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Author Topic: Naughty Layla (Manchester)  (Read 11298 times)

11 review(s) for Naughty Laylaxxx (7 positive, 1 neutral, 3 negative) [Indexed by Golovkin]

Offline Diva691

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It’s falling on def ears because the food in the restraunt might not be for you and it might be for someone else but many just go of what other people say looking back on the negative I saw someone commented saying she was on the list but I’m not going to see her but that person left. A review and said hygiene couldn’t be faulted Mother Nature can be a bitch and I have no control over that I will not stand for someone slagging me of and I will always stand up for my self weather anyone likes it or not  and clearly a lot of you don’t snd im not really asked if I loose clients from here to be honest I’ve seen clients on here right about girls having a mum tum I’ve had clients mention about my c section scar I’m a real woman and most women have kids pay for me to have tummy tuck then if it’s such a problem and in regards to paying me a significant amount you don’t pay me enough to come
On here and slag me of end of
Banned reason: Previously Banned Naughty Layla / Diva691
Banned by: CoolTiger

Offline Diva691

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Oh know what a shame you won’t be darkening my door step
Banned reason: Previously Banned Naughty Layla / Diva691
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Offline Diva691

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Also I have a repeat clientele base so I
Very much doubt they are dissatisfied sweetheart they probably
Just respect for women and don’t need to go on and write word for Word what happened
Banned reason: Previously Banned Naughty Layla / Diva691
Banned by: CoolTiger

Offline Diva691

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And In regards to my character I don’t think anyone on here is in the position to talk about anyone’s character 😂
Banned reason: Previously Banned Naughty Layla / Diva691
Banned by: CoolTiger

Offline BP

.... you don’t pay me enough to come on here and slag me of end of

and that's where you are completely misunderstanding the purpose of this site.
It's not aimed at SP's
We're not REALLY slagging YOU off.
What we are doing is informing other like-minded gents what to expect before they make the decision to spend their hard earned dosh
Stretch marks and bit of a tum (especially when not apparent in advert pics), saggy tits, smelly fanny, bad attitude etc etc are all information which help us to make a decision whether to pick up that phone or not.
Dick cheese and bad breath are things you decided to put up with when you made the decision to sell your fanny

Before you get all butt hurt by the comments just log off and sort yourself out


Offline Diva691

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If your going to complain about my hygiene please some of you have a look at your own you might be paying me but that’s not something that is apparent until money has been exchanged and clothes have come of if goes both ways I don’t choose to put up with it but there’s no site I can go on and complain abut you lot if there is please let me know ...😂
Banned reason: Previously Banned Naughty Layla / Diva691
Banned by: CoolTiger

Offline Numberone

Diva, I admire your tenacity. Instead of sounding off, why don’t you do something positive and offer the OP a free puny and he can report back when you have restored his confidence and your reputation?

Offline RandomGuy99

If your going to complain about my hygiene please some of you have a look at your own you might be paying me but that’s not something that is apparent until money has been exchanged and clothes have come of if goes both ways I don’t choose to put up with it but there’s no site I can go on and complain abut you lot if there is please let me know ...😂
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Offline RandomGuy99

If your going to complain about my hygiene please some of you have a look at your own you might be paying me but that’s not something that is apparent until money has been exchanged and clothes have come of if goes both ways I don’t choose to put up with it but there’s no site I can go on and complain abut you lot if there is please let me know ...😂
I think you have a point. Sometimes we forget that the SP we're writing about may read what we've written and how it may impact them. It's certainly something I will try to do on future negative reviews and use clearer language when describing my experience.  SPs can help themselves by being upfront about their looks and services and by not using subjective terms when describing themselves e.g. if an SP says they're beautiful and they don't match my understanding of what beautiful means to me (we all have our own version of what beautiful means), then I'll mention it in a review. They may well be attractive, but I may not mention it as that wasn't how my expectations were set - generally I expect all SPs to be attractive, hence why they're doing the job, but what's attractive to me may not be attractive to someone else.  If the reality matches the expectation that was set, then they'll be no problems and everyone will be happy.

Offline Briddy

I think you have a point. Sometimes we forget that the SP we're writing about may read what we've written and how it may impact them. It's certainly something I will try to do on future negative reviews and use clearer language when describing my experience.  SPs can help themselves by being upfront about their looks and services and by not using subjective terms when describing themselves e.g. if an SP says they're beautiful and they don't match my understanding of what beautiful means to me (we all have our own version of what beautiful means), then I'll mention it in a review. They may well be attractive, but I may not mention it as that wasn't how my expectations were set - generally I expect all SPs to be attractive, hence why they're doing the job, but what's attractive to me may not be attractive to someone else.  If the reality matches the expectation that was set, then they'll be no problems and everyone will be happy.
were not writing reviews for sp's though and this isn't about looks as looks is as you have said subjective, bad smells however are not subjective

Offline Diva691

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Banned reason: Previously Banned Naughty Layla / Diva691
Banned by: CoolTiger

Offline Diva691

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Wow didn’t realise there’s so many links just goes to show doesn’t it think there’s more guys who need to take a lead out of there own books then giving me advice ...
Banned reason: Previously Banned Naughty Layla / Diva691
Banned by: CoolTiger

Offline Diva691

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And of course smells are subjective ... how some of you leave the house smelling the way you do is beyond me so you must think you smell great
Banned reason: Previously Banned Naughty Layla / Diva691
Banned by: CoolTiger

Offline Diva691

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This can go on and on coz I will argue the toss with you all so if you want to make this the longest thread on the site ... I’ll put my feet up and make my self comfy
Banned reason: Previously Banned Naughty Layla / Diva691
Banned by: CoolTiger

Offline Briddy

And of course smells are subjective ... how some of you leave the house smelling the way you do is beyond me so you must think you smell great
not really in this case I might find a wg attractive where as someone else doesn't. No one likes a bad smell, but I'm done with this thread now, you just keep spouting the same drivel about punters needing to wash. Maybe take your own advice then and lead by example

Offline Diva691

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Is that all ... preety  poor reply ?
Banned reason: Previously Banned Naughty Layla / Diva691
Banned by: CoolTiger

Offline Diva691

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It’s nice that you can share all the gory details on this site imagine if us working girls did that you wouldn’t ever be able to book a working girl
Banned reason: Previously Banned Naughty Layla / Diva691
Banned by: CoolTiger

Offline Diva691

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What I’ll do is let people have a sniff test because as those two
Negative reviews will majorly affect my chances of EVER working again because there so important I’ll let  them do that 😂
Banned reason: Previously Banned Naughty Layla / Diva691
Banned by: CoolTiger

Offline RandomGuy99

What I’ll do is let people have a sniff test because as those two
Negative reviews will majorly affect my chances of EVER working again because there so important I’ll let  them do that 😂
From my reading of the review it sounded like the OP had a good time and the smell was the only concern.  I appreciate that it's hard to take criticism especially if it's related to something you can't totally control and nobody likes receiving a negative review.  Maybe just accept that it's something to be more conscious of and see what you can do to address it?

It seems to have become a mountain when it started off as a mole hill.  You could have chosen to ignore the comment or respond  saying that you were working on it.
« Last Edit: November 20, 2020, 07:33:56 pm by RandomGuy99 »

Offline Diva691

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I’ve seen how critical guys are on this site if a working girl doesn’t offer you the world you quick to get on your phone and leave a  bad review before you’ve even driven of her street this is something that could of been privatley adressed between me and the client but if you wana share it with everyone and talk about it well let’s talk about it ... and for someone to say this is a reflection of my character...your basing my character on a few reviews on how I fuck people in the room
Banned reason: Previously Banned Naughty Layla / Diva691
Banned by: CoolTiger

Offline Wulahabibi

The thing is, we should be allowed to think about your weight etc etc as we are paying you, you’re not paying us. How many times do is blokes turn up to a booking and the SP looks nothing like her photos or description.

Offline Diva691

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I would rather you keep your money you’ll be doing us all a favour Thankyou
Banned reason: Previously Banned Naughty Layla / Diva691
Banned by: CoolTiger

Offline Diva691

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At least I’d be 60 quid better if if I was to pay you doll
Banned reason: Previously Banned Naughty Layla / Diva691
Banned by: CoolTiger

Offline RandomGuy99

The thing is, we should be allowed to think about your weight etc etc as we are paying you, you’re not paying us. How many times do is blokes turn up to a booking and the SP looks nothing like her photos or description.
It is different from reviewing a restaurant though.  I imagine some times the comments people make can really hurt and we do need to mindful that not everyone is as strong and confident as Diva.  Depending on how the SP is handling life at the time she reads the review it could be quite damaging. 

The OP's review didn't seem that bad to me but then I'm not the one being reviewed.  Last night I did have the same thought as Diva.  I'd hate to read the reviews of me on bookings if SPs wrote them.


Fat, ugly, cunt.  At least he was clean. No idea about sex or how to please a woman sexually.

The Action:

Took him ages to get hard.  Lacklustre fucking - this guy is clueless. Eventually got him to cum and then he fucked off.

Would I let him return?

Possibly, but for a shorter time and maybe charge him extra."

There could be a market for such a site, but two problems:

1. We'd never get a shag

2. The SPs would never stop laughing.
« Last Edit: November 20, 2020, 11:25:10 pm by RandomGuy99 »

Offline Diva691

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😂 that tickled me fair enough your paying but be mindful and respectful if someone read they who wasn’t as thick skinned as me or was insecure imagine what you would do to her confidence ...  at least he said I’m attractive can fix a smelly fanny  ... can’t really fix an ugly game s
Banned reason: Previously Banned Naughty Layla / Diva691
Banned by: CoolTiger

Offline Diva691

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Banned reason: Previously Banned Naughty Layla / Diva691
Banned by: CoolTiger

Online threechilliman

How has this comedy gold escaped me?!?!

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Offline WillE

I've seen her and reviewed. Hygiene was definitely an issue back then too.

Offline Diva691

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So was yours my love coz I remember you love a sheep 😂👌
Banned reason: Previously Banned Naughty Layla / Diva691
Banned by: CoolTiger

Offline Diva691

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Jumping in the band wagon babe ? As you’ve gathered as sweet as I may appear if you want to bring it up and I’ll get my self nice and comfy for the show../ 🥰
Banned reason: Previously Banned Naughty Layla / Diva691
Banned by: CoolTiger

Online Atlas1957

How has this comedy gold escaped me?!?!
It is good isn't it. :rolleyes:  Must be something to do with November as she gave us this little gem last year too -

Also, you can tell that UKP has changed a lot (for the better).  A few years ago I don't think you would have seen such gentle and polite ribbing from the commenters and such leniency from the moderators.  On the other hand there is something about the incoherent nature of some of her posts that does inspire pity.

Offline Diva691

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😂 breath of fresh air when a working girl tells you how it is... let’s just say I find the whole thing comical  your not really on the ball as I thought you were ...   come on boys gotta be a little bit sharper
Banned reason: Previously Banned Naughty Layla / Diva691
Banned by: CoolTiger

Offline Diva691

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I do love a bunch of key board warriors... middle aged key board warriors ... middle eyes key board warriors ... I don’t think I need to pity
Banned reason: Previously Banned Naughty Layla / Diva691
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Offline Diva691

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Hi atlas1957 were you born in 1957 if so wow your actually older then my dad so maybe you need to be bought upto speed with how things have changed over time ... girls have every right to come on and here  and express there opinion wheather you like it or not but I’m glad you have find me funny I guess I have my good looks and sense of humour going for me at least if not my smelly fanny 👍😉
Banned reason: Previously Banned Naughty Layla / Diva691
Banned by: CoolTiger

Offline spiralnotebook

Just tried a Double bacon cheeseburger stuffed crust Pizza from Aldi, fucking mint!

Offline Bertiebeenthere

Just tried a Double bacon cheeseburger stuffed crust Pizza from Aldi, fucking mint!

Thanks for the review, on my shopping list for the weekend!

Offline magpie252

Hi atlas1957 were you born in 1957 if so wow your actually older then my dad so maybe you need to be bought upto speed with how things have changed over time ... girls have every right to come on and here  and express there opinion wheather you like it or not but I’m glad you have find me funny I guess I have my good looks and sense of humour going for me at least if not my smelly fanny 👍😉

Read the rules you dumb fuck:

2 Service Providers
This site allows service providers to be members, but there is zero-tolerance for touting, flirting, attention-seeking and negative attitude towards punters. Service providers must respect the ethos of the site. This site is not a chat platform between clients and service providers, nor is it a support site for service providers. All service providers / non-punters must reveal their working identities - no 'anonymous WGs'.

Offline Diva691

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Listen knobhead ... stop being being billy big balls coz your sat at home chatting shit on your computer being a little keyboard bitch ... snd have some respect in how you speak to women
Banned reason: Previously Banned Naughty Layla / Diva691
Banned by: CoolTiger

Offline Diva691

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You know were I work your always welcome to come and call me a dumb fuck to my face ...
Banned reason: Previously Banned Naughty Layla / Diva691
Banned by: CoolTiger

Offline Numberone

You keep bumping your shit review love

Offline Diva691

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Baaaaa jumping in the band wagon love .. whose a clever boy for copying and pasting some rules ... let’s give the clever boy a gold star I’ve not swore at anyone so don’t know why this sap think it’s acceptable coz like I said I’ll just grab a brew and make myself comfy
Banned reason: Previously Banned Naughty Layla / Diva691
Banned by: CoolTiger

Offline Diva691

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I might be a working girl but I’m still a woman and you don’t speak to women like that clearly been dragged up then brought up
Banned reason: Previously Banned Naughty Layla / Diva691
Banned by: CoolTiger

Offline Clitheroelad

I might be a working girl but I’m still a woman and you don’t speak to women like that clearly been dragged up then brought up

I agrree 'Manners Maketh a Man', but you're really not helping yourself now.

Offline Clitheroelad

Baaaaa jumping in the band wagon love .. whose a clever boy for copying and pasting some rules ... let’s give the clever boy a gold star I’ve not swore at anyone so don’t know why this sap think it’s acceptable coz like I said I’ll just grab a brew and make myself comfy

Well, rules are rules you know.

Offline Diva691

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I’ve not once swore Who are you to call anyone a dumb fuck .. he has preety much shown his own level of intelligence  I’ve put my side across you thought these ‘rules’ would of been mentioned before it got to page 2 Let’s just say our all actually making yourself look like idiots .. the level of disrespect is quite sad but not shocking it’s what’s expected of here I guess

Banned reason: Previously Banned Naughty Layla / Diva691
Banned by: CoolTiger

Online daviemac

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I’ve not once swore Who are you to call anyone a dumb fuck .. he has preety much shown his own level of intelligence  I’ve put my side across you thought these ‘rules’ would of been mentioned before it got to page 2 Let’s just say our all actually making yourself look like idiots .. the level of disrespect is quite sad but not shocking it’s what’s expected of here I guess
To be honest I'm not sure whether to ban you now for being in breach of the basic rule SPs must follow -

2 Service Providers
This site allows service providers to be members, but there is zero-tolerance for touting, flirting, attention-seeking and negative attitude towards punters. Service providers must respect the ethos of the site. This site is not a chat platform between clients and service providers, nor is it a support site for service providers. All service providers / non-punters must reveal their working identities - no 'anonymous WGs'.

Or leave you as you are doing far more damage to your reputation with your ramblings than any amount of negative reviews could.

Are you related to Gerald Ratner by any chance.   :wacko:

Offline usroads

Are you related to Gerald Ratner by any chance.   :wacko:
It's said there is no such thing as bad publicity - however I think Gerald Ratner and yourself Layla buck this mantra. I think it would have been wise to quietly address the issue without all the follow up and it woul be history by now - instead it's been ingrained into this site.

Offline Diva691

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As you said your right there’s no such thing as bad publicity and be voicing my side has actually gone in my favour if your willing to ban when someone was abusive first by all means go ahead and in regards to my reputation your a small minority compared to rest of the punting world and there’s plenty of people who feel exactly the same way the views on this website are outdated as some of the men and by banning me if if stops people with such views coming to see me your actually found me a favour my feed back on adultwork speaks for it self I have  respectful clientele I have worked at other establishments and my service at those places have spoke for it self I don’t think I need to worry about my reputation but Thankyou for your sincere concern
Banned reason: Previously Banned Naughty Layla / Diva691
Banned by: CoolTiger