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Author Topic: Protecting SP's with discretion - especially Thai massage  (Read 4758 times)

Offline JM73

It's clear that there are some Thai masseuses that once you get to know them a little better and they trust you, you WILL get that little extra offered, sometimes FS.

Many of them will ask you not to review them to ensure anonymity, keeping their jobs etc and thus you could be rewarded with a better service.

Whilst I agree with them, my question is how do we get to know about them yet still maintain full discretion?

So long as Admin approve, we could share this information privately.

I know of at least two, but two in particular that definitely offer more, with added payment of course lol.

I'm happy to share this info if others also oblige.
That way, although never guaranteed, we could hope to get that little extra from them too if we're nice and see them a few times.

I know I've not reviewed as often as others, this is one reason and the other is I've been out of action through illness but hopefully next year will start again. And hopefully with a few private recommendations 😜

Cheers 👍

Offline King Kenny

One that I reviewed subsequently lost her job, so I know where you're coming from, especially if they are fronting up as a legitimate massage place and also have female clients.

Offline dadio

I've thought about this too and have been hesitant to review certain girls based on the additional (undercover) services I've received.
I guess my hesitancy is due to there being plenty of loose lipped leaches on here who are quite happy to take info shared, and in the process fuck it up for the genuine contributors.

Not sure how practical it would be, but could there be a bar put in place where you could only read reviews once a minimum number of reviews has been made on this site?  :unknown:

Offline JM73

It's a tough call but surely genuine punters wouldn't fuck it up for everyone as well as themselves.
Any information shared privately should remain private.
It's there to provide additional information to those looking for a great service with SPs that are highly recommended.

That would suit both client and SP through extra business.

We just need too have common sense.

Like I said, happy to share but only privately

I've thought about this too and have been hesitant to review certain girls based on the additional (undercover) services I've received.
I guess my hesitancy is due to there being plenty of loose lipped leaches on here who are quite happy to take info shared, and in the process fuck it up for the genuine contributors.

Not sure how practical it would be, but could there be a bar put in place where you could only read reviews once a minimum number of reviews has been made on this site?  :unknown:

Offline Twotall

It's a tough call but surely genuine punters wouldn't fuck it up for everyone as well as themselves.
Any information shared privately should remain private.
It's there to provide additional information to those looking for a great service with SPs that are highly recommended.

That would suit both client and SP through extra business.

We just need too have common sense.

Like I said, happy to share but only privately

Im happy to share info via PM. Sadly there are always numpties who take shared info and misuse it to try and force the same extras for themselves. This will only ever backfire on you and worse anyone else who has already established a level of trust. 

Often the SP will test me by asking if I’ve had extra services from other girls and the ideal answer is always to say you don’t discuss what happens in the room with anyone else. The SP doesn’t care if you have and it won’t influence their decision but if they think you can’t be trusted to keep it to yourself then what you’ll be offered will be limited.

Offline JM73

A very valid point 👍
Discretion has to work both ways IMO.
Once they gain your trust you get more each time you visit from experience.

Im happy to share info via PM. Sadly there are always numpties who take shared info and misuse it to try and force the same extras for themselves. This will only ever backfire on you and worse anyone else who has already established a level of trust. 

Often the SP will test me by asking if I’ve had extra services from other girls and the ideal answer is always to say you don’t discuss what happens in the room with anyone else. The SP doesn’t care if you have and it won’t influence their decision but if they think you can’t be trusted to keep it to yourself then what you’ll be offered will be limited.

Offline Blue1878

Learnt my lesson some years ago when I mentioned getting HE in a Thai place and on next visit getting a mouthful saying girl sacked because of me. Although ironically the lady handing out the verbals was the one who actually gave me the extras
It would’ve been easier to stop writing reviews as no doubt some WGs can work out who it might be, but like most I’ve had some decent experiences based on fellow reviewers.
I have a few little secrets I haven’t shared but happy to review on general experiences

Offline SeekingSteve

could there be a bar put in place where you could only read reviews once a minimum number of reviews has been made on this site?  :unknown:

I've wondered that myself, why are the leeches even able to view reviews ? let alone the unregistered lot.

Offline fleetwoodsimon

Don't think it's just Thai's that want discretion - Some English SP's want the same !  I've been called more than once by an SP who I've recommended to someone has lambasted me for doing so - My answer is your the tom darling deal with it I wont be seeing you again. 

Offline KeenPunter

Don't think it's just Thai's that want discretion - Some English SP's want the same !  I've been called more than once by an SP who I've recommended to someone has lambasted me for doing so - My answer is your the tom darling deal with it I wont be seeing you again.

I actually found out about this forum from a regular who accused me of writing about her.  Suce then I've been told a few times about punters showing SPs reviews on their phones trying to convince them to do more.

Offline Hugger-Mugger

One that I reviewed subsequently lost her job, so I know where you're coming from, especially if they are fronting up as a legitimate massage place and also have female clients.
Hmmmf. I'm conflicted now. Hard to believe there are Thai Masseuses that offer extras without the management knowing. Local places have offered extras every time, so I have to assume the managers are in the know, or are even the ones doing the extras. One place I went to a couple of times, no extras offered, but hinted at. That's the only place I could envisage a firing. If I had extras there, should I review the lady and be the first to reveal extras on offer?

Slightly more concerned at mainstream Thai places with female customers and wives of punters who might not be clued up yet. The Mumsnet crowd? I recall one scathing facebook review of the local Royal Orchid by the ex girlfriend of a guy that had been getting his extras there.

Offline SexnLust17

I think its a difficult one this one because if people want to share extras from sp then it's up to them or yes they can pm the extras but 95% of sp do he we all know that

Offline JM73

I think it's about extras that you wouldn't normally expect from your traditional Thai masseuse.
Many don't want their extras reviewed/publicly advertised but are happy to provide them to loyal and trustworthy customers

I think its a difficult one this one because if people want to share extras from sp then it's up to them or yes they can pm the extras but 95% of sp do he we all know that

Online scutty brown

Some of you will be aware that I've been warning of this for some time.
Reviews DO sometimes cause girls to get sacked. Either because the management didn't know, or in some cases to take the blame when the planning authorities come sniffing. We've had cases in Preston, Blackpool and Lancaster.
We've also had planning authorities threaten to pull planning permission if they get evidence of sexual services taking place (i.e. reviews).
Another risk is to girls working from home - we recently had a girl stop working completely because of a review. She was easily identifiable and the review put her at risk.
Besides that if I ever revealed the "extras" I get from certain girls I would have broken their trust and the supply would soon dry up - as it would be obvious I was the leak
When you review a massage you really need to understand the girl's situation before you post anything. The risks to her can be high
« Last Edit: December 08, 2021, 08:21:09 pm by scutty brown »

Offline RogerHealey

I think it's about extras that you wouldn't normally expect from your traditional Thai masseuse.
Many don't want their extras reviewed/publicly advertised but are happy to provide them to loyal and trustworthy customers


Very true, people on here have before expressed concern about 'killing the golden goose'. As those who already benefit from additional services know, this does not happen overnight and tends to be gained over several visits and mutual trust. Don't fancy a leech or a chancer queering my pitch so sticking with 'over the counter' reviews only.

Online Doc Holliday

Any information shared privately should remain private.

Private is a misnomer. They are actually termed 'Personal Message' on UKP.

Never think the content won't be passed on. I learnt that many years ago. There can be huge amounts of information spread by PM, often by a fairly small hardcore of members who are prolific spreaders.

Offline GingerNuts

Besides that if I ever revealed the "extras" I get from certain girls I would have broken their trust and the supply would soon dry up - as it would be obvious I was the leak

It might narrow the field down but chances are you're not the only person receiving those extras.

Online scutty brown

It might narrow the field down but chances are you're not the only person receiving those extras.

In some cases you'd be be right, but definitely not in all

Offline GingerNuts

In some cases you'd be be right, but definitely not in all

No punter knows what an SP gets up to 24/7/365. If you know with such certainty you're the only one getting those extras it suggests a different kind of relationship. In those circumstances it's probably best you didn't post reviews anyway.

Online Sirhumphrey

I have played it both ways. I,ve been criticised on here for giving a frank account of a massage place where the girl offered FS and I have chosen not to reveal this for an SP where  FS was offered after many visits and where no additional payment was requested.

In the first case I was not the first to review and confirm FS and it happened on my first visit with the girl which implied to me it was ok to report as was likely on offer to others.

In the latter case I felt it unlikely the SP was doing it regularly with clients and it would be unfair to her and would give members here unrealistic expectations as well as potentially stopping it for me

Guess we just need to use our intuition

Offline Drayki

Private is a misnomer. They are actually termed 'Personal Message' on UKP.

Never think the content won't be passed on. I learnt that many years ago. There can be huge amounts of information spread by PM, often by a fairly small hardcore of members who are prolific spreaders.

+1 Well said Doc, can’t trust some members on here as I’ve recently found out and been outed by one cunt  :bomb:

Online sparkus

Some of you will be aware that I've been warning of this for some time.
Reviews DO sometimes cause girls to get sacked. Either because the management didn't know, or in some cases to take the blame when the planning authorities come sniffing. We've had cases in Preston, Blackpool and Lancaster.
We've also had planning authorities threaten to pull planning permission if they get evidence of sexual services taking place (i.e. reviews).
Another risk is to girls working from home - we recently had a girl stop working completely because of a review. She was easily identifiable and the review put her at risk.
Besides that if I ever revealed the "extras" I get from certain girls I would have broken their trust and the supply would soon dry up - as it would be obvious I was the leak
When you review a massage you really need to understand the girl's situation before you post anything. The risks to her can be high

Exactly this.  I've been on here long enough (and was a long time admirer of the work on here before that) to have built up quite a comprehensive picture of the real world ramifications of online chatter (I don't just mean reviews) and the impact it can have on SPs and even shops when it comes to the authorities.  To some extent obviously we need to review and TOFTT (guilty as charged) and even share intel on services provided to an extent, but there will be times when you just can't review or share intel and people really need to get over that.  There's a huge world of difference between leeches on here who provide fuck all and solid regular reviewers who might not share every scintilla of what goes on in the massage room or how much it cost.  One reason for that is that it could easily identify us in an environment with pervasive CCTV, telephone records and among a group of women who chat about everything on whatsapp.

What absolutely boils my piss is people on here asking for cost breakdowns or even dates/times of visit (which instantly marks you as somehow involved in mine and others' books).  I'm also generally quite fair minded and generous to a point with PM requests but queries about a particular SP and their absolute boundaries or pushing me to visit one will arouse suspicion...

Offline LLPunting


Many of them will ask you not to review them to ensure anonymity, keeping their jobs etc and thus you could be rewarded with a better service.

I can't recall the last time a masseuse mentioned any review site let alone told me not to review.  Is massage culture so different in the North West?
I don't understand how you get into such a discussion out of the blue even after seeing a masseuse several times for no extras, unless you yourself are indiscrete in talking about sex services or paying for such.   :unknown:

I don't talk to any masseuse about previous pay-for-sex exploits or about how girls at other parlours offer extras, I'm either in a place that I know provides extras or I'm in a place that supposedly doesn't and in both cases I let the lady make the offer.  Even with regulars I don't talk about anywhere or anyone else I might seek services from, I don't discuss the details of services that other girls in the same establishment have provided unless it's clear that the girl I'm talking to already knows full well what's being offered by others there and she knows I've met them.

When you talk about discretion and then offer to swap UTC offerings with faceless strangers on this site, I don't understand your logic, unless you're actually saying you'd only share with known contributors of some merit who you "know" to also be discrete, however you'd determine that.  For instance I wouldn't consider myself to be discrete because I review SPs and will state if b2b with a girl at a TCM/TMP also included RO or kissing or fingering, even if I caveat that with a YMMV label.  But given the increasing incidences of UKPers waving reviews at SPs like they're some secret society entitlement badge I won't be broadcasting if further free mileage is possible nor via DM exchange with some meritless beggar.

Also, how can you talk of discretion when you boldly state you know more than 2 girls offering more or substantially more for a demanded price or offered tip, knowing that you will be DM'd for the details.   :dash:

You either review and be damned, keep schtumm or you choose your "friends" VERY wisely, though if you're only going to loiter here and swap preciouses via DM then why be allowed here at all?   :dash:

Online myothernameis

A escort who went to school with me, and before she became a escort, worked in a beauty shop

During massages, she was getting asked to perform happy ending, and she wasn't to happy about this, and refused.  The owners of the shop were aware of this, and all the girls were warned, if found out, they would be fired

The girl in question, on occasions would give one or two clients a happy ending, but then very soon these clients asked for more, and offered more money.   One of the other girls got found out, when she was giving him a happy ending, the manager decided to check in, and found her doing this, so fired on the spot

The girl i went to school soon realized she could make money from this, and handed in her notice, and began to work as an escort.  She made enough money and a few years later, opened her own beauty parlor, and took a different approach to the happy endings.

The beauticians were told, its up to them, if a client requests a happy ending, and if they go ahead with this

Online myothernameis

Any information shared privately should remain private.

I suppose one problem with private messages, the person who sends them to the other person, what is this persons intention

Who is the person that received the private message, are they a journalist looking for a story

There was a place in Glasgow called Be-Healthy, which eventually got the attention of the Daily record, and soon was closed

If you search Be Healthy, some of the threads will come up

Offline datwabbit

I'm amazed a mod hasn't been on yet to say that withholding information is against the ethos of the site.

As for PM's, nothing stays private for long.

Offline spiralnotebook

Generally if advertising as extra services I will review, if SP already has reports and no complaints about them I will leave a review. If advertising as legitimate I will report as a legitimate massage only or not at all. I’ve come across a few girls (literally  :D) who had tremendous problems from being outed.
« Last Edit: December 11, 2021, 08:55:00 am by spiralnotebook »

Online sparkus

I'm amazed a mod hasn't been on yet to say that withholding information is against the ethos of the site.

As for PM's, nothing stays private for long.

Are you saying we have to share everything or else we're in violation of the rules? That we can't omit things likely to out us or affect future visits? So that all members (even the ones who don't contribute themselves) can benefit and gain some kind of imaginary massage table leverage?

If I visit the same SP twice I sometimes review after the second meet and write the review as a single meet when in fact it's a composite of the two, to not identify me.  If that's in violation of the rules then slap the cuffs on me now and march me off to the banned step.

Offline catweazle

The first paragraph of the OP sums it up neatly. With many masseuses,  familiarity and an often expensively built rapport leads to increased levels of service.  I once nurtured a Thai masseuse from HJ to FS. I am fairly  confident that FS was not routinely  on offer.  I did not mention it in a review, as, sure as eggs is eggs, some randy chancer would steam in demanding a shag "as I've read on the Internet you do it ".
« Last Edit: December 11, 2021, 11:59:42 am by catweazle »

Offline datwabbit

Are you saying we have to share everything or else we're in violation of the rules? That we can't omit things likely to out us or affect future visits? So that all members (even the ones who don't contribute themselves) can benefit and gain some kind of imaginary massage table leverage?
No I'm saying using our discretion doesn't need to be discussed on a forum. If you keep things to yourself, nobody will be bothered unless you're witholding negative information like dodgy sp.

Offline 90125

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I'm amazed a mod hasn't been on yet to say that withholding information is against the ethos of the site.

As for PM's, nothing stays private for long.

We would have to close the Message facility to enforce that.

Online sparkus

No I'm saying using our discretion doesn't need to be discussed on a forum. If you keep things to yourself, nobody will be bothered unless you're witholding negative information like dodgy sp.

Fair enough, I mean I generally always come straight on here and dish the dirt against anyone below par, never mind dodgy.
I think once or twice I've not because it was cases where I was known too well by management of a place and my comments would be obviously me, but again this was just below par service rather than putting anyone at risk.

The offline concerns aren't just bother with the authorities, as I've mentioned before some SPs have faced quite aggressive punters who've taken it upon themselves to be the 'first' to get FS from them and suchlike.  The other is manageresses are aware that reputation for HE of a shop can deter lucrative legit trade - I once googled a shop and found a load of Mumsnet types on a local community forum discussing if the shop was 'dodgy' or not (as one had post-pregnancy issues that necessitated massage), one 'customer' came on and said he was offered a HE and told to leave when he declined it :D - probably a sockpuppet comment by a rival shop trying to discredit.

Offline Slow grinder

My reviews only contain information that either confirm or deny their (sp's) 'Likes /Dislikes list, VFM, would I return,approx address and MY opinion of the event,place and service.... If I received preferential services,that is between the SP and myself.... Occasionally I may recount a story/event that happened during a punt that could 'Out' me, but that is MY risk.... If the event was a negative one e.g ripped off,safety,unhygeinic and I felt you guys needed to know I would/will definitely record the event on here..i.e. "Publish and be damned" quote.

Online scutty brown

My reviews only contain information that either confirm or deny their (sp's) 'Likes /Dislikes list, VFM, would I return,approx address and MY opinion of the event,place and service.... If I received preferential services,that is between the SP and myself.... Occasionally I may recount a story/event that happened during a punt that could 'Out' me, but that is MY risk.... If the event was a negative one e.g ripped off,safety,unhygeinic and I felt you guys needed to know I would/will definitely record the event on here..i.e. "Publish and be damned" quote.

the massage sections of Vivastreet and Gumtree don't have  likes lists

Offline Slow grinder

Many, as you know, operate from the Viva Escort and Massage heading list..and as you know that page does.

Online Marmalade

The 'anonymity' of massagists offering extras or escorts offering unlisted services to some or most clients is overhyped.

If a punter demands unlisted services, that's bang out of order. So it's no problem saying what you personally got rather than saying "she offers".

I don't know anyone that has gone to a certain dodgy massage joint and been refused extras, usually with the same bleating about keeping it quiet though they've done it for years. It's a sad fact that all sex providers are subject to harassment by the authorities. We don't reveal explicit addresses except where those are public anyway. If you want to get several bangs with a new one before the hordes rush in, you can always leave the review a couple of weeks (and maybe PM a trusted member who shares until then) but after a couple of weeks she will no longer be new but well and truly part of her game. If you said nothing be sure that somebody else will have. That's largely what she relies on for business anyway.

This forum is built is sharing.

Offline hullad

It's a whole world of difference if a provider comes across with extra services not advertised and reporting on it. I don't do a lot of massage parlours, there ok but a little confining with time and Service for me.

 I have had a few regular girls and I do enjoy certain privileges, benefits shall we say. One I had a special  price £60 for an hour that was 18 months the last time. I never filed a report on her on here, not keeping it secret but I got it cheaper and I got special services like OWO which she did not advertise. She retired last August I miss our time together and we keep in touch, been round for a coffee and nothing else.

 I see a regular now and I have a few benefits, I did mention something on here about that a while back. A punter rang her and asked about it for him, that bit of stupidity on my part could have destroyed the relationship I had with her. Fortunately she read it and understood, I don't do reports on her now because IMHO it would be repeating myself. I chose not to do reports on her long before that incident, my advice would be  make a report if you wish.
« Last Edit: December 12, 2021, 03:09:35 pm by hullad »

Online Marmalade

my advice would be  make a report if you wish.

Isn't it more pay-your-way? There's no expectation to report every punt: there's an expectation to give back (in the form of reviews) some of the benefits received from membership.

Offline 90125

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Isn't it more pay-your-way? There's no expectation to report every punt: there's an expectation to give back (in the form of reviews) some of the benefits received from membership.

Correct. Anyone posting no reviews has no place here. Doesn’t matter if you’re seeing escorts, masseuse’s or SB’s from

Give back or don’t log on.