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Author Topic: Value for Money on an Overnight  (Read 5042 times)

Offline Matium

How many bangs should you expect on an overnight?

I would certainly resent a prostitute going to sleep on my time - if she wants to go to sleep she can do so on her own time!

So how do you measure value for money on an overnight?

Offline Marmalade

One before I go to sleep and one when I wake up. If the chemistry is good, they may almost run into each other. But in jolly old UK where women wear watches, it's probably more to do with some unwritten contract that you haven't seen until after you've paid. I'd go by the Billy Piper character - what would she think was reasonable - and just make sure that I act in a way to maximise positive expectations so there's some mutual interaction and commitment over what we're gonna do. Bt am afraid I have to admit I am no expert on British overnighter's, where one shot costs a fortnight's worth of far more fun overnights in a 'civilised' country.

Offline Jimmyredcab

Overnights in this country can never be value for money, £600 in Thailand would get me a lady for 14 days and nights.


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Quote from: Matium
How many bangs should you expect on an overnight?

I would certainly resent a prostitute going to sleep on my time - if she wants to go to sleep she can do so on her own time!

So how do you measure value for money on an overnight?

But hell, are you going to bang her all night?  I have had nights of sex (usually in the summer when the nights are shorter) but I don't think you, let alone the WG, can be up and at it all night.
So I don't do overnights now as I don't pay WGs to sleep.


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Quote from: Jimmyredcab
Overnights in this country can never be value for money, £600 in Thailand would get me a lady for 14 days and nights.

As I say above, they can never be value for money.  Using your example £600 equates to six £100/hour punts - now that is what I would go for.

Offline Jimmyredcab

Quote from: Wayang

As I say above, they can never be value for money.  Using your example £600 equates to six £100/hour punts - now that is what I would go for.

I gave the example of £600 but many ladies charge considerably more, I have seen £1500 quoted ------ too silly for words.


  • Guest
Good to have your perspective, Kate.  I guess you will just have to ive it a go!


  • Guest
Good to have your perspective, Kate.  I guess you will just have to give it a go!

Offline Marmalade

Quote from: Kate
It is really interesting to hear your ideas and it really does go to show how different everyones needs are.
It's interesting that you find interesting. ;) I suppose I don't even like to think too much about someone paying that sort of money for sex. It underlines how commodotised sex (or sex + the blahdeblah ;)) is in our country.


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Quote from: Wayang
As I say above, they can never be value for money.  Using your example £600 equates to six £100/hour punts - now that is what I would go for.

Quote from: Jimmyredcab
I gave the example of £600 but many ladies charge considerably more, I have seen £1500 quoted ------ too silly for words.

This is most certainly my way of thinking as well, but each to their own. IMO it would be a waste of my money but guess it's all relative to a punter's resources and needs.  As individual punters we are all different as are prossies.

Quote from: Jimmyredcab
Overnights in this country can never be value for money, £600 in Thailand would get me a lady for 14 days and nights.

Never even considered this but having a good vacation with an added extra like this sounds intriguing.

Offline Marmalade

Quote from: Jacob
Never even considered this but having a good vacation with an added extra like this sounds intriguing.
I did a cost comparison once. Not Thailand as that's no longer my favourite wick-dipping venue. But after flights, meals, accomm and pussy in South America were added up was it less than the budget for staying at home? Technically it should have been. Even with British Airways. But one doesn't go thru the interminable save-it-up for a week/month whatever that one does at home. More like, I might as well have three this afternoon since I'm in the area and could do with the shower facilities before I go to a restaurant. So as pops run into one another the savings are nullified. :)


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Quote from: Kate

Just out of interest (gosh is that becoming my catch phrase?) How much does it cost for a return ticket to Thailand these days?

Go to Flight Centre web site for latest fares.  The main trouble - do you mean next week, next month or next year???? Fares go up and down like a whore's drawers (OK, a cliche).  I have not looked lately but EVA air usually have good deals.

If you want a ball park figure I guess £500 return.


  • Guest
I was wrong £345 return end Oct.early Nov is on offer.

Offline Jimmyredcab

Quote from: Kate

Just out of interest (gosh is that becoming my catch phrase?) How much does it cost for a return ticket to Thailand these days?

I know where you are going with that ---------- but it is totally irrelevant, I would take holidays anyway, two of my recent trips have been non-mongering (Las Vegas and then Reno).


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Quote from: Kate

But that is just the flight?  Not accomodation or food or anything else you might need while you are out there? I guess if it were me I'd rather have a holiday and a punt or two than one night for the same price, but then it's a matter of logistics.  Do I have a week to spare, how do I choose, where do I go? I'd be lost.  It would not equate to £600 = 2 weeks of punting in Thialand though, as surely you have to consider your overall costs into that as well?

I think JRC, and he can correct me, was saying that £40 (Baht 1500-1600) can get you an all night punt.  Thus the £600 was for punting, not the cost of the trip.
I tend to 'indulge' when I travel and my hotel/food/punting costs are probably on the high side in comparison to what is available.

Offline Jimmyredcab

Quote from: Marmalade
I did a cost comparison once. Not Thailand as that's no longer my favourite wick-dipping venue.

I realise we are totally off topic but ----------- what is your favourite venue if not Thailand. ???????

Offline Marmalade

Quote from: Jimmyredcab

I realise we are totally off topic but ----------- what is your favourite venue if not Thailand. ???????
Brazil, for the culture. There is unlimited totty and more varied than in Asia. However with changing exchange rates it is no longer the cheapest - I go back cos I love the place. Buenos Aires is in many ways a more civilised option, £30 will get you an extremely sophisticated one hour session (see photo thread), and that's double an ordinary day-to-day rate. I like to dip in to SE Asia, but several places are unstable from one year to the next, and they can all look a bit squashed-nose same-ish to me after a bit. I think it's hard to beat Brasil for sheer variety. But as I said, Buenos Aires (Argentina) is more civilised, you are much safer, you don't have to haggle - quite European in many ways but stunning women. Brasil takes a steeper learning curve and is more of a 'take-your-life-in-your-hands' type experience. Must admit, I do rather fancy the FKK and Partytreff lark after Jerboa's great "Visitor's Guide."

Offline Matium

When you're in Argentina, you never encounter any anti-English "Malvinas" sentiments about the Falklands?


Offline Marmalade

Quote from: Matium
When you're in Argentina, you never encounter any anti-English "Malvinas" sentiments about the Falklands?

To be honest, it's never even crossed my mind. Tango, sex, good food, more tango, more sex, that sort if thing . . . Only time I've seen disturbance was last time the currency fell completely out the bottom and all the cash machines dried up and it was declared illegal to change currency for a week. That was a bit hairy. I've never come across BsAs people giving much of a toss about Thatcher's Rock.

Keen Punter

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Blimey, hold the front page. Me, Scorchin and Jimmy agreeing on the same thread !!!!

Overnights are never value for money in this country.

Quote from: Kate

But that is just the flight?  Not accomodation or food or anything else you might need while you are out there? I guess if it were me I'd rather have a holiday and a punt or two than one night for the same price, but then it's a matter of logistics.  Do I have a week to spare, how do I choose, where do I go? I'd be lost.  It would not equate to £600 = 2 weeks of punting in Thialand though, as surely you have to consider your overall costs into that as well?
My last trip to Thailand/Philippines, which was 27 nights, can be broken down as follows.

Airfares £650
Accomodation £400
Spending £2500

So all in all it cost me around £3.5k. Using an average of £600 a night here that is 6 days/nights of fun. I could have a girl every night in Thailand if I wanted to on my budget. But here you wouldn't have the R&R, the weather and the all round holiday. Also if you have a bad experience in Thailand it won't leave the same sour taste in your mouth as a £600+ a night punt in the UK would cost.

Offline Marmalade

I don't know if it's true, but south america always feels further away to me that the far east (other than japan). I can happily hop out to BKK and get a short connecting flight somewhere nice. But getting to Rio feels like a major operation. So for that reason and cost-wise, I prefer to go for much longer to SA. The flight can be a major part of the cost, especially as I avoid going thru USA. I'm trying think of anything I'd pay 600 squid for in the UK. A wardrobe maybe. Generally anything with a couple of noughts on the end mentally translates into airdistances for me. :) Apart from that, KP's breakdown of costs sounds proportionally right. My last overnight cost me about £60 (and I thought that was a lot). If you were doing a cheapo holiday you could economise further in SReap or somewhere.

Keen Punter

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Bear in mind that I am a big spender on holiday. You can do it cheaper, as Jerboa, he is the cheap charlie. :D

Offline Jimmyredcab

Quote from: Marmalade
Brazil, for the culture. There is unlimited totty and more varied than in Asia. However with changing exchange rates it is no longer the cheapest - I go back cos I love the place.

I did some research on Brazil, the flight was "affordable" but I was slightly put off by the cost of hotels, my limit is normally £60 a night but there seemed very few hotels in Rio for that price, it is still on my short list for early October.

Offline Marmalade

I'd quite fancy some lessons on doing it cheap in Germany. Never found the place particularly cheap on anything. I'm not a cheap charlie but there's certain things I will spend money on, like best seats at the opera or other lifetime experiences. I don't like spending money on hotels. And I don't like spending high rates on punting - which is nice if it is just on tap, like food and drink. there are one or two places in the world where it is maybe worth pushing the boat out (some Sydney brothels and BsAs ones are really rather something) and I don't begrudge Emma 120 quid for her parties. But I'd rather spend money on things that are important in life. Hiring a mountain bike to find the end of a trail across a volcano seems money well spent - blowing it on a prossie which will be nice but fairly forgettable, doesn't.

Offline Marmalade

Quote from: Jimmyredcab

I did some research on Brazil, the flight was "affordable" but I was slightly put off by the cost of hotels, my limit is normally £60 a night but there seemed very few hotels in Rio for that price, it is still on my short list for early October.

For a first trip, you want to stay in Copa or Ipanema - just cos it's there and unmissable. You'll also spend more than you have to first time (well ok, you'll spend less than a lot of people would, but first time is expensive cos of the culture shock I think.)

Hotels are an expensive way to go. The easiest for anything over a week is to rent an apartment. If you travel light, you get the best deal by finding one when you get there (the place is crawling with them except at carnaval). You'll get an apartment for a lot less than 60 a night. But you can also book in advance. Security is generally good. But make a list of other things that may or may not be important to you personally - the sort of facilities in the flat, a room safe, internet connection - these things push the price up (they are unnecessary IMO but a lot of people feel they cannot do without). Lots of info on ISG but they do squabble endlessly over what rental agency is good. Just PM me when you have fixed your dates if you want. I can't get you a place as cheap as I pay but I can put you in touch with people that won't rip you off.

Offline Matium

Quote from: Marmalade
To be honest, it's never even crossed my mind. Tango, sex, good food, more tango, more sex, that sort if thing . . . Only time I've seen disturbance was last time the currency fell completely out the bottom and all the cash machines dried up and it was declared illegal to change currency for a week. That was a bit hairy. I've never come across BsAs people giving much of a toss about Thatcher's Rock.

I want to visit Argentina but I've always thought there'd be anti-English discrimination.

This is good to hear.


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Quote from: Matium

I want to visit Argentina but I've always thought there'd be anti-English discrimination.

This is good to hear.

Throughout the Falklands war I was working with an Argentinian - we agreed that it was not a  subject for discussion.  I think many Argentinians viewed the war as many here view the Iraq War II

Offline Bert

Quote from: Matium
How many bangs should you expect on an overnight?

I would certainly resent a prostitute going to sleep on my time - if she wants to go to sleep she can do so on her own time!

So how do you measure value for money on an overnight?

She doesn't have to sleep ! you can of course get better value from an overnight if you leave a list of light domestic duties that needed attention whilst you have a few hours sleep.


Lady arrives 8pm, first hour spent in bedroom
9pm go to pub for a few beers with mates to brag about situation
11pm arrive home to vindaloo prepared by lady
11:30pm another hour in bedroom
12:30am sleep, whilst lady hoovers round, irons washing, washes up
2:00am lady wakes you up for magnificent blowjob
2:30am sleep whilst lady cleans doors, windows, bathroom and toilet
4:00am lady wakes you for quickie
4:30am sleep whilst lady prepares packed lunches for following week
8:00am lady wakes you in time for nicely prepared full English breakfast
8:30am another hour in bedroom
9:30am lady departs.
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Offline Matium

Should she wear a French Maid outfit, Bert, when she's doing the housework?

With or without the frilly knickers?


Andrew Sanderson

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She doesn't have to sleep ! you can of course get better value from an overnight if you leave a list of light domestic duties that needed attention whilst you have a few hours sleep.


Lady arrives 8pm, first hour spent in bedroom
9pm go to pub for a few beers with mates to brag about situation
11pm arrive home to vindaloo prepared by lady
11:30pm another hour in bedroom
12:30am sleep, whilst lady hoovers round, irons washing, washes up
2:00am lady wakes you up for magnificent blowjob
2:30am sleep whilst lady cleans doors, windows, bathroom and toilet
4:00am lady wakes you for quickie
4:30am sleep whilst lady prepares packed lunches for following week
8:00am lady wakes you in time for nicely prepared full English breakfast
8:30am another hour in bedroom
9:30am lady departs.

Effing brilliant! lol

Offline Trenlover

overnight is not good value for money unless it is close to the 3 hr fee

reason being orgasms cause prolactin spikes which satiate libido. 3 pops and im done.

if you can have sex first thing in morning though thats nice, when penis sensitivity is high and so is libido. As the day goes on these things diminish until bedtime.

As such I try to punt early in day, 12midday-2pm

Offline AnthG

With regards to the value of an overnight, its not good value at all. Even on the lower end of the price spectrum its not good value. I paid £500 for an overnight 8pm to 8am and the room and food/beer etc ontop of all that and it did hurt and you figure a good majority of that was paying for the girl to sleep.

What I have really felt like doing/trying for my second attempt at an overnighter is booking one of the best hotels in Newcastle on or something where you get the room really cheap just to fill up empty rooms that nobody has booked (as in usually a £120 room for £60) and then booking an agency girl 2hrs or so to the end of her shift (they usually finish work at like 2am so book at 11pm for 2hrs) and then seeing if I am personable enough for her to remain the rest of the night for free rather than going home at 1am-2am in the morning.

Logic would prevail that a 20 something girl would rather spend the night comfy in one of the best hotels than traipse through the city centre alone at 2am in the morning just to go home to what is likely a pretty rubbish council house/flat.

But I get the deepdown feeling all that will result from that test is I spend the night alone and depressed, but it would be a hell of a good feeling if it all panned out.
Banned reason: To much drama, account closed
Banned by: Iloveoral

Offline iceraider

I've just never been tempted with an overnighter. Paying a prossie to sleep isn't value for money.
Say even at 500 notes you might fuck her 3 to 5 times.

Do 5 x 100 per hour punts the same week. You're fresh, she's fresh and you're not having to pay for the hotel and her food and drink.

Online berksboy

                 How many times as this been done !  A overnight  CAN  be very good value if A pay a good price (ie £250 max ) and  B you can do lots of pops. When i do a over nit i pick her up at 9 ish back to mine and play untill 4 ish sleep then i do her when she gets up ( 2pm ish as she is a lazy bitch) then take her home . Get it right and the ££ per fuck can work out very well. You do need to get this shit about paying her to sleep out of your head - you pay to fuck her end of. As for paying to go out for a meal / show ect  just get real its not a date

Andrew Sanderson

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                 How many times as this been done !  A overnight  CAN  be very good value if A pay a good price (ie £250 max ) and  B you can do lots of pops. When i do a over nit i pick her up at 9 ish back to mine and play untill 4 ish sleep then i do her when she gets up ( 2pm ish as she is a lazy bitch) then take her home . Get it right and the ££ per fuck can work out very well. You do need to get this shit about paying her to sleep out of your head - you pay to fuck her end of. As for paying to go out for a meal / show ect  just get real its not a date

Sounds good berksboy, what is her link?

Online berksboy

        I have done it with 2 girls but both are not working now. It should go without saying never do a overnight untill you have seen her a fair few time , 10+ in my case.


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Over nights really do not make sense to me. They are usually 12 hours in length. Lets say you book for 8pm. Get the quickie out of the way then sit there chatting or go out for a meal then come back home for another shag - by now its coming up to 12. now you're feeling quite tired and want to sleep. At this moment you're paying the girl to sleep - she then wakes up and you have another go at her then she leaves.

So for 3-4 shags you paid £1,000 and the rest was her time for talking to you which was over-priced.

Now if you were to book a girl for an hour you could book probably 5 girls for 2 cums in each session on different days - thats 10 shags spread over nearly an entire week. You have then cut out all the unnecessary fluffiness and actually got more value for your money.

Lets face it - anyone who books an over night is definitely doing it for a small percentage of fluffiness - but then again who would pay a girl for social-time at her private rates ?!

The only way I would do an over night is if the private time and social-time is at different rates - like it should be.

Lets take for example you plan to have 4 shags with this girl - usually her 30 minute rate is £70 - so times that by 4 equals 280. Now add on the social time lets say it should be charged at 30 an hour at least - it means the remaining 10 hours somewhere is for social/sleep time = 300. So 300 + 280 is  £580

In my opinion I will never pay over £580 for an over night. Since this price rarely crops up - I will never do a overnight.

So to answer your question is a over night worth it? Probably not. Unless you plan on shagging her at least 8 + times.
« Last Edit: December 26, 2014, 10:54:25 pm by Ben4454 »

Online myothernameis

This might just be the girl for you, for an overnight

Mature Katrina
External Link/Members Only

Q. Do you offer overnight bookings/ weekend bookings?

Answer       Yes I do, these must all be booked via the AW booking system for security and we must speak over the phone before I will confirm. I particularly enjoy overnight bookings as i rarely sleep, and enjoy a good 10 hour session x


  • Guest
This might just be the girl for you, for an overnight

Mature Katrina
External Link/Members Only

Q. Do you offer overnight bookings/ weekend bookings?

First thing that struck me is she mentions she is 'very single' rather than just 'single'  lol - wonder what that means?

Online myothernameis

With regards to the value of an overnight, its not good value at all.

I think this is where the reverse bids come in handy, or of the escort is offering a special overnight rate, £300 is the cheapest I have seen, and its for this escort, £300 wouldn't tempt me, even if she was the last escort on the planet :D

External Link/Members Only   
155  feedback, so she must be liked by some guys

Hidden Image/Members Only

Online berksboy

Over nights really do not make sense to me. They are usually 12 hours in length. Lets say you book for 8pm. Get the quickie out of the way then sit there chatting or go out for a meal then come back home for another shag - by now its coming up to 12. now you're feeling quite tired and want to sleep. At this moment you're paying the girl to sleep - she then wakes up and you have another go at her then she leaves.

So for 3-4 shags you paid £1,000 and the rest was her time for talking to you which was over-priced.

Now if you were to book a girl for an hour you could book probably 5 girls for 2 cums in each session on different days - thats 10 shags spread over nearly an entire week. You have then cut out all the unnecessary fluffiness and actually got more value for your money.

Lets face it - anyone who books an over night is definitely doing it for a small percentage of fluffiness - but then again who would pay a girl for social-time at her private rates ?!

The only way I would do an over night is if the private time and social-time is at different rates - like it should be.

Lets take for example you plan to have 4 shags with this girl - usually her 30 minute rate is £70 - so times that by 4 equals 280. Now add on the social time lets say it should be charged at 30 an hour at least - it means the remaining 10 hours somewhere is for social/sleep time = 300. So 300 + 280 is  £580

In my opinion I will never pay over £580 for an over night. Since this price rarely crops up - I will never do a overnight.

So to answer your question is a over night worth it? Probably not. Unless you plan on shagging her at least 8 + times.

So to answer your question is a over night worth it? Probably not. Unless you plan on shagging her at least 8 + times

Or pay a lot less then £580 ? as i say above you do need to get this shit about paying to sleep out of your head to have a good overnight , its about paying a good price and fucking her lots. Now if you are a one or two pops in 24hrs guy a overnight is not the way to go.

Offline nike

I have done overnights on numerous occasions but never in the uk. The most I've paid for an overnight is about £150. Overnighters are too expensive for me here. I can usually have three pops in the evening and one in the morning, UK rates mean I don't get value for the money.

Online berksboy

I think this is where the reverse bids come in handy, or of the escort is offering a special overnight rate, £300 is the cheapest I have seen, and its for this escort, £300 wouldn't tempt me, even if she was the last escort on the planet :D

External Link/Members Only   
155  feedback, so she must be liked by some guys

Hidden Image/Members Only
  Well you do get a LOT of meat for your money and it may take most of the night to find her pussy !

Online myothernameis

  Well you do get a LOT of meat for your money and it may take most of the night to find her pussy !

By the sounds of her feedback, she seems a wonderful escort to be with, but she not my cup of tea, maybe a mug

Offline Marmalade

I've never been tempted to pay such crazy amounts for UK prossies overnight. A cheap ticket to some off-the-map 3rd world forsaken country where most prossies have never been outside their mud hut schemie village and think they're posh if the roof isn't leaking . . .

Travelling abroad is not really a that big saver for regular punting once you factor in the air ticket and living costs (unless you go for a couple of months); but for o/n fans I can't understand why they don't automatically think it's the way to go?

There's something slightly obscene about paying so much to a prostitute. Like using single malt whisky to scrub the cooker.

To me, value for money to fuck a scrubber would be like shopping wisely at Tescos when it's so cheap they put a handwritten price sticker on a bag of tatties rather than spend money on a printed "reduced" label.

« Last Edit: December 27, 2014, 09:47:28 pm by Marmalade »

Offline AnthG

There's something slightly obscene about paying so much to a prostitute. Like using single malt whisky to scrub the cooker.

This is exactly my thoughts too.

I really want to do overnighters. I have done it once, and would want to do it again. The thing that stops me is the cost of them and also more specifically the deep down thought that these girls effectively if someone with a bit of moxie met them in a bar there would be a very high chance you would get to take them home for an 'overnighter' for free. The general consensus is that girls that go into prostitution are also the sort of girls who if you met them in a bar not knowing they were prostitutes they would not take much persuading for them to go back home to your place.

So the fact that I am paying £500 for something others would easily get for free is annoying. The other thing that annoys me and to expand on the above thoughts, is I do not want to think the girl hates every second of being around me. I do not want to give someone £500 for what will be a very easy punt (as there will be sex, but an overnigther for me will also mean me chucking on a movie for us both to watch too) and me boring the life out of them chatting about movies. So I do not want to do this if she hates every moment around me.

This is why I would much rather see if I can book a girl and convince her to stay overtime for free just due to liking my company. Than booking the full overnighter and not knowing if I am next to someone who cannot stand me and is getting the easiest made £500 in existence.
« Last Edit: December 27, 2014, 11:09:22 pm by AnthG »
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