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Author Topic: Reddit scandal  (Read 676 times)

Offline Chorley

External Link/Members Only
I'm not sure how many members will aware of this story, particularly as Reddit primarily had a younger demographic, particularly amongst teenagers?
However it's worth noting that the company, whose website is a vast and highly influencial social  media and news aggregation site  with millions of members saw fit to appoint former Green Lib Dem and LGBTQ/Trans activist Aimee Challenor  as a senior content moderator without completing any background checks.
If they had they would have found that she appointed her father as her election manager under a fake name as he was under investigation for the rape and torture of a 10 year at the house they shared in Coventry. He was later sentenced to 22 years for this appalling crime but Challenor attempted to cover this up and claimed people were transphobic for questioning her version events.
She then entered a relationship with her partner who openly tweets about his erotic fiction writing which centres on his fantasies around the sexual abuse of young children. Again Challenor denied all of this and stated that the account had been hacked.
The Spectator brought these re elation to light  and again Challenor denied the allegations and screamed transphobia The board of Reddit apparently knew about this as far back as January yet chose to ignore it and even gave Challenor control to remove threads mentioning the story and ban members calling her out.
Thankfully enough members kicked up a fuss to get her removed yesterday, but it is worrying that such a large and influential social media platform could have kept a known peadophile apologist and partner if a professed pedophile in such a senior role for so long  :thumbsdown:
Disturbing stuff   :(
« Last Edit: March 25, 2021, 03:32:12 pm by Chorley »

Offline winkywanky

Sadly we will see more of this, the seeming desire to appoint right-on people means assumptions will be made that such a downtrodden minority would never do anything wrong, would they?  :rolleyes:  :dash:

You only have to look at the numbers of the 'prejudicially downtrodden' who get found out for spouting shit on their social media, either currently or previously.

Offline BobAJobMan

It's appalling that he's been allowed to have so much influence - he's been in schools, worked on the Elizabeth Warren campaign, Stonewall etc. as well as the LibDems and the Greens.

I believe, however, it was a Green Party member called Andy Healey, and then Graham Linehan who did a lot of the ground work, plus some female members of the LibDems. Of course, they were all shot down by the woke brigade.
Banned reason: Claiming this site condones paedophilia, it doesn't
Banned by: daviemac

Offline Chorley

It's appalling that he's been allowed to have so much influence - he's been in schools, worked on the Elizabeth Warren campaign, Stonewall etc. as well as the LibDems and the Greens.

I believe, however, it was a Green Party member called Andy Healey, and then Graham Linehan who did a lot of the ground work, plus some female members of the LibDems. Of course, they were all shot down by the woke brigade.
I would also include The Spectator  editiorial team in this outing as in the current climate they would've have been aware of the flack that would come their way. Also, was this the reason Graham Linehan was banned from Twitter and investigated by the Police?

Offline tynetunnel

I’m an older member and don’t even understand what reddit is, much less be aware of the story until now. I have read the linked article in the metro, and am none the wiser. My only real conclusion is that Aimee Challenor is “rough as”  :thumbsup: :D