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Author Topic: Some people are just not fussy  (Read 6734 times)


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What shall I write?
(Drunken journey home on the train - sorry)
It's occurred to me that some people, some punters I should say, are obviously not fussy about the girls that they punt.  In the same way that many people are not bothered about what they eat for lunch.  I work in central London and there are good places to eat and shit places to eat yet everywhere is busy (the same for all big towns and cities actually not just London).  The decent places attract customers and the shit places attract customers too.  How do the shit places stay in business?  They're frequented by people who don't give a fuck about the quality of what they're paying for.  The same is true of prossies.  Some guys don't care about a decent experience - in fact they're too cretinous to know the difference between a good service and a bad one.  Just like the fuckers who don't care about their lunch - they're just grabbing some food to fill a hole.  The not-giving-a-fuck punters are only filling a hole too - but with jizz.  And they don't care who's hole it is, or what kind of figure is attached to it.  Nor the attitude of the person attached to that figure.

Of course this kind of punter doesn't tend to frequent this forum, in the same way that a forum for foodies wouldn't be populated by people collecting Monopoly stickers from McDonalds to win a free burger.

So my question then - are we punt connoisseurs?  I think we are.  But not in a pretentious way like a wine snob, sipping on a Domaine de la Romanee-Conti Grand Cru, rather if you will, a local, and therefore with local knowledge - gleamed from the words of others in the same vicinity.  The advice is there for everyone, but the punt connoisseur actually takes the time to take it in, to listen.  We shun the Angus Steak House in favour of dining at the dimly lit, understated restaurant next door to it with less customers but a more varied menu.  The minute this restaurant appears in fucking Timeout it's time to ditch it and find another - it'll become too difficult to book, too tricky to slip into.

We know what we like.  Thank goodness there are enough punter-chumps around to soak up the dregs so we don't have to.

Offline smiths

Some punters on here are more clued up in my view, though some havent a clue. Just being a member or even just reading the forum as a non member at least gives punters some help if they choose to use the information on here to their punting advantage.

Without a doubt in my mind there are some punters probably many who have no idea about this site and punt in isolation completely as i did for most of my punting. Some of them will be mugs, some will think paying more GUARANTEES better, some will be rich and not care what a punt costs and some will be the snob punter who specifically wants to pay more as to him that means its less likely a punter like me, the riff raff will have punted with WGs he punts with.

Offline Jimmyredcab

When I read some of the reviews on here I am shocked at the pigs some punters will go with, it seems that as long as the price is right nothing else matters.    :thumbsdown:


  • Guest
is it a matter of not caring what they fuck, or are they just choosing to fuck different women? women you wouldn't choose to fuck.

some people will choose to eat different food. maybe because it is cheaper. or closer to their workplace. there must be some reason. and if they are easily pleased, is there really anything wrong with that?

you should be thankful that some are easily pleased. otherwise everyone would be wanting to fuck the girls you choose, which makes then too busy or too expensive to fuck you when you want to fuck them. I doubt it would make the bad WGs up their game.

Personally, I'd fuck anything that moves right now. But would I pay to fuck anything? No, I'd be more careful with my money


  • Guest
Personally my requirements change quite often.

Sometimes i want a young, fit, toned, cute prossie, other times i want a dirty girl next door or a big busted milf type. I don't see anything wrong with that after all its my choice & my money I'm spending & i try not to be so arrogant as to tell others how to spend theirs.

Offline CBPaul

Personally my requirements change quite often.

Sometimes i want a young, fit, toned, cute prossie, other times i want a dirty girl next door or a big busted milf type. I don't see anything wrong with that after all its my choice & my money I'm spending & i try not to be so arrogant as to tell others how to spend theirs.

Good post.

My tastes change almost daily, one of the joys of punting is being able to find a prossie that matches my hankering at that time.

OP. IMO, there is good and bad service out there and all we can hope for is that negative reviews are posted and others take note of them. The biggest problem, at least in my punting area, are the scam, fake and B&S profiles. So long as idiots continue to only look at a picture of a stunning girl and think 'that'll do me' without looking into it any further, these profiles will continue to proliferate. The tactics employed by those running the profiles must be working because if anything it is getting worse, I hate to think how many get caught on a weekly basis and do nothing about it.


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I like having sex with lots of different people at the moment, so I don't just book super model and porn star types.  I've had some great times with normal lookng women that I wouldn't have had if I'd only gone for stunners.

With services I'm open minded and some prossies would have me believe a lot of punters just treat the WG like a sack of meat, dump their load and leave.  I'm not sure which is least fussy.

Offline JR

Excluding matters of personal taste I believe from reading some of the other threads that the criteria some people use for punting means their opportunity to be 'fussy' is reduced.
The one that really got me was the 'Furthest travelled' thread,
Some of the answers amazed me, if you think travelling more than a couple of miles or 1/2 hr time is too much effort then you can't be fussy.
I consider myself lucky at the very low level of poor punts I have had in my brief experience (so far  :) ) but that has meant doing some research and careful consideration beforehand - probably makes me fussy.

Offline CBPaul

Excluding matters of personal taste I believe from reading some of the other threads that the criteria some people use for punting means their opportunity to be 'fussy' is reduced.
The one that really got me was the 'Furthest travelled' thread,
Some of the answers amazed me, if you think travelling more than a couple of miles or 1/2 hr time is too much effort then you can't be fussy.
I consider myself lucky at the very low level of poor punts I have had in my brief experience (so far  :) ) but that has meant doing some research and careful consideration beforehand - probably makes me fussy.

Not necessarily fussy, just following a sensible approach and not falling for the pretty pictured and bullshit words JR  :thumbsup:

On the subject of travelling, I usually travel for about 30 mins but that is dictated by the total time I can reasonably be absent for without too many questions being asked. The key is to see if anything appeals and if not, leave it rather than selecting the best of a bad bunch from what's left. Learnt that one the hard way  :(

Offline GreyDave

Personally my requirements change quite often.

Sometimes i want a young, fit, toned, cute prossie, other times i want a dirty girl next door or a big busted milf type. I don't see anything wrong with that after all its my choice & my money I'm spending & i try not to be so arrogant as to tell others how to spend theirs.
:thumbsup: plus another one , good post. Yorkey
Some of the best shags that have been regulars for me were well cheap soho`ers some of the the worst the big tit lose fanny big mouthers with expensive options :unknown: and those tight bodied fit young birds who are just doing it to fill inbetween studies and real job :lol:. yes I would like to think I am an explorer or seasoned traveller :D :D but I am  just a half hour day trip tourist with working girls. :hi: :hi:

Offline JamesKW

  The minute this restaurant appears in fucking Timeout it's time to ditch it and find another - it'll become too difficult to book, too tricky to slip into.

We know what we like. 

I am not really sure what you are saying here,is it as soon as a WG gets good reviews on UKP (such as the Michelle Independants of this world) is that the time to drop them as they become difficult to book.
When you are trying out new girls whom haven't been reviewed you will always encounter bad service along the way to finding the golden nugget before the pack.As stated on this site previously sometimes you do get good WGs at McDonalds prices.


  • Guest
Have you actually looked some of the results on adult work recently?  Read the rave reviews? 

Connoisseurs my arse.  We're trying our best to avoid shovelling 80-120 quid straight down the shitter is all.

In civvie street you wouldn't freely admit you'd fuck the majority of the unattractive old damaged goods whores, never mind actually PAID money to do it.

Offline smiths

Personally my requirements change quite often.

Sometimes i want a young, fit, toned, cute prossie, other times i want a dirty girl next door or a big busted milf type. I don't see anything wrong with that after all its my choice & my money I'm spending & i try not to be so arrogant as to tell others how to spend theirs.

Same here, its called punting to suit ourselves, not concerning ourselves with what those without a clue think. And there most certainly isnt anything wrong with it.

Punters see things differently in that they will fancy different WGs who charge varying rates obviously. There is no right or wrong amount to pay or WG to punt with as long as the service she offers is good.

Offline SamLP

I went through a period when I wanted to punt with a normal looking mature. Plenty of Hungarians out there that fit the bill, just searched for those that I found attractive enough to punt with, and I didn't mind if she was a little heavier than what I usually go for. I had some great punts and some ok ones. My bad punts happened to be with good looking attractive younger prossies with the few exceptions. I wouldn't pay over the odds when I went through that phase and generally booked a half hour which didn't go above £50. However, I'm willing to pay more for a well reviewed and attractive young WG. There's no right or wrong way to choose who you punt with.

Offline bakerted

One man’s trash is another man’s treasure. It’s the service that counts.
Many punters will have booked a stunner only to find her service severely lacking.
Sure you want to avoid punting with what you regard as being a munter.
This aspect is easier to control if you lay down certain ground rules e.g. no face pic/no punt
Common sense to use ukp and all other available sources of info to limit the amount of poor/bad punts. For some, this severe lack of common sense dictates their punting success (although a moron is easily pleased).

Offline PatrickCarnes

If I come away satisfied it doesn't matter to me what other people think of a WG's looks.

Offline Watts.E.Dunn

Well up our way in Cambs its difficult find that many good girls, but plenty of the "wrong" type of Bad ones;!.

But most times the slightly older say mid 20's and up from that are better than the late teens or just into the 20's, they don't seem to have that "confidence" for want of a better discription.

Thats also if they can sort themselves out to arrange a booking properly of couse;!..

Offline ForrestGump

Personally my requirements change quite often.

Sometimes i want a young, fit, toned, cute prossie, other times i want a dirty girl next door or a big busted milf type. I don't see anything wrong with that after all its my choice & my money I'm spending & i try not to be so arrogant as to tell others how to spend theirs.

Spot on!  :thumbsup:

Offline Jimmyredcab

One man’s trash is another man’s treasure. It’s the service that counts.
Many punters will have booked a stunner only to find her service severely lacking.

I can't fuck fat, ugly old dogs, I would never get an erection, some gents would fuck anything with a pulse, that is a fact.   :vomit:

Offline PatrickCarnes

I can't fuck fat, ugly old dogs, I would never get an erection, some gents would fuck anything with a pulse, that is a fact.   :vomit:

But that's not a problem, right?

Offline bakerted

I can't fuck fat, ugly old dogs, I would never get an erection, some gents would fuck anything with a pulse, that is a fact.   :vomit:

That's why you don't punt without a face pic.
But there are some hidden gems. This site helps to unearth those pro$$ies that aren't willing to post face pics.

Everybody is a connoisseur in their own right.

It’s the service that counts

My point was that without good service even the best looking pro$$ie can be money down the drain.

The service issue is harder to address than the look issue because this can vary from punt to punt.

All you can do is minimize the chance of a poor/bad punt. Higher expectations are harder to meet -that's why a site like this is essential.

Offline PatrickCarnes

is it a matter of not caring what they fuck, or are they just choosing to fuck different women? women you wouldn't choose to fuck.

some people will choose to eat different food. maybe because it is cheaper. or closer to their workplace. there must be some reason. and if they are easily pleased, is there really anything wrong with that?

you should be thankful that some are easily pleased. otherwise everyone would be wanting to fuck the girls you choose, which makes then too busy or too expensive to fuck you when you want to fuck them. I doubt it would make the bad WGs up their game.

Personally, I'd fuck anything that moves right now. But would I pay to fuck anything? No, I'd be more careful with my money


 We're not all the same and we think differently. Some people think we should all subscribe to their limited world view. Very sad.


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We are humans so it means we are different. People have different morale and standards. Anccient Romans used to say "De gustibus non est disputandum". What is OK to you may be very wrong to the others.

Offline Taggart

I can't fuck fat, ugly old dogs, I would never get an erection, some gents would fuck anything with a pulse, that is a fact.   :vomit:

I'm with Jim on this one. I could never fuck a porker. Ever.
After 12 years of this, I am getting very picky and selective, and my likes are size 6-12 girls. The biggest I ever did was a size 14 Pole, and it was merely OK.

It's important, as the customer, to get turned on as Jimmy says, and it's a plain fact that some of us cannot get an erection with a larger lady. If you dont fancy BBWs nothing will make you change.  I've found that being particular in choice and selection leads to few disappointments. The difficulty is judging from picture who is lying over their size.

As for fucking things with a pulse, again Jim is spot on the money, and I believe some guys use some of the fatter/ugly women as a cum receptacle just to get off. I could never fuck a woman I didnt find attractive. I guess it's a bit of a pride thing, but do some guys delberately set out to see how many ugly women they can have sex with, as a sort of challenge?

My personal philosopy is to treat a WG like I'd treat a girlfriend. Courtesy and respect costs nothing and can bring a lot in rewards. Some may consider this aproach fluffy, but I dont give a toss.


  • Guest
I can't fuck fat, ugly old dogs, I would never get an erection, some gents would fuck anything with a pulse, that is a fact.   :vomit:

Some gents can't fuck fat, ugly old dogs, as you put it, because they've been watching too much porn.

Offline PatrickCarnes

If a woman has one redeeming feature and nothing else then I can usually get it up. Might be nice tits, pretty face ( even if she is fat ), nice smile, nice arse, etc.


  • Guest
Some gents can't fuck fat, ugly old dogs, as you put it, because they've been watching too much porn.
And they shouldn't have to unless they're married to one  ;)

Offline dandaley

My personal philosopy is to treat a WG like I'd treat a girlfriend. Courtesy and respect costs nothing and can bring a lot in rewards. Some may consider this aproach fluffy, but I dont give a toss.


exactly spot on post.  :thumbsup:

i like mature thats me  :hi: size 6 youngens do nothing for me but slim older women with experience charm (and good tits)  good looks do, we are all different and sometime others do not respect that i have found like we are some sort of aliens.

We're all different lets celebrate that and not criticize.


  • Guest
I have had similar thoughts to this thread recently and crosses over with many other threads. I have £xxx I can spend on punts, do I save up and have one expensive punt per month?

The food analogy, do I starve and do without a lunch break for a week and on a Friday take an extra long break for a gourmet lunch? I eat McShit once a month and it always reminds me why I don't eat it more often but in the short time I have available I need to eat something.

There is a compromise to be reached. A fit, healthy young woman who has a fairly comprehensive enjoys list and good reviews will charge more, will she be worth it? A lot depends on your reasons for visiting pro$$ies, is it a glorified wank or some fluffy bull shit? The odd occasions where I have paid for a more expensive punt the woman has been so far up her own arse that she didn't want to lower herself to the likes of me, they do, however, take the money and give a shit service so that you won't return!

My choices available on AW and punting in general, shorter time, fewer punts, the ones past their best, Romanians (redefines punt), a more vanilla service? Being single I have all the time in the world to spend with a pro$$ie and when the Lotto win comes I'll probably do a couple of overnights a week with the cream of AW, until then I'll make the best of what's available.

Offline Jimmyredcab

Being single I have all the time in the world to spend with a pro$$ie and when the Lotto win comes I'll probably do a couple of overnights a week with the cream of AW, until then I'll make the best of what's available.

Should you win the lottery my advice is forget Adultwork and go more upmarket, five star ladies don't register on Adultwork.  :hi:


  • Guest
Great.  Deal with agencies full of over priced failed super models instead then.

Offline Jimmyredcab

Great.  Deal with agencies full of over priced failed super models instead then.

I don't know where you find five star ladies but one thing for sure ----------- they won't be on Adultwork.    :hi: :hi:


  • Guest
I have fucked girls at parties who I wouldn't necessarily punt 1-2-1, not because they were totally unappealing, that sort of quality control is looked after by a very discriminating hostess, but either because their looks or attitude wasn't quite up there with the best, but then as they are only costing me £20-30 a was still worth it, a few of them have surprised me too with some genuine responses...and meeting so many girls gives me the chance to sort out a few that really float my boat to concentrate on for any 1-2-1 sessions.


  • Guest
I'd give 5 stars to 5 of my punts, all through AW.  I reckon you're just being a grumpy old man because you kept getting suckered by EE profiles that are too good to be true, and your definition of 5 stars is either a lady who's too full of herself to advertise on the largest online market place for her industry or you're easily impressed by a flashy website any 8 year old geek can throw together.

Offline Jimmyredcab

I'd give 5 stars to 5 of my punts, all through AW. 

Really, I am pleased for you.

In my 35 years of punting I have NEVER met a 5 star prostitute.    :thumbsdown:

I would imagine we have a different view of what makes a girl 5 stars.

Offline dandaley

I'd give 5 stars to 5 of my punts, all through AW. 


I would give it to 4 most def and the others prob 4 star aw has some great girls certainly in my area  :thumbsup:


  • Guest
Really, I am pleased for you.

In my 35 years of punting I have NEVER met a 5 star prostitute.    :thumbsdown:

I would imagine we have a different view of what makes a girl 5 stars.

Thanks man.  What's your ideal woman then, are you just if anything too fussy, or had so much sex now your standards are high?  You sound like the guy from Rebecca (for whom no woman will live up to his deceased wife).  Even Hendrix books girls through Adultwork (as well as Maxes admittedly).

Offline smiths

I don't know where you find five star ladies but one thing for sure ----------- they won't be on Adultwork.    :hi: :hi:

Rubbish, 1 recent example, Hot Ameera is a 5 star WG in my view who offered me an excellent service, among other punters on here who have also punted with her and done reviews or left feedback. Great attitude throughout.

Offline smiths

I'd give 5 stars to 5 of my punts, all through AW.  I reckon you're just being a grumpy old man because you kept getting suckered by EE profiles that are too good to be true, and your definition of 5 stars is either a lady who's too full of herself to advertise on the largest online market place for her industry or you're easily impressed by a flashy website any 8 year old geek can throw together.

I have punted with many 5 star WGs off A/W over the years. Keira Pharrell, Natasha then of Herts, Shanelle of Herts, Jaime then of Herts, Cute Ann then of Golders Green and Chelsea Heart of St Albans who redcab highly rated when she was Alex at The Bunny Lounge years ago to name just a small number.
« Last Edit: September 20, 2014, 04:49:20 pm by smiths »

Offline Jimmyredcab

Some of you geezers don't know the meaning of a 5 star pro$$ie, it certainly isn't an aging porn star with big tits.   :rolleyes:


  • Guest
Yes but by your reluctance to describe one to us you seem to have forgotten what they were like yourself (or rose tinted spectacles have clouded your mind). 

Offline hendrix

Some of you geezers don't know the meaning of a 5 star pro$$ie, it certainly isn't an aging porn star with big tits.   :rolleyes:

Could you define one? I assume you can, as you say you've never met one, so you must have a "target" in mind so to speak.

Offline Jimmyredcab

Thanks man.  What's your ideal woman then.

Cressida Bonas.
Find me anything half as good at any price on Adultwork.     :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Hidden Image/Members Only
Pure class.

Offline Jimmyredcab

Could you define one? I assume you can, as you say you've never met one, so you must have a "target" in mind so to speak.

See reply 42      :hi: :hi:

Offline smiths

Some of you geezers don't know the meaning of a 5 star pro$$ie, it certainly isn't an aging porn star with big tits.   :rolleyes:

Whereas you havent a clue fullstop as proven by labelling ALL WGs who charge under £100 an hour as skanks, totally disproven bollocks of the highest order. Yet according to you you would punt with Nicole in Enfield who charges £80 an hour if she were an Indie, you couldnt make it up. :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Offline hendrix

Cressida Bonas.
Find me anything half as good at any price on Adultwork.     :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Hidden Image/Members Only
Pure class.

Not bad, but far, far hotter in my view (which is the key here)

External Link/Members Only
External Link/Members Only or External Link/Members Only (no face pics, but then if Cressida is escorting whilst banging Harry, I suspect she'd go easy on the face pics too)

Also, I've never punted Cressida, so she might be shit to be fair, whereas Ashley and Lia are two of the best I've seen.
« Last Edit: September 20, 2014, 05:12:33 pm by hendrix »

Offline Jimmyredcab

Not bad, but far, far hotter in my view (which is the key here)

External Link/Members Only

Also, I've never punted Cressida, so she might be shit to be fair, whereas Ashley is one of the best I've ever seen.

maxesangels rely heavily on photoshop.

5 star prostitutes would not advertise on an escort web-site.    :rolleyes:

Regarding Cressida, someone asked me what my ideal woman would be, there is no suggestion that she is a pro$$ie.  :hi:


  • Guest
Not for the first time or the last but I'm confused   :wacko:

What constitutes a 5* prossie?

Looks (subjective)
Services (subjective)
Attitude (subjective)
Venue (subjective)
Hygiene (subjective "ish"  :vomit:)

Thats quite a few subjective views (I'm sure I've missed some) and each loaded to an individuals own preference  :unknown:

Offline hendrix

maxesangels rely heavily on photoshop.

5 star prostitutes would not advertise on an escort web-site.    :rolleyes:

Regarding Cressida, someone asked me what my ideal woman would be, there is no suggestion that she is a pro$$ie.  :hi:

Yes, they do. However, Ashley actually looks like that, she is a seriously fit prossie.

I didn't ask about your ideal woman :unknown: I was asking about a definition for this "five star prossie" that doesn't exist for you :unknown:

Offline smiths

Not for the first time or the last but I'm confused   :wacko:

What constitutes a 5* prossie?

Looks (subjective)
Services (subjective)
Attitude (subjective)
Venue (subjective)
Hygiene (subjective "ish"  :vomit:)

Thats quite a few subjective views (I'm sure I've missed some) and each loaded to an individuals own preference  :unknown:

I view a 5 star WG as a WG who i fancied and offered me an excellent service with a good attitude at the agreed price. And indeed it is of course subjective, i can only post what i think after punting with such WGs, what others think of those WGs is their business.
« Last Edit: September 20, 2014, 05:26:56 pm by smiths »