Sugar Baby?

Author Topic: Hair removal cream for private areas.  (Read 4472 times)

Offline mrfishyfoo

Do you take Bitcoin?

I think it's done its thing and from now on the regrowth will be the same as the other creams.  They all work by breaking down the chemical bonds in the hair. They don't act as a hair growth inhibitor.

The Oneblade's blade is never going to be great for the scrotum area and will result in nicks unless you use one of the grooming heads which won't deliver a silky smooth finish.

Yes. :lol: :lol: :lol:

I've tried inhibitors. Not found one yet that has a "noticable" effect.  :thumbsdown: :thumbsdown:

The quest for permanantly bald bollocks continues. :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Online RandomGuy99

Yes. :lol: :lol: :lol:

I've tried inhibitors. Not found one yet that has a "noticable" effect.  :thumbsdown: :thumbsdown:

The quest for permanantly bald bollocks continues. :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
A hairless scrotum does feel nice, but I only keep mine hairless when punting. I'm going full hairy mary during the lockdown.

Have you not enquired about having laser hair removal?

Offline mrfishyfoo

A hairless scrotum does feel nice, but I only keep mine hairless when punting. I'm going full hairy mary during the lockdown.

Have you not enquired about having laser hair removal?

Feels even nicer when a lass gets her gob round them.  :yahoo: :yahoo: My experience is that the more hairy they are the more the lasses enthusiasm wanes.

I found laser to be well expensive and more importantly it doesn't get rid of them permenantly it just slows them down.

Offline mrfishyfoo

No surprises that them hairs are coming back already.

I give Deepline a 6/10.

It works BUT it's no where near perfect. IMHO there's more "effort"  for the same result as shaving, with the added risk of chemical burns, albeit no razor bumps which is a good thing.

I'm undecided about it's usefulness.

Online Waterhouse

I've used a Mach 3 Turbo with Gillette sensitive shaving gel for years now.  Always get great results, just have to be slow, gentle and careful.  Had the odd, very small nic over the years, but I always shave a day or two before just in case.

Tried the Philips OneBlade (not body) a while back, seemed good so brought one for myself.  Used it twice now and it has drawn blood on both subsequent uses so went back to the reliable Mach 3.

Offline Marmalade

Are there fanny hair trimmers for women? Are they any good?
Balls are more complex kit than fannies. I can’t say I feel awfully confident about the product as advertised. It looks like an ordinary trimmer but presumably has recessed blades. For parties and swinging I’ve just used Veet (day before at least so it doesn’t stink).

Offline B4bcock

Shaving my balls, I was a trailblazer
I tried lots of creams and even a laser
That's all in the past
I now stand at half mast
Since my slip with a cutthroat razor.

Online RandomGuy99

I've used a Mach 3 Turbo with Gillette sensitive shaving gel for years now.  Always get great results, just have to be slow, gentle and careful.  Had the odd, very small nic over the years, but I always shave a day or two before just in case.

Tried the Philips OneBlade (not body) a while back, seemed good so brought one for myself.  Used it twice now and it has drawn blood on both subsequent uses so went back to the reliable Mach 3.
Don't forget to splash the After Shave on.

Offline Redpunter

The Oneblade body has a green guard/comb which must be attached or you will nick yourself. Showered and shaved this morning hair free and not even the chance of a nick.
Without the guard you are using the Oneblade exactly like the face version.

Offline Vic69

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Are there fanny hair trimmers for women? Are they any good?
Balls are more complex kit than fannies. I can’t say I feel awfully confident about the product as advertised. It looks like an ordinary trimmer but presumably has recessed blades. For parties and swinging I’ve just used Veet (day before at least so it doesn’t stink).

There are, but I havent found one that I would stick with.  I would disagree  our fannies are much more complex  than your balls lol we have lots of nooks and crannies where those pesky pubes hide, if you could see the positions I have to get in to get them all lol

Online RandomGuy99

There are, but I havent found one that I would stick with.  I would disagree  our fannies are much more complex  than your balls lol we have lots of nooks and crannies where those pesky pubes hide, if you could see the positions I have to get in to get them all lol

Offline Vic69

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It would put you off punting for life lol, I like to create the illusion of being as smooth as silk, and not having to do battle with a razor every few days lol

Online CheeseBoard

Don't forget to splash the After Shave on.

Anyone remember Tucker Jenkins (Todd Carty) do that on Grange Hill  :D

Online Waterhouse

Don't forget to splash the After Shave on.
:scare: Lol.

I use Savlon cream and/or Signature Black Bottle lotion.  ;)

Offline myothernameis

Taken from a amazon review

A actual review on amazon for veet hair removal. It's a long read but well worth it.
After having been told my danglies looked like an elderly Rastafarian I decided to take the plunge and buy some of this as previous shaving attempts had only been mildly successful and I nearly put my back out trying to reach the more difficult bits.
Being a bit of a romantic I thought I would do the deed on the missus's birthday as a bit if a treat.
I ordered it well in advance and working in the North Sea I considered myself a bit above some of the characters writing the previous reviews and wrote them off as soft office types...Oh my fellow sufferers how wrong I was.
I waited until the other half was tucked up in bed and after giving some vague hints about a special surprise I went down to the bathroom. Initially all went well and I applied the gel and stood waiting for something to happen. I didn’t have long to wait.
At first there was a gentle warmth which in a matter of seconds was replaced by an intense burning and a feeling I can only describe as like being given a barbed wire wedgie by two people intent on hitting the ceiling with my head.
Religion hadn't featured much in my life until that night but I suddenly became willing to convert to any religion to stop the violent burning around the turd tunnel and what seemed like the the destruction of the meat and two veg.
Struggling not to bite through my bottom lip I tried to wash the gel off in the sink and only succeeded in blocking the plughole with a mat of hair. Through the haze of tears I struggled out of the bathroom across the hall into the kitchen, by this time walking was not really possible and I crawled the final yard to the fridge in the hope of some form of cold relief.
I yanked the freezer drawer out and found a tub of ice cream, toe the lid off and positioned it under me.
The relief was fantastic but only temporary as it melted fairly quickly and the fiery stabbing returned. Due to the shape of the ice cream tub I hadn'nt managed to give the starfish any treatment and I groped around in the draw for something else as I was sure my vision was going to fail fairly soon.
I grabbed a bag of what I later found out was frozen sprouts and tore it open trying to be quiet as I did so. I took a handful of them and an tried in vain to clench some between the cheeks of my arse.
This was not doing the trick as some of the gel had found its way up the chutney channel and it felt like the space shuttle was running its engines behind me.
This was probably and hopefully the only time in my life I was going to wish there was a gay snowman in the kitchen which should give you some idea of the depths I was willing to sink to in order to ease the pain.
The only solution my pain crazed mind could come up with was to gently ease one of the sprouts where no veg had gone before. Unfortunately, alerted by the strange grunts coming from the kitchen the other half chose that moment to come and investigate and was greeted by the sight of me, arse in the air, strawberry ice cream dripping from my bell end pushing a sprout up my arse while muttering arhhh ooooohhh that feels good ahhh Understandably this was a shock to her and she let out a scream and as I hadn'nt heard her come in it caused an involuntary spasm of shock in myself which resulted in the sprout being ejected at quite some speed in her direction.
I can understand that having a sprout fired against your leg at 11 at night in the kitchen probably wasent the special surprise she was expecting and having to explain to the kids the next day what the strange hollow in the ice cream was didn't improve my status so to sum it up, VEET removes hair, dignity and self-respect.

Offline Vic69

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Lol the "chutney channel" always makes me laugh, as does one guy's review that refers to it as "a gentleman's log cabin"

Offline Marmalade

It would put you off punting for life lol, I like to create the illusion of being as smooth as silk, and not having to do battle with a razor every few days lol

In spite of your royal “we”, I am guessing that tells us quite a bit about your fanny dear.

How many fannies have you seen? A lot less than me and probably less than most punters. But thank you for the information.   :sarcastic:

Offline Marmalade

There are, but I havent found one that I would stick with.  I would disagree  our fannies are much more complex  than your balls lol we have lots of nooks and crannies where those pesky pubes hide, if you could see the positions I have to get in to get them all lol

In spite of your royal “we”, I am guessing that tells us quite a bit about your fanny dear.

How many fannies have you seen? A lot less than me and probably less than most punters. But thank you for the information.   :sarcastic:

Offline B4bcock

Some of the fannies I've seen would be a nightmare to shave.  Especially those where the tail keeps getting in the way.

Offline Marmalade

Some of the fannies I've seen would be a nightmare to shave.  Especially those where the tail keeps getting in the way.

Must say, one of the joys of punting is "fanny variations". Hangy-down chewy bits, smooth almost micro-slit airbrush-style 19yr olds (not exclusive to them but more common there), chunky folds to explore, shaved like g-string advert, hairy like like a fucking monster-challenge, a few decorative curly bits, landing-strip for bearings, juicy-readies, or barely-wet that need a very gradual, gentle approach. All good. Preferably disease-free of course!

If I have a preference it's against loadsaloobylube (which I know some guys like). Spoils the natural smell, taste and, depending on preference, the feel of it. Clearly necessary after she's been shagging for England (or Roamania) all fucking day for a week, but a minimum amount is nice: spalshing it on like it's an enema is just so tooo unsophisticated. Just my opinion!

Offline B4bcock

If I have a preference it's against loadsaloobylube (which I know some guys like). Spoils the natural smell, taste and, depending on preference, the feel of it. Clearly necessary after she's been shagging for England (or Roamania) all fucking day for a week, but a minimum amount is nice: spalshing it on like it's an enema is just so tooo unsophisticated. Just my opinion!

This raises an interesting point, Marmalade.  Do WG's tend to randomly slather lube on themselves (and often the punter aswell) or do the savvy ones make a judgement call based on, say, how dry/wet they are, how big the punter's dick is and whether or not they think he will gently slip it in or use it as a battering ram?  It would be great to get some feedback from our resident SP's on this.

Offline Cunning Punt

Blimey, just use shaving cream and a (slightly blunted) razor blade myself.  :rolleyes: