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Author Topic: even Saafe are wary of bottom-licking reviews . . .  (Read 3590 times)

Offline Marmalade

Even bl**dy Saafe is wary of the professional Mr 10/10 . . .

When it comes to fluffy reviews, I can sort of tolerate Steve2 (for instance) as it's his business and he doesn't hide the fact. I do mostly ignore his reviews (no offence Steve) but at least they say "she exists" and he's been around long enough not to take the piss. But with flurries of high ratings, remember UKP has a cracking reputation and it will go down the swanny if a lot of punters simply lack discrimination. Prossies will play the game (it's their business) and only the savvier ones, once that genuinely provide top service, will feel undervalued and punters will even look elsewhere for discriminating information.

A scale is only meaningful if it works. There's no "scale" involved if most girls get 10/10 and the one that doesn't turn up gets 1/10. Better to think of ten or twenty punts and spread them evenly across the ratings, explicit or not, so some are 2/10, some 3 and so on. If some fluffies can't distinguish between the vfm of one prossie versus another, they are thinking with their dick, which means the prossie effectively owns them.

Some illustrative comments below from the prossie forum, and bear in mind these are the ones they were forward enough to make!
I just received an email from a guy blatantly promoting the writing of fake reviews. I'm flabbergasted honestly how he's tried to dress it up as a genuine business proposition.  He's even attached a fake review for me to read.

He claims to be a professional copywriter, and offers to post these reviews online. Just confirms what I guessed anyway, that theres an awful lot of fake reviews around!
Just ignore him sweetie and let him carry on writing fake reviews for those who clearly need them, sad acts! X

Yep I got it too, loved how he tried to make out client's want to see a well written review that uses proper grammar and flows lol. Here was me thinking they just wanted to know that you were A: genuine and B: good

I had a guy offering this a few years ago and AW not only removed him but every review he had written too. 
With people writing fake reviews be it on AW or elsewhere it makes a mockery of the whole thing.  Nothing beats a good honest review even if it is not 100% flattering (I want to know if something is wrong).  However fake ones make every single review worthless as if fakes keep getting put up people wont believe real ones either.

You could offer a discount or extra time, but I wouldn't write this on your profile, as then it can make your feedback look not so kosher, as it were. That is- if someone has been effectively endorsed to write something nice, then some clients may not believe the feedback.
(more will offer than actually give it)

A sensible comment about another punting site, and a disreputable site at that
One other policy which may or may not have changed was the one which would get you instantly put on the No Reports list if you were seen to try to solicit good reviews by offering discounts, which might be worth keeping in mind. Plus reviews you have effectively bribed/paid somebody to write aren't going to have much credibility in the eyes of other punters as opposed to ones you've earned, surely?
I'm not that convinced though, as that site was known, if not for fake reviews, for reviews that were always 'highly complimentary.'

Requesting a review or report in exchange for discount or extra time is not something I personally agree with.
In my opinion it may not be a true representation of the lady or how the meeting went if the client is just writing it
to gain discounts etc. Reviews are supposed to be genuine descriptions of the girl and session so that other men
can decide if they might want to see that girl

Personally I no longer use numerical ratings as it sucks of AW anyway for a start; but some sense of comparative value is necessary for a review to be worth anything. If a girl is "10/10" or even "8/10" then the question implied is, compared to what??

My guess is that punters that are constantly praising to the skies every girl they shag either have no sense of proportion, or are on happy pills, or are tarting it up to please the prossie in the hope of a discount. This, as the comments from the prossie site I think suggest, is so common that not only do experienced punters treat the reviews with a pinch of salt but prossies realise it is doing them no favours either.

When I fuck an EE who was, how shall we say, "okay" then I think, if I give her a rave review, even a positive, that is extremely unfair to top performers. In Edinburgh for instance, I have twice rated Sweet Petite very highly as her service is pretty well outstanding in all respects, even if she is older than most of my punts. Were I to rate equally highly someone who isn't in the same ball park, then both reviews would be meaningless, gratuitous, and offensive to the ethos of the forum. If I review Lanya, who has put on a bit of weight since she started and not quite the sweet innocent she convincingly portrayed a while ago, I balance this with the fact that she's reliable (which I am entitled to *expect* though so not a positive, just lac of negative) and the fact that she does one of the best gagging deep-throats around in the past year.

There is a large qualitative difference between the GFE and sensual massage of a top provider and a foreigner who gives a "nice" once over. There is a large qualitative difference between the blow-job that hits the back of the throat for five or ten minutes of enthusiastic gagging and someone who does a smiling knob-lick.

In other words, these people who "never have a bad punt" are not doing punters a favour and in addition are pissing on the genuinely good service providers. Give 'em Moet or Irn Bru and they'll go yeah, tastes good! Not only should they not be let  within a mile of champagne, their effusive praises should be marked with a DAFT KNOB sign.


(I posted this in Scotland but thought it might perhaps be useful or interesting to punters down south, so duplicate, apologies. Mod, feel free to remove if against rules.)

Offline Marmalade

A good punter has just pointed out to me that I unintentionally misjudged Steve2. He posts a lot of negative reviews as well as positive ones and anyway I have much respect for him and no offence was intended. The constant 10/10 posters know who they are of course.

Offline Dani

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It is hardly surprising it is talked about on saafe really as fake reviews or over zealous reviews that don't match the actual booking do no good for punter or prossie.  When reviews are not trusted it makes it harder for us to get work.  When reviews are over the top with praise as some guys let their imagination take over from the truth  then others may be disappointed as whilst the service may be very good it will never be as good as someones imagination so its bad for us as well as you guys as we have to try to live up to the impossible and some guys read the reviews and expect so much more than is really on offer.
I know I have had a field report that when I read it I was confused and thought they wrote it for the wrong person and emailed to ask as the review had no resemblance to the booking what so ever it was a 30 minute booking and if we had done all that was said it would have been a good 90minutes easily to squeeze it all in.  AW did remove that field report in the end as it was causing me grief as loads of people asked for the same services in the 30 minutes and it wasn't possible


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I'm pretty sure that white knights are viewed equally dubiously by punters and WGs. Sickly reviews and or punters tipping off girls about negative UKP reviews are an indication of potential stalker material

Offline Marmalade

Exactly. I'm looking for good honest service, not an Academy Award performance. The only way I can relate to a lot of reviews is to remember when I was eighteen. Of course, everything relating to it and hence the young lady in question was full of superlatives by definition. Every time I thought about it, it got 'better.' I dreamed of recounting the most amazing experience imaginable to all my mates (fortunately held back by a sense of shyness and inexperience.) 

If I chat up a decent civvy, tell her she's "amazing", shag her with a some ecstatic phrases to keep her juices running, and give her a wonderful blissed-out smile as I'm closing the door on her arse as she leaves in the morning: IT DOESN'T MEAN IT IS LITERALLY TRUE. Any more than,"my car is the most amazing ride you could possibly imagine" (which is at least true I hope in her mind while she's deciding to throw caution to the wind and climb in). It was probably, hopefully, "nice and enjoyable." "Pleasant." And with a little something to distinguish her from anyone else and not get too obsessed, such as "good taste M&S underwear" as "nice booty" becomes synonymous with "rather fat arse."

A little factual level-headed-ness goes a long way. I might not mention her fat arse to her face, but it's a factor to weigh in the balance in whether to see her again, and a more useful one that nice sounding superlatives.

Whether it is buying a car or mobile phone, hooking up with a civvy, or paying for the services of a prostitute, probably the most important thing is that the result fits my requirements. Not the sales speel. Not the enthusiastic "report" that I might give my mates in the pub that night and which helps me feel better about spending all that dosh. And certainly not something that looks like it's written with my cock.

I'm pretty sure that white knights are viewed equally dubiously by punters and WGs. Sickly reviews and or punters tipping off girls about negative UKP reviews are an indication of potential stalker material

Or a sad fucker with no mates, wanting lurve and affection in the arms of a whore. As Dani said they really don't need all that shit. Just "thank you" for a job well done is gratitude enough for an honest worker.


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Sometimes I think the really fluffy punters will turn cliche, where they confess they'll leave their wife for them.

I do wonder what wg's think of their fluffies. I have it in my head that they use a lot of puppy love, cute talk, when booking them


  • Guest
I certainly know of a couple of girls who received an overly enthusiastic review of a punt. One had to remove her mobile number as she was inundated with calls and messages from guys she just didn't want to meet, the other had an inordinate amount of time wasters and weirdos as she described it. They both related it directly to the over the top reviews which as Dani experienced had very little resemblance to the actual events.
So to any new reviewers..... Please be realistic. Detail the actual events not your fantasy.

Marm... Knowing what has prompted this mini rant, I really struggle to be nasty to him. He's just too god damn nice to have a proper go at. Damn it lol.

Offline Dani

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One of the problems is guys write these reviews hoping to please us as they have EAS when in reality they are pissing us off and making our job harder
They are not writing it to help other punters but to suck up to us not realising it has the opposite affect plus it makes some of us wary of seeing them again due to the EAS.

A good honest factual review does bring us more work but they can't see it and believe their fantasy review helps us but it doesn't.
It also wont curry any favours either which I suspect they hope it will. It just brings guys who expect more than there is due to reading the review

It's far better to state if the photos are correct, the age is right and that services listed were on offer or not as well as attitude rather than go on about how you slowly caressed each other gazing into her eyes whilst you made love and how she is the best there is (especially if you have only seen one or two so have no comparison or if you say it about every girl)

Offline Marmalade

It's far better to state if the photos are correct, the age is right and that services listed were on offer or not as well as attitude rather than go on about how you slowly caressed each other gazing into her eyes whilst you made love and how she is the best there is (especially if you have only seen one or two so have no comparison or if you say it about every girl)

I have been saying that for years and am very pleased someone else has said it.

All that caressing stuff takes a long time to read. For me, I slightly resent the time involved in arranging a good punt at short notice anyway. It takes enough time to do the phoning, sometimes wait for a reply, schedule it against the rest of my day's commitments.

I honestly don't find the time to read long blow-by-blow reviews on any girls I might have missed. I want to skim through, cross off any planks, and pick up any info that might tip the balance. That, as you rightly say, usually boils down to
a) person described in photos? yes/no
b) acceptable attitude
c) services likely to be as described.

Anything else might be 'fun' at another time but when I'm trying to book a punt it's just wank.

So what can easily happen is (speedreading)
i) what are any bad things to look out for.
ii) are there credible reviews one way or the other.

In judging (ii) I will generally only even stop to look at ones from someone that I can see (by clicking on his profile for a reviews list) gives negatives as well as just positives.

It's not the most efficient but I'm only interested in whether she will meet my requirements for an enjoyable session. Other people's pleasure is not something I have time to indulge in at that point.

Offline Steve2

Even bl**dy Saafe is wary of the professional Mr 10/10 . . .

When it comes to fluffy reviews, I can sort of tolerate Steve2 (for instance) as it's his business and he doesn't hide the fact. I do mostly ignore his reviews (no offence Steve) but at least they say "she exists" and he's been around long enough not to take the piss. But with flurries of high ratings, remember UKP has a cracking reputation and it will go down the swanny if a lot of punters simply lack discrimination. Prossies will play the game (it's their business) and only the savvier ones, once that genuinely provide top service, will feel undervalued and punters will even look elsewhere for discriminating information.

A scale is only meaningful if it works. There's no "scale" involved if most girls get 10/10 and the one that doesn't turn up gets 1/10. Better to think of ten or twenty punts and spread them evenly across the ratings, explicit or not, so some are 2/10, some 3 and so on. If some fluffies can't distinguish between the vfm of one prossie versus another, they are thinking with their dick, which means the prossie effectively owns them.

Some illustrative comments below from the prossie forum, and bear in mind these are the ones they were forward enough to make!(more will offer than actually give it)

A sensible comment about another punting site, and a disreputable site at thatI'm not that convinced though, as that site was known, if not for fake reviews, for reviews that were always 'highly complimentary.'

Personally I no longer use numerical ratings as it sucks of AW anyway for a start; but some sense of comparative value is necessary for a review to be worth anything. If a girl is "10/10" or even "8/10" then the question implied is, compared to what??

My guess is that punters that are constantly praising to the skies every girl they shag either have no sense of proportion, or are on happy pills, or are tarting it up to please the prossie in the hope of a discount. This, as the comments from the prossie site I think suggest, is so common that not only do experienced punters treat the reviews with a pinch of salt but prossies realise it is doing them no favours either.

When I fuck an EE who was, how shall we say, "okay" then I think, if I give her a rave review, even a positive, that is extremely unfair to top performers. In Edinburgh for instance, I have twice rated Sweet Petite very highly as her service is pretty well outstanding in all respects, even if she is older than most of my punts. Were I to rate equally highly someone who isn't in the same ball park, then both reviews would be meaningless, gratuitous, and offensive to the ethos of the forum. If I review Lanya, who has put on a bit of weight since she started and not quite the sweet innocent she convincingly portrayed a while ago, I balance this with the fact that she's reliable (which I am entitled to *expect* though so not a positive, just lac of negative) and the fact that she does one of the best gagging deep-throats around in the past year.

There is a large qualitative difference between the GFE and sensual massage of a top provider and a foreigner who gives a "nice" once over. There is a large qualitative difference between the blow-job that hits the back of the throat for five or ten minutes of enthusiastic gagging and someone who does a smiling knob-lick.

In other words, these people who "never have a bad punt" are not doing punters a favour and in addition are pissing on the genuinely good service providers. Give 'em Moet or Irn Bru and they'll go yeah, tastes good! Not only should they not be let  within a mile of champagne, their effusive praises should be marked with a DAFT KNOB sign.


(I posted this in Scotland but thought it might perhaps be useful or interesting to punters down south, so duplicate, apologies. Mod, feel free to remove if against rules.)

Have you had a wee dram or 3 Marmalade?

Offline Marmalade

Have you had a wee dram or 3 Marmalade?
Would you like one?

btw, I do hope you saw the wee amendment I put in the second post Steve...

Offline StevenS

Agreed. The fluffy punter reviews are fucking useless as a guide. Always have that doubt about it incase they're writing to the girl to impress her or if they are so overwhelmed that a female has fucked them (after a sexless youth followed by a sexless marriage) that the quality of service is seen through rose tinted specs


  • Guest
Fluffies will end up shooting themselves in the foot when their "review" drums up lots of interest and the wg becomes overwhelmed with requests. They'll get put in their place when the wg they praised so much doesn't have the time to see them anymore!

Offline StevenS

Fluffies will end up shooting themselves in the foot when their "review" drums up lots of interest and the wg becomes overwhelmed with requests. They'll get put in their place when the wg they praised so much doesn't have the time to see them anymore!

Or gets a real review from someone who speaka da truth


  • Guest
Fluffies will end up shooting themselves in the foot when their "review" drums up lots of interest and the wg becomes overwhelmed with requests. They'll get put in their place when the wg they praised so much doesn't have the time to see them anymore!
Being fluffy hasn't done me any harm I have to say - have had girls say they prioritised seeing me either on the strength of AW reviews I've given or emails I've sent - no doubt hoping/expecting to have similarly good reviews, but as a result no question delivering their best possible service and proving well deserving of a positive review. 

Very occasionally have outed myself as a UKP reviewer (mostly to WG's who are already on here) and had equally exceptional results service wise.

So far most of the "regs" I've seen and gushed over have subsequently bent over backwards to see me - sometimes out of their usual hours, even special rates.  Certainly one or two of my regs who are very busy due to their amazing rep always make time to see me no matter what else they have on for which I am eternally grateful.  :kissgirl:

At the same time I've had a lot of feedback here from fellow "fluffy punters" that they really enjoy my longer reviews so despite my best attempts frankly I can't see any reason at all to change my ways. 

That said I do now make a concerted effort to put a punt summary up front in my reviews covering the key info - the who, what, how, where, when etc - did she match her pics, would I revisit / recommend etc.  So the non-fluffy types can get the basics without reading the prose. 

And yet still I get comments from cunts on here who bitch about the length of my reviews - ie they somehow fail to stop at the bit that explicitly says "if you don't enjoy fluffy reviews fuck off now".   Suspect some non-fluffy punters are just ignorant cunts. :unknown: You know who you are.  :sarcastic:

So can't see any sign of shooting myself in the foot. Quite the contrary being a fluffy punter has probably seen me have a higher % of great punting experiences than some.  :unknown:


  • Guest
Re the 'fake reviews', yes I used to suspect that, certain of the AW ones would have a very similar style.

Is there really such a series of gradations though? - I will always review physical appearance and services accurately as they are quantifiable, but as for the rest - I normally see a girl no more than twice but I am usually bowled over by them after the first time, so to me at the time writing them up a bit is accurate.  After all it's difficult to rate "lying on your back letting yourself be fucked" too discretely but writing a rosy FR on a girl is just giving her a free bit of promotion to say thanks for having had a good time.  The outstanding, exceptional ones need no further recommendation anyway, what I want to know, reading others' FRs, is whether she's friendly and reliable, I'll make my own judgement as to the rest.

Offline hendrix

Or gets a real review from someone who speaka da truth

There is no "truth" in punting though :unknown: The only true statement anybody can make is "YMMV". Loads of examples here, the most famous probably being Madlin Moon. A load of gushing reviews, including mine, then B&G has a shit punt with her. I believe everybody who rated her told the truth (based on my experience) and so did B&G based on his.

All you can do is be honest. I haven't had a shit punt in three years and I'm not going to lie about that and give a few negatives for "balance".  That would be just as bad as being fluffy.

As for long/short/useful/flowery prose would be a pretty dull board if everybody wrote the same way imo.

A long flowery fluffy review that tells the truth (whether you like the language or not) is far better than a short one that is lies/touting surely? :unknown:

Offline Marmalade

There is no "truth" in punting though :unknown: The only true statement anybody can make is "YMMV". Loads of examples here, the most famous probably being Madlin Moon. A load of gushing reviews, including mine, then B&G has a shit punt with her. I believe everybody who rated her told the truth (based on my experience) and so did B&G based on his.

All you can do is be honest. I haven't had a shit punt in three years and I'm not going to lie about that and give a few negatives for "balance".  That would be just as bad as being fluffy.

As for long/short/useful/flowery prose would be a pretty dull board if everybody wrote the same way imo.

A long flowery fluffy review that tells the truth (whether you like the language or not) is far better than a short one that is lies/touting surely? :unknown:

There's no truth in anything if you follow that line of flawed reasoning.

Truth has context. Whether a particular glass is completely empty depends on whether the company is in the pub or the science lab. The existence of the glass however is constant. Accuracy of photos, delivery of services advertised, polite and reasonable attitude, these are things that have a commonality of "truth."

So subjective gush is not truth. At best it is included as a subjective opinion of enjoyed it / personally thought it was value for money.

Your final statement simply misleads by comparing your false argument to something that is ipso facto false (lies). The truth you refer to has no truth apart from your assertion, which begs the question, and can be demonstrated to be subjective or false. That a review is long and fluffy bears no relevance to whether it is "true" since some truth might be in there somewhere, mixed up with all the rambling nonsense. Neither does a short one become "lies and touting" simply because it is short. So you distract from the falseness of your argument by placing a false image in the mind of the reader about the alternative.

Variety makes the forum, you got that much spot on. And a certain amount of fluff is fine cos we've all been there at some  point and it adds colour when the reviewer can't think of any relevant (truthful) colour. What it might do is entertain: what it doesn't do is help (unless the help is purely coincidental).

Offline hendrix

There's no truth in anything if you follow that line of flawed reasoning.

Truth has context. Whether a particular glass is completely empty depends on whether the company is in the pub or the science lab. The existence of the glass however is constant. Accuracy of photos, delivery of services advertised, polite and reasonable attitude, these are things that have a commonality of "truth."

So subjective gush is not truth. At best it is included as a subjective opinion of enjoyed it / personally thought it was value for money.

Your final statement simply misleads by comparing your false argument to something that is ipso facto false (lies). The truth you refer to has no truth apart from your assertion, which begs the question, and can be demonstrated to be subjective or false. That a review is long and fluffy bears no relevance to whether it is "true" since some truth might be in there somewhere, mixed up with all the rambling nonsense. Neither does a short one become "lies and touting" simply because it is short. So you distract from the falseness of your argument by placing a false image in the mind of the reader about the alternative.

Variety makes the forum, you got that much spot on. And a certain amount of fluff is fine cos we've all been there at some  point and it adds colour when the reviewer can't think of any relevant (truthful) colour. What it might do is entertain: what it doesn't do is help (unless the help is purely coincidental).

I don't think we're on the same page at all here, as I do believe there is no truth in punting other than "YMMV". Often,  punters can't even agree whether the pictures are representative or not. Who is telling the truth? All of them? None of them?

The existence of the  "glass" is not constant if we can't agree that it's a glass... Some will say it's a beaker or a small jug.


  • Guest
I don't think we're on the same page at all here, as I do believe there is no truth in punting other than "YMMV". Often,  punters can't even agree whether the pictures are representative or not. Who is telling the truth? All of them? None of them?

The existence of the  "glass" is not constant if we can't agree that it's a glass... Some will say it's a beaker or a small jug.
Absolutely agree with you Hendrix - there is no question in my mind that "punting" itself means something totally different to different punters here.  Some punters might have similar views of punting and they therefore seem to agree on some of the high level basics (in your analogy e.g punters who see a crystal glass, a beaker, or maybe even just sand).  Punters in these different camps can't agree on the basics let alone the details.   

There are the fluffiest punters at one extreme who look for certain personality traits, to those who are only interested in specific services, and maybe some who just want a warm wet hole for 15 minutes and litereally couldn't give a fuck about the WG that's attached.

Punting definitely looks and feels different depending on your attitude to women (mysognist to white knight) your marital status (single/separated/divorce/widowed/married), your sexual preferences, your personal taste, and so on - all of these areas (and I'm sure more besides) are represented by a very broad spectrum on here.

Bottom line is punters of a feather flock together - have at least vaguely similar perspectives, like similar types of girls, like & write similar types of reviews and so on.  It's clear that punters at one end of the spectrum look at those at the opposite end with disdain/disgust and take no interest in their reviews. 

Equally as is clear looking at the off topic threads around politics/religion etc that we do have some very narrow minded and intolerant people here and they are just as intolerant of punters who are different to them as they are of those with other types of different perspective.  C'est la vie.


  • Guest
Fascinating thread.

I've found that positive reviews can be both a blessing and a burden. Yes, girls do receive a LOT of calls after a glowing review is posted on here. But a good number of those enquiries are supposedly from well-known idiots who target the same well-reviewed girls time after time after time. It seems they get more excited reading about their 'favorites' and pester them even more than usual.

Moreover, I have refrained from reviewing at least two girls at their request. Not because of the current brouhaha, but because they do not wish to be reviewed. Their choice and I have no problem with respecting their wishes.

I should note that I only ever ask a girl if she is fine with being reviewed as I'm in my coat and poised to depart. That way no girl can ever hope to influence my conclusions one way or the other.

Offline hendrix

Further, who defines what is a "certain amount of fluff"? Only the reader. I enjoy reading a good Cisco or Quesadilla review, but west8 is a stretch :D - until I realised we have very different tastes so I don't need to read his reviews at all.

If I write a long and fluffy review, it's not for the benefit of SAAFE! Who gives a fuck what they think? I'm surprised that you'd even consider their opinion on the matter.. Seems a bit fluffy :)

Ideally, a well written review contains useful information regardless of what some perceive to be fluff. One punters fluff is another punters vital "picture painting"  piece of information that gives insight into how a service was delivered, not just that it was delivered. "She gave a good dt bj"  vs " she swallowed my cock and drooled all over it before I pushed her head down and fucked her face while she fingered herself and demanded that I go harder in between choking on my cock"

I know which one is useful to me  - Some will think the second version is "fluffy" or  "unnecessary entertainment"


  • Guest
Further, who defines what is a "certain amount of fluff"? Only the reader. I enjoy reading a good Cisco or Quesadilla review, but west8 is a stretch :D - until I realised we have very different tastes so I don't need to read his reviews at all.

Exactly! You and I are the perfect example of two happy punters who enjoy this hobby but have wildly differing tastes.

Yet neither of us feel the need to complain about the others habits or reviewing style. That is a salutary lesson that certain other members should perhaps learn.

For that,  :hi:

Offline StevenS

Further, who defines what is a "certain amount of fluff"? Only the reader. I enjoy reading a good Cisco or Quesadilla review, but west8 is a stretch :D - until I realised we have very different tastes so I don't need to read his reviews at all.

If I write a long and fluffy review, it's not for the benefit of SAAFE! Who gives a fuck what they think? I'm surprised that you'd even consider their opinion on the matter.. Seems a bit fluffy :)

Ideally, a well written review contains useful information regardless of what some perceive to be fluff. One punters fluff is another punters vital "picture painting"  piece of information that gives insight into how a service was delivered, not just that it was delivered. "She gave a good dt bj"  vs " she swallowed my cock and drooled all over it before I pushed her head down and fucked her face while she fingered herself and demanded that I go harder in between choking on my cock"

I know which one is useful to me  - Some will think the second version is "fluffy" or  "unnecessary entertainment"

I've never read a review by you and thought of it as fluffy. Generally enough detail about the girls looks and attitude to her job as well as a healthy dose of hedonistic filth. That's not fluffy IMHO.

I don't think that's Cisco and Queersilla should be in the same bracket - Cisco reviews give me something useful and more importantly are fluff-free enough to read as a genuine review not a declaration of love.


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IMO, once a UKP member has left a review, it's my choice whether to read more details or not. What I then believe is true/false is then balanced by other reviews, I may/may not not make a booking.

A review on the lines of the services offered and on the AW profile will help me decide. I would still see a WG even if a neutral/negative one appeared, depending on the overall balance of other information available.

I enjoy the longer,  more detailed reviews, especially if she is on my hotlist already.  As already said, we all look for different things and experiences and long may it continue.  :hi: