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Author Topic: JaneFoxx - Newtownabbey  (Read 2489 times)

Offline 20jay

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What thinks god's gift to us men, who she is..?
What can we claim for miles driven with radio silence at the end, what for empty promises, what for B&S..who will compensate us .

That's risk of business little princess, keep you shitty attitude. I hope people aren't that stupid to book and pay this cunt their deposit. She should end up with a dusty phone.

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Offline frankcastle

I used to run my own legitimate business and it was a total melt when ppl booked and didn't show.
However apart from potentially renting a place all she really has to do is get nicely dressed up and she should respect the legal technicalities and discretional aspects of her business IE we really don't want to have to use PayPal and give out personal info.
Like your other recent post Jay about prices etc we're between a rock n hard place as it's all supply/ punters in England have a much better time with more variety and more respectable prices. Probably why a lot of English ladies come over here. But hey sometimes u just gotta go for it.
« Last Edit: January 16, 2022, 10:44:04 pm by frankcastle »

Offline sim0256

Totally agree with above .
Having been with a regular for a while I felt like a change recently and tries to make contact with a few girls .
What a time wasting exercise, phones not answered or going to voicemail, and never replied to.
Text messages ignored or if you're lucky a one word reply like , yes . Yes what ?

This applied to Sp who are long term on the usual sites not just blow ins. No wonder some long standing mainly local girls can charge high prices . The demand is there for them because they answer phones and texts and we can actually get an appointment arranged.

As for the recent trend of paying a deposit or in advance , forget it, no way am I paying out money to then be greeted to a dead phone .
Sometimes touring girls are easier get as they have a short time to cover expense,

Why do some girl keep pages up when they can be away or not working for weeks at a time .
Do the girls not realise there is business out there to be had . I'm sure we have all had them say that business is poor or slow , no wonder

Rant over .

Offline vityaz

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Can understand why some ask for a deposit though - Theres a girl I go to regularly and she was almost in tears last time because she had one customer a day and about 6 who booked and then never turned up and she was out money for renting the working location. Had a chat after the fun and heard about her circumstances and why she's doing this. Sad stuff.

Offline frankcastle

Can understand why some ask for a deposit though - Theres a girl I go to regularly and she was almost in tears last time because she had one customer a day and about 6 who booked and then never turned up and she was out money for renting the working location. Had a chat after the fun and heard about her circumstances and why she's doing this. Sad stuff.
Yeah I feel that mate it's rotten that some people have no respect for other people and feel they can just do whatever pleases them with no regards.
Them dicks are the ones who ruin it for all us decent people just after some fun.
I'm sure they get loads of time wasters and see why they would like a deposit but for me I would definitely prefer not to have to pay a deposit but if I say I'll be there I will.
Guess it just seems weird to pay a deposit and obviously it could backfire on us. But who knows what way it'll go in future.

Offline Yesman0987

Can understand why some ask for a deposit though - Theres a girl I go to regularly and she was almost in tears last time because she had one customer a day and about 6 who booked and then never turned up and she was out money for renting the working location. Had a chat after the fun and heard about her circumstances and why she's doing this. Sad stuff.

Who was the working girl ?

Offline Greg05

Yeah I feel that mate it's rotten that some people have no respect for other people and feel they can just do whatever pleases them with no regards.
Them dicks are the ones who ruin it for all us decent people just after some fun.
I'm sure they get loads of time wasters and see why they would like a deposit but for me I would definitely prefer not to have to pay a deposit but if I say I'll be there I will.
Guess it just seems weird to pay a deposit and obviously it could backfire on us. But who knows what way it'll go in future.

And can see why they would double book as a result of this too. If you have 5/6 no shows then booking in 12 you may actually get 2 rather than 1. Just bad luck then if those two happen to turn up at the same time.

Offline 20jay

I know the problems of running your own business. But when it comes to prostitution , there are no contracts that have to be legally observed by both parties.Worse, we have no rights and are illegal.
The tart has people who don't show up ? Maybe the punter feels he's being watched, insecure? Has fears of a police raid. Remember, in the worse case , your whore is the "poor thing" and you the asshole , have fun with the cops. She has an hourly wage that probably very few have here. If the promised performance isn't kept or the tart shows the enthusiasm of a rubber doll, you have nowhere to complain. Your money is gone.

Apparently, many punters have an incomprehensibly great understanding of their hookers, I thought this forum is for punters and their rights, the few that we have.

The hookers know no one will report them no matter how crappy the service is.

I treat the girls with respect and was always in time at the appointment, in return it looks a lot different . I take care of my needs as a customer. I don't care about the tarts, whether they have high rents or a lot of failures. Are the ladies interested in how you earn your money? Not everyone makes £100 an hour.

I apologize for my complaints about the tart as I see there is a high level of acceptance here for their "business model". Deposits upfront are an absolute "no go" and the hookers should know that too, but as long as there are apparently enough punters who pay it, we will see more excesses here in the UK. Just my p20  :hi:

Offline frankcastle

You do have a very good point mate!
We can't do shit if they promise a lot n deliver fuck all.
I once had to leave an appointment as the own of the place caught on and said if the girl didn't leave he'd call the cop. Got 40 mins of an hour but didn't get any money back. She even had the cheek to msg me next time she was in town. I explained I'd come back if I got a discount after the last shit... strangely enough she didn't reply.
Yeah they need to wise up and realise they're not running a legit business and they make a hell of a lot of money and sometimes they'll get let down. Let's face it if they didn't make enough they'd do something else for a living.
Really we just need more hookers and that would solve all this as the supply/demand would be more evenly balanced. So they'd feel the need to always provide a good service at a fair rate

Offline Greg05

With any market there will be punters who always pay even if it’s overpriced And under delivered or bait and switch,

I suspect we on this forum are the minority.

There are bound to be ordinary punters getting caught out with the deposits or short changed with their time. We are a bit more aware but we can’t change the market alone if the majority not here are throwing money left right and centre.

Offline Roman77

I see Jane Foxx is doing duos with Carly Knight this week. Wouldn’t fancy meeting Jane. Photos look terrible. They must be fantastic as some guy has already put up a review of them on AW and they’re not taking place until later in the week. Maybe he’s a psychic  :lol:

Offline frankcastle

Carly is great but yeah not really liking the look of Jayne's pics so I wouldn't do duo. They used to work together so obviously teaming back up

Offline Roman77

Carly is great but yeah not really liking the look of Jayne's pics so I wouldn't do duo. They used to work together so obviously teaming back up

Absolutely Frank. Carly’s photos look great and very professional. Maybe someday I’ll get the chance to see her. I’ve seen them together in private galleries on AW and Jane wouldn’t attract me to make a booking. Looks to put no effort into her photos so why make any effort to visit her.

Offline frankcastle

Carly is a lovely lady and genuinely nice with a fantastic body n great service so I'd rather see her on her own

Offline dickey1210

I'm booked in for a 30 min duo tomorrow with them both.. Yeah Jane doesn't do it for me.. It's more to get my foot in the door with Carly.. You never know.. fingers crossed. Although may just focus more on Carly..

Offline frankcastle

I'm booked in for a 30 min duo tomorrow with them both.. Yeah Jane doesn't do it for me.. It's more to get my foot in the door with Carly.. You never know.. fingers crossed. Although may just focus more on Carly..
Hahahaha Dickey' mate I done the same thing a few years back just to meet Carly. Different duo but it really was worth it. She's not around all the time but she really is fantastic. And when she knows you it's much easier to get appointments with her. Enjoy!!!

Offline Ultra77

Let us know how it goes Dickey

Good luck 👍🏽

Offline 20jay

I'm booked in for a 30 min duo tomorrow with them both.. Yeah Jane doesn't do it for me.. It's more to get my foot in the door with Carly.. You never know.. fingers crossed. Although may just focus more on Carly..

...keep us updated dude  :thumbsup: