Sugar Baby?

Author Topic: How many a day  (Read 4396 times)

Offline Courtney

I reckon she had more than 4 but downplayed it.

She was paying her taxes.

She was charging 150/160ph

London was more

The way she done it-
1- didnt buy designer clothing. Anything top end was gifted to her by clients.
2-didnt splash oit on holidays. Let clients fly her around
3- all expenses inc hotels etc were accounted for under expenses. She was running her own company and used to expense hotels, travel, lawyer costs etc, all money reinvested back to company. Put all her own funds to company. Took no salary,

She was a smart cookie and knew what she was doing. Had her career planned out and knew what she was doing.

She has been in the game for atleast 10 years i reckon. Had regulars from most main cities

Definately feasible if you stick to a strategy

 :timeout: :blush: …your posts get weirder and weirder as the years go on Benson.

How do you know all this for sure? It always sounds like you know every detail of every escorts personal and private life. :unknown:

Offline Scottychap

I can see that it’s interesting to speculate - especially in terms of how much money coming in, but it’s going to vary so much between SPs.

- One girl I saw regularly in Edinburgh a few years back and knew fairly well told me she had bought a house outright in Fife in 5 years.

- Another who kept quitting and restarting escorting said it was very hard to give up the money once she’d gotten used to it. Couldn’t find anything nearly as well paid outside.

- One I saw a week ago mentioned that in terms of taxes, it’s actually fairly tricky to hide money. Banks report unexplained large regular deposits of cash, so you’d need to declaring a portion of it and stuffing the rest of your £100k under the mattress? Doesn’t seem likely.

I only really wonder about how many punters a day in terms of whether the escort is is using a high or low volume business model. What those numbers mean in practice is anyone’s guess, but there’s a noticeable difference on the service side between a low volume experience (chilled, runs over time a bit, no hurrying out the door) and a high volume girl who’s clearly not showered before you get there, watches the clock like a hawk, mixes up details of your booking with someone else, and who is texting the next guy who you pass in the car park as you’re leaving.

Offline Massagetugga

I only really wonder about how many punters a day in terms of whether the escort is is using a high or low volume business model.

And in relation to coercion/pimps etc likes of South American and Chinese touring rings. Not very pleasant thought the girls having zero or very little control over the amount of punters they have to service.

With quite a few SPs being not of local descent I imagine that quite often they have ways of filtering cash home to family etc.

Very recently I had a SP tell me how much she made during covid when no one else was really working. It was obviously busy for her at approaching 10k for the month. I would guess that was before rent/expenses.