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Author Topic: A bit pissed off to say the least  (Read 1212 times)

Offline Le chef

I don’t punt often and my last one was over two years ago now. Circumstances are that I’m disabled and a low wage earner so gathering funds when SWMBO keeps a tight purse string is difficult, but manage to hide a few shillings here and there. Due to my disability I’m watched like a hawk and kept tabs on you know like a young teenager, “ where you going, how long are you going to be, whose with you” etc etc. Now I know there looking out for me and I appreciate that, and SWMBO is a diamond but not in the bed, hence the punting. Now this two year itch has become a big scratch and had an ideal opportunity for a home visit but my lady of choice was away, a few others read my mail and didn’t bother to answer so my next choice is to go out for an incall, had an opportunity in the diff/bay but sadly turned this down with a well reviewed girl as a Swansea call with another well reviewed girl was easier to get to and booking made on AW. Gave my likes and preferences the night before all hunkydoory and asked to call in the morning to confirm.
Two hours before KO I get a text sorry can’t make it today, I know things crop up that can’t be helped but it’s sooo frustrating, anyway enough of my rant I’m £180 better off, spent some on a few beers, a bottle of spiced rum, found a bottle of baby oil in the cupboard, some porn on the web and an oily hand shandy it is :rolleyes:let’s see if I can spunk over my own tits :D

Offline Razor Boy

It’s difficult for most of us to get hidden punting time mate so in your circumstances it must be neigh on impossible, so kudos to you for sticking in there and giving it your all  :hi:
I got blown out last minute on Saturday and it is frustrating in more ways than one when you have to make plans so far ahead of time. Like you I have my punting pounds saved for another time. I like to think that these things happen for a reason when you get cancelled last minute.
Part of the fun is in the planning though, but once in a while it’s good to see it all through isn’t it  :drinks: :yahoo:

Keep on keeping on fella and best of luck with the next opportunity  :thumbsup:
« Last Edit: August 02, 2021, 11:25:12 pm by Razor Boy »

Offline Proton

 I apricate all your frustration and let-downs after such a long time due to bloody Covid :dash: As always we all have different various options, being POSITIVE it will happen and possible planning ahead as Razor said. GOOD-LUCK :drinks:

Offline Lickster42

Similar issues recently,  why do these SP's agree to a meeting and then pull out even when their green light is on!!

Offline crfc

Why don't you try a local Thai/Chinese massage shop, most provide at least a HJ, sometimes more, esp if you areva regular if reviews on here are anything to go by (Nut excluded eek) and they at least are open and staffed at given hours!

Offline Le chef

Why don't you try a local Thai/Chinese massage shop, most provide at least a HJ, sometimes more, esp if you areva regular if reviews on here are anything to go by (Nut excluded eek) and they at least are open and staffed at given hours!

I have looked at a few, might be a road I venture in the near future