Sugar Baby?

Author Topic: DecadentlyDee  (Read 1527 times)

Offline Throatpunt

A post for those that remember Dee for her once amazing talent!! I was wondering if anyone had seen or heard anything about her? She’s been off the radar for a while now and I suspect the worst. A shame as she really had a throat second to none.

Wasn’t sure if she may have popped up. Came across a few videos of her in the archive and it got me thinking about her where abouts?

Offline Lewis

Her old AW link, in case anyone wants to look up past posts of her.

External Link/Members Only

Offline gray99999

Due to her disappeared profile and addiction (according to previous reviews), maybe the worst has happened. But this is just speculation on my part

Or maybe she sobered up and/or quit escorting...

Offline sensualencounter

Jesus! Just looking briefly at some of the reviews, it’s a horror show. Why any punter would see her is beyond me. Just goes to show that plenty of punters don’t give a shit where they put their dick nor for the welfare of the escort.

Offline gray99999

Jesus! Just looking briefly at some of the reviews, it’s a horror show. Why any punter would see her is beyond me. Just goes to show that plenty of punters don’t give a shit where they put their dick nor for the welfare of the escort.

Different strokes for different folks  :unknown:

She gave one of the best BJ's. And tbf, a good handful of escorts themselves don't care about who's dick they take, as long as it comes with money, so why should the opposite shock you?

Offline sensualencounter

Different strokes for different folks  :unknown:

She gave one of the best BJ's. And tbf, a good handful of escorts themselves don't care about who's dick they take, as long as it comes with money, so why should the opposite shock you?
Sadly I’m not shocked as this attitude is all too common. But to be clearer, what sort of punter gets pleasure out of being deepthroated by someone who they generally agree has a major drugs issue? Going further, it raises all kinds of red flags about lack of caring for whether she’s making informed decisions and also whether there is a risk to the punter from her flipping out or getting into some other bother.

Obviously it’s each punter’s decision to weigh up these risks but I for one think it’s reckless to put myself in that position just for the sake of a blow job.

Offline tantraman

Jesus! Just looking briefly at some of the reviews, it’s a horror show. Why any punter would see her is beyond me. Just goes to show that plenty of punters don’t give a shit where they put their dick nor for the welfare of the escort.

I shamefully reviewed Dee myself, exactly three years ago, and even then I recognized that it wasn't my proudest day :( ...


Accepting I was lucky with logistics, Daniella delivered a legendary throat-fuck with unflinching CIT and swallow, and this alone makes this sexperience stupendously Positive. But I think we all realize that she’s a desperate and drug-fuelled WG, and I do feel dirty and disappointed in myself for taking advantage … but I can’t say I wouldn’t do the same again.


Offline sensualencounter

I shamefully reviewed Dee myself, exactly three years ago, and even then I recognized that it wasn't my proudest day :( ...
Well done for admitting it. Despite my robustness in posting, I’m not on a witch hunt, nor am I perfect (nowhere near!).

Offline gray99999

Sadly I’m not shocked as this attitude is all too common. But to be clearer, what sort of punter gets pleasure out of being deepthroated by someone who they generally agree has a major drugs issue? Going further, it raises all kinds of red flags about lack of caring for whether she’s making informed decisions and also whether there is a risk to the punter from her flipping out or getting into some other bother.

Obviously it’s each punter’s decision to weigh up these risks but I for one think it’s reckless to put myself in that position just for the sake of a blow job.

In all honesty, when I saw, I didn't read any reviews about her. And unless anyone on UKP has actually seen her do drugs, then its speculations based on body language or demeanour when seeing her in person.

But turn your question around on its head...As some of us may know, seeing escorts can become addictive at times. I'm sure there are escorts that accept bookings and take money from punters, who they know are addicted/obsessed to them or falling/or have feelings for them. To them, as long as money and time are swapped, its just business

Offline LLPunting


But turn your question around on its head...As some of us may know, seeing escorts can become addictive at times. I'm sure there are escorts that accept bookings and take money from punters, who they know are addicted/obsessed to them or falling/or have feelings for them. To them, as long as money and time are swapped, its just business

That's a pretty obscene way of justifying the exploitation of a sex-worker for sex.  Most if not all "sex obsession" is psychological dependency that can be treated with far less expensive means through therapy or prescription pharmacology.  Severe drug addiction driving victims to selling themselves for a fix is for the most part chemical dependency (including need based on chemical alleviation of physical and/or psychological symptoms that are beyond the control of the victim) that could have been inflicted upon the individual by a controlling party rather than self-infliction.

Offline sensualencounter

That's a pretty obscene way of justifying the exploitation of a sex-worker for sex.  Most if not all "sex obsession" is psychological dependency that can be treated with far less expensive means through therapy or prescription pharmacology.  Severe drug addiction driving victims to selling themselves for a fix is for the most part chemical dependency (including need based on chemical alleviation of physical and/or psychological symptoms that are beyond the control of the victim) that could have been inflicted upon the individual by a controlling party rather than self-infliction.
Very well put and far more eloquent than what I’d have said.

Offline doyouforgetit

That's a pretty obscene way of justifying the exploitation of a sex-worker for sex.  Most if not all "sex obsession" is psychological dependency that can be treated with far less expensive means through therapy or prescription pharmacology.  Severe drug addiction driving victims to selling themselves for a fix is for the most part chemical dependency (including need based on chemical alleviation of physical and/or psychological symptoms that are beyond the control of the victim) that could have been inflicted upon the individual by a controlling party rather than self-infliction.

I don't think his argument was justification for any moral qualms about seeing a drug addict

However you are wrong in that sex addiction is an addiction in exactly the same way that drugs drink and gambling is

In fact people who have multiple dependencies often say giving up drink and drugs is much easier than their getting to grips with their sex addiction

Offline pewpewpew

I saw her multiple times, enjoyed every meet even when she was fucked up. I met her dog, we talked and had a laugh. She is/was a nice lady with a drug problem so I really do hope that she has just escaped the scene and is living a better life.

Saying that you hope she's not dead because she gave mad head is very crass. Druggie or not this is a person

Offline LLPunting


However you are wrong in that sex addiction is an addiction in exactly the same way that drugs drink and gambling is

In fact people who have multiple dependencies often say giving up drink and drugs is much easier than their getting to grips with their sex addiction

I don't think I described them as the same, didn't  say anything about gambling, if you read it that way that was not my intent.

Offline doyouforgetit

I don't think I described them as the same, didn't  say anything about gambling, if you read it that way that was not my intent.

Sorry my reply was ambiguous- I meant sex addiction is on a par with drink drug and gambling addiction

It's not easier to treat and 12 step programmes are often the only way to seriously tackle sex addiction- just as with other addictions

Offline LLPunting

Sorry my reply was ambiguous- I meant sex addiction is on a par with drink drug and gambling addiction

It's not easier to treat and 12 step programmes are often the only way to seriously tackle sex addiction- just as with other addictions

Will have to look into it, if you have any good references then please pm links.
I can see an equivalency to gambling given the psychological gratification and some dopamine or whatever.  I would tend to see the equating the feelings of affirmation from being a winner to the satisfaction of being fuckable and intimate with a sex partner i.e. not a sex reject as being part of the compulsion but we can discuss all that in another thread, probably already existent.

Offline Infinityland

I met her dog, we talked and had a laugh.

What did you talk about with the dog?

Offline Infinityland

In all honesty, when I saw, I didn't read any reviews about her. And unless anyone on UKP has actually seen her do drugs, then its speculations based on body language or demeanour when seeing her in person.

She had a crack pipe and other pararphernalia is some of her AW images.

Offline gray99999

She had a crack pipe and other pararphernalia is some of her AW images.

Seriously? Woah I never noticed that!
I wonder if anyone who's seen her has put that in their review, or saw that in her profile pics

Offline sensualencounter

Seriously? Woah I never noticed that!
I wonder if anyone who's seen her has put that in their review, or saw that in her profile pics
I’m really not taking the piss but I fail to see how you can’t pick this up in a lot of her reviews. Does it really need to be so obvious to you in the form of the literal words or a photo? Are you honestly that ignorant that you couldn’t see that? I’ve only gone back through a few of her reviews and it’s glaringly obvious to me.

Also, bear in mind this rule:

30 No discussions of illegal drugs

Which I feel is a little ambiguous but no doubt dissuades some reviewers from being explicit with their wordings.

Offline gray99999

I’m really not taking the piss but I fail to see how you can’t pick this up in a lot of her reviews. Does it really need to be so obvious to you in the form of the literal words or a photo? Are you honestly that ignorant that you couldn’t see that? I’ve only gone back through a few of her reviews and it’s glaringly obvious to me.

Also, bear in mind this rule:

30 No discussions of illegal drugs

Which I feel is a little ambiguous but no doubt dissuades some reviewers from being explicit with their wordings.

If you read the thread, I replied to you that I didn't read any reviews

At the time, I only read the AW feedback, and I don't remember seeing any feedback regarding illegal substances. So just for arguments sake, I'm going to say that I'm ignorant (since you asked the question)   :)

Offline sensualencounter

If you read the thread, I replied to you that I didn't read any reviews

At the time, I only read the AW feedback, and I don't remember seeing any feedback regarding illegal substances. So just for arguments sake, I'm going to say that I'm ignorant (since you asked the question)   :)
:thumbsup: I can see you joined January 2021 and she was your first review in which you said you’d seen her in December 2020 so completely understand that you may not have seen any of the ukp reviews beforehand.

But let this be a pertinent reminder to everyone to do their research. At that point she’d racked up nearly 50 reviews, many of them negatives and even many of the positives referred to her craziness / habit.

Whilst I’m not singling you out and also I appreciate it’s only my opinion, I find it incredible the number of punters who still saw her knowing full well the previous reviews.

Offline Throatpunt

Jesus! Just looking briefly at some of the reviews, it’s a horror show. Why any punter would see her is beyond me. Just goes to show that plenty of punters don’t give a shit where they put their dick nor for the welfare of the escort.

She had one of the best throats around, but was defo a user. That being said no escort cares about your life as long as you have the cash. I stopped seeing her because of the poor service ( everything leading upto the meet). But this is why I asked. I feared for her safety after a while and wanted to see if anyone had heard anything.

Offline jamiekinkxxx

I've not got a clue TBH. Never saw her, never had an interest in seeing her.

BUT it would appear that her page was taken down, rather than just sitting there, which had the worst happened maybe would not have been the case (if she managed her own page that is?  :unknown:)

Anyhow, no matter what, we are talking about a human, so I'd hope we would all like to think that she pulled herself around, but with 'users' that is always a very very hard thing to do. Guess we may never know.

Offline sensualencounter

She had one of the best throats around, but was defo a user. That being said no escort cares about your life as long as you have the cash. I stopped seeing her because of the poor service ( everything leading upto the meet). But this is why I asked. I feared for her safety after a while and wanted to see if anyone had heard anything.
That’s clearly a sweeping statement. And even if an escort doesn’t “care about your life”, that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t care about her welfare.

Your opening post seems like you missed her oral skills, rather than any real concern for her welfare but maybe that’s just how I read it?

Offline jamiekinkxxx

That’s clearly a sweeping statement. And even if an escort doesn’t “care about your life”, that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t care about her welfare.

Your opening post seems like you missed her oral skills, rather than any real concern for her welfare but maybe that’s just how I read it?


Offline Throatpunt


My opening post was a post about her welfare and where she had disappeared. Her habits and where they were leading her had been discussed in another post which was why  sweeping statement or not, it’s true. The girls do not care about the punters. It’s about money point blank. You could sit there telling a girl about mountains of debt you have, they would still take your money the next day. Now I’m not saying because of that I don’t care but don’t for one second think this isn’t completely transactional in 99.9% of all cases.

So I don’t fault guys for treating it as such, as cold as that may sound. Dee I asked about because I was genuinely was curious to what happened to her. She seemed like a woman that needed a lot of help to beat a habit so wondered what had happened to her

Offline sensualencounter

My opening post was a post about her welfare and where she had disappeared. Her habits and where they were leading her had been discussed in another post which was why  sweeping statement or not, it’s true. The girls do not care about the punters. It’s about money point blank. You could sit there telling a girl about mountains of debt you have, they would still take your money the next day. Now I’m not saying because of that I don’t care but don’t for one second think this isn’t completely transactional in 99.9% of all cases.

So I don’t fault guys for treating it as such, as cold as that may sound. Dee I asked about because I was genuinely was curious to what happened to her. She seemed like a woman that needed a lot of help to beat a habit so wondered what had happened to her
I think you’re conflating two separate things here. I’m under no illusions that paying for sex is completely transactional, just like paying for any other service or goods. But the transaction is still between two humans and both humans have thoughts and feelings.

It’s admirable that you have raised her issues and you personally hope she’s beaten her habit. I’m sure the vast majority of people will think the same. But to then say about escorts don’t care about punters shows a real lack of understanding about escorts. Some won’t care, some will.

And then you go further to say you see no fault in punters treating it as purely transactional. That’s fine, except again these are two humans making the transaction. And so, IN MY OPINION, I do see fault in a punter knowing full well an escort has a serious drug addiction to the point where it could easily be assumed that she is not of sound mind to be making informed decisions, to willingly making a booking with her.

All sorts of ramifications here. And yet, for the sake of an amazing deep throat blow job, many punters just ignored all this.

So, let’s go further and pretend she’s your sister / mother / daughter / best female friend. How would you feel about all these punters seeing her, knowing she has these issues?

Would you just go “I’m sorry you’ve got a smack habit sis but don’t worry you go suck all those cocks. Don’t worry all the punters care about is face fucking you. It’ll be over in 10 minutes each time and I know you love it. They’re all good guys. Except the odd one or two. They know you’re desperate and they know they can really take advantage of that. But don’t worry because all they care about is it being a pure transaction. They don’t give a fuck about your welfare and they also don’t give a fuck about you might flip out and call Trev the pimp cos they upset you. But it’s alright cos Trev will sort them out with his baseball bat. And anyway, at the end of the day, you’re just a dirty smackhead whore so suck it up and get on with it”.

A bit melodramatic but everything there could happen, everything there happens every single day.