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Author Topic: Kadiee34GG - Leicester?  (Read 6849 times)

Offline Picti

New rant, and proving again that she's not afraid of self-indulgent exaggeration and hypocrisy. It seems I've upset her!

No doubt one of your "fans" will draw your attention to this, so...

I've expressed no anger in any of my posts in this thread, as I have no strong feelings of any description for you. By contrast you have been, and apparently remain incendiary in your anger. Your fragility is all too obvious. What you want to prove with your statements about being a published author, Mensa, etc? You're obviously not living off the proceeds of that fine literary work. What you want to prove is that you're better than others, and quite simply the evidence for that is scant.

You've been working as a prostitute for many years and I've never been tempted to meet you in that capacity. I've no intention of meeting you in person now, and that decision certainly isn't motivated by fear. It's simply the case that I'm discerning about who I spend time with. On the basis of your rants I wouldn't predict a considered, balanced, phlegmatic discussion; I'd expect an angry slagging match in public. Hmm man and woman arguing in public..thanks but I'll pass.

I've learned over the years that angry, abusive, fragile narcissists like you often try to insult people in ways that they'd find hurtful themselves. The notion that some men will try to court favour with you by making denigrating statements about me, neither surprises nor troubles me. Why would I be upset by the comments of someone I've never met? Only a rather silly and emotionally immature person would react like that. Incidentally you haven't landed a single blow yet.

I'd already stated that I had no intention of responding further as you're irrelevant to me and I've nothing to say or prove to you. I hope that you realise that this is a little internet spat of no real significance or consequence. I suggest that you allow this matter to fade away, but you can make that decision for yourself. My decision is to say nothing further to you, and you may misinterpret that however you like.

Edit: If you're inferring that I've been sending you abusive AW emails, then you are wholly mistaken. This matter has already escalated out of proportion without that. Indeed I condemn any such action.

« Last Edit: November 12, 2017, 03:31:23 pm by pictisunum »

Offline HailWood

Wow - I have just read Kadiee's rant on her AW profile.  :thumbsdown:
There is only one person who is writing in an angry and inflammatory way, Kadiee, and that is not Pictisunum. He's showed remarkable restraint in his post.
I hope you have plenty of regular punters because, IMO, your AW profile now portrays you as a very unpleasant and bitter person who I, and I suspect many others, would not risk meeting.

Offline Picti

Cheers MTB, but really it requires no restraint at all. I see in her most recent update that she imagines she's winding me up. I wonder which aspect of my posts indicates that! I don't need to spit acid to articulate my opinions, and I view her reacting like this as a need to compensate for how this situation makes her feel. I suggest that she develops the same indifference to me that I have for her, but I fear that the huge chip on her shoulder won't allow her to acknowledge that she's out-matched.

She seems to believe that I started this conflict when in fact my first post in this matter was an attempt at conciliation. Thereafter I responded to her misrepresentation of the forum and me. Again I doubt that she sees that through the red mist. I suggested that she post the link to this page on her AW profile to enable others to compare what was actually posted and how she's twisted it to elicit sympathy from her "fans", but she hasn't done so. Apparently some of those "fans" have contacted her to surreptitiously insult me, and I'm supposed to be bothered by that.

There's an irony in that her stated objection to reviews was on the basis of privacy and discretion. Now she's posted several personal details in attempts to impress, or lend (spurious) support to her position. She also want to meet me to confront me, which is a further unnecessary risk to discretion.

My refusal to meet her is due to a) the pointless nature of such an encounter, as I doubt either will emerge with a changed perspective, b) I'm not leaving myself vulnerable to the misrepresentation, accusations, jeopardy that having her shouting at me in a public place would entail (I'm a tall, well-built man and I'm not putting myself in that precarious position, Officer), and c) I really don't find her very interesting or stimulating. I genuinely prioritise my privacy and discretion which is the reason that I don't detail personal qualifications, achievements, experiences, etc on a public forum, even though they dwarf what she's stated.

So Kadiee, this is as much "anger" as you have and will ever elicit from me. Post whatever ravings you like, indulge yourself in delusional self-congratulation that you've had some significant impact, but know that you actually haven't. I suggest that you return your AW profile to something that resembles sanity, and go enjoy yourself with some of the men who pay you for sex and prop up that fragile ego. There really isn't anything positive or healthy for you here. Either way I'll be off enjoying myself.

Offline CoolTiger

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Wow, she has mentioned in her rant that in in this meeting "you can even bring your equally sad loser friend CT".

And here I was, thinkiing I am non-confronting, fluffy member on here  :dash:
« Last Edit: November 13, 2017, 09:54:42 am by CoolTiger »

Offline HailWood

And here I was, thinkiing I am non-confronting, fluffy member on here  :dash:

That would be CoolTigger then  :lol:

Offline Picti

Wow, she has mentioned in her rant that in in this meeting "you can even bring your equally sad loser friend CT".

And here I was, thinkiing I am non-confronting, fluffy member on here  :dash:

She only needs four pieces of information to adopt that position. The first three are the letters U, K, and P. The fourth is any statement that she perceives as critical.

Her ultimatum to me is that "If you want to call it quits then you need to apologise". Well I've neither reason nor inclination to apologise, and no trepidation if she wants to use her AW profile to express herself in that way. She'll struggle to stop as she has some ridiculous notion of "winning" and "vindication".

So Kadiee, I control my behaviour and as I slip into a deep sense of ennui, all I really have to say to you is "You carry on being ridiculous if you want, but from me it's bye bye (without apology)".

Offline Hotdogboy88

Lmao.  :scare: this is an al time classic of a thread. More more.  :dance:

Offline Picti

Lmao.  :scare: this is an al time classic of a thread. More more.  :dance:

Glad it entertained you! As noted, I'm finished with her and she knows what I think of her. Feel free to indulge yourself in my sloppy seconds though. I suspect, like me, you'll soon bore of her uni-dimensional, delusional ranting.

Perhaps you'll also break that duck egg sometime soon  :thumbsup:

Offline HailWood

Glad it entertained you! As noted, I'm finished with her and she knows what I think of her. Feel free to indulge yourself in my sloppy seconds though. I suspect, like me, you'll soon bore of her uni-dimensional, delusional ranting.

Perhaps you'll also break that duck egg sometime soon  :thumbsup:
He's righ though it has been so entertaining. Wonder if I should book her and then review. Fireworks??!!!!

Offline Picti

He's righ though it has been so entertaining. Wonder if I should book her and then review. Fireworks??!!!!

Maybe we should form a double act and do the comedy circuit. Apparently some of the best comedy duos didn't get on very well in real life, so we've made a promising start.

Yes, dare you.  I look forward to her misrepresentation of the punt as she declares that you "came out" to her and begged for the strap-on, whilst with gloved hand she diddled your cheesy micropenis  :D. Good luck.

Offline HailWood

as she declares that you "came out" to her and begged for the strap-on, whilst with gloved hand she diddled your cheesy micropenis  .
Ok - out with it. Which of the WGs that I have seen recently has been gossiping about me  :sarcastic:
« Last Edit: November 14, 2017, 09:57:11 am by MikeTheBike »

Offline Picti

Ok - out with it. Which of the WGs that I have seen recently has been gossiping about me  :sarcastic:

It's regularly discussed at the support group they've formed  :D.

Right, I enjoy the banter but I'm not being drawn back into this thread. See you on another one.

Offline Hotdogboy88

Glad it entertained you! As noted, I'm finished with her and she knows what I think of her. Feel free to indulge yourself in my sloppy seconds though. I suspect, like me, you'll soon bore of her uni-dimensional, delusional ranting.

Perhaps you'll also break that duck egg sometime soon  :thumbsup:

Apologies for my stupidity  :wacko: don’t know whether it’s a joke insult or other. But someone ideally pic explain what’s meant by break that duck egg. Lol.

Offline Picti

Apologies for my stupidity  :wacko: don’t know whether it’s a joke insult or other. But someone ideally pic explain what’s meant by break that duck egg. Lol.

No insult. I reserve that for those who try to have a nibble at me first, as per the absurdity that this thread has become.

I thought people would know that "duck egg" is a term for a zero. It was simply an encouragement to get your first review done. That's all, and sorry for the confusion.

Offline Hotdogboy88

No problem. Thanks for clearing that up.  :drinks:

Offline Picti

It seems that my statement about leaving the thread has triggered some abandonment issues. OK Kadiee to remove all ambiguity I'll make one final statement. Just one final slice of picy pie to fill the void.

I decided not to comment further primarily because I'm bored, and find the banality of this situation increasingly tedious and ridiculous.

I'm bored with your entry-level insults.

I'm bored with your irrationality and exaggeration. For example, you state that I'm trying to cause you "catastrophic damage"and damage your "business". I'm exclusively posting on a site where YOU declared that you have a blanket policy of not meeting UKP members. How can that possibly be construed as me trying to damage your business? It's not as though I'm on your AW profile representing you in a highly unfavourable manner; that's happening but actually it's YOU doing it. Besides I thought it was only a hobby, and with all your self-proclaimed abilities and accomplishments surely you're not reliant upon this as an income stream?

I'm bored with your hypocrisy. No-one must judge Kadiee, but she can stereotype and try to denigrate a very large and diverse group of men (only a few of whom she has met and had sexual contact with, yes you have) solely on the basis of their membership of this site. Do you consider that you conform to the stereotypical view of a prostitute? I wouldn't imagine that you do. So maybe drop the hypocrisy.

I'm bored with your vacillation between angry aggression and playing the victim, and the corresponding self-serving misrepresentation of what's actually been said. I've suggested several times now that you post the link to this thread on your AW profile to allow others to read it as it is rather than how you misrepresent it, but you've chosen not to. Unlike your ability to change your AW profile, these posts are not modifiable so I wonder why you're so reluctant? Go on, let others see the UKP monsters.

I could go on Kadiee, but I'm just bored, very, very bored.
My second reason for stopping is that this situation has become absolutely ridiculous, although seemingly amusing and entertaining for others. It started with your unnecessary abusive, insulting response to a fellow member, when a polite, reasonable, but firm reply would've sufficed. I've stated previously, but my original post in this thread was conciliatory, but your inability or unwillingness to control your anger and indignation resulted in you being banned. From there it's gathered a momentum that's hugely disproportionate to its origin i.e. a very minor cyber disagreement. Part of that I acknowledge is my stubbornness and intolerance of bullies (YOU in this case). Since you've also changed and pared back your rants I assume that you also appreciate how absurd this has become, or maybe that's just you in another "victimised" phase.

My third reason for stopping is that I punt for fun, enjoyment, pleasure, etc, and not to become mired in conflict with someone I don't know and don't care about. Whatever you think of it, this site helps me and others to improve and enhance our punting choices and experiences. If you don't like the site, then no-one is compelling you to be here.

You've alluded to knowing my AW username, and that's fine. Remember the origin of this situation. Muse on the fact that my AW feedback would've more than satisfied your requirements. Appreciate that I would've been courteous, engaging, etc within emails and telephone conversation. You would've been more than happy to meet me and be sexual with me, and yet look at where we are now. You have to wonder about the fallacy of relying on these measures so rigidly, and that brings us full circle.

With that I'm off, and you can't really accuse me of preoccupation and "stalking" (really  :sarcastic:) if you can't detach yourself from this. It's easy, watch me fly! I also suggest that you're more discerning in listening to the sycophants egging you on. There's a strong likelihood that they're manipulating the situation to ingratiate themselves, and prioritising their interests rather than yours.

Bye really GOODBYE.

Offline HailWood

I for one would pay good money to be a fly on the wall should you two meet to discuss your differences. The entertainment value would be huge.
(I know there's zero chance of this happening - but I can still wish :lol:)

Offline Picti

I for one would pay good money to be a fly on the wall should you two meet to discuss your differences. The entertainment value would be huge.

How much? Enough for a 4 hour MMF with CT and I  :lol:

I'm not sure that there are many differences. We can both agree that I'm capable of being a cunt, and we really just need to work on her self-reflection  :music:

Anyway...must resist.

Offline HailWood

How much? Enough for a 4 hour MMF with CT and I  :lol:

There are enough followers of this thread, I'm sure we could find that MMF you mention through a combination of ticket sales and crowd funding :lol:

Everyone's a winner. You and CT get a shag, we all get hugely entertained and Kadiee is better off by £4.50.
« Last Edit: November 15, 2017, 10:20:01 pm by MikeTheBike »

Offline Hotdogboy88

Haha. Bravo bravo bravo.

Encore encore.  :D


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Offline HailWood

Don't waste your time! :manhater:

Who shouldn't waste their time?

Ar you referring to Kadiee being a waste of time or the punters?

Are you Kadiee  ;)

PS - don't report to Admin yet. I'd love to see what she's got to say for herself  :sarcastic:
« Last Edit: November 19, 2017, 12:31:37 pm by MikeTheBike »

Offline Picti

Who shouldn't waste their time?

Ar you referring to Kadiee being a waste of time or the punters?

Are you Kadiee  ;)

PS - don't report to Admin yet. I'd love to see what she's got to say for herself  :sarcastic:

What made you suspicious Mike? Was it the fact that this person joined today, has used their membership to leave a single post, and chose this thread to do so? It's an ambiguous post so perhaps he / she will return to clarify.

I've already stated that I'm done with Kadiee. Looked at her AW profile, and not that she's bothered of course  :sarcastic: but she remains preoccupied and obsessed. Exactly as I predicted (even though I've never met her).

Offline Picti

Haha. Bravo bravo bravo.

Encore encore.  :D

You're a bit overly enthusiastic with this. Generally this is NOT the way to interact with a woman. I've made a specific exception in her case which was based on the way she behaved, but I recommend that you strive for positive, respectful, collaborative interactions with WGs as this is decent, appropriate, and enhances your punting experiences. Also if you restrict such interactions to when these are merited, it highlights that her conduct is at fault rather than yours.

Offline HailWood

What made you suspicious Mike? Was it the fact that this person joined today, has used their membership to leave a single post, and chose this thread to do so? It's an ambiguous post so perhaps he / she will return to clarify.

I've already stated that I'm done with Kadiee. Looked at her AW profile, and not that she's bothered of course  :sarcastic: but she remains preoccupied and obsessed. Exactly as I predicted (even though I've never met her).
Remember the lass in the playground who was constantly pinching you for attention when you were at primary school? Turns out that she fancied you.
There are very similar things happening on UKP - you have Kadiee and I have VW  :scare:  :sarcastic:

Offline RogerBoner

There are very similar things happening on UKP - you have Kadiee and I have VW  :scare:  :sarcastic:

Offline HailWood

He is slipping though, it took him all of 36mins to respond to my review of Alizee. Maybe I'm not the life of his life anymore  :cry:

Offline RogerBoner

He is slipping though, it took him all of 36mins to respond to my review of Alizee. Maybe I'm not the life of his life anymore  :cry:
Alizee looks beautiful. Poptastic  :thumbsup:

Offline Picti

Remember the lass in the playground who was constantly pinching you for attention when you were at primary school? Turns out that she fancied you.
There are very similar things happening on UKP - you have Kadiee and I have VW  :scare:  :sarcastic:

Well her terms-of-endearment have progressed from "moron 4" to "P(rick)" and that's a clear indication of sexual objectification and phallic preoccupation :D There's also the business of the proposed "booty call" I mean her wanting to meet and discuss differences.

No, I know exactly why she's become so preoccupied and obsessed, and why she can't let it go.

As for punterNOT, well I suspect heavy drinking (joined 12:37am and posted 3 hours later) and the intention to send abusive PMs, but thwarted by the policy on PMs. Or perhaps looking for identifying information as she's already been looking at my AW feedback, or information to confirm that I / we're horrible misogynists  :rolleyes:

Offline Hotdogboy88

It’s still going?? Lol. How many times has it supposedly finish so far. Lol the analogy 2 people very much in love has made me chuckle. Neither bothered by the other it’s so evidently clear now. 😍

Offline Picti

It’s still going?? Lol. How many times has it supposedly finish so far. Lol the analogy 2 people very much in love has made me chuckle. Neither bothered by the other it’s so evidently clear now. 😍

Very much finished with her, and my last couple of posts have been responses to other punters (just like this post).

As for "lovers", it's been more like an ex-wife experience and like her I hope that Kadiee will ultimately acknowledge that I was right all along.

Offline Hotdogboy88

Very much finished with her, and my last couple of posts have been responses to other punters (just like this post).

As for "lovers", it's been more like an ex-wife experience and like her I hope that Kadiee will ultimately acknowledge that I was right all along.

Haha. Love it. That has made me laugh. This thread should definitely be put forward to the end of year awards.  :lol:

Offline Picti

OK Kadiee, well we're finally on the same wavelength as I'm also now thinking FFS. It's never a good sign when adversaries escalate to the Caps lock, and we've both done so now.

You needn't have wasted time investigating my AW name as I've openly stated it on here, and alternatively it's a very simple matter of cross-referencing posts. Beyond the routine personal anonymity precautions (I assume your name isn't really Kadiee) I'm fairly open about my punting identities. So "outing" me would seem redundant, and despite our grievance (as you'll have read) I have a reasonably decent punting reputation. I'm not hiding, and I've already stated that I'd be happy for you to post the link to this thread and let others judge my statements and compare them with your posts.

You have no justification to "out" me anyway. Despite your protestation otherwise, my first critical post followed your rant on your AW profile. It was a reaction to your statement, and my subsequent posts have been similarly motivated. Simple reciprocity, and if you can't take it then don't try to give it out.

Thanks for your offer of analysis, but I'm not sure that my mind is any place for an amateur psychiatrist. Besides you've shown no insight into my personality so far. For example, there's your crude and embarrassingly obvious attempt to slight my masculinity because I chose not to meet you. Did you really think that would work? If so, you must associate with some very weak and fragile men. I haven't met you because I don't want to spend any time with you, I see no point in doing so, and I won't indulge your fantasies of how you imagine that would unfold. In life I do as I want, rather than succumbing to such transparent, feeble attempts at manipulation.

So Kadiee, the choice of how this ends is up to you. My preference is to stop (and let's not have any silly notions of conditions). That was my preference previously, but you continually demonstrate your inability to stop and then blame me for responding. No doubt you'll have something else to say about this. I have no problem whatsoever with you having the last word, but I sincerely hope that word is "goodbye".

Offline Hotdogboy88

Lmao. And it still continues after more than once saying. That’s the end.

Pic as much as I’m enjoying this entertainment it is becoming a bit cringeworthy. Why stoop to her levels you not exactly covering you self in glory why does she bother you so much?? Fuck her she a frumpy ragged whore that’s not worth you attention. She’s is incredibly unstable and delusional and with people like this you can’t win because they don’t have the capacity to see things for what they are. Just rant let her rant away on AW don’t mirror her or that gives her control.

Offline Picti

Lmao. And it still continues after more than once saying. That’s the end.

Pic as much as I’m enjoying this entertainment it is becoming a bit cringeworthy. Why stoop to her levels you not exactly covering you self in glory why does she bother you so much?? Fuck her she a frumpy ragged whore that’s not worth you attention. She’s is incredibly unstable and delusional and with people like this you can’t win because they don’t have the capacity to see things for what they are. Just rant let her rant away on AW don’t mirror her or that gives her control.

Thanks for your input. I agree it's become absurd, and I've been saying that for a while. I've featured on her AW profile for so long that it's starting to look like a couple's profile  :sarcastic:.

I've no illusion of "winning", because in situations like this there are only degrees of detriment and only an idiot would think otherwise. However my general punting reputation will withstand this.

She doesn't bother me personally, but I detest bullies and that's what she is (despite her attempts to play the victim). Well she's had some address of that and she hasn't liked it, or her inability to control the situation.

I'll be more than happy to watch this thread sink to the bottom and out of sight. It's not really on the Christmas message is it  :thumbsdown:.

Anyway, now we know that you can string a sentence together, let's see that first review. It would be good to know what type of punter you are  :thumbsup:.

Offline Hotdogboy88

Thanks for your input. I agree it's become absurd, and I've been saying that for a while. I've featured on her AW profile for so long that it's starting to look like a couple's profile  :sarcastic:.

I've no illusion of "winning", because in situations like this there are only degrees of detriment and only an idiot would think otherwise. However my general punting reputation will withstand this.

She doesn't bother me personally, but I detest bullies and that's what she is (despite her attempts to play the victim). Well she's had some address of that and she hasn't liked it, or her inability to control the situation.

I'll be more than happy to watch this thread sink to the bottom and out of sight. It's not really on the Christmas message is it  :thumbsdown:.

Anyway, now we know that you can string a sentence together, let's see that first review. It would be good to know what type of punter you are  :thumbsup:.

After advice of CT and now noticing that there other punters with many many post but hardly no reviews I decided to wait till I’m settled in and comfortable that I won’t be outed as CT said in a post when asked why he has so few reviews, it because he reviewed someone badly and they were able to trace him down. Also he is so well known by local girls that from stories I’ve heard I feel like I e know him all my life.

Maybe when I’m confident this isn’t a real problem I’ll start to review.

Any advice or views pic??

Offline HailWood

After advice of CT and now noticing that there other punters with many many post but hardly no reviews I decided to wait till I’m settled in and comfortable that I won’t be outed as CT said in a post when asked why he has so few reviews, it because he reviewed someone badly and they were able to trace him down. Also he is so well known by local girls that from stories I’ve heard I feel like I e know him all my life.

Maybe when I’m confident this isn’t a real problem I’ll start to review.

Any advice or views pic??
My suggestion (based on some painful experience) is make sure your ID is secure (punting phone etc, so you can't be link to your real life profiles).
Pick a nice positive punt (no WG is going to stalk you for a positive), write it up on here in whatever style suits you.

Offline CoolTiger

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My suggestion (based on some painful experience) is make sure your ID is secure (punting phone etc, so you can't be link to your real life profiles).
Pick a nice positive punt (no WG is going to stalk you for a positive), write it up on here in whatever style suits you.

Also, it is possible to create a 2nd UKP ID on here, for posting your reviews, so that they are not linked to your first UKP ID. In order to do this, get permission from Admin for creating the 2nd ID, and then once set up, post your reviews, especailly negative ones. Do NOT reveal your 2nd ID to anyone on UKP, UKE or on AW.

Offline Picti

Rather than perpetuating this thread...

There are loads of related threads on the main board to assist with your inquiry, and understandable concerns.

You also have the option of creating a specific thread on the EM or main board  :hi:.

Offline Picti

Kadiee, I just noticed your recent post.

We can agree to disagree.

We can agree that our relative positions, perspectives, etc are irreconcilable.

Above all we can certainly agree that this should stop.  :hi:

Offline HailWood

Well it sounds like you are both ready to let this rest.  :thumbsup:

Kadiee, I do hope you recover from this experience and i for one wish you no I'll.

Offline Picti

Well it sounds like you are both ready to let this rest.  :thumbsup:

Kadiee, I do hope you recover from this experience and i for one wish you no I'll.

Yes we've come over all mature and sensible  :cool:

I wish her no ill either. While I don't condone aspects of her behaviour, I have to admire her tenacity  (I was raised amongst tigress women).