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Author Topic: Post-Punt Blues  (Read 2936 times)

Offline Matium

After you have had a fantastic punt, how do you deal with the post-punt blues?


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I tend to go the other way. A smile on my face and wank on the strength of if for days weeks or a month after depending on how good it was :D

Offline AnthG

A great appointment I am thinking about that appointment for the rest of the day, forgetting everything else going on in my life. Great is rare.

A very good punt I am thinking of when will be the next one and who it will be with.

A bad punt I am depressed.
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Offline Matium

By "post-punt blues" I mean those situations where you have had a wonderful hour or two with a woman. Leading up to the punt, you had all the excitement of expectation and then during the punt you could make your fantasies come true. But afterwards? when the euphoria has worn off and you realise you are alone as ever? What do you do then?

The temptation to phone the girl for a post-punt chat is very great but if you read the prostitute forums you'll see that is something that the girls hate and they accuse the guys who do that of being "creeps" who don't respect their "boundaries" so it is hugely advisable not to do that.

Offline Strawberry

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By "post-punt blues" I mean those situations where you have had a wonderful hour or two with a woman. Leading up to the punt, you had all the excitement of expectation and then during the punt you could make your fantasies come true. But afterwards? when the euphoria has worn off and you realise you are alone as ever? What do you do then?

The temptation to phone the girl for a post-punt chat is very great but if you read the prostitute forums you'll see that is something that the girls hate and they accuse the guys who do that of being "creeps" who don't respect their "boundaries" so it is hugely advisable not to do that.

I'm not sure where you've read that, since I'm not aware of it. A polite 'thank-you' call after the event is usually most appreciated by a WG, it's when guys start calling/texting/emailing excessively, sometimes at very odd hours and expecting to suddenly become your best buddy, or to drop everything for them that it becomes a problem.

Offline Matium

it's when guys start calling/texting/emailing excessively, sometimes at very odd hours and expecting to suddenly become your best buddy, or to drop everything for them that it becomes a problem.

That's what I meant!

Some guys mistake a punt for affection and don't know how to handle post-punt blues.


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Some guys mistake a punt for affection and don't know how to handle post-punt blues.

These chaps are deluded, they aren't buying Love/friendship, they're buying a sexual service.
I don't doubt this does happen, and feel for the guys who are lonely enough to be in this situation.
I would advise them to join a dating agency, Where they can find someone who likes them for who they are,
and not how much they're spending.

Visiting escorts is not the answer. imho.

Offline smiths

These chaps are deluded, they aren't buying Love/friendship, they're buying a sexual service.
I don't doubt this does happen, and feel for the guys who are lonely enough to be in this situation.
I would advise them to join a dating agency, Where they can find someone who likes them for who they are,
and not how much they're spending.

Visiting escorts is not the answer. imho.

Excellent advice. IMO this thinking its a date not a punt is where some punters are misguided. What they really seem to want is love and affection, as you so rightly say visiting WGs isnt the answer here.

As to post-punt blues i get a post-punt high after a good or better punt and feel disappointed after a bad one although i will usually go and see my plan B if she/they can fit me in. Stuffing my face with fast food due to being ravenous after a punt is my usual modus. :D ;)


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For the first few girls I saw I got post punt blues pretty badly - I was even infatuated with a WG for a while though I didn't let it show. It got better for me as I read more and realised I needed to take it for what it was which was a business transaction.

Parties really sorted it in my mind as you get to see the girls interacting with other Punters. That made me realise that I don't get treated any differently to anyone else. I still get treated well though!

If I'm in a bad mood before a punt then whilst I'll be happy during afterwards the bad mood will return. Massages however make everything alright with the world again!

I guess I'm also lucky in that I'm very comfortable in my own compant so I tend not to get lonely.

And yes, post party/massage KFC or chippy is now a Tibbs tradition!
« Last Edit: July 05, 2011, 03:31:21 pm by Tibbs »

Offline Tricks

I had a good punt today :P

Went home had a wank whilst thinking about the day, then off to the gym still buzzing it gave me the confidence to chat up the receptionist I've been fancying for a while.

I also have the urge to see her again very soon, but I'm going to wait because I think if you see them too often it's not special.

As for bad punts, I'm like a bear with a sore arse and want to blame everybody except me :lol:

Offline jackdaw

Only happened to me a couple of times. Long punts a long way from home, really good punts, and got on really well with both women.... not infatuated, but really liked them, as well as greatly appreciating their service. And both times, felt they were at least a wee bit lonely. (Know that sounds daft, because both were successful escorts.)

Both times as I walked away, I felt sad knowing I'd never see either again... if they lived near me would have become regulars.


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As to post-punt blues i get a post-punt high after a good or better punt and feel disappointed after a bad one although i will usually go and see my plan B if she/they can fit me in. Stuffing my face with fast food due to being ravenous after a punt is my usual modus. :D ;)
I am sort of the same and have never experienced so called “post-punt blues”, when I have a decent or better punt I feel good for most of the day and think about my next punt. After a less than decent punt I feel crappy about squandering my money which could have been put to better use like a good prossie. Although after a bad one I don't punt for a little awhile, or until something good catches my eye and rekindles my interest in punting...


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Ditto simple and smiths - and smiths, its uncanny but i like to gorge on fast food after too :D

Offline smiths

Ditto simple and smiths - and smiths, its uncanny but i like to gorge on fast food after too :D

There was a recent thread about this on Pnet and many posters, WGs and punters stuff themselves afterwards. I rarely eat before a punt so am always hungry post punt, kebab, KFC, fish and chips, McDonalds, sometimes all of them which i daresay is why i am a fat lard arse. :D ;)

Offline smiths

I am sort of the same and have never experienced so called “post-punt blues”, when I have a decent or better punt I feel good for most of the day and think about my next punt. After a less than decent punt I feel crappy about squandering my money which could have been put to better use like a good prossie. Although after a bad one I don't punt for a little awhile, or until something good catches my eye and rekindles my interest in punting...

I get straight to a regular as it always leaves a bad taste having a bad punt and find i can cheer myself up, makes me wonder on ocassion why i bother with newbies to me, then i meet a gem and i remember why. :D ;)


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After you have had a fantastic punt, how do you deal with the post-punt blues?

When I first started punting and I'd had a brilliant time with a girl, I would go home and think I can't tell anyone that I just had a great fuck because it was with a prossie. Then I'd get this gnawing feeling that the whole thing was meaningless.  :(

After a while I accepted punting for what it is: a little slice of meaningless fun that is to be enjoyed and not over-analyzed. I don't get post-punt blues, but I often have a smile on my face and a warm, naughty feeling inside.  :D


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By "post-punt blues" I mean those situations where you have had a wonderful hour or two with a woman. Leading up to the punt, you had all the excitement of expectation and then during the punt you could make your fantasies come true. But afterwards? when the euphoria has worn off and you realise you are alone as ever? What do you do then?

The temptation to phone the girl for a post-punt chat is very great but if you read the prostitute forums you'll see that is something that the girls hate and they accuse the guys who do that of being "creeps" who don't respect their "boundaries" so it is hugely advisable not to do that.

I don't get 'post punt blues'. I will send a 'thankyou' text or email - it kinda rounds things off - and that will generally be that.

If I got the blues I'd give it up.


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There was a recent thread about this on Pnet and many posters, WGs and punters stuff themselves afterwards. I rarely eat before a punt so am always hungry post punt, kebab, KFC, fish and chips, McDonalds, sometimes all of them which i daresay is why i am a fat lard arse. 
 :lol: :lol:

Offline daveev

wanking and thinking about the  fun for days afterwards like yum yum, thats why i film and take pictures good memory's, do wish bella donna was working over her doing escorting to, that pic brings back all her naughty pervy movies i used to watch,

Offline workinallweek

only time i get the blues is
 when a regular retires (again)
Shit punt (they do happen)
when i havent got the funds to punt (too often this year)
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I'm not sure about post punt blues but the feeling you have after a stinker can seriously fcuk your day/week.

Personally I have a mix of a few regulars and newbies so if I have a bad 'un it will probably be a newbie.

Post bad punt I would probably have a punt with one of my regulars to restore the faith.

However punting is for those who want sexual services, if you want more than that a dating agency is your port of call.

Mercenary WGs can smell an emotionally vulnerable punter from 50 paces and can bleed you dry.



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wanking and thinking about the  fun for days afterwards like yum yum, thats why i film and take pictures good memory's, do wish bella donna was working over her doing escorting to, that pic brings back all her naughty pervy movies i used to watch,
Yes indeed daveev! Imagine Belldonna at a place near you for £100 an hour: now of course that's not going to happen but is an alternative and complimentary wank to the one's you're having over great punts. :) :drinks:


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Kind of feel blue at the moment, I think I need to take a break from punting. The last few were a bit of a let-down however it wasn't all the girls fault. I may have been over-doing it recently and they kind of become a blur. I need to get my hunger back.


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Kind of feel blue at the moment, I think I need to take a break from punting. The last few were a bit of a let-down however it wasn't all the girls fault. I may have been over-doing it recently and they kind of become a blur. I need to get my hunger back.

Kinda feeling the same at the moment, not blue or anything but the shine has definitely gone a bit, I still enjoy the sex, I could go for a punt right now, but that's kind of the problem, here in MCR it can be a bit easy to over do it, there is always sex available 24/7 and since coming here I have been hitting it hard.
I think I am going to force myself to one maybe two longer punts a month for a while from next month and see what happens.

Offline Ali Katt

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After you have had a fantastic punt, how do you deal with the post-punt blues?
Get drunk  :drinks: . I have another punt as soon as I can. I usually work in bursts have sex with a few prossies then chill, I've got plenty to keep me busy in my personal life like everyone else on here, so I've always got a distraction from sex.

Tony Montana

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Im usually on a high after a good punt. I remember one time I saw a girl then had an hours drive back to my place, when I arrived I found I had a very sore throat and was worried I'd caught something but then realised I'd been singing at the top of my voice for the last 60 miles.

I only get the blues (big time) when I'm let down.

Offline smiths

Im usually on a high after a good punt. I remember one time I saw a girl then had an hours drive back to my place, when I arrived I found I had a very sore throat and was worried I'd caught something but then realised I'd been singing at the top of my voice for the last 60 miles.

I only get the blues (big time) when I'm let down.

Same here and its always characterized by me having to stagger to my car, on a high but friar tucked. :D

I always have a plan B option so although not happy if plan A went tits up the day can be saved by the plan B. ;)


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If you are miserable after a good punt then punting is not what you need, you need a healthy relationship.

Offline rudolph hucker

After you have had a fantastic punt, how do you deal with the post-punt blues?

I tend to go for another shag, it takes my mind off any blue thoughts

Offline mattylondon

After you have had a fantastic punt, how do you deal with the post-punt blues?
Get booking and fuck another one!  :lol:

Offline fisherofsouls

... As for bad punts, I'm like a bear with a sore arse and want to blame everybody except me :lol:

Maybe go easy with the strap-on fun then, ay ?   :D

Offline pervlens

I've noticed that I have started to feel something like a downer immediately after the punt which sometimes disappears or fades through the first couple of hours after or it ends up lasting a couple of days.

I've come to the conclusion that I only feel that way after booking in with a certain regular girl I see and that the easiest way to stop it is to see someone else for a while. Sad.

I don't know why or how but I really don't get them after I see most other girls. Just one in paticular. I do hope I don't become one of those deillusional punters who proposes or promises to whisk her away to some carribean island...


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as many will say here
as you wish for more than a quick fuck
with said girl ,

Offline bangerben

I'm on a high after a punt as well. Breezing through the crowds like a rock star!

Offline Trevor12

I've noticed that I have started to feel something like a downer immediately after the punt which sometimes disappears or fades through the first couple of hours after or it ends up lasting a couple of days.

After a good punt, I'm on a high for at least the rest of the day/night, and then can't wait for the next one. After a bad punt (which thankfuly is rare now), I book a tried and tested girl off my 'see again' list for my next punt.

If I felt down after seeing a WG, I'd never book her again.

Offline Sonny Crockett

I don't feel any blues at all!!!! I am as happy as a kite after a post-punt!!!!!  :yahoo: