouldn't be working when pregnant. I'm hardly going to sit back and just let it go when it feel like it was aimed at me. I could be wrong though.


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Well most people know I'm pregnant and the other guy brought it up in response to my comment when I said, it makes you think doesn't it. Why say that directly after I commented?! This WASNT a tricky subject until someone said you shouldn't be working when pregnant. I'm hardly going to sit back and just let it go when it feel like it was aimed at me. I could be wrong though.

My first comment was not about you I thought it had been mentioned it the article as I only had a quick read, I did not even clock you was pregnant and then realised the other poster must have meant you by you defending the whole pregnant working thing.

Anyway I might not agree with everything you say or do but genuinely wish you a healthy baby when it arrives.


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My first comment was not about you I thought it had been mentioned it the article as I only had a quick read, I did not even clock you was pregnant and then realised the other poster must have meant you by you defending the whole pregnant working thing.

Anyway I might not agree with everything you say or do but genuinely wish you a healthy baby when it arrives.

It's ok, and thank you.


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Well most people know I'm pregnant and the other guy brought it up in response to my comment when I said, it makes you think doesn't it. Why say that directly after I commented?! This WASNT a tricky subject until someone said you shouldn't be working when pregnant. I'm hardly going to sit back and just let it go when it feel like it was aimed at me. I could be wrong though.

You said the article 'makes you think'.

What does the article 'make you think' about?

Obviously it's not making you think you should be even more cautious about escorting in your current pregnant state, that's for sure.


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You said the article 'makes you think'.

What does the article 'make you think' about?

Obviously it's not making you think you should be even more cautious about escorting in your current pregnant state, that's for sure.

Yes it makes me think about the risks and how careful you need to be in this job. Never get too complacent etc. And of course I worry about mine and my child's safety but life is full of risks.


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Michael Wenham found guilty of murdering Polish prostitute

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Michael Wenham found guilty of murdering Polish prostitute

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Good lets hope he never gets out and he planned it all before arriving. What a sick bastard.

Offline berksboy

                I hope the bastard rots in hell. He should of course be hung and yes i would be more then happy to do it .