Sugar Baby?

Author Topic: Need help locating a girl  (Read 966 times)

Offline wbtym

There is a an active wg that tours around and she was in Spalding in the last couple of months. She has short bleach blonde hair, claims to be either Italian-Brazilian or Spanish-Brazilian. I would guess around 30-45. I remember reading a review where it’s notes she is quite fussy and has a bit of a checklist.

I tried on AW and here to no avail. I thought i added her to my hotlist but no luck.

Any help will be appreciated.

Offline HappyDaze

If they are innactive or removed their profile they will disappear from your hotlist. Hope this helps.

Offline MrEgg22

Offline king tarzan

Banned reason: Misogynist who gets free bookings from agencies for pos reviews.
Banned by: daviemac