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Author Topic: AdultWork feedback  (Read 2607 times)

Offline Tailpipe

My understanding is you have to book an appointment via the AW system
The girl has to accept the booking then you can both leave feed back .

As I see loads of feedback only often negative .

So how do you give feedback if you have never booked.


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The girl has to accept the booking then you can both leave feed back .

The girl has to Confirm the booking, some smartarse escorts just Schedule the booking (I think its called) so that they can leave proper feedback whilst the punter can only leave 'feedback' which doesn't count towards the girls total.

Offline johnny34

The booking is scheduled until it actually takes place. After the booking
it is confirmed by the wg. Then you can both leave feedback.

Offline nigel4498

The booking is scheduled until it actually takes place. After the booking
it is confirmed by the wg. Then you can both leave feedback.
That's correct


  • Guest
The booking is scheduled until it actually takes place. After the booking
it is confirmed by the wg. Then you can both leave feedback.

I am of the opinion that if the girl fully intends to honour the booking she will confirm it rather schedule it.

Can a punter tell whether an SP has only scheduled a booking?

Offline johnny34

I am of the opinion that if the girl fully intends to honour the booking she will confirm it rather schedule it.

Can a punter tell whether an SP has only scheduled a booking?

Yes. You can look at  your 'e-mails & bookings' on Aw and it should show 'scheduled'. After the booking takes place it is changed to 'confirmed'. Its not meant to be confirmed until after the booking takes place as it could be cancelled by either party beforehand. I think 'Dani' agreed to this on another recent thread.


  • Guest
K thanks, I only book a minority of meets through Adultwork so always wondered about this, my understanding from what is being said above is that a booking set to "Scheduled" will automatically become "Confirmed" after the meeting time is ended without any further intervention thus allowing full exchange of feedback, if this is not the case someone please clarify.

Once I was needing to drive 30miles for a meet and the escort had only "Scheduled" the meeting within the system I was a bit uneasy about that since she had a bit of feedback for being a phone turner offer, but we cancelled for other reasons anyway saving me the journey.

I think 'Dani' agreed to this on another recent thread.

Good thing there is at least one resilient escort who has stuck around and/or not been banned so she can post useful Info for us.  :P
« Last Edit: July 17, 2014, 10:01:24 pm by infoseeker »

Offline Tailpipe

External Link/Members Only

Ok look at the neg on this profile feedback

Member not active 

She says I never meet him

So how does that all that work then

Offline johnny34

I don't think it 'automatically' changes to 'confirmed', i think the wg must update the system to show it went ahead as planned. Thats when it is 'confirmed'.

When you place the booking request in the first place it has to be read by the wg & accepted for it to then be 'scheduled', so its confirmation that the booking is agreed.

Hope that makes it clearer.

Offline Tailpipe

I don't think it 'automatically' changes to 'confirmed', i think the wg must update the system to show it went ahead as planned. Thats when it is 'confirmed'.

When you place the booking request in the first place it has to be read by the wg & accepted for it to then be 'scheduled', so its confirmation that the booking is agreed.

Hope that makes it clearer.

If she is in control why would she allow a guy she has never seen post the neg

Offline johnny34

External Link/Members Only

Ok look at the neg on this profile feedback
Member not active 
She says I never meet him
So how does that all that work then
The wg possibly confirmed a booking rather than 'scheduled' it & then got negative feedback if the booking did'nt infact go ahead. That is why its not meant to be confirmed until after booking takes place. There's possibly other reasons but this is one i could think of.


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the wg must update the system to show it went ahead as planned. Thats when it is 'confirmed'.

Then in truth my initial outlook on this stands, in that from a punters perspective it is much better for the booking to be "Confirmed" prior to the meet, otherwise the wg has all the cards in her hands if the booking ends up meriting a negative, she might not update to "Confirmed" and leave as "Scheduled".

Offline johnny34

The system is not perfect, but works both ways with neg. feedback as 'tailpipe' has highlighted above. Its just the way the Aw system is meant to work reguarding 'scheduled' 'confirmed' etc.

Offline johnny34

Then in truth my initial outlook on this stands, in that from a punters perspective it is much better for the booking to be "Confirmed" prior to the meet, otherwise the wg has all the cards in her hands if the booking ends up meriting a negative, she might not update to "Confirmed" and leave as "Scheduled".

Aw feedback should be taken with a pinch of salt anyway. You always have the option of leaving a neg. review on ukp

Offline Tailpipe

Aw feedback should be taken with a pinch of salt anyway. You always have the option of leaving a neg. review on ukp

That's for sure it means little only give you a general view as neg reviews on aw
Are not common place .

Offline Urban_G

As I understand it:

You can only leave proper feedback (positive, neutral or negative) or a field report AFTER the scheduled date / time of meeting and ONLY if the wg has confirmed it (which can be done at any time after you make the booking). If she does not confirm the booking you can leave 'feedback only', again only after the scheduled date / time.

What happens if she doesn't confirm before the scheduled time but you still see her, leave 'feedback only' but then she confirms it? Are you then able to leave proper feedback or a field report?
« Last Edit: July 17, 2014, 10:43:44 pm by Urban_G »

Offline johnny34

What happens if she doesn't confirm before the scheduled time but you still see her, leave 'feedback only' but then she confirms it? Are you then able to leave proper feedback or a field report?
Bloody hell this is getting complicated. I'm not sure if you are able to leave 'proper' feedback with this scenario. Maybe someone else can help. 'Dani' help?

Offline lewishamguy

What happens if she doesn't confirm before the scheduled time but you still see her, leave 'feedback only' but then she confirms it? Are you then able to leave proper feedback or a field report?

once a booking is placed it's valid for 1month whether it's confirmed by SP or not it'll be disappeared from system after 1month. :hi:

Offline CBPaul

You used to be able to leave 'feedback only' without any sort of booking being made, confirmed or otherwise. Has that changed now ?


  • Guest
Aw feedback should be taken with a pinch of salt anyway. You always have the option of leaving a neg. review on ukp

I think a negative on Adultwork particularly a descriptive one has lots of weight precisely due to their scarcity.
It was an underlying point I was making in the whole discussion of is Adultwork "totally worthless" which I was clear on for the punter it isn't.... particularly if there is a negative floating around.

Personally I am building up a backup Adultwork account with feedback so that should the need ever arise I can leave a negative and take the hit of a negative in retaliation, which is much more of a cost to pay if you only have one Adultwork account.

Offline sarahjayneleeds

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Positive/Negative feedback and Field Reports can only be done IF the booking has been confirmed by the SP.

Feedback only is when a booking has been made but not been confirmed by the SP. This booking cannot be confirmed by the SP after feedback only has been submitted.

The one month rule applies  to all feedback as said above. The SP scheduling bookings means nothing as far as feedback is concerned, as said above the positive/negative and reports option only applied once the booking is confirmed by the SP.

Offline johnny34

Thanks for clearing that up Sarah.


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Think the important point about feedback is checking patterns because feedback is subjective, open to abuse by both punters and wgs. Its a bit like any review how often do you look at reviews for hotels find one that gets almost all 4/5 star reviews then find the one one review where it gets the worst hotel ever treatment.
I still think the aw feedback serves a purpose as can show up scammers and timewasters but as stated earlier negs are rare because punters don't want a shit comment off the wg back but once you have a bit of feedback this becomes less of a problem as if ten girls say you were polite and good meet one girl who you have rated badly saying you are a cunt will be looked on with the view its just the girl getting her own back.

Offline lewishamguy

Feedback only is when a booking has been made but not been confirmed by the SP. This booking cannot be confirmed by the SP after feedback only has been submitted.

It's still possible to give a rating to a client by SP even if the "feedback only" has given. :rolleyes:


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Bookings don't automatically disappear after one month, all my bookings are still there since January.

But yes anyone can put a booking request through and leave 'feedback only' unfortunately. Totally stupid system as it leaves us open to trolls - such as the delightful one I'm dealing with at the moment (one of the charming Magalies gimps).

I think the system makes sense for genuine clients, in the sense that if a particularly bad service or bait and switch happens then a girl might deliberately refuse to confirm bookings and the next client would be none the wiser. It's tough to see how aw can get round this so the feedback system benefits both the escort and the client.

Offline lewishamguy

Bookings don't automatically disappear after one month, all my bookings are still there since January.

But yes anyone can put a booking request through and leave 'feedback only' unfortunately. Totally stupid system as it leaves us open to trolls - such as the delightful one I'm dealing with at the moment (one of the charming Magalies gimps).

I think the system makes sense for genuine clients, in the sense that if a particularly bad service or bait and switch happens then a girl might deliberately refuse to confirm bookings and the next client would be none the wiser. It's tough to see how aw can get round this so the feedback system benefits both the escort and the client.

that's actually feedback or rating option is dissapeared after 1 month. :hi:

Offline sarahjayneleeds

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It's still possible to give a rating to a client by SP even if the "feedback only" has given. :rolleyes:

Not completely certain but I believe not, as the option to leave positive/negative  is removed once feedback only has been left by the client. Maybe one of the other ladies can confirm. She is able to respond to feedback only which will appear under what you have left on her feedback page. 

Offline smiths

Bookings don't automatically disappear after one month, all my bookings are still there since January.

But yes anyone can put a booking request through and leave 'feedback only' unfortunately. Totally stupid system as it leaves us open to trolls - such as the delightful one I'm dealing with at the moment (one of the charming Magalies gimps).

I think the system makes sense for genuine clients, in the sense that if a particularly bad service or bait and switch happens then a girl might deliberately refuse to confirm bookings and the next client would be none the wiser. It's tough to see how aw can get round this so the feedback system benefits both the escort and the client.

Punters can get round it by leaving honest feedback on here is they so wish and bypassing the shit that is A/W FB. What planet are we on when WGs, the service seller are able to give FB on punters, the service buyer, its utterly ridiculous and not in the interests of punters as i see it. :thumbsdown:

What shows this so clearly is when punters have posted they wont give bad WGs negative FB in case the WG gives them bad back in revenge thus potentially putting a future WG off taking a booking off them, what use is that to punters. It simply plays into the hands of bad WGs who are no doubt laughing their heads off. :thumbsdown:
« Last Edit: July 18, 2014, 12:24:08 am by smiths »

Offline sarahjayneleeds

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that's actually feedback or rating option is dissapeared after 1 month. :hi:

Yes. This is from their help page regarding feedback

Help Centre Article   

Why can't I leave feedback/ratings?

Feedback/Ratings works based on the type of booking, and excludes blocked senders if set.  Any deleted bookings will be excluded also.

Escort booking (within last month): Not confirmed : Leave feedback only.
Escort booking (within last month): Confirmed : Leave feedback + Rating.
Pre-booked Webcam: >4 credits, less than 24 hours ago
Pre-booked Phone Chat: >4 credits, less than 24 hours ago
Sale Items: Is winner/purchaser or seller
DirectChat: call was answered and was >240 seconds
DirectCam: Session was >240 seconds

Offline lewishamguy

Not completely certain but I believe not, as the option to leave positive/negative  is removed once feedback only has been left by the client. Maybe one of the other ladies can confirm. She is able to respond to feedback only which will appear under what you have left on her feedback page.

here how it works...a client left a feedback only to a SP though the booking was not confirmed by SP. In that case SP still has the option to confirm the booking and leave rating to that client and yes the response option is available for both client and SP :hi:


  • Guest
Ahh, ok. Didn't notice that lol

Offline CBPaul

Yes. This is from their help page regarding feedback

Help Centre Article   

Why can't I leave feedback/ratings?

Feedback/Ratings works based on the type of booking, and excludes blocked senders if set.  Any deleted bookings will be excluded also.

Escort booking (within last month): Not confirmed : Leave feedback only.
Escort booking (within last month): Confirmed : Leave feedback + Rating.
Pre-booked Webcam: >4 credits, less than 24 hours ago
Pre-booked Phone Chat: >4 credits, less than 24 hours ago
Sale Items: Is winner/purchaser or seller
DirectChat: call was answered and was >240 seconds
DirectCam: Session was >240 seconds

Thanks for confirming all of this.

So the 'feedback only' option now requires a non-confirmed booking then. So to leave it we have to make a booking, assume it won't be confirmed and wait for the time to pass, then leave a feedback only comment. I guess  :unknown:

The reason I'm interested is that given a profile with 20 glowing, fluffy positives and one or two feedback only from apparently genuine punters saying the opposite is very telling, often confirms suspicions about what services are really offered etc. As ever the negative comments are of far more use than the positives.

No doubt AW will argue that they are making it harder for us to leave fake feedback, whereas they have made it harder to leave honest comments about the fakes and scams they allow to proliferate.