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Author Topic: 2022 outlook  (Read 3301 times)

Offline puntingking

 What are your predictions on the coming year on punting?
Do you expect new wgs to start in your area?
Price to keep increasing or do you expect them to decrease?
Any thoughts?

I think the coming year could be exciting as the latter end of this year I have came across wgs I have never seen before on aw. Maybe punting is now on the upside.

Offline chadpitt

My predictions say 2022 will not be good.

With covid and Brexit punting has been terrible and those factors are still in play.

New girls from abroad aren't joining because of the unfavourable exchange rate, potential travel restrictions and visa rules.

Domestic girls aren't joining because there's record employment and they can do onlyfans and cam work.

That only leaves ageing WGs who are less and less attractive each year. Many of which are fat because of the lack of outdoor activities.

As for prices, well that is up to punters. If they keep rolling over, then yes WGs will add £10 - £20 to their rates. But if enough punters HODL then prices may just flatline. If enough old punters stop, then rates might fall.

Here's the "optimistic" projection. Old punters and regs stop because of biological reasons and fear of covid. Affecting supply and demand. There aren't enough new guys to replace them because it's already too expensive.

Employment stalls as we see the fallout from covid. Retail shops close and the service industry suffers due to less customers and restrictions on numbers. The government does not furlough anyone. So suddenly girls now need a new firm of income.

Onlyfans gets the feminist treatment. They now have a new female CEO. Which means they start turning away from smut. That and too many girls doing it, makes it less worth it

Then let's get crazy and say we somehow have free movement of people and the pound magically appreciates. We may not get Czechs and poles back but say at least some EU nationals start coming back, that will really add competition. Suddenly fat, old, lazy British WGs have to compete with sexier, younger and more talented foreigners taking their business. It won't make them hit the gym or read kama sutra but they might begrudgingly reduce their rates when their phones go quiet.

Also let's say that punting gets the glamour treatment. More TV shows and films popularising it. That can have an impact too.

But I digress that is all wishful thinking. 2022 in all likelyhood will be a sh*tshow.

Offline victor989

I'm pessimistic for 2022. My own income is modest and stayed flat for a long time.

Covid has been a perfect excuse for some WG's to reduce their services, French kissing for example
which I like, whilst increasing their prices at the same time.

£80/30min is the top end of my punting budget and I won't settle for a munter. I predict more
nights in with pornhub instead.

Offline chief-93

Neutral outlook for me.  I have become very selective and am convinced the high quality girls will stay around for a while, but the real question is are there going to be enough up and coming high quality providers? Overall, I think it will be a year where I have more repeat meets with a select few and maybe only a handful of new ones.

Offline willie loman

prices in general havent really gone up in 15 years, how many girls do you boys need? on any given day there must be a reasonable choice in most areas of britain. tomorrow when i am going for a punt between saunas and adult work there will be around 10 perfectly acceptable girls for me to visit, old , young, foreign , british.

Offline puntingking

prices in general havent really gone up in 15 years, how many girls do you boys need? on any given day there must be a reasonable choice in most areas of britain. tomorrow when i am going for a punt between saunas and adult work there will be around 10 perfectly acceptable girls for me to visit, old , young, foreign , british.

I am half with you.
I think prices have gone up but there are still wgs around that are all shapes and sizes that takes all interests. Especially in London. That's if you are willing to pay good money for it these days.
« Last Edit: December 26, 2021, 07:38:45 pm by puntingking »

Offline Landscape

Punting wasn't great before Covid with trying up to five WGs to make a booking only to end up having a wank.

Since the return, things haven't really changed a great deal in Birmingham. I'm now looking at paying £10-20 an hour more when previously it was £100-120 for the same services. There's been a reduction of available WGs on AW with now only two pages where there used to be three or four pages in the '£100-£120' range.

I don't expect things to improve any time soon.

Offline bbwandy72

Outlook isn't promising. If the pandemic has subsided enough to sanely allow fun to resume and certain key people to start touring again, I may punt next year. But I have my doubts.

Offline Malvolio

I reckon I'll get a foreign punting trip in next year, and that will be an improvement on this year - so things are looking up.

Offline alabama1

prices in general havent really gone up in 15 years, how many girls do you boys need? on any given day there must be a reasonable choice in most areas of britain. tomorrow when i am going for a punt between saunas and adult work there will be around 10 perfectly acceptable girls for me to visit, old , young, foreign , british.
And that's the crux of it really isn't it  :unknown: It depends on how low you set the bar
« Last Edit: December 26, 2021, 08:54:21 pm by alabama1 »

Offline opal

prices in general havent really gone up in 15 years, how many girls do you boys need? on any given day there must be a reasonable choice in most areas of britain. tomorrow when i am going for a punt between saunas and adult work there will be around 10 perfectly acceptable girls for me to visit, old , young, foreign , british.

Agree prices hadnt increased in many years and theres still plenty of choice. Just not as much choice in a reasonable distance from where I live and I am less inclined to travel.
I prefer independants but AW girls are now in general quite a lot dearer than parlours. i would say prices will stabilise in 2022 but not necessarily decrease as maybe seeing less guys for more money is better for risk in these Covid times.

Offline Fkk

When we can travel and fly aboard, I am going to be doing more trips aboard to Germany.

£39.99 return to Frankfurt and go FKK clubbing.

I love an Eastern European girl and the FKK clubs have plenty. It’s an easy route rather than coming to the UK.

I can’t see London changing much over the next year or two. Prices will go up and service levels will drop. I think you will see a few WG will go by the wayside.

Offline newpuntingguy

When we can travel and fly aboard, I am going to be doing more trips aboard to Germany.

£39.99 return to Frankfurt and go FKK clubbing.

I love an Eastern European girl and the FKK clubs have plenty. It’s an easy route rather than coming to the UK.

I can’t see London changing much over the next year or two. Prices will go up and service levels will drop. I think you will see a few WG will go by the wayside.

I’m beginning to think the same. Cheap flights abroad, either that or just visit escorts rather than massage shops/parlours. ditto what another poster said about ageing women getting less and less attractive. I can’t see the same woman more than twice or I don’t find her attractive, that’s before you factor in time passing. Some WG’s I’ve seen before covid vs now isn’t a pretty sight!

Offline rk_1985

With service levels in London dropping and decent regulars hard to come by I would hope a few trips abroad if possible. May be second half of 2022 but let’s see! First half will keep fingers crossed for some new WG in the area

Offline Fkk

The way I am think is that you could saving up say £400.

Flight say £40
Airport park £35
Train or bus £10
Taxi to club £10
Club entrance to FKK £65
4 half hour sessions x £50
Taxi back to airport £50

Could do a day trip or an overnighter

Free food and drink in the club.

Loads of choice of girls to try from different countries.

Offline standardpostage

Saw the subject heading.

Thought it was about Microsoft's email service !

Offline signy

Looks OK to me.

I have 30+ SPs in my HL that I want to see and are within my travel range; plus another 10+ noted in  case I am further afield for any reason. More than enough for the next year or two.

I expect prices to remain at their current level, but I have always punted for at least one hour and been willing to pay for the services I require, and the increases are less noticeable in those areas. Add my often significant travel costs, and an extra £20 is not a big increase proportionately.

Offline Metalgear2018

Punting will be crap. Working girls are turning to online content and men are willing to pay for it. Its much safer for a married man to wank behind a phone then get caught cheating with a escort.

Also, the pandemic has changed the entertainment industry forever. More and more people are choosing to stay in instead of going out. I used to be a bouncer and things have changed.

Offline lillythesavage

prices in general havent really gone up in 15 years, how many girls do you boys need? on any given day there must be a reasonable choice in most areas of britain. tomorrow when i am going for a punt between saunas and adult work there will be around 10 perfectly acceptable girls for me to visit, old , young, foreign , british.

An usually happy post Willie, but I am with you, avoid the plastic up themselves social media types and there are good punts to be had.

Offline Hobbit

I'm actually optimistic for once. Either the covid virus has got weaker and will subside or the world leaders have got the results they wanted from the pandemic. Time will tell. :hi:

Offline mr.bluesky

I'm actually optimistic for once. Either the covid virus has got weaker and will subside or the world leaders have got the results they wanted from the pandemic. Time will tell. :hi:

I hope your right but this corona virus has been with us nearly 2 years now and I don't see it disappearing any time soon I think it is something we will have to learn to live with for the foreseeable future. As someone who has mainly fbsm punts it will be just a case of getting used to the lady always wearing a face mask during the service or wearing one yourself.

Offline myothernameis

I'm actually optimistic for once. Either the covid virus has got weaker and will subside or the world leaders have got the results they wanted from the pandemic. Time will tell. :hi:

Im now in my 5th day of isolation, after getting ill just before xmas, and LFT and PCR tests confirmed it to be covid.  Symptoms I have are more like a bad cold, but only time will tell, if we get out of this pandemic

Offline estats

For me the market dynamics here point to only one scenario (excluding external shocks), and that is for further price increases.

Inflation will keep feeding into prices, you can argue we are yet to see inflation really kick-in on many things yet, and there is a very real danger of a wage-price spiral across the economy.

On the demand side, if we are to avoid further lockdowns, you would imagine this would remain at the very least stable, more likely to recover and increase as virus concerns reduce.

On the supply side, well let's firstly consider the immigration policy of the UK government, you would have to conclude a supply side increase in the market would remain flat or decreasing, i.e. we won't see an influx of foreign workers within many sectors to match increasing demand.

So could supply increase from the internal labour market? Well we see record employment vacancies. While I don't see the employment pool matching much with the escorting industry, it does mean people have many more options about how they wish to earn their money.

So my conclusion is we have static or increasing demand and low worker supply. We have seen this in many parts of the economy. This can only lead to rising prices.

This is in many ways is the financial impacts of covid support and measures. We've increased both the money supply and the velocity of money in the economy. There may be longer term negative impacts of this quantitative easing, but over the short and medium term I suspect it is likely to be inflation on a scale not seen for a few decades, with very few policy levers to resolve it without neagtive impacts felt on the wider economy.

Offline lillythesavage

Im now in my 5th day of isolation, after getting ill just before xmas, and LFT and PCR tests confirmed it to be covid.  Symptoms I have are more like a bad cold, but only time will tell, if we get out of this pandemic

First Xmas in years, just me and the oldest, booze and food sorted, and he goes down Xmas night, tested negative until last night, so PCR booked this morning and new year fucked if positive, no symptoms yet though.

This new one is rife, a small percentage on here, but going down is much more common than at anytime before, or people were keeping quiet :unknown:

Offline Hobbit

Im now in my 5th day of isolation, after getting ill just before xmas, and LFT and PCR tests confirmed it to be covid.  Symptoms I have are more like a bad cold, but only time will tell, if we get out of this pandemic

We will get out of it. First of all, nothing lasts forever, and secondly, this virus will remain with us for many years but it will become very weak and most people will just treat it like a common cold. I know the past 2 years have been extremely tough for most people including myself but I see light at the end of the tunnel.

Offline Pennine Rover

I would suggest that prices have not changed much in 20 years. Perhaps the main different is that girls started offering 30 minute appointments. The number of WGs increased in that time, both locals plus Roms, Thai and Brazilians. The increase in supply probably kept prices down as did low inflation.  For a popular girl it could be a good earner. Even for a part time single parent, doing an hour a day for £100 was way better than a ten hour shift at ASDA for £8 an hour (plus child care).  As has been said we are near to full employment for those who want to work, plus things like Only Fans which have boomed during the pandemic. Students have been at home and thus don't/can't escort or work in saunas.   
In my fairly rural area plus one city, it you take the number of girls on AW as a measure of the profession, the numbers peaked at about 60 about 4 to 5 years ago and then dropped slightly. COVID obviously made a difference but I don't see the number of Roms and Thais etc dropping. Remember there is no real control on them coming and going, they could be tourists, students or visiting family. They don't have work permits.
A few months ago when we were back to a from of normality the number of girls was around 40 but today it is 32, no doubt due to Christmas and more COVID. I think in general the average age of WGs has risen.

Offline extraa

My predictions say 2022 will not be good.

With covid and Brexit punting has been terrible and those factors are still in play.

New girls from abroad aren't joining because of the unfavourable exchange rate, potential travel restrictions and visa rules.

Domestic girls aren't joining because there's record employment and they can do onlyfans and cam work.

That only leaves ageing WGs who are less and less attractive each year. Many of which are fat because of the lack of outdoor activities.

As for prices, well that is up to punters. If they keep rolling over, then yes WGs will add £10 - £20 to their rates. But if enough punters HODL then prices may just flatline. If enough old punters stop, then rates might fall.

As much as I hate to say it, I think you're right. 2021 has been my worst year yet. Yes I've saved a shed load of cash from not seeing anyone but what a dry, bleak year it's been. I was naive to think Covid would be over shortly but it seems to be in for the long haul. Normally through the years you'd get loads of curious students signing up looking to make cash but that market has dried up completely. Now it's just worn out hags in my area with saggy pregnant bellies and weathered faces  :vomit:

Offline Malvolio

The way I am think is that you could saving up say £400.

Flight say £40
Airport park £35
Train or bus £10
Taxi to club £10
Club entrance to FKK £65
4 half hour sessions x £50
Taxi back to airport £50

Could do a day trip or an overnighter

Free food and drink in the club.

Loads of choice of girls to try from different countries.

Not sure how you come up with a £400 saving on four half-hour punts with those figures above?  I like the FKK experience and will hopefully be going back for more next year, but once I factor in the cost of the flight and two journeys to and from the airport at each end it's not really any cheaper for me.

Online Kelgon85

Spent too much in 2021. Going to cut back, a little.

Offline WKD123

I think I will have to accept that to get a decent punt, I will have to spend between £150 and £180 for an hour of a WG worth visiting.  It pains me to spend so much but I need the release, the time spent with a decent looking woman. If we could organise a Punters Collective where everyone abstained until prices dropped to a more reasonable level, but that is just fantasy. So, roll on 2022 - with less punts but, hopefully, most of them I don't regret and that's down to UKP - always been my guide and over the years has helped me, generally, spend my cash wisely.

Thanks you fellow punters! :drinks:

Offline estats

I just wanted to return to this, because I have actually changed my view, based on a lot of data.

The external shock of sustained inflation I think changes any analysis a lot.

I think it is now more clear inflation is likely to be higher for longer than anticipated and be significant in energy prices, etc. This will in-turn force up interest rates to some marginal degree. A lot of data suggests household spending power is likely to be 2-5% lower by the end of the year. This is bound to have an effect on disposable income, on average. We may even edge towards a bad recessive position quite quickly.

At the same time I'm not noticing the availability of escorts decreasing. It is stable, and in many areas increasing, anecdotally a lot of foreign providers returning, touring, etc.

I think most people don't realise the issues coming and the instability they may cause, but from financial quarter two onwards I think we may see impacts and rates falling over the year.

Online bops909

2022 Outlook ?

I prefer Gmail or Proton mail myself but most WGS use Whatsapp and/or Telegram so I don't email anyone much anymore  :hi:

Offline char45

I'm pessimistic about this year, talking to friends in Europe we are seen as a basket case. Why would WGs want to come here when the decent ones can work in Germany or Switzerland, or other rich countries and make money there.

The ones from Europe abiding by the rules can only stay for 6 months here so they are pressured to work longer hours and get punters in and out of the door quickly to make the same money they did before. I know a couple of girls who used to spend around 10 months a year here before who now if they do come are looking at short trips to maximise time available and income. Alot of the market that isn't already hurried bookings and extras will become that.

I think the Russia crisis might be very disruptive unless somehow Putin is persuaded to back down, we might get an influx of hot Ukrainians but again why come here when other countries offer more.

Decent British girls have been in short supply for a while, I don't see that changing unless the economy really tanks but then so will the finances of punters. One positive is if the universities are back to in person teaching we might get some of the part time students who have been home for the past two years.

Rents and bills continue to go up which makes incall less attractive.

On the demand side we've been missing the rich foreigners who helped London in particular be more attractive to girls.

I think Covid has made everyone much more conscious of the value of money, I used to regularly (often twice a week) have nights out with drinks, dinner and an Uber home costing 100+, now when I meet friends we often don't spend more than the price of a coffee. In that context spending 150+ for an hours punting looks like very bad value.

Several years ago my limit was 120 an hour with OWO, and 140-150 for escorts doing OWO, CIM, and possibly anal. I've cut back on punting anyway but now I can't find anyone decent for less than 150 with OWO which makes punting even less attractive to me. I think the market in London at least has already split in two with bargain basement girls doing quickies and upselling extras and more classy girls charging 200+ an hour.

Offline Will2k

Not liking the trend of 200 an hour. Also wondering if the pandering is getting to endemic without significant flare-ups.

Offline thundercrackerxx

prices in general havent really gone up in 15 years, how many girls do you boys need? on any given day there must be a reasonable choice in most areas of britain. tomorrow when i am going for a punt between saunas and adult work there will be around 10 perfectly acceptable girls for me to visit, old , young, foreign , british.

Where I live there are next to no attractive girls other than the odd Rom that have awful attitudes and manage to make the experience a turn off no matter how physically attractive they are. I also like seeing a different girl each time. If I'm seeing the same girl over and over I might as well get a girlfriend. The few English women locally are the wrong side of 30 and over weight. Usually also covered in scribble.