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Author Topic: Sexy_Lexxii South Shields  (Read 2403 times)

2 review(s) for this service provider (AdultWork - 5750126) (1 positive, 0 neutral, 1 negative) [Indexed by Goldfinch]

Offline Fitgeordie

Location- South Shields
Price -£60
Duration -30 mins

This meet took place last Friday as my opening fun to the bank holiday weekend. Usually punt in Newcastle but as the weather was decent I fancied a day out at the coast. I wasn’t expecting much to be available at the coast as I never notice many profiles on AW available there. I had a look anyhow and Lexxii profile caught my eye mainly due to them big tits and my weakness for a Milf! Sent a text off on the morning and was booked in for mid afternoon.

I jumped on the metro to South Shields then killed a bit of time having a walk by the sea front. Set off on the walk to Lexxii half hour before the agreed time as she is about a 15min walk from South Shields near Chichester metro area. I got a call off Lexxii as I was nearing her street and she talked me to her door which was handy otherwise I might have struggled to find it for a while as I don’t know the area. So comms spot on.

Knocked on the door and it was answered in seconds, up some steep stairs me leading the way then into the bedroom and handed her the money. Her body is accurate to her profile photos, size 14/16 and amazing big 42d tits busty blonde  :yahoo:. I would say late 30s is accurate early 40s at most. Onto the bed and she got her bangers out for me to have a good suck on, then when I was hard on with a condom and a cracking blowjob with a lot of suction, was a new technique to me but I was enjoying it! Then on top into mish then finished wanking into them big tits. Cleaned up and usual chat then was down and back out into the  Friday sun.

Would definitely see again whenever I’m at the coast area and would recommend for them tits and BJ alone as well as there been slim pickings escort wise out at the coast  :hi:

External Link/Members Only

Offline Tiger63

Did you check her likes before you booked?

Offline Fitgeordie

No I never do as most seem to just put loads of things on there and half of which they never even do. I only ever go for basic services anyhow

Online waynekerr600

No I never do as most seem to just put loads of things on there and half of which they never even do. I only ever go for basic services anyhow

Hope you continue to remain a fit Geordie.

Could you bare to go back?

Offline Fitgeordie

Just seen what he was on about. Meh don’t bother me everything was covered so I have nothing to worry about. I’m certain the escorts I have seen that don’t have bareback listed still do it even if only in their private life.

So no different to any other punt for me, makes no odds to me long as I continue to make sure I use protection  :thumbsup:
« Last Edit: May 07, 2021, 06:33:43 pm by Fitgeordie »

Offline Sar-Major

Just seen what he was on about. Meh don’t bother me everything was covered so I have nothing to worry about. I’m certain the escorts I have seen that don’t have bareback listed still do it even if only in their private life.

So no different to any other punt for me, makes no odds to me long as I continue to make sure I use protection  :thumbsup:

Well it wouldn't be for me FG. God only knows what she's been up to before you got there.    :scare:     But cheers for the review.....  :drinks: 

 :hi: :hi:
Banned reason: Fantasy reviews. Using UKP name to push boundaries and attempt bareback & stalker
Banned by: daviemac

Offline Sar-Major

Hope you continue to remain a fit Geordie.

Could you bare to go back?

I see what you done there WK...................   :rolleyes:   :lol:   :lol:   :lol:

 :hi: :hi:
Banned reason: Fantasy reviews. Using UKP name to push boundaries and attempt bareback & stalker
Banned by: daviemac

Offline Fitgeordie

Well it wouldn't be for me FG. God only knows what she's been up to before you got there.    :scare:     But cheers for the review.....  :drinks: 

 :hi: :hi:

No problem Sarge I aspire to get to your level of punting  :D. True but long as I use protection which i do then I have no worries and could say that about any escort to be fair. I could see a highly rated escort who dosent have BB listed but she could have seen 2 other men bareback in her private life for all we know but yeah will keep an eye on likes list in future  :hi: