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Author Topic: Deb Amour  (Read 1583 times)

Offline herosgate

Just wondering if anyone has seen this WG? Says she’s new?

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Offline scutty brown

Not seen her, but based on the profile:
Too old, too fat.

Looks a typical past-it parlour girl

Online daviemac

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Not seen her, but based on the profile:
Too old, too fat.

Looks a typical past-it parlour girl
If she doesn't suit you then don't book her, if she's 'too old and too fat' for you that's your choice, the OP may have different tastes and look for her type. I don't see how your post helps him.  :unknown:

BTW we don't have parlours up here.

OP, can't find any reviews of her so maybe you'll have to TOFFT and give her her first.

Offline herosgate

Thanks daviemac - looks like I might have to do just that!  :thumbsup:

Offline scutty brown

If she doesn't suit you then don't book her, if she's 'too old and too fat' for you that's your choice, the OP may have different tastes and look for her type. I don't see how your post helps him.  :unknown:

BTW we don't have parlours up here.

OP, can't find any reviews of her so maybe you'll have to TOFFT and give her her first.

The post may help him realise that for the money there are far better alternatives. It looks like the OP is relatively new at this. He certainly needs to know that the menopausal mindies who are typical NE parlour agency fare are not his only choice.
« Last Edit: December 26, 2020, 11:36:02 am by scutty brown »

Offline Disco dave

Just wondering if anyone has seen this WG? Says she’s new?

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She does duos with trish who i just did a review on. Not my cuppa but look forward to the review

Online daviemac

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The post may help him realise that for the money there are far better alternatives. It looks like the OP is relatively new at this. He certainly needs to know that the menopausal mindies who are typical NE parlour agency fare are not his only choice.
What we don't need is people tying to impose their own personal tastes on others. Just because you don't like the look of someone doesn't mean others feel the same. Who are you to dictate who other people should fancy or where they should spend their money, The alternatives may be better for you but not for others.

We know your feelings on agencies up here (despite not having first hand experience)  but that coming from someone who regularly uses the type of place that, due to the risk of trafficking, isn't tolerated here is a bit hypocritical.

We are trying to encourage new posters to become more involved and your attitude is not helping in any way shape or form. 

Offline scutty brown

What we don't need is people tying to impose their own personal tastes on others. Just because you don't like the look of someone doesn't mean others feel the same. Who are you to dictate who other people should fancy or where they should spend their money, The alternatives may be better for you but not for others.

We know your feelings on agencies up here (despite not having first hand experience)  but that coming from someone who regularly uses the type of place that, due to the risk of trafficking, isn't tolerated here is a bit hypocritical.

We are trying to encourage new posters to become more involved and your attitude is not helping in any way shape or form.

I'm amazed by how every time someone makes a point that you see as critical of the NW agencies you run to the defence like a scurrying WK. I've long thought there was something not right in your relationship with the agencies, and the more you try to defend them the more convinced I am. You seem to do your best to prevent any discussion which might seem to be mildly critical of them.
That doesn't help punters in any way shape or form.

As for the "kind of place I use", just that comment alone shows that you haven't a clue. I presume you're talking Thai/Chinese places? There are more of those in Newcastle than there are here.

Online daviemac

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I'm amazed by how every time someone makes a point that you see as critical of the NW agencies you run to the defence like a scurrying WK. I've long thought there was something not right in your relationship with the agencies, and the more you try to defend them the more convinced I am. You seem to do your best to prevent any discussion which might seem to be mildly critical of them.
That doesn't help punters in any way shape or form.

As for the "kind of place I use", just that comment alone shows that you haven't a clue. I presume you're talking Thai/Chinese places? There are more of those in Newcastle than there are here.
If you think I have some sort of relationship with any NE agency, other than being a punter who pays for every booking, then report it to Head1, I have nothing to hide. Try reading my first reply in this thread again, there is no mention of agencies just a comment on you trying to tell others who they should fancy. 

My next reply was in response to you, yet again, trying to tell people where they should spend their money, even then it is not a defence of an agency it is pointing out to the OP that you are bias. 

Can you explain how your initial reply is in any way helpful to the OP. What you think of her is irrelevant to him.

Offline Pasola1

If she doesn't suit you then don't book her, if she's 'too old and too fat' for you that's your choice, the OP may have different tastes and look for her type. I don't see how your post helps him.  :unknown:

BTW we don't have parlours up here.

OP, can't find any reviews of her so maybe you'll have to TOFFT and give her her first.
Banned reason: Posting personal info to out an escort.
Banned by: daviemac

Offline herosgate

Initial response didn’t really help... I prefer milf type wgs and ones with big tits too.... hence why her profile was intriguing.

I know there are lots of younger, fitter girls available, but that’s not my preference at the moment.

Offline scutty brown

If you think I have some sort of relationship with any NE agency, other than being a punter who pays for every booking, then report it to Head1, I have nothing to hide. Try reading my first reply in this thread again, there is no mention of agencies just a comment on you trying to tell others who they should fancy. 

My next reply was in response to you, yet again, trying to tell people where they should spend their money, even then it is not a defence of an agency it is pointing out to the OP that you are bias. 

Can you explain how your initial reply is in any way helpful to the OP. What you think of her is irrelevant to him.

I wasn't telling the OP where to spend his money. I was making a comment as to my view regarding the merits - or otherwise - of the woman he was asking about. Whether he chooses to accept or ignore my comments is up to him - at no point did I attempt to instruct him what to do.
As for your relationship - or otherwise - with the NE agencies, I'll accept for now your statement that you have "nothing to hide".

Offline Pasola1

Theres wAys of wording a person which is what deb is a human beings appearNce & yours is just rude & nasty , obviously you must be perfect . rsehole
Banned reason: Posting personal info to out an escort.
Banned by: daviemac

Offline scutty brown

Theres wAys of wording a person which is what deb is a human beings appearNce & yours is just rude & nasty , obviously you must be perfect . rsehole

So what was this review about? Seems you're perfectly capable of being rude and nasty when you feel like it

Offline waynekerr600

Initial response didn’t really help... I prefer milf type wgs and ones with big tits too.... hence why her profile was intriguing.

I know there are lots of younger, fitter girls available, but that’s not my preference at the moment.

Doesn't seem much Intel on this one. If you like the look of her all you can do is go and fill yer boots and report back

Offline johnny34

Initial response didn’t really help... I prefer milf type wgs and ones with big tits too.... hence why her profile was intriguing.

I know there are lots of younger, fitter girls available, but that’s not my preference at the moment.
Ignore Scutty & stick with what you like, if we all liked the same thing life would be a bit boring. Look forward to your review if you TOFTT  :thumbsup:

Offline tynetunnel

So what was this review about? Seems you're perfectly capable of being rude and nasty when you feel like it




Yes, it's rather a case of the pot calling the kettle black in my eyes.

Offline DSaa69

Just wondering if anyone has seen this WG? Says she’s new?

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I posted a review yesterday about her- check it out! It totally depends on your taste at the end of the day. She seems quite new to the business if that matters.

Offline herosgate

Deb doesn’t really come across well from your review!

What was she like looks wise?

Offline Chilled North East

I actually like the look of her and Trish

Offline herosgate

Thought it was just me for a while there 🤣

Offline Chilled North East

I'll let you know how I get on as soon as we are allowed. They tick my boxes