Sugar Baby?

Author Topic: WG get rich?  (Read 7045 times)

Offline Pleasureseeker

i often wondered......These working girls earn good money, and should have a good bank account. But do they get rich or why aren't they rich?, i got friendly with a sp and she told me she can earn £1500 a day and she wasn't that attractive.
« Last Edit: July 06, 2021, 02:09:16 pm by Pleasureseeker »
Banned reason: Banned HoveA83 - multiple accounts
Banned by: Kev40ish

Offline intheshadow

Most of these girls have a family and are supporting them and it takes a certain type to do this job, they must get some real idiots as customers so good luck to them, as for being rich I guess you'll never know.
Banned reason: Banned HoveA83 - multiple accounts
Banned by: Kev40ish

Offline NickyBobby

They have the potential to be retired early with passive income if they run it as a business not a hobby. Unfortunately that does mean having a paper trail of their income and paying taxes if they want to invest in a property or shares portfolio for the long term

Offline oddson1970

l'm guessing she is gilding the lily when she says she earns £1500 per day.For talking sake,if she charged £150 per hr she would need 10 punters a day to earn what she says.Even if she only allows 15 mins between bookings ,thats a 12 hr day.....blowing a bit of smoke up your ass IMO

Offline SeriousLee

Some do and some don't. Apart from the extremely popular ones, I don't think they see a set amount of people each week and add in the fact time wasters and no-shows, the amount they make weekly or monthly may vary quite considerably.

Unrelated but I think there was a statistic that one in 4 or 5 footballers go bankrupt so it wouldn't surprise me if not a lot of WGs end up what some would consider rich.

Offline Arch

A few SP I get to know does take advantage of the quick cash from this business, and invested wisely. One in particular bought a nice flat back in her home country using her income earned over the last few years here, and is now working on a plan to move back home once her bank account balance hits her set target. She is thinking of getting trained as a pharmacist back home, so her future looks bright.

I also know a few sad stories - one SP I know was an orphan when she grew up, was abused and homeless as a child, and when she first arrived in the UK to work in this business the money poured in fast and furious (she is a very sexy RO girl). Having earned a lot of easy money for the first time in her life, she splurged it all on fancy rentals (she was doing incalls in a £2500 a month flat many years ago), expensive clothes and handbags, and was not wise enough to save her pennies. She eventually got into an ill fated relationship, after they broke up she was unable to get herself a steady day job, and was not smart enough to re-establish herself as a popular escort. Eventually she hit bottom, had a mental breakdown and has been in and out of hospitals for the last 2 years. Really sad story.

So to sum up, just like the rest of us, it totally depends on the individual and how well they manage their finances.

Offline HoveA83

Some do and some don't. Apart from the extremely popular ones, I don't think they see a set amount of people each week and add in the fact time wasters and no-shows, the amount they make weekly or monthly may vary quite considerably.

Unrelated but I think there was a statistic that one in 4 or 5 footballers go bankrupt so it wouldn't surprise me if not a lot of WGs end up what some would consider rich.

Totally agree, one week busy, next could have nothing.  A lot of these girls are from poor backgrounds and have no idea how to manage money.
« Last Edit: July 06, 2021, 02:48:39 pm by HoveA83 »
Banned reason: Troll, fantasist - take your pick
Banned by: Kev40ish

Offline Stevelondon

I've always been of the opinion that being an SP is not all that easy.
What is easy is for a lot of us to think it is.
I have heard all the stories,
"Fuck me, they earn £150 an hour they must be coining it in"

I suspect some do and I suspect that some also manage the business side of things a hell of a lot better than others.

A mistress pal of mine started off in the adult modelling game years back before getting involved in the dom side of things. She is bright and it was always going to be about securing her future. She has.
Nice detached house and the mortage is being payed off quicker than most.

Its only when you get to my age (old) you realise that sorting your finaces out sooner than later was always going to be the best policy.
Good on them SP's who manage it. Feel sorry for the ones who get it wrong......then again. We all make our choices and decisions in life.
Wel.....most of us do.

Offline teddyking

Many SPs who I spoke to earn fast money and they end up spending it very fast.
One SP told me to she spent £2500 to clean her teeth and after she showed her teeth, they looked the sAme

I know many SPs that rent a working flat for £2000 a month in the centre of town and with that, know they’re stupid or financially stupid with how to invest and use money. I mean for a working flat.. she could have rent a cheaper central flat for half the price only half a mile away
Banned reason: Sarcastic twat of a troll
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Offline StingRay

Designer bags and shoes are expensive!  :hi:

Offline Tun210


I believe even a normal one(without flying reviews) earns a minimum of 500 per day and if she works 5 days that's 2500 and 10k per month, which is not bad and mind you not all of them pay taxes.
I have come across some WG's in this country (most of my punting has been outside) couple of them have done very well, bought houses rented them out but there are some with no money management skills and easily end up hooked on to drinking, drugs or even high end shopping without saving for later years.

I guess they are human too, like all of us some with good money management skills and some ending on spending overdraft for the last week of the month.

Offline Ben1983

Can’t talk for all of them, but over the years I’ve met a few girls who have recently finished Uni.

During a chat between rounds, one in particular mentioned how she’s using this to pay off her Uni debt quickly and save for a deposit.

This was a few years ago now, and I’ve not seen her pop up anywhere, so looks like she stuck to her plan.

Also, I imagine those who retire early may always have this as a “fallback option”

Say they wanted to go on an expensive Holiday.
Would they do 100 hours overtime at their “real” job, or do 10 one hour bookings?
Depending on where they are in life, they may opt for the latter.

Offline george r

they can/could  ? but some spend it on designer gear some on Columbian marching powder , some spend as soon as they earn it..hopefully some pay their mortgage off asap..who knows ?

Offline MysteryManNo.7

Obviously it depends on the individual and a sensible WG will put aside a portion of her earnings per month as either savings for the future or investment but I have heard stories of girls who earn money fast and spend it just as fast.

A common problem seems to be they get into the business usually to pay off some sort of debt when they're young, usually student debt, end up paying it off very quickly and end up making more money than they've ever dreamed of. This then leads to them enjoying a certain kind of lifestyle that comes with the massive earnings and they effectively become locked into escorting as they cannot sustain their lifestyle outside of it.

Not saying that happens to all girls but I have heard of girls owing large amounts of money each month in repayments for a car/nice house which they can afford as their earnings as a WG are very high but the second they decide they want to leave the industry, they can't due to the large repayments needing to be made and if business for them drops off whether that's due to something like a global pandemic or her just aging and becoming less attractive to clients she's in real trouble.   

Offline Stevelondon

Obviously it depends on the individual and a sensible WG will put aside a portion of her earnings per month as either savings for the future or investment but I have heard stories of girls who earn money fast and spend it just as fast.

A common problem seems to be they get into the business usually to pay off some sort of debt when they're young, usually student debt, end up paying it off very quickly and end up making more money than they've ever dreamed of. This then leads to them enjoying a certain kind of lifestyle that comes with the massive earnings and they effectively become locked into escorting as they cannot sustain their lifestyle outside of it.

Not saying that happens to all girls but I have heard of girls owing large amounts of money each month in repayments for a car/nice house which they can afford as their earnings as a WG are very high but the second they decide they want to leave the industry, they can't due to the large repayments needing to be made and if business for them drops off whether that's due to something like a global pandemic or her just aging and becoming less attractive to clients she's in real trouble.   

I never actually thought of that and good point. SP's age and so the business model must change or die altogether.
Lets face it. You can be a good plumber at 25 and earn a good living and still do exactly the same when your 55, health willing.
Bit different for a SP.

Lets face it. We are chatting about SP's because this is a punting forum but the arguments are the same for all of us.
One of my mates has earned good money all his working life and yet he does'nt have a pot to piss in and will still be working until they nail the lid shut.
We are all different

Online B4bcock

For many escorts, their income is not related to how busy they are, or how much they charge, but is solely down to how much Sergei lets them have.

Offline Payyourwaymate

How much does she make after expenses and taxes if she pays them?

How much does she put in her pension? Because WGs do not have employers paying money into a work pension.

How does she financially plan for taking days off or sick days? There is no hoilday pay or sick pay.

What lifestyle inflation has she had to deal with relating to the income she has coming in?

Does she have "management" who takes a cut?

Does she have vices or addictions that take the funds away?

Is every day or week how she is making you to believe it is?

How long can a WG earn such amounts, what is their work lifespan? 5 years? 10 years? Have you come across a consistent WG that has worked for more than 10 years?

I am talking about the environment now, so before anyone brings up past WGs from 20 years ago that safely made it's irrelevant. It's like talking about how you could get a job back in the day walking into the office or store and give the manager a firm handshake and your CV.

I think it's possible for a WG that draws up a business plan, gives good service, markets themself well and implents good money management properly without burning out, falling to various pitfalls or bad luck to earn well for a decent period of time but not rich. Not high 6 figures to 7 figures, not in this environment. I reckon max is strong savings and a mortgage or house paid off. They would have to find a rich client and get them to splash serious £££££ and somehow manage to keep the funds to have a chance at becoming rich.

Offline JayEZ2K

I don't think they get "rich", but they are able to get a relatively huge economic boost, helping them from poverty/lower class into the middle class. I know of many who work short stints (6 months-2 years) and earn enough to buy a home in their country, or at least make a large down payment. As mentioned, many are supporting family.

I know of some others that move upwards a bit further, while probably still in the middle class. For example, I know a Romanian in her early-mid 20s who already owns a couple properties in her home country. She'll retire while still in her 20s with her own property to live in and an additional rental property for income. I know of one from east Asia who owns her own home and also owns a small business in her home town.

Some can get rich though. There was an old story of a Victorian era SP who worked independently, saved her money and then retired from sex work to start a successful business along southbank. It was in one of the books about Victorian era London, and was an example of a woman's right to choose sex work.

Some SPs don't seem to care about saving, and instead use the money to live a higher quality of life, traveling, fine dining, designer handbags, etc.

Then there are many SPs who don't make much money, only getting 1-2 bookings per day. They end up earning probably a decent worker's salary-sized income performing half-arsed work 1-2 hours per day.

Offline pantywetter

I have gotten to know a few over the years and they are always skint despite earning good money. 

Occasionally one gets their heads down and sacks away the cash, but many live month to month.

If a girl gives a good service, is professional and doesn’t waste their money, many could be in a very good financial position by mid 30s.

Offline golden bull

Define “rich”. Some are happy to buy a house back home. Used to see a couple of polish sps and they were young and earned enough to buy a house back home and start a business. Wasn’t millions but over a hundred grand over the few years they were here.
Probably got a nice life with a couple of kids back home now.

Meanwhile some wealthy people can never have enough.

« Last Edit: July 06, 2021, 07:29:34 pm by golden bull »

Offline Dopedj

i often wondered......These working girls earn good money, and should have a good bank account. But do they get rich or why aren't they rich?, i got friendly with a sp and she told me she can earn £1500 a day and she wasn't that attractive.
£1500 per day ?! Very few escorts even make half of that per day. Well..
Judging by all the stories that I read on saafe, most of them endure endless timewasters and potential dangerous punters and have good and bad days of earning good money.
Most quit of them after endless days of not being busy and having bad days.

Offline WelshClipper

Its all over the place. Largely dependent on how many the wg is supporting, kids, parents, etc.

Also the wgs who save for “retirement” and those that live for the day. Some profiles openly admit they are back for a while to top up the coffers. Others affected by furlough and literally doing this until recalled.

I have met several who invest in property and are now landlords in civvie life. Remember darling sophie in Notts.

Not much different to civvie life: rich estate agents, others barely making ends meet. With apologies to any agents out there.

Offline MysteryManNo.7

I think as punters it's easy to make the mistake of thinking that being a WG is some sort of 'get rich quick' scheme for them but in reality it's not. Sure I imagine some of them will come out of it a lot wealthier and better off than they went into it but I think a lot are chewed up and spat out by the industry largely due to them living in the moment, not investing or saving the money they make wisely or just getting plain burned out.

I would imagine most women don't plan to be a WG their entire lives, many seem to get into it young to pay off student debts etc but end up sucked in after they experience how much money they can make and then may find it difficult to extricate themselves after they become attached to a certain high cost lifestyle. It also seems pretty random how much money they can make as well. A good looking young woman in her prime who provides a good service should in theory do much better than a jaded woman in her 40s who's been at the game too long.

It's just guesswork but I would estimate a WG who is sensible with her savings, pays her taxes, prices herself sensibly, is attractive, provides a good service and leaves the industry after say 5 years should be able to walk away with several hundred grand in their account. 

Another factor is if she decides to quit the industry permanently, is she going to be able to afford to live the rest of her life on what she has earned or does she have another 'normal' job as well that she can support herself with or did she focus entirely on being a WG? In the case of the latter I feel she risks trapping herself in an industry that she may one day understandably decide she's tired of yet can't walk away from as she's financially trapped within it.

Anyway, it's a very interesting question and one that has no definite answer. It will be different for every WG; some will end up benefitting enormously from the work others will end up potentially financially trapped or ruined by it from living in the moment.

Offline victor989

she told me she can earn £1500 a day and she wasn't that attractive.

£1500 a day ! What nonsense.

Offline JPin

I had a great post-pop chat with one of my regulars a few months ago and she revealed that she's purchased SIX properties back in her home country since she started escorting. All of them rented out. That came up because she was talking about how hard it is to stop escorting because, once you're locked in, it's difficult to go and work in the so-called "real world". Relatively easy money, you can choose your own hours etc etc... Obviously, demoralising in its own way but if you can stay focused I guess it can be quite lucrative.

I mean, how many of us on here can earn £100 - 250 an HOUR?? Even just making a couple of hundred a day soon amounts to a lot by the end of the month.

But, as has been said, it's investing that cash into longer term, passive income streams where it really counts.

Online willie loman

£1500 a day ! What nonsense.

agree, most would be more than happy with that a week.

Offline MysteryManNo.7

I had a great post-pop chat with one of my regulars a few months ago and she revealed that she's purchased SIX properties back in her home country since she started escorting. All of them rented out. That came up because she was talking about how hard it is to stop escorting because, once you're locked in, it's difficult to go and work in the so-called "real world". Relatively easy money, you can choose your own hours etc etc... Obviously, demoralising in its own way but if you can stay focused I guess it can be quite lucrative.

I mean, how many of us on here can earn £100 - 250 an HOUR?? Even just making a couple of hundred a day soon amounts to a lot by the end of the month.

But, as has been said, it's investing that cash into longer term, passive income streams where it really counts.

I remember speaking with Laura at HOD when I saw her a few years ago and this was at a time when a lot of girls had suddenly quit HOD. I mentioned how many girls had left recently. She laughed and Said something to the effect of: 'many of them will be back before long once they realise how long it takes and how hard it is to earn the kind of money they can earn in even 1 day of working here'. She was right as well.

Offline southcoastpunter

£1500 a day ! What nonsense.

well at £150 per hour thats 10 in a day, oh but hang on a minute, reviews on here suggest that most guys don't have an hour - ok so thats 20 in a day. wait - some guys only do 15 minutes ? ok make it say 30 guys in a day!!

yeh right!! As you say - what nonsense.

Offline Subboy1980

An old reg of mine many moons ago told me it really depends. She told me some weeks she could earn £1500 and then other weeks barely £500.  She advised its not a steady guaranteed income.  Lots of time wasters, cancelled jobs by clients at short notice.  Then its the danger of having a nasty client, poor hygiene standards.  She told me it's good regular clients that kept her ticking by.

She advised other problems is can't get a mortgage as can't prove income, can't say working as a whore to a bank will just reject.  She certainly made it clear to me its not as good as you may think.  Then she told me all the lies she has to tell her family/friends for the stigma of being a whore.

But then again she could have just been telling me a load of lies and will never know :rolleyes:.  Maybe one of the  wgs on here may let us know..
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Online daviemac

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An old reg of mine many moons ago told me it really depends. She told me some weeks she could earn £1500 and then other weeks barely £500.  She advised its not a steady guaranteed income.  Lots of time wasters, cancelled jobs by clients at short notice.  Then its the danger of having a nasty client, poor hygiene standards.  She told me it's good regular clients that kept her ticking by.

She advised other problems is can't get a mortgage as can't prove income, can't say working as a whore to a bank will just reject.  She certainly made it clear to me its not as good as you may think.  Then she told me all the lies she has to tell her family/friends for the stigma of being a whore.

But then again she could have just been telling me a load of lies and will never know :rolleyes:.  Maybe one of the  wgs on here may let us know..
If she was registered with HMRC and paid tax instead of fiddling, she would be able to prove her income from her tax returns. BTW prostitute is a legitimate occupation as far as HMRC are concerned, though there are various other job titles she could give herself.

Offline Yankee41

I know one popular WG is pulling in over £200k a year in central london.  Anything is possible if your good at what you do.

Online Colston36

I know one popular WG is pulling in over £200k a year in central london.  Anything is possible if your good at what you do.

The Pareto principle applies here as elsewhere: a very small percentage make a very great percentage of the money in any kind of business. But having lived with a lady of the night and knowing a few others very well for quite a few years I think this game is unusually demanding. Yes, you can make a lot when young, if hard working, but you're subject to a lot of uncertainty and temptation. And unless you specialise in say domination, after the youthful years it's almost down to the luck of the draw. I only know two who have really done well. One snaffled a besotted millionaire; another has been very smart with her property investments.

Offline Corus Boy

I remember a conversation with the 'Uncle' at a Chinese shop in Cardiff, many years back, when he said,

"We have a £3000 girl next week!"

He was referring to how much she would bring in, her cut, house cut and her 'extras' that she kept.

His way of saying that there is a good girl coming next week!


Just working 3 days for max 4 hours a day @150 pH is 1800 a week thats 11 years to earn £1million, but most will work longer hours than that and still piss it all down the drain. I've seen girls you just know don't have a future plan and others that really have there head screwed on, pay tax and have savings and even a legitimate buisness from this. But I'd say the majority like onlyfans girls don't realise this won't last forever.

Offline Jayne_cobb

I’ve got a regular I’ve been seeing for 10 or so years, she doesn’t appear to be rich, shes in her early 30s now but has cut back on the escorting and doesn’t do it as much as she did when younger - which is probably a wise way to cut down on the burn out. I’m sure a young fit hottie can cane in the cash but there will be physical and mental consequences from it.
It’s not sustainable for most girls. The punter myth about wgs rolling in cash i think only refers to a very small percentage of wgs.
Many moons ago I saw a fairly popular Polish girl whose plan was to earn enough to buy a house back home. She had to retire due to a stalker after a few years working here and is now doing a normal job scraping by like everyone else. I expect that’s what happens to most apart for the lucky few.

Offline Arch

My experience over the years suggest that about 50% of SP's I have known have no long term financial plans, and for one reason or another their money goes as fast as they earn it.

Another 30 - 40% are doing it as a part time gig i.e. they have a regular day job, and the escorting is for extra cash but also for fun.

Only around 10% or so would talk about long term plans and saving their money for the future.

I also know a handful of SP's in the first category who suffers from mental issues, For some it's a way for them to make money when they couldn't handle a regular day job, especially if they are attractive. And of course I also a few who enjoys snorting away their earnings.

Offline Webby581

I think it might be informative and interesting to get the input from 1 or 2 of the SPs that are on here.

Offline Ali Katt

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Nobody has said it yet, but it's not my business. I know it's frustrating if shit escorts are ripping people off and not paying tax or sending money back to Poland or wherever, but it's not my concern how they spend their money. The same as I don't expect to be asked about family or how I make I give escorts the same courtesy.

Tbh some people are good at saving others aren't, I expect it's probably a DNA thing.

Offline lillythesavage

A search for a trip into town revealed this,

External Link/Members Only or External Link/Members Only

Did someone say something about working until the lid is screwed down :D

Offline Ali Katt

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I believe even a normal one(without flying reviews) earns a minimum of 500 per day and if she works 5 days that's 2500 and 10k per month, which is not bad and mind you not all of them pay taxes.
I have come across some WG's in this country (most of my punting has been outside) couple of them have done very well, bought houses rented them out but there are some with no money management skills and easily end up hooked on to drinking, drugs or even high end shopping without saving for later years.

I guess they are human too, like all of us some with good money management skills and some ending on spending overdraft for the last week of the month.
10k per month sounds like bollox. I doubt even Belle du Jour earned that. More to point most don't work everyday and prior to lockdown I doubt some even work once a month. Usually a lot of girls are popular if they are new or established with good reviews, but even then 10k a month is a fantasy. £500 a day what are we talking one £500 booking, 3 bookings at £150, 5 at £100? I know some especially parlour girls or EE will be back to back, most don't see more than 3 a day.

Offline lillythesavage

Nobody has said it yet, but it's not my business. I know it's frustrating if shit escorts are ripping people off and not paying tax or sending money back to Poland or wherever, but it's not my concern how they spend their money. The same as I don't expect to be asked about family or how I make I give escorts the same courtesy.

Tbh some people are good at saving others aren't, I expect it's probably a DNA thing.

2 different subjects in your sentence, rip off escorts are one thing, those using a system that allows them to make money and do whatever they want with it is another.

You cannot blame anyone for trying to better their life from anywhere in the world and if our lacking systems allow it then people will use and some will abuse it.

Offline Ali Katt

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A search for a trip into town revealed this,

External Link/Members Only or External Link/Members Only

Did someone say something about working until the lid is screwed down :D
If she is 72 she looks amazing for her age, I've met women in their 50s who look worse.

Offline Ali Katt

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2 different subjects in your sentence, rip off escorts are one thing, those using a system that allows them to make money and do whatever they want with it is another.

You cannot blame anyone for trying to better their life from anywhere in the world and if our lacking systems allow it then people will use and some will abuse it.
You are right. I'm not knocking it. There is always this resentment I have heard before, mainly on other sites that it's unfair an escort can earn more than say a doctor in theory.

I never talk about how much an escort makes or how many people she sees in a day. Funnily enough it never comes up in person.

Offline alpharius

Depends entirely on how they conduct themselves, how they use their money, side hustles etc. Agency girls are lucky to see more than half the asked for rate, pimped girls can only dream of that. There's costs: if they aren't stupid, they have their taxes, their working pad, beauty treatments, outfits etc. Getting income streams from social media, videos, sugar daddies, rental home seems to help a lot and let's them retire or semi retire early

Having now personally known a few SWs, they can also go through dry spells: bad luck, change in local market, or just a voluntary break to recharge. Very few are fucking several guys a day, 5-6 days a week, every week, certainly not for very long. Others just like dipping in and out, or being part time around civvie jobs

Offline lillythesavage

You are right. I'm not knocking it. There is always this resentment I have heard before, mainly on other sites that it's unfair an escort can earn more than say a doctor in theory.

I never talk about how much an escort makes or how many people she sees in a day. Funnily enough it never comes up in person.

I cannot understand the concern or threads like this, it is of no concern to anyone what an SP does with her body and money, tax evasion by multi millionaires who say they love their country and can afford to pay it is more annoying and another subject.

You pay, have a good or bad time, and the money is gone and should be forgotten, if it is not maybe save or spend it elsewhere :D

Online Colston36

I cannot understand the concern or threads like this, it is of no concern to anyone what an SP does with her body and money, tax evasion by multi millionaires who say they love their country and can afford to pay it is more annoying and another subject.

You pay, have a good or bad time, and the money is gone and should be forgotten, if it is not maybe save or spend it elsewhere :D

It may be of no concern, but otherwise this thread would not have so many responses. Interestingly there is a great deal of research showing  curiosity is a sign of intelligence and leads to success.

Offline Subboy1980

Yeah it's not as good as we think it is.
Banned reason: Your fucked now mate I really cant take any more of your shit
Banned by: Head1

Offline intheshadow

I knew a 40 year old sp not bad looking, she had nothing and just sending money home to her family.   She was hoping on meeting a ‘rich man’. 
« Last Edit: July 07, 2021, 12:38:56 pm by intheshadow »
Banned reason: Banned HoveA83 - multiple accounts
Banned by: Kev40ish

Offline Mothball15

What about masseurs in soho/etc?

If they charge:
£40 hr
And get their share of the official price of £40ph then they can take up to £900per day circa £4500pw cash in hand.

Offline Ali Katt

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What about masseurs in soho/etc?

If they charge:
£40 hr
And get their share of the official price of £40ph then they can take up to £900per day circa £4500pw cash in hand.
Probably £15 or half is going to the house. So you think they are seeing over 22 clients a day? Dream on.