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Author Topic: Sex in the suburbs: Lifting the lid on a secret world  (Read 7749 times)

Offline billyjo

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Sex in the suburbs: Lifting the lid on a secret world
Hundreds of women and men across the West Midlands are selling sex over the internet – and today the Express & Star begins a week-long investigation into the sex industry in the 21st century.

Reporters have found hundreds of cases of people offering to meet customers for sex on a website that works in the same way as eBay, although the two have no connection whatsoever.

The sex for sale industry has never been busier, with a depressing influx of young Eastern European girls joining the ranks of prostitutes in our area.

In the age of the internet and the throwaway mobile phone, finding these women - and sometimes men - has never been easier.

They’re operating from rented flats, nondescript houses and cheap hotels, offering their services for as little as £30.

Some of the new arrivals barely speak English and who knows what new life they thought they were stepping into when they set out for British shores?

Others are Black Country born and bred or Staffordshire girls, promoting themselves as ‘100 per cent English’ and charging a premium rate as a result.

Many claim to be students, but our undercover reporters saw litle sign of course work in dingy rooms reeking of drugs.

All are putting their lives and health on the line to satisfy ‘clients’ who have never found sex for sale so easy.

As children pass by and families go about their business, what is going on behind the curtains of these seemingly normal homes?

From the brothels to the bedroom, from the woods to the clubs, the Express & Star has been behind closed doors into the secret world of sex in the West Midlands.

Every day this week, we investigate how the oldest trade in the world has changed in the 21st century and talk to the people who pay for it – as well as those who offer their bodies for cold cash.

It is not our intention to be sordid or salacious.

We will spare you the explicit details and we are not aiming to ‘expose’ (for want of a better word) those caught up in this seedy trade; in the vast majority of cases they are victims, of one sort or another.

But they are hidden in plain sight, easily accessible at the touch of a button on the internet.

Britain today has a very different attitude towards sex than that which many people would have experienced even a decade or two ago.

The internet is a wild frontier that has replaced the top shelf magazines and cards displayed in phone boxes with an ‘anything goes’ culture.

Our intention over a series of reports this week is not to promote, condone or condemn, but rather to show readers what is happening – often not far from their homes.

Recent court cases have revealed sex being sold above shops and upmarket restaurants.

On one website alone, more than 1,500 people offer sex for sale in Wolverhampton, Dudley, Sandwell, Walsall, Stafford, Cannock - almost in any town, city or village you care to name.

In addition, beauty spots such as Cannock Chase change at night to become meeting places for illicit encounters and lapdancing clubs report a surge in trade, leading to longer opening hours.

Even online dating, once just a simple way of meeting someone for a meal or a drink, has its spin-offs where married couples go searching for a new partner with whom to have an affair.

Incredibly, most of what we have found is legal.

But it provokes urgent questions over whether the law should change.

It may no longer be a tool of the trade, but one thing is for certain – red light still spells danger.

Offline Taggart

Bit of a non-story really, considering how long it's been going on. Someone at the newsdesk on a slow news day has had a eureka moment.

There's some typical passages in it:

Even online dating, once just a simple way of meeting someone for a meal or a drink, has its spin-offs where married couples go searching for a new partner with whom to have an affair.  And your point is?

And of course, we have to be reminded of the old cliches:

Many claim to be students, but our undercover reporters saw litle sign of course work in dingy rooms reeking of drugs.  Ah, the usual connection with hookers and drugs.

Trafficking - Some of the new arrivals barely speak English and who knows what new life they thought they were stepping into when they set out for British shores?

"Our intention over a series of reports this week is not to promote, condone or condemn, but rather to show readers what is happening – often not far from their homes."  Really, so why the moral crusade then?

Reading it again, and there is no byline, so we dont know whether it's the work of a man or woman, what is apparent is that the story conveniently ignores the fact that some women actually WANT to chose that kind of lifestyle, as it suits them, and they are not exploited and make decent money from it.

Their reseach is hardly wide-ranging nor comprehensive, and to say that a website works like ebay is another piece of fiction. Ebay is an auction site, and the site I suspect they mention is not. There is no similarity, so why suggest one.

Gutter journalism at its best. Maybe their investigative journos would be better employed tracking gangs, gun crime, and the fact many immigrants share driving licences of similar looking friends and have never taken a driving test. Oh, I forgot, they can do the salacious stuff from the comfort of the office.....


  • Guest
i wonder what the web site that operares in the same way as Ebay is , do they mean the girl goes to the highest bidder  :D  sounds like a good idea

Offline CBPaul

Others are Black Country born and bred or Staffordshire girls, promoting themselves as ‘100 per cent English’ and charging a premium rate as a result.

Yeah, and probably for the same level of service. Just because they are British doesn't mean they automatically charge 30 quid more.


  • Guest
That article seems confused as to whether prostitution is as old as civilisation itself, or something completely new and shocking...

My favourite bit:

As children pass by and families go about their business, what is going on behind the curtains of these seemingly normal homes?

My god, think of the children!  What is their point here?

Offline billyjo

Also in the same newspaper today -

External Link/Members Only

April 14, 2014 9:59 am
Poll: Should it be made illegal to accept money for sex?
The secret and seedy world of sex is the subject of a week long investigation by the Express & Star.

Men and women of all ages and backgrounds are offering their services for money over the internet, with hundreds of people plying their trade across the West Midlands.

But the rules concerning prostitution are complicated. The sale and purchase of sex is currently legal in Britain, but soliciting, pimping, running a brothel and kerb-crawling are illegal.

What do you think? Vote now in our poll:

Should it be made illegal to accept money for sex?
Yes  34.94%  (29 votes)
No  65.06%  (54 votes)
Total Votes: 83

Offline CBPaul

Love the classifieds at the bottom of the page, just had to check them out and sure enough there are the personal ads, OK not many, but just a couple of clicks from this moralistic crap is an ad for a swingers club  :lol:

Offline Private Parts

This is not The Express and Star that I remember of the earlier years. It was a respected regional newspaper that looked forward for the Black Country. The past editorial desk must look on in shame that they have resorted to lazy, sensationalist journalism. I am proud to say that some of the best punts could be had on Cannock Chase in days when you were just out of shorts and just into "Bonks's" best.
Saddens me that the myopia that exists today regarding the Noblest profession can end up selling tomorrow's chip paper.
Just commenting...
Salt and vinegar anyone? :hi:

Offline Private Parts

Anyone Remember The Silver Dollar Club in Wolverhampton?
Started me off now..

Offline billyjo

External Link/Members Only

Sex in the Suburbs: Close to McDonald’s, stinking of drugs and smoke
It is an ordinary block of flats on an ordinary street, a stone’s throw from a discount supermarket and a McDonald’s.

Tip; Browse by clicking either half of the picture or use the keyboard.Previous Image 1 / 2 Next Image
sex CharlieA photo on the profile page of ‘Charlie’.
sex Charlie2A factbox reveals more details about ‘Charlie’.
These are people’s homes. But it is in this red-bricked flat where a prostitute is plying her trade to customers who have inquired about her services online.

There was no flier in a phone box, no whispered tip from a seedy middle man in a dodgy pub, just a menu of women presented like something out of an Argos catalogue.

The girl had advertised on her profile that she was down the road from Cannock Fire Station. She claims she was a 19-year-old university student and a ‘sexy lady who likes to dress nice for the men’.

The girl, who goes by the name ‘Charlie’, offers prices from £40 to as much as £1,000 for overnight.

Her clients could even rate her ‘work’ in a feedback section that bears similarities to Trip Advisor.

It took just two emails to get a mobile phone number and arrange a meeting. Once booked, a text message arrived with a postcode to find the flat on a sat nav.

The corridor of the block of flags is dark, damp and dingy and signs say it is monitored by CCTV. Graffiti covered doors are lit by a handful of unbroken lights. The rest are smashed.

A fresh faced, black-haired girl with blue eyes and wearing a black nightie opens the door to the flat.

The apartment reeks of stale cigarette smoke and marijuana.

Charlie goes straight into her bedroom and sits on the small bed, which is covered in a blue and white, tatty, bobbled duvet on a rickety mattress.

It is a poky room with a radio and a poster on the wall saying Keep Calm and Carry On.

Despite claiming to be a ‘university student’ there are no text books.

Charlie explains to this first-time visitor what is going to happen: “Well, you get undressed and get comfortable and we’ll go from there really.”

She is a quiet girl. Her speech is slow and at times slurred. She shrugs her shoulders when asked how long the flat has been used like this and says: “I don’t know, I’m from Birmingham.”

Admissions of nervousness are met with re-assurances from Charlie who says: “It’s like a one night stand.”

She checks the time and hints at payment.

Then she goes through a door after instructing her client to get undressed and ‘get comfortable’.

I make my excuses and leave.

Charlie asks a few times if I am sure before saying ‘nice to meet you’ and ushering me out.

The door closes. Locks are turned. The flat becomes just an anonymous front door once more.

Offline billyjo

External Link/Members Only

April 14, 2014 2:59 pm
Sex in the Suburbs: An Eastern European leopard print ‘girlfriend experience’
Parents are helping children cross the road, the Dudley Museum is open for business and workers take a stroll during their lunch break.

Tip; Browse by clicking either half of the picture or use the keyboard.Previous Image 1 / 2 Next Image
Avelina croppedAvelina describes herself as a fun-loving escort.
Avelina2The smartly made bed with leopard-print duvet.
But just seconds away from the hustle and bustle of the town centre - a different world unfolds.

In a plush penthouse at the top of a tower block, sex is being sold on a daily basis.

Avelina describes herself on the internet as a high-class fun-loving escort, as well as professional and independent.

This pretty girl with long blonde hair looks a lot younger than the 28 she claims to be. There is a short message followed by a price list and her mobile number for anyone to see.

One quick phone call can obtain her post code. It takes me to an address in the middle of Dudley. The Town Hall is seconds away, the High Street two minutes on foot.

Avelina presses the buzzer to let her customer in. Half way up the stairs, the mobile phone beeps with a text message containing the code to get into the section where her flat is.

It is unnecessary. A friendly woman pensioner happens to be coming the other way and holds the door open anyway.

A pretty face peeks from behind the door. Avelina is as she described on her page. A curvacious young woman with a short dress and plunging neckline.

The flat has plush pillows, a large TV and a breakfast bar - all very smart and furnished for a young professional.

She leads the way into a small bedroom, although there is another larger one in the flat too.

There is a smartly made double bed with leopard print duvet and pillows. Next to it there is a candle on a bedside table, part of what Avelina refers to as the ‘girlfriend experience’.

Dark brown curtains are drawn. Avelina herself is very friendly, far more interested in asking questions than answering them.

She reveals she is Slovakian but will not say how long she has been in England.

Avelina takes the money and leaves the room. She is keen to get on with things.

“We will have to be quick,” she says. “I have another appointment straight after this and then I am done for the day. I don’t work all the time.”

After chatting for a little longer, I break the news that I can’t go through with it.

She seems a little hurt, and asks why. Is there a problem with her? Is it because she is Slovakian?

Avelina accepts the pre-planned excuse but does appear geniunely hurt, as well as worried about her client, asking if it is because of work, family or a wife.

She says a polite goodbye and says to give her a call if things change.

Outside, people are still milling around, with absolutely no clue as to the business being transacted just yards away.

Offline billyjo

External Link/Members Only

April 14, 2014 2:52 pm
Secrets, lies and sex all around
A seedy world of paid for sex is just a few clicks away on a site that sells it like a second hand DVD on eBay.

sex in suburbs
The webpage offers a menu of women and men prepared to do whatever their customers want in exchange for money.

And there is nothing the authorities can do about it.

Gay, straight, or bisexual – ‘customers’ can pick their ‘escort’ by location. They can narrow their search down to within a few miles of the first three letters of their postcode.

This is not just in the town and city centres either, but out in the leafy suburbs. There is a 41-year-old called ‘Sexy Chanel’ working in Tettenhall.

And explicit images of people with their various bits and bumps on display are just a Google search away for anyone with an internet connection.

Years ago, people ran the risk of being caught in undercover stings by the police if they went out kerb-crawling. Adverts in phone boxes have been banned since 2001.

Now they can make the transaction at home, in front of the computer and with the curtains drawn.

So popular is this website with sex workers that there is a waiting list. The Express & Star tested it out to see if it would accept a listing for phone chats and was told it would be early May before it could go live.

People who accept money for sex in Britain are not doing anything illegal, although those who solicit or ‘pimp’ others through exploitative conduct are.

It is not illegal to advertise sexual services but advertising is subject to a number of legal constraints.

There are also statutory restrictions on how such services are advertised.

The website in question, Adult Work, is based in Malta. It means the once secret world of illicit sex is now hidden in plain sight.

The creators of this particular website even have a Twitter account with more than 14,500 followers, including its escorts who raise technical questions and seek advice the way they would if they were just running a franchise or calling up their company’s IT support.

The eBay comparison is an apt one. The website even calls itself ‘the eBay of sex’. It takes a cut of its members’ takings and also helps its customers by providing a search function in which they can select specific categories.

It offers dirty webcam or phone chats, with its members providing explicit descriptions of the things they are prepared to do alongside little icons to confirm whether they are contactable by phone or by text message.

The words ‘available today’ are highlighted in green.

Users can be very prescriptive, detailing the dates and times they want, as though they were arranging delivery of a washing machine, or set a spending limit for half hour, hourly or overnight rates. Some will even list their nationalities, their ages and even intimate details of body parts.

One woman, who lists her location as Wolverhampton city centre and claims to be 23 and British Asian, has had almost 50,000 views of her page since joining in February 2013. If potential customers do not like her, they click at the top to look at the next nearest sex worker.

There is another describing herself as British but ‘full Indian’, aged 25. Within a week of joining the site in mid-March, more than 2,500 people had perused her services.

‘Aleesha’ says she is not a ‘clock watcher’ and even lists the proximity of parking to her ‘luxury’ apartment near Wolverhampton city centre.

On the day the Express & Star looked at the site there were 288 such women listed in Wolverhampton and 71 men, although the males seem to be spread further afield to places like Birmingham and Dudley.

There were 251 women listed in Walsall, 234 in Dudley, 49 in Sandwell and 613 in Staffordshire.

They were all different ages, from 19-year-olds through to a 54-year-old.

The men on the site, while fewer in number, are also a mixed bag. They include a man claiming to be 57 years old and close to Dudley’s Merry Hill shopping centre and prepared to provide a service to either gender.

A 27-year-old man in Walsall is also tapping into the recent 50 Shades of Grey phenomenon, offering to be available to women for a full weekend from Friday to Sunday, for £2,000.

Pro rata, that would be a £104,000 a year wage for a three day a week job.

His images are somewhat more clean cut than many, a smart looking young man in a suit.

Indeed Mr Grey, as he calls himself, could easily just have been using them on a dating website if he wasn’t looking for money for his companionship.

Another, Big Kad, sits on the bonnet of an expensive-looking Audi. He wants £50 an hour to be an escort, with prices for ‘extra services’ up for negotiation.

With its technical support and blogs the site has become a virtual community for people to openly discuss their trade in plain sight, when once it would have been done in whispered tones to avoid attracting attention.

Some of the website’s users are even able to promote their sense of humour in a dedicated section for jokes.

The website gives a disclaimer saying: “Any money paid to the adult escorts listed on this website is for their time and companionship only. Whatever else that may occur if and when contact is made is the choice of consenting adults.”

But from the explicit details and promises made by the members, it is obvious to anyone that time and companionship is far from their minds. Even so, the site is working within the law. Under the law as it stands, all the authorities do when it comes to the sex trade is make sure that the men and women who accept money for sex are not being harmed.

There is a phrase that is often used called ‘living off immoral earnings’.

While that applies to prostitution, it is mainly concerned with pimps who control men and women in the sex trade and the money they make.

It is also against the law to manage a brothel, legally defined as somewhere with two or more prostitutes.

The internet has provided a way for those who want to sell sex to cut out the middle man.

In a statement, the Home Office said: “It is not illegal to advertise sexual services, however, advertising is subject to a number of legal constraints, including a specific ban on the use of advertising cards in telephone boxes.

“There are also statutory restrictions on how such services are advertised and in exceptional cases, the advertising by third parties of such services may be an offence under common law, such as conspiracy to corrupt public morals. It is an offence to pay for sexual services with a prostitute who is subject to exploitative conduct, such as force, deception or threats –men found guilty face a criminal record and a £1,000 fine.

The government believes individuals who want to leave prostitution should be given every opportunity to find routes out.”

Crime prevention minister, Norman Baker, said: “The most important thing we can do is to ensure we protect the vulnerable people who are at risk of harm and exploitation.

“If a publication or website is thought to be acting illegally, in particular such as offering the services of someone aged under 18 or a victim of trafficking, we expect the police to investigate and the Crown Prosecution Service to consider prosecution.”

Sex for sale is no longer confined to kerbs in the back streets.

It is in ordinary homes, in the cities and in the suburbs.

Offline billyjo

External Link/Members Only

April 14, 2014 3:25 pm
Sex in the Suburbs: Old enough to be a grannie, but still at ‘work’
Less than two hours was all that was needed to arrange to meet her.

sex housewife
Cheryl, who is in her 40s, displays her assets online.
A woman in her 40s, she was ‘promising to satisfy every man’s fantasy’.

To obtain Cheryl’s number didn’t even require an account on a website – her mobile was there to access with click of a few buttons. Her profile even included an email address to get away from the ‘protection’ of the website where she was listed. She describes herself as a size 16, 5ft 4 and blonde.

An exchange of text messages takes place which leads to a meeting at a hotel in Wolverhampton at 7pm. I get an instruction to contact her when I arrive at the car park. I am then sent a message giving directions to her room.

There is nothing seedy about the hotel, there’s hoovering going on and a man requesting an extra key for his room. All appeared to be in order.

After reaching the hotel room I knock on the door and it opens, for a few seconds the person behind is hidden.

Eventually out pops a woman approaching her 50s with short blonde hair wearing pink and black lingerie.

“Come on in,” came the well-spoken invite.

Inside there’s soft lighting, the curtains were drawn and the bed sheets look like they hadn’t been slept in. It smells of baby lotion, fabric softener and scented candles.

She closed the door and sensing nerves she said: “Take a few breaths and have a seat.” Her bedside chair had more lingerie thrown over it.

She didn’t look like someone who had been forced into the sex industry. Instead she looked like she should be serving up a family a Sunday roast dinner. Her response to this observation was: “I just love sex. I can’t get enough of it. This is what I like to do.”

Cheryl’s accent wasn’t as strong as someone from the Black Country.

“I’m not from Wolverhampton, no,” she explained. “I’m from near Bridgnorth. But it’s much safer to meet in a hotel. Both for me and you. I have heard of stories where men have gone to meet a girl in a block of flats and there’s a big guy hidden in the bathroom who grabs them by the collar and throws them out. Or there’s about seven or eight girls in a house and one guy on his own.”

She came across too sheltered to be in a world with such horror stories.

But she wasn’t in a mood to waste time or spend a while chatting.

Before she could finish listing what could have been happening I made my excuses and left.

Apologies were made and £40 was exchanged. Not that she minded: “Don’t you worry, I’ve got another two booked in for tonight.”

Offline billyjo

External Link/Members Only

April 14, 2014 3:34 pm
Sex in the suburbs: Just what happened when we offered up sex for sale?
The phone rang for the first time at 10.30pm. It went through to voicemail, where the caller – whoever they were – heard the words: “Hi, I’m Cassie, I am working today but can’t get to the phone right now. Just leave a message and I’ll get back in touch.”

Sex call
They didn’t leave a message.

The next call for Cassie’s services, officially listed as ‘escort and massage’ on a popular classifieds website for the city that sells anything and everything, randomly came at 8 o’clock in the morning the next day.

Again, it jumped through to answer phone and, again, no message.

Cassie’s profile – and, if you hadn’t already guessed, I’m Cassie for the purpose of this article – went up on Thursday last week.

Within 24 hours, it had been viewed 115 times.

Billed as ‘the new busty escort in town’ and with a fake picture with the face blurred out, it advertised Cassie as ‘the girl you’ve all been waiting for’.

Just one of the many escorts listed on the site for Wolverhampton, she promised to be ‘fun, flirty, up for anything but discreet.’

Tettenhall, Bradmore, Heath Town, Bradley, Blakenhall and the city centre are among the locations listed and there are two pages in total with more than 40 women on there.

The next call came at 11.20am. This time I picked up.


“Hello can I get some details, please?” said a gruff-sounding voice at the other end of the line.

Not really knowing what to say, I mumbled something about “of course, but who am I speaking to?”


The line went dead. Cassie had spooked him. A question of identity is clearly a question too far in this business.

The phone rang again at 1pm. Desperate for someone to leave a message revealing a little insight into this world, I let it go to voicemail. But, just as before, they didn’t feel comfortable leaving one.

The phone rings again – the fifth time in 24 hours – I answer it. “Hello, is that Cassie?” This time he’s young-ish, no older than mid-30s, and quite cheery-sounding, with a strong Black Country accent.

“Yes it is.”

“Are you Polish? Are you Indian? Or are you white?”

“Yes, I’m white and I’m Black Country born and bred.”

“Oh that’s good, that’s really good. They’re all Polish. I just want an hour.”

“I’m so sorry but can you ring me back in 10 minutes, I can’t really talk at the moment. Sorry mate.”

He rings back but it goes unanswered. The whole thing is starting to feel too grubby.

Depending on the world you live in, you’ll either be shocked that it is A) So quick, easy and cheap to set up an ad selling your body and, B) Apparently so commonplace that more than 100 people view the ad in just a single day.

Or perhaps you’re aware that this sort of thing goes on all day, every day and its’ not shocking in the slightest. You may even see it as a good thing: taking prostitution off the streets and out of sight.

I’m not sure how I feel about it, but one’s thing’s for sure, based on how grotty I felt throughout this entire thing, my heart goes out to the girls.


  • Guest
It takes a cut of its members’ takings

Hang on, this is really misleading.  Assuming they're talking about AW, they may charge for things like listings and so on, but they don't, strictly speaking, take a cut of the WG's earnings.  To suggest that they do is implying that they're pimping.


  • Guest
External Link/Members Only

This pretty girl with long blonde hair looks a lot younger than the 28 she claims to be.

Avelina is as she described on her page.

Fuck me that's a first.

And one for HP

External Link/Members Only

Sex in the Suburbs: Old enough to be a grannie, but still at ‘work’

Offline curry

AW must be loving it they have named and shamed think of the extra custom it’s going to bring them and for the punter.  The Spearmint Rhino effect


  • Guest
The reporter clearly got busted browsing AW for prossies and had to make up some bullshit news story to justify it.

Rochdull lad

  • Guest
Every day this week, we investigate how the oldest trade in the world has changed in the 21st century and talk to the people who pay for it – as well as those who offer their bodies for cold cash.

It is not our intention to be sordid or salacious.

We will spare you the explicit details
and we are not aiming to ‘expose’ (for want of a better word) those caught up in this seedy trade; in the vast majority of cases they are victims, of one sort or another.

Last time I read guff like this, it was in "The People" most Sundays in the 1960s.

"It is not our intention to be sordid or salacious".  To quote Jim Royle, "My arse!" :rolleyes:

Offline billyjo

External Link/Members Only

April 15, 2014 3:00 pm
Sex in the Suburbs: Sordid side of beauty spots
‘There's Stuart and Sue, Warren who used to come in a Transit van, a couple whose nicknames are Rum and Coke’.

Dogging 1 PM 19
Some travel from miles away to Cannock Chase which has long been a notorious spot for dogging and still is today.
It sounds like an ordinary club, a group of like-minded friends getting together. But this is one of the West Midlands’ most notorious places for dogging.

“They come from all over the place – you get people with no money or job, people with a mansion and a BMW and everything in between,” says one man who has turned up to such a meeting. It’s about 10.30pm on a rainy Friday night at a secluded car park on Cannock Chase and the man speaking is a 52-year-old construction manager sitting alone in his car in the darkness.

He is waiting for the opportunity to catch a glimpse of strangers having sex and maybe join in himself. Who are these people, these married couples, bereaved lovers and others who have seemingly normal lives but feel the need to drive for miles at night to watch other people having sex somewhere they should not?

What makes someone want to run the risk of being caught, humiliated in a public court room and fined or worse for the sake of a few minutes of gratification?

The answer to that second point may lie in the complexities of the legal system. It is illegal to have sex in a public place, but prosecutions can only happen if the police catch the culprits in the act. Dogging is something that relies on people watching out for each other, posting lookouts.

A popular misconception has been that it

relates to dog walkers.

When the swinging scene discovered that open-air sex had its own special thrill, they began meeting in car parks and the doggers found a new and rich supply of voyeuristic entertainment. Cannock Chase is an area of outstanding natural beauty, popular with families who come to spot flocks of deer. At night, an entirely different kind of person flocks here, from as far as Leicestershire and Nottinghamshire, although it has also spread to the day as well.

Wildlife crime officer Pc Pete Clarke invited the Express & Star to see the issues first-hand.

Some of the more ordinary parts of his job would include catching people that would hunt wild animals with dogs, bait badgers or interfere with the nests and eggs of rare birds.

Tonight, however, is a search for an altogether different kind of wild activity. He is in an unmarked police car at Ansons Bank car park – or as he explains, the main ‘dogging arena’.

Pulling into the car park, there are two parked vehicles facing in the same direction and two men’s faces become clear when they are lit up by the headlights from the plain-looking police car.

Pc Clarke explains that men can come here and sit for hours waiting for a couple in a car to arrive.

Their patience is the same as fishermen or photographers trying to capture an image of wildlife.

Pc Clarke says he is in the ‘show car’ spot, facing the other two vehicles, adding: “Let’s wait here 10 minutes.”

After several minutes and no movement from either of the men, Pc Clarke drives over to one of the cars opposite, the one containing the construction manager, from Burntwood.

The man will not give his name but admits to regularly driving up to the Chase on Fridays and Saturdays in an attempt to go dogging.

“I’ve been doing it 15 or 20 years,” he says. “I started after I lost my girlfriend, she had a heart attack. As far as I’m concerned we are not really doing any harm to anybody. When you see an internal light, that indicates game on.

“There are a lot of people that think there’s a couple in the car and go over.

“As far as I’m concerned, I want to be invited. You go over, they either turn the light off and buzz off or are having a play and you join in.”

Although there are still real concerns by police, he said dogging was not as popular as it once was on the Chase years ago.

“There’s a lot of reasons I guess – the internet, the police coming down, kids coming up here. One of them in a camper van got sprayed with paintballs. I have been egged a couple of times,” he says.

“Ten years ago you could get 20 cars on here on a Friday and Saturday night. Five years ago it was probably 10 and it just got less and less.”

There are several other car parks and lay-bys nearby which are reportedly used by doggers and we come across more parked cars while exploring them. There is a single male driver in most of them, but not everyone claims to be there for the purpose of dogging.

One man gives the excuse that he is meeting a woman there after work and then is ‘just going to leave’.

And despite a couple starting to kiss each other as we pull up next to them, they claim they are there to ‘spend 10 minutes away from the kids’.

But the next single man we come across has no trouble admitting what he was there for.

The 53-year-old, who is a baker by trade, had travelled to the Chase from Stoke-on-Trent for the first time since last Easter. “On and off, I’ve been dogging 13 years. I was just curious to start with,” he says.

“I get down here when I can. It can be once a week or once every six months.

“I’m single but there are people who come here who are married and in relationships.

“It was known as couple’s corner in the good days.” he claims, nodding across to the left of where he was parked.

“Five years ago, there would be six cars parked there. On a Saturday night they used to come from all over the country. I’ve only had a one per cent success rate in the last six years of seeing anything. In the heyday, from the late 1990s to 2004, it used to be brilliant. I’d be successful every weekend with seeing something and you could probably join in.”

But he also claims regular doggers still visited the spot, adding: “There’s Stuart and Sue, Warren who used to come in a transit van, a couple whose nicknames are Rum and Coke.” Another regular apparently goes by the name of Martin and spends hours up at the site in his van, which has a bed in the back and a video camera on the roof.

And Pc Clarke says hundreds are known to visit the Chase for this purpose over a week-long period, with men most likely to visit during the daytime and both couples and men on their own coming at night.

Officials figures have shown that dogging at Cannock Chase was found to be on the increase last year, with more than 100 people a week involved in lewd activities at the beauty spot – from as early as 9am.

Yet despite the sordid nature of their activities, it is actually the litter that is the main concern for the police.

Doggers are known to leave behind used contraceptives and dirty tissues which could be a potential health risk.

Then there are concerns that families with young children could end up seeing exhibitionists in the act.

The internet is awash with websites where people describe their experiences of going dogging on Cannock Chase, the various thrills it gives them akin to a club describing going mountain biking or orienteering.

But it is far from wholesome fun and something the police are having to spend precious time and resources to keep under control.

To tackle dogging, police launched Operation Muttley in April 2012. Appropriately, it was named after the cartoon dog in Wacky Races.

Covert patrols and even CCTV have been used to try to dissuade couples from using the Chase. It is a round the clock battle for the police.

“They start at 9am and it goes on into the early hours,” Pc Clarke said.

“A lot of the stuff is arranged on the internet beforehand. They will use various websites.

“They come from all walks of life. You see company cars, ropey old cars, new Jags. There are normal everyday folk up there who you wouldn’t expect.”

He added that those involved are urged to be discreet about what they do.

“We respond to people’s concerns and will hand out leaflets to them encouraging them to clean up their rubbish and be discreet.” he said.

And its not just Cannock Chase that dogging takes place. Beauty spots across the Midlands are used including Barr Beacon in Walsall.

Dogging spots
Train station car parks have also provided meeting points for those who like to indulge in exhibitionism.

The families and commuters who use these sites in the day would be horrified to find out what is going on there when darkness descends - and sometimes even before.

And according to Pc Clarke those who head to Cannock often do so with their other half.

He said: “We told people originally we would record their registrations and send a letter home, which was meant to embarrass them, but a lot of people up there were with their wives.”

Anyone with concerns about dogging on Cannock Chase should contact Staffordshire Police on 101.

Offline billyjo

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April 15, 2014 2:59 pm
Sex in the Suburbs: Dogging just a normal pastime claims voyeur website
By day they are car parks, footpaths, fields and beauty spots – by night the meeting place for the kinky practice known as dogging.

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DoggersDogging was featured in a recent documentary by Channel 4
Cannock Chase
This exhibitionist craze, people meeting up for sex in public, has been around for a decade. But it has grown in popularity as technology has moved on and the internet, smartphones and social media have made it easier for people to arrange to get together.

There have even been TV programmes, such as Channel 4’s Dogging Tales, devoted to it. It is a problem for the police who would have to catch people in the act if they are to arrest them. And it is less than pleasant for families who want to enjoy areas of natural beauty, such as Cannock Chase, by day if they know that at night they are being used for such unsavoury activities.

The practice of dogging is described as engaging in sexual acts in a public place or watching others doing so.

It is said to have originated in the 1970s, with men following couples to watch them have sex, but only seems to have taken off since 2003. Dogging Tales drew two million viewers and sparked a storm on Twitter.

Now there is evidence that dogging has begun to spread to other countries, such as the United States, Canada, Ireland, Australia, Barbados, Brazil, the Netherlands and Denmark.

Cannock Chase is a notorious hotspot, but recent reports suggest doggers are also gathering in leafy Solihull.

A footpath near the police station was revealed as a prime location, while a layby in Egghill Lane, Frankley is also apparently a favourite.

Whole websites are devoted to it, allowing people to register themselves and get details of where to meet for sex.

On one site, it is praised as a hobby that is as normal as flower arranging or amateur dramatics. “The UK leads the world in dogging,” it proclaims proudly.

“We simply love it as a nation. Thousands and thousands of people come dogging across the country, from London to Cornwall, to Cardiff to Glasgow. British dogging is the best, as we pretty much invented the niche, and more than in other countries, we actually treat each other nicely. When you join a group or couple for outdoor dogging in the UK, you will generally find them very welcoming and friendly.

“This is because it’s viewed as something of a community activity in this country.

“You don’t need to be nervous, and there is far less risk than in some countries where it’s still very much an underground thing.”

While it may no longer be ‘underground’, it is still against the law.

But there have been complaints that doggers often escape prosecution and that police have a lack of powers to deal with the problem. Officers have to catch those involved in the act if they want to take any action against them.

Dogging comes under laws related to voyeurism, exhibitionism or public displays of sexual behaviour – but the laws on dogging itself are ambiguous.

Police say prosecution is possible under the Public Order Act or the Sexual Offences Act, or for the common law offence of outraging public decency. But the Association of Chief Police Officers’ policy is that arrests are a last resort and a more gradual approach should be taken in such circumstances.

Offline billyjo

External Link/Members Only

April 16, 2014 2:58 pm
Sex in the Suburbs: We take strict control says cinema owner
The internet may be where many people who use porn go to find it these days but there is still a place for the sex cinema according to the owner of one Midlands establishment.

The Foxy Lady cinema in Bilston
The Foxy Lady cinema in Bilston
The Foxy Lady Adult Cinema on Bilston’s Oxford Street has been screening films, selling DVDs and sex toys since 1995.

As a business, it is unconventional, but fully legal, with all the required planning permission from the local authority. The owner hopes to open a dance bar at the end of June, and needs no further permission from the council to do so.

And while he admits business has been hit by the rise of online porn he says there is still a place for establishments such as his, as he says the online world is poorly regulated, whereas only over-18s can enter his premises.

“Little kids can see it online,” he said.

Although he would not say how many customers the business had, he said most were in the 40s or 50s, and had heard about the cinema through word of mouth. The owner said most of those who come through his doors do so because they don’t have a computer at home and are unable to access the internet via their mobile phones. “Business is not as good as it was, because people can do it privately in their own homes,” he said.

“The customers just haven’t got the internet,” he added. “Many people, believe it or not, do not have telephones.”

Women are not allowed into the cinema.

The owner said the rule is in place as a precaution against anyone engaging in sexual activities inside, which he insisted was banned.

The owner added: “We take strict control of the property. The licensing people have been down and double checked and there has been no problem.”

The business was awarded a Sexual Entertainment Venue (SEV) licence in 2012, which is when the licences were introduced by the Government. Until then it met the legal requirement for the time. The owner said: “It’s a very private industry. We just show films that are legal to show.”

The SEV licence is up for annual renewal by planning bosses at Wolverhampton City Council and the renewal will be subject to a public consultation.

The business also houses a sex shop, which sells toys and DVDs. Opening hours are 11am to 11pm, seven days a week. The owner said the busiest times were in the evenings and on weekends. To go in it will set you back between £5 and £8, depending on the time of day.

Offline billyjo

External Link/Members Only

April 16, 2014 2:59 pm
Sex in the Suburbs: Bodies are their own business – E&S readers speak out
It is the oldest profession in the world – but one that presents danger and a risk of arrest.

sex in suburbs
Sex is for sale like never before over the internet, with hundreds of women and men advertising their services in plain sight.

But the rules concerning prostitution are complicated. The sale and purchase of sex is currently legal in Britain, but soliciting, pimping, running a brothel and kerb-crawling are illegal.

Sex workers have been banned from advertising in phone boxes for many years.

Express & Star readers are divided, although the majority do not back a further tightening of the rules, preferring to let women and men who know the risks decide for themselves what they do with their own bodies.

An online poll on our website asked if it should be illegal to accept money for sex. And 69 per cent said no.

And on Facebook, reader Richard Banks said: “Totally dependent on the situation, but one person shouldn’t have the power to dictate what another does with their body.”

Gemma Harris, a full time mother, disagreed: “Damn right it should be illegal,” said said. “And more prosecutions should be made instead of programmes like Secret Diary of a Call Girl glamourising it. What messages are we sending to kids when we’re saying the law thinks this is an acceptable career?” Mick Tambs urged people to consider the industry as a whole and the dangers sex workers faced.

“Much bigger picture to look at here,” he said on Facebook.

“It’s the pimps that need to be stopped getting the girls dependent on drugs and forced into a no-win situation.”

John Elwell believed people should be allowed to do as they please when it comes to sex work as long as they do no harm.

“Why don’t you just give up making more laws for people to follow, and allow people to live how they please as long as they’re not hurting other folks,” he said.

And Glynn McWilliams had a very liberal view about sex work and marriage.

“None of anyone’s business what a woman does with her body, it’s her body and probably saves men leaving their wives,” he said.”

Steve Wellings added: “Look at the continent and copy their framework. It’s been run successfully run for years. Instead of driving it all underground.”

Susan Steatham, agreed: “Unfortunately due to our UK culture and heritage we prefer to be the proverbial ostrich, sticking our head in the sand and pretending th

Offline billyjo

External Link/Members Only

April 16, 2014 3:00 pm
Sex In The Suburbs: How sex cinemas are licensed to give thrills
Sex is no stranger to the world of cinema.

The Foxy Lady in Bilston
The Foxy Lady in Bilston
Take your average blockbuster and you’ll find many feature a Hollywood heartthrob or starlet undressed and acting out scenes of passion under the covers.

But away from the A-list and the red carpet there is a whole industry dedicated to far more gratuitous and graphic displays.

In the 21st century pornography is freely available on the internet with politicians discussing ways to keep its potentially harmful content away from impressionable children.

Yet despite the glut of smut accessible online for free at the touch of a button from the privacy of one’s own home there are still cinemas showing sex movies to audiences prepared to pay £8 or £9 a time to watch others having sex on camera. And some of them are right here in the West Midlands.

Film-goers even go online to discuss which is the best venue to visit.

They are not hard to spot though, at one such cinema in Bilston the words ‘Foxy Dance Bar, Adult Shop, Adult Cinema’ are painted in towering black letters.

Outside, a council notice is pinned on the door offering proof of the business’ licence, affirming that everything is above board and legal. Another sign welcomes visitors into the cinema, explaining that the dance bar will open soon.

Once you venture inside heavy curtains block sunlight, and prying eyes, from penetrating the building. A tiny television set at the reception area is showing an adult film in full swing.

The man behind the counter says it costs £9 to go in. It is only 3pm on a Thursday, but once you’ve stumped up the entrance fee you can stay until doors close at 9.30pm.

There are two screens, and you can flit between them as you please. A sign at the venue says there are no sex acts allowed inside.

The man at the door explained: “We’ve got to put them up by law.” Yet go online and you’ll find tales of all kinds of activities that people claim to have indulged in while there over the years. The last was in 2011 and when we spoke to the owner he insisted no sex acts take place on site.

Councillor Bishan Dass, chair of Wolverhampton City Council’s licensing committee, said the council had not received any complaints about the cinema, adding that were it to receive any, it would have the authority to revoke or suspend the businesses’ licence following an investigation.

He said he had previously told the manager that the council ‘would not be interested in anything that would bring a bad name to the city’.

He added: “He promised that, no, he was running his business quite within the law and within the licensing conditions. Since then I have heard nothing about Foxy Lady and unless somebody complains or we find something wrong there’s nothing for us to do.

“We haven’t heard any complaints from the locality – mind you it’s all industrial; I don’t think there are any residential properties.

“We know that it’s very popular with punters coming from outside the city,” he added.

Colin Parr, the council’s licensing manager, added that there was a strict framework of regulations governing sex establishments in Wolverhampton.

He said: “The framework does give the public the opportunity to have a say on whether these venues are licensed or unlicensed and we receive very, very few complaints about the operations.”

He added: “These are legitimate businesses used by consenting adults.

“What the licensing framework does is set up the mechanisms that take place in a way that protects the public and protects residents.”

Read more: We take strict control, insists owner

E&S readers speak out on sex work: Their bodies are their own business

For example, he said, sex establishments are heavily restricted on what they can display outside, compared to, say, pubs and clubs, which have much more freedom.

Furthermore, the licences are subject to annual renewal involving public consultations, a measure he said was again far stricter than other licences were subject to.

“In terms of the 40-odd licence types that we issue as a service,” he said, “sex establishment licences are amongst the most regulated that we have got. It essentially gives the council massive control over how the premises is run and it also gives the public a very strong say in the application process.”

The actual cinema at the Bilston venue is in a dark room, covering about 30ft by 20ft with rows of faux leather seats, peeling wallpaper and a screen the size of a small billboard at the far end. A handful of men are dotted among the 50-odd seats.

Most are middle aged, casually dressed in jeans and T-shirts, but one older man soon enters wearing a three-piece suit. There are no women to be seen. On the screen is the sort of thing that is all over the internet – a pornographic feature with a plot in only the loosest sense of the word.

Nothing seems to be happening in the audience. In the other room, screen two, is a similar sort of feature.

A screen at the Foxy Lady
A screen at the Foxy Lady
Everyone in the audience is sitting motionless, eyes glued to the screen, straining to hear the muffled audio. Again there are no women and it turns out that they are ‘not allowed in’ according to the man at the reception.

Back out in the shop are rows of pornographic DVDs, available to rent for £30, with a £15 refund upon return. You can almost see why in the 1970s, long before the internet, this sort of venue would have been popular.

As it is now, with all it offers available online, much of it free and at the click of a mouse, why do men still come to places like these?

There is no doubting many of those who use these cinemas can’t get online at home. But another possible answer is waiting outside.

He’s a 60-something man wearing a smart grey suit complete with polished black shoes and a pocket handkerchief. The man first visited two weeks ago. And in that time he’s met 20 other men. Human contact is something the internet has yet to replace.

Offline Taggart

In one way it's entertaining, and in another, it's no different to what the News of the World did 20+ years ago. Still, keeps someone gainfully employed. What does he tell his wife/GF/significant other? It's purely research?

What I find distasteful is that the paper is leaning on the seedier side, and has no interest in the fact there are women who work from up market apartments, are very classy and a gulf from the skank end of prostitution that they seem to be investigating. Maybe the expense account doesnt run to £300 an hour?