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Author Topic: Quality of WGs on Adultwork  (Read 2093 times)

Offline beastmode

I been punting for a couple months as life in isolation increased the urge for me & I didn’t want to engage in anything with strings attached.

However, I noticed that over the last couple months - there has a been a strong quality drop off on WGs on AW. Has this been a trend before the pandemic? Does anyone think things will be improve if Boris allows us out on June 21st? 

So many times I search on AW & I get to the page 17 & restart my journey at page 1, wasting 30 minutes - hoping to find a discovery!

Forgive me if there are already threads about this already. Still figuring out to best use the search function on here to find the right thread!

Offline brian1123

I think AW was becoming a wasteland before the pandemic and the lockdown just seemed to have finished it off. Even when the lockdown is lifted in London  I can  barely put together a decent hitlist of people I want to see.

Offline Steely Dan

This comment has been posted every 6 to 12 months for the past 10+ years. 

I think it is more likely that it is pretty steady state.  It is just that there is an awful lot of unattractive and poor service escorts on AW.  It has always been like that.

AW is a useful tool, but only when used in partnership with UKP comments and reviews.  This year is of course pretty tough since punts (and thus reviews) are down. I think as reviews pick up, AW will return to be useful.  Not saying the escorts will be better, just more possible to find the good ones.

Offline Jimmyredcab

I been punting for a couple months as life in isolation increased the urge for me & I didn’t want to engage in anything with strings attached.

However, I noticed that over the last couple months - there has a been a strong quality drop off on WGs on AW. Has this been a trend before the pandemic? Does anyone think things will be improve if Boris allows us out on June 21st? 

Why June 21st  :unknown: :unknown: :unknown:

April 12th is the date that “close contact “ services are allowed again, anyway hundreds of prostitutes have been working normally throughout the pandemic.

Offline ShadowProclamation

AdultWork is like television. There is plenty of choice. There is a lot of poor quality and possibly as much good quality as there has ever been. I would say AdultWork has the most ways to filter for hidden gems, than any other escort site I have been on. Even typing in one word into the search box can yield a gem. I did this and it came up with a single result. That escort is now on my hot list.

Offline Jimmyredcab

AdultWork is like television. There is plenty of choice. There is a lot of poor quality and possibly as much good quality as there has ever been.

I think the analogy with television is a good one.

In my opinion over 90% of Adultwork hookers are very poor quality but that is what some of our members want, cheap and cheerful, they don’t want to pay for quality.

I think the search facility is very good, you can filter out a lot of unsuitable candidates by age, nationality, area and services offered.

Offline beastmode

This comment has been posted every 6 to 12 months for the past 10+ years. 

I think it is more likely that it is pretty steady state.  It is just that there is an awful lot of unattractive and poor service escorts on AW.  It has always been like that.

AW is a useful tool, but only when used in partnership with UKP comments and reviews.  This year is of course pretty tough since punts (and thus reviews) are down. I think as reviews pick up, AW will return to be useful.  Not saying the escorts will be better, just more possible to find the good ones.

Thank you for that! Yeah the reviews have been helpful in making potential decisions. I also hope that I could contribute more with my experiences soon, a couple TOFFT experience that I want to try.

Offline beastmode

Why June 21st  :unknown: :unknown: :unknown:

April 12th is the date that “close contact “ services are allowed again, anyway hundreds of prostitutes have been working normally throughout the pandemic.

Hopefully the day of no restrictions! Plus I would love to see some US escorts if any come to London.

Offline beastmode

I think the analogy with television is a good one.

In my opinion over 90% of Adultwork hookers are very poor quality but that is what some of our members want, cheap and cheerful, they don’t want to pay for quality.

I think the search facility is very good, you can filter out a lot of unsuitable candidates by age, nationality, area and services offered.

That makes sense, I do acknowledge that I am being quite picky with who I would like to see and meet, especially as this is a pretty expensive hobby of ours.

Offline darkknightrises

What’s this “hook up” phrase practically every new profile ( esp in London) has atm All about.?.  :unknown:

Offline teddyking

One thing for sure is that it’s becoming more and more expensive. Thank god for Eastern European’s , personally I also find them 10x hotter than the british girls
Banned reason: Sarcastic twat of a troll
Banned by: daviemac

Offline Colston36

What’s this “hook up” phrase practically every new profile ( esp in London) has atm All about.?.  :unknown:

Like many things regrettable it comes from the US. My son in New York uses it all the time. Actually it dates back to the Civil War and a General Hooker - or so they say.

Offline tesla

the quality of girls you see from AW depend on the quality of your due diligence and research

Online southcoastpunter

i think it applies to many/most things - AW, SA, Thailand etc. Eveyone seems to say "it isn't as good as it used to be". However, we all live in the here and now so the trick is it make it work as best as possible for you!

Offline cideruk

I find it okay

Yes there are a lot of dishonest profiles, scammers etc but it doesn't take long to copy and paste the same email to a few SPs

My problem is which of my hot list to see when things open up - it's ever growing

And I'm quite choosy re who I will and won't see

Offline Jimmyredcab

And I'm quite choosy re who I will and won't see

So you should be, punting is not a cheap hobby, I can’t believe some of the reviews I see on here, the girls are quite frankly   :vomit: :vomit:

Offline cideruk

So you should be, punting is not a cheap hobby, I can’t believe some of the reviews I see on here, the girls are quite frankly   :vomit: :vomit:

Even with plenty of research I've fallen foul of old photos or mechanical service etc

I tend to avoid Babrbie types, city centres, parlours, bad photos, too costly, too old etc  so that helps whittle them down

Offline Jimmyredcab

Even with plenty of research I've fallen foul of old photos or mechanical service etc

I tend to avoid Babrbie types, city centres, parlours, bad photos, too costly, too old etc  so that helps whittle them down

Punting will never be risk free, I have had numerous disasters over the last 40 years, even with research you can get it wrong.

Online Dock

I started this in August last year and the choices in my region of the West Midlands is dire to say the least; but the quality I’ve found is better elsewhere in Manchester and London but yeah the Quality in AW isn’t the best

Offline NelsonH

I've run the same AW search today as I would have used in 2008 - Hertfordshire and age above 28.

In 2008 I'd have got about 2.5 pages of hits, now I'll get at least 5 pages. But in 2008 there were not many Romanians, Brazilians etc.

There were maybe four top quality British girls at around £150.  Maybe now it's down the three at £170.

Bear in mind that many profiles have been parked because of lock-down and some will come back.

So not much change around here in quite a long time.

Offline Londonpunter30

What’s this “hook up” phrase practically every new profile ( esp in London) has atm All about.?.  :unknown:

Most of these are fake profiles with pics stolen from porn sites, Instagram etc.  Do a search without specifying location and you will see the same text on profiles all over the country. 

As stated it’s a US phrase and a lot of the fakes show up as accessing from Nigeria, or other locations, so suspect it’s pimps behind this who don’t realise English and US English are different

Offline the fitter

All the negatives on here, you could apply to the female population in general, sometimes you go out and there is a good choice of attractive  civvies, other times, they are thin on the ground.

Offline smiths

WGs on A/W in my punting area of North London are mainly of a very low quality, low life scumbags many of them. :thumbsdown: :thumbsdown: :thumbsdown: Without doubt its the worst its been for at least 10 years locating good WGs who I have never punted with before.

UKP can help greatly and knowing other punters in the real world fortunately for me. I may take a risk in search of a gem sometimes at a lowish to me price, on a few occasions it may pay off, more often it doesn't. :thumbsdown:

Offline smiths

All the negatives on here, you could apply to the female population in general, sometimes you go out and there is a good choice of attractive  civvies, other times, they are thin on the ground.

The huge difference for me is I am paying a lot of cash to a WG for a good service, with a civvie to get in their knickers I know I may have to play a longer game. There is NO excuse in my book for a WG to offer me a bad service in exchange for my cash, or to dead comm me.

Offline smiths

So you should be, punting is not a cheap hobby, I can’t believe some of the reviews I see on here, the girls are quite frankly   :vomit: :vomit:

ALWAYS the same old story with you redcab, :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: other punters aren't you are they. :rolleyes: Who they might fancy WG wise may be entirely different to you and other punters. Personally I don't mind an ug bug IF she is cheap to me and a dirty slut, of course IF a WG is good looking AND a dirty slut even better.

Offline the fitter

The huge difference for me is I am paying a lot of cash to a WG for a good service, with a civvie to get in their knickers I know I may have to play a longer game. There is NO excuse in my book for a WG to offer me a bad service in exchange for my cash, or to dead comm me.
Going back to the OPs post,
So many times I search on AW & I get to the page 17 & restart my journey at page 1, wasting 30 minutes - hoping to find a discovery!

  He is looking for something that attracts him to that girl, hence my post.

Offline Garage man

I think the memory plays tricks on us all. We gloss over the bad and remember the good and I think it’s the same with AW. I seem to remember it was always so easy to uncover that gem a few years ago - then I think a bit deeper and remember the fails, the walks and no shows.

It is difficult to find the gems at the moment- and while the AW reviews and feedbacks are often crap they do form an indicator and a year without them makes it even more of a lottery and research on sites like this more important.

Offline smiths

I think the memory plays tricks on us all. We gloss over the bad and remember the good and I think it’s the same with AW. I seem to remember it was always so easy to uncover that gem a few years ago - then I think a bit deeper and remember the fails, the walks and no shows.

It is difficult to find the gems at the moment- and while the AW reviews and feedbacks are often crap they do form an indicator and a year without them makes it even more of a lottery and research on sites like this more important.

In my case there was a punting golden age which included WGs off A/W as well as finding sex parties which was 2006 to about 2012, without a doubt there were a lot better and more reliable WGs about then than now in my area. Obviously things may well improve after Covid, time will tell.

Offline cideruk

  more reliable WGs about then than now

Definitely agree that more and more are lazy or disorganised

Say 10 years ago if I sent out 5 enquiries I'd usually get 5 replies

Nowadays send 10 out lucky to get 2 back

Not like it's rocket science to set aside a bit of time every day to reply to potential sales

Offline beastmode

Going back to the OPs post,
So many times I search on AW & I get to the page 17 & restart my journey at page 1, wasting 30 minutes - hoping to find a discovery!

  He is looking for something that attracts him to that girl, hence my post.

Yeah, this hobby is expensive. There’s gotta be a gut feeling for me. It’s hard even with gut feeling especially if it’s a TOFFT

Offline JonasG

I was initially going to agree but then I looked at my HL and having been away from punting since December, there's so many girls who I haven't seen before that I 100% want to see after consistently good reviews on here.

Since a few years ago the quality probably has dipped but from a London and South East perspective there's still a lot of good choices out there.

Offline Boristheboy

I think that while the lockdowns have been in place over the last year, Adultwork management have been constantly filling it up with pretend profiles to make it look like there's four times as many new girls as there really are. I think lots of those fake profiles that recur again and again (Fence girl, Beak Girl etc) are put there by the site themselves. In every single instance, the fake profiles always offer bareback for some reason.

Offline Londonpunter30

I think that while the lockdowns have been in place over the last year, Adultwork management have been constantly filling it up with pretend profiles to make it look like there's four times as many new girls as there really are. I think lots of those fake profiles that recur again and again (Fence girl, Beak Girl etc) are put there by the site themselves. In every single instance, the fake profiles always offer bareback for some reason.

As discussed in the scams thread some of these have to be put up by AW.  You can extract credits from PGs until a profile has been verified and up for three days.  Fence girl and others have been appearing for over three years, always with the same text and PG.  surely after three years even the most stupid of scammers would have worked out the verification system.  The fact they are still appearing means it must be AW that is behind these

Offline petermisc

My punting tends to be mainly orientals or EE (poles, Hungarians, etc but NOT ROMs).  There has been very few new orientals over the last year, just the same-old.  The number of EEs has dropped dramatically.  There is an obvious reason for that, and it isn't going to be over soon.  Heard recently from one of my EE regulars that she might be coming back in June, but that depends on travel restrictions.

There seems to be a considerable number of Roms and Brazilians at present, but that might just be because that's all that's left, and anyway experience has taught me not to touch these with a barge pole.  Okay if all you're after is a quick p&d, but that is not my bag.

Not sure that AW is any worse than elsewhere.  The number of advertisers on VS is much reduced, and mainly ROMs and Brazilians.  At the other end of the scale, the London agencies seem to have plenty of girls, but are mainly the same-old who have been working here throughout.

Online signy

In general, things are never as good as they used to be, and never have been. Or, to quote Douglas Adams...

“Many were increasingly of the opinion that they'd all made a big mistake in coming down from the trees in the first place. And some said that even the trees had been a bad move, and that no one should ever have left the oceans.”

Offline Frinky1

Quality and quantity of WG's is going down.

I'm in Cardiff area, and the number of escorts that show up on an Adultwork search is continuing to fall.  I am well aware that AW is not allowing escort / reverse bookings due to Covid, but the number of escorts with good positive feedback is depressingly low.

Every single time I get an alert to say there's a new AW member, 9 times out of 10, they offer bareback.

Offline cideruk

Fired off about 12 enquiry emails

1 reply which I think is a lie

3 have been seen but no reply

8 not read within 36 hrs

Doesn't do my ego any good - literally 'couldn't score in a brothel'  :unknown:

Offline JonasG

Fired off about 12 enquiry emails

1 reply which I think is a lie

3 have been seen but no reply

8 not read within 36 hrs

Doesn't do my ego any good - literally 'couldn't score in a brothel'  :unknown:

Just ring or text them. (unless they don't allow it, but most do)

Faffing about with AW enquiries and emails is always a do and a waiting game.

Offline cideruk

Just ring or text them. (unless they don't allow it, but most do)

Faffing about with AW enquiries and emails is always a do and a waiting game.

Yes maybe things have changed.

Used to find AW emails fine

Offline SamOmar

As shite as AW maybe it's still better than vivastreet, kommons, gumtree, or any other independent directory
Banned reason: Undesirable, convicted sex trafficker / pimp
Banned by: daviemac

Offline cideruk


AW is actually a great site, just those using it are a bit pants

Offline beastmode

So April 12th happened? How’s all ya feeling?
New girls added to the HL? New girls seen?

Offline lamboman

Quality at an all time low for me my local 25m search is now down to 5 pages and 255 profiles only 4 that I'd consider.
There's 66 Romanians and probably 20 more that really are,59 Brazilians,I've only had good experiences with Brazilians but pretty much all have zero feedback and their pics look lifted from the internet.
Then you've got a few fake profiles,cam girls,outcall only(lots)and a motley collection of chancers.
Really is pretty dire.
Banned reason: Shit stirrer and blocking moderator's PMs
Banned by: daviemac

Offline petermisc

Quality at an all time low for me my local 25m search is now down to 5 pages and 255 profiles only 4 that I'd consider.
There's 66 Romanians and probably 20 more that really are,59 Brazilians,I've only had good experiences with Brazilians but pretty much all have zero feedback and their pics look lifted from the internet.
Then you've got a few fake profiles,cam girls,outcall only(lots)and a motley collection of chancers.
Really is pretty dire.
255 profiles within 25m!  Are you living in the middle of a brothel or something?   :lol:

But seriously, fully agree that quality is at an all time low.  Saw one who had been on my HL for awhile, and even she is now going back home for a month or two.  Had been contemplating a punting trip to London, but unless things improve I doubt I will bother.