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Author Topic: Dating a prossie. Is it as bad an idea as it sounds?  (Read 51073 times)

Offline niceguy30!!

I dated one for a few months, it was a good laugh but she wanted kids really soon and I didn't. The sex was unbelievably good she was always up for it.

Online MissWolf

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Interesting reading  :rolleyes:

Yep some wg's are addicts, some are bat shit crazy, some lie, some have issues, some are skint and some have made there money, some will retire and stay retired, some will come back to this life when the need arrises.

You could apply all of the same or similar to punters,  i mean a large proportion of the are cheating on their current partner so pot and kettle come to mind, but it still doesn't mean a relationship between the two can't and or won't work.

If i entered into a relationship with an ex client and gave up working i could be equally suspicious of him should he be late home from work or unreachable on the phone etc

If i was to be in a relationship where i was still working then it would be work, as it is now,  nothing more. To achieve that you both need to be able to separate sex from love and work from relationship,  admittedly not easy but with the right communication possible.

It all comes down to individuals and attitudes really.

Offline Strawberry

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Interesting reading  :rolleyes:

Yep some wg's are addicts, some are bat shit crazy, some lie, some have issues, some are skint and some have made there money, some will retire and stay retired, some will come back to this life when the need arrises.

You could apply all of the same or similar to punters,  i mean a large proportion of the are cheating on their current partner so pot and kettle come to mind, but it still doesn't mean a relationship between the two can't and or won't work.

If i entered into a relationship with an ex client and gave up working i could be equally suspicious of him should he be late home from work or unreachable on the phone etc

If i was to be in a relationship where i was still working then it would be work, as it is now,  nothing more. To achieve that you both need to be able to separate sex from love and work from relationship,  admittedly not easy but with the right communication possible.

It all comes down to individuals and attitudes really.

Summed up many of my thoughts and experience on this matter.

Depends on the 2 individuals, and exact situation.

Some punter-prossie relationships work, some don't and yes there are doubts, suspicions but those can exist without any paid sex factors.
« Last Edit: July 13, 2020, 08:19:34 am by Strawberry »

Offline mattylondon

Really? Oh dear, that seems to have hit a raw nerve. The WGs you chose to have relationships with seem to have left you somewhat bitter and twisted.

Who's the piece of shit here? Deflecting your own misogyny perhaps? :unknown:

The reality is more like I've enjoyed the sexual experiences but going into each with my eyes wide open and not deceiving anyone, especially myself. A realist.

I see you enjoy punting women and men alike but in your delusional state of mind, some would call it denial of your own latent homosexuality, continually refer to the men you punt as 'she'. I can't take you seriously. One wonders what goes on in that little febrile mind of yours? It would be interesting to know how many of the women you punt know you're a giver or receiver from men?

Think that you could do with an injection of realism yourself, my friend?  :hi:

Offline winkywanky

The reality is more like I've enjoyed the sexual experiences but going into each with my eyes wide open and not deceiving anyone, especially myself. A realist.

I see you enjoy punting women and men alike but in your delusional state of mind, some would call it denial of your own latent homosexuality, continually refer to the men you punt as 'she'. I can't take you seriously. One wonders what goes on in that little febrile mind of yours? It would be interesting to know how many of the women you punt know you're a giver or receiver from men?

Think that you could do with an injection of realism yourself, my friend?  :hi:

Ah, you further reveal yourslf to be the sneering, nasty little misogynist fuckwit you are  :hi:.

Calling another UKP punter a piece of shit for giving his personal opinion, and then tellling me I fuck blokes  :lol:.

UKP is a place where we can all share experiences and intel on WGs (and also other stuff via Off Topic). A basic tenet of that is that we all respect each other's punting choices.  You'd do well to learn that before you make yourself look an even bigger cunt than you already have. Piece of shit.  :hi:

We can sit here and call each other names all day and it wouldn't achieve very much, but safe to say you're fucked up and project your own personal failures onto others, and you seem unable to appreciate that they come out of years of punting happy and pragmatic, while you simply vent disgusting bile.

I'd tell you to fuck off, but you're already done that to yourself, you sad, disillusioned little man. Furthermore, because you're so fucked up in the head, your opinion means jackshit.
I'm your friend:lol:

Offline Hobbit

The reality is more like I've enjoyed the sexual experiences but going into each with my eyes wide open and not deceiving anyone, especially myself. A realist.

I see you enjoy punting women and men alike but in your delusional state of mind, some would call it denial of your own latent homosexuality, continually refer to the men you punt as 'she'. I can't take you seriously. One wonders what goes on in that little febrile mind of yours? It would be interesting to know how many of the women you punt know you're a giver or receiver from men?

Think that you could do with an injection of realism yourself, my friend?  :hi:

You're bang out of order dude and clearly don't understand what UKP is about. Just because someone likes transexuals doesn't make them Gay. I think you'd be surprised how many straight men actually fantasize about women with cocks.  :hi:
« Last Edit: July 13, 2020, 11:43:13 am by Hobbit »

Online daviemac

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The reality is more like I've enjoyed the sexual experiences but going into each with my eyes wide open and not deceiving anyone, especially myself. A realist.

I see you enjoy punting women and men alike but in your delusional state of mind, some would call it denial of your own latent homosexuality, continually refer to the men you punt as 'she'. I can't take you seriously. One wonders what goes on in that little febrile mind of yours? It would be interesting to know how many of the women you punt know you're a giver or receiver from men?

Think that you could do with an injection of realism yourself, my friend?  :hi:
You are sailing very close to the wind, I would suggest you think very carefully before posting again.

Online Doc Holliday

You are sailing very close to the wind, I would suggest you think very carefully before posting again.

Indeed .... Rule 21 etc.

Cannot believe this topic has resurfaced yet again?

Well actually yes I can ... it's such a common punter 'fantasy'  :D


Offline blend57

Ah this old chestnut....

I once bought lunch for a WG after a 2 hour punt. Does that count?

Offline Hobbit

Ah this old chestnut....

I once bought lunch for a WG after a 2 hour punt. Does that count?

Hmmm, no it doesn't. Get her to pay for her own lunch and then that's a date.  :D

Offline Wibblewibble123

Share my experience quickly as it cuts open some of my own issues here!!

Last year I dated a former “sugar baby” while she was at uni, but it carried on a little while after. We got on really well and attempted to have a relationship, only from a this perspective, but she wanted us to have a ‘open’ relationship, to which I went along with, and I have to say it really tore me apart.

I guess I never really knew if she was doing it for money again or if it was just the genuine off chance... I knew she had a good job now and a masters degree etc. But you never quite know, and I struggled with it.

Now young, free and single again but would treat lightly into a relationship like that again!! Again all because of my insecurities I’d say.

Offline Rick2468

I posted in a different thread about a time I went to a concert and there was a woman in our group who my mate bought along and some time after the gig I saw the same woman on adultwork. The next time I saw my mate who knew her I tentatively asked about her and he said they went out together for a few months but they decided just to stay friends. Unfortunately he did not give any information apart from that and I didn't mention that I'd seen her on an escort site and give anything away about myself so I didn't push for information. It was odd enough for me just mentioning her randomly so long after I met her.

It did raise the question on whether my friend knew she was an escort and indeed whether that is how they met. My mate is sex mad even by bloke standards but he is also a very handsome man who gets a lot of action anyway so I don't know and decided to give him the benefit of the doubt that he didn't meet her as an escort.

Offline Wibblewibble123

I posted in a different thread about a time I went to a concert and there was a woman in our group who my mate bought along and some time after the gig I saw the same woman on adultwork. The next time I saw my mate who knew her I tentatively asked about her and he said they went out together for a few months but they decided just to stay friends. Unfortunately he did not give any information apart from that and I didn't mention that I'd seen her on an escort site and give anything away about myself so I didn't push for information. It was odd enough for me just mentioning her randomly so long after I met her.

It did raise the question on whether my friend knew she was an escort and indeed whether that is how they met. My mate is sex mad even by bloke standards but he is also a very handsome man who gets a lot of action anyway so I don't know and decided to give him the benefit of the doubt that he didn't meet her as an escort.

Interesting that actually!! I matched with a girl on tinder and got chatting, never met up with her, seemed lovely though, then just before ‘lockdown’ saw her on AW, and I was like  :scare: missed out there  :lol:

Offline dreamwrx

I'm had a GOOD experience of this.

I ended up dating the first working girl I ever met ... by accident, I swear, way back in my early 20s when I had an honest-to-goodness sports injury (lower back), and she advertised in the local paper as a masseuse.

Fuck me I thought when she turned up. Statuesque, Swedish, big natural tits, cleavage on show.

Little did I realise just how good that massage would ultimately be  :drinks:

It was a small town and we ended up seeing each other socially, kind of going out without ever saying we were BF / GF.

I never asked about her seeing other clients, but I only paid for sex the first time .. the rest was just for fun. She was the first girl to ask me to fuck her in the ass ...

In the end we just grew apart (she was maybe ten years older than me) .. I got a job working in London, and was just never around.

She was filthy as all fuck and a really good, down to earth lass. Christ I do miss those simple, simple days lol

Offline Colston36

I'm had a GOOD experience of this.

I ended up dating the first working girl I ever met ... by accident, I swear, way back in my early 20s when I had an honest-to-goodness sports injury (lower back), and she advertised in the local paper as a masseuse.

Fuck me I thought when she turned up. Statuesque, Swedish, big natural tits, cleavage on show.

Little did I realise just how good that massage would ultimately be  :drinks:

It was a small town and we ended up seeing each other socially, kind of going out without ever saying we were BF / GF.

I never asked about her seeing other clients, but I only paid for sex the first time .. the rest was just for fun. She was the first girl to ask me to fuck her in the ass ...

In the end we just grew apart (she was maybe ten years older than me) .. I got a job working in London, and was just never around.

She was filthy as all fuck and a really good, down to earth lass. Christ I do miss those simple, simple days lol

You soppy romantic ...

The thing I think made my relationships work was that I am not jealous. I'd think that would make a relationship almost impossible.

Offline Rick2468

Interesting that actually!! I matched with a girl on tinder and got chatting, never met up with her, seemed lovely though, then just before ‘lockdown’ saw her on AW, and I was like  :scare: missed out there  :lol:

I have seen a few on Tinder and other dating sites over the years. I always message them even if I'm not interested just because I'm curious about whether they will openly bring it up. They normally list their occupation as "Student" but there was one who listed her occupation as "Customer services" which I thought was really funny. I normally don't get a response but I recall chatting to a few. I exchanged messages on the site with one who after a while said she wasn't currently to look to meet anyone from the site at the time being which annoyed me as it was just wasting my time. Another one messaged me first and seemed quite keen but I just didn't find her attractive so blanked her as soon as she raised the possibility of dating. The final one was a British lady and we were getting on very well. She said "I have a dark secret" and I played dumb and said "What? Have you been in jail?" and she said no but didn't say what the secret was. I even got her number (which was the same as her number on adultwork) and I called her but she went quiet on me after that so I assume I didn't come across well on the phone.

Offline winkywanky

I'm had a GOOD experience of this.

I ended up dating the first working girl I ever met ... by accident, I swear, way back in my early 20s when I had an honest-to-goodness sports injury (lower back), and she advertised in the local paper as a masseuse.

Fuck me I thought when she turned up. Statuesque, Swedish, big natural tits, cleavage on show.

Little did I realise just how good that massage would ultimately be  :drinks:

It was a small town and we ended up seeing each other socially, kind of going out without ever saying we were BF / GF.

I never asked about her seeing other clients, but I only paid for sex the first time .. the rest was just for fun. She was the first girl to ask me to fuck her in the ass ...

In the end we just grew apart (she was maybe ten years older than me) .. I got a job working in London, and was just never around.

She was filthy as all fuck and a really good, down to earth lass
. Christ I do miss those simple, simple days lol

I can almost feel your pain, pouring out of every tortured word of your post as I scan the lines. A truly awful experience  :wacko:  :D  :thumbsup:

Offline aronteo

Share my experience quickly as it cuts open some of my own issues here!!

Last year I dated a former “sugar baby” while she was at uni, but it carried on a little while after. We got on really well and attempted to have a relationship, only from a this perspective, but she wanted us to have a ‘open’ relationship, to which I went along with, and I have to say it really tore me apart.

I guess I never really knew if she was doing it for money again or if it was just the genuine off chance... I knew she had a good job now and a masters degree etc. But you never quite know, and I struggled with it.

Now young, free and single again but would treat lightly into a relationship like that again!! Again all because of my insecurities I’d say.

I disagree - I don't think it is a matter of your insecurities; it's just that an open relationship or a relationship with a WG would require a certain frame of mind (that maybe could suit some, I don't know).

I mean, let's not forget that relationships are anyway already complex per se; adding the element of being in an 'open' relationship or dating a WG just adds another layer of intricacies - and, more often than not, that will invariably lead to a colossal failure... :hi:

Offline Mr Sinister

Nope as the saying goes "never wife a hoe". There is a lot wrong with former wgs, most men that gets into relationships with a wg are ones that are easy to walkover. No sane, strong minded man is going into a serious relationship with one unless you have been really mesmerised by the pussy, found yourself in a emotionally weak position.

Have a casual fling with one yes, but don't get involved.

Offline blend57

Hmmm, no it doesn't. Get her to pay for her own lunch and then that's a date.  :D

But it was at Pizza Express!


Offline Hobbit

But it was at Pizza Express!


Still. It's 2020 and women want equality so she should have paid.  :D :P

Offline king tarzan

Ask Mike Pence and Jair Balsonaro  :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Banned reason: Misogynist who gets free bookings from agencies for pos reviews.
Banned by: daviemac

Offline Hobbit

Ask Mike Pence and Jair Balsonaro  :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Never heard of them. What did they do?

Offline king tarzan

Never heard of them. What did they do?

Morally conservative high standing leading politicians from the USA and Brazil...
Banned reason: Misogynist who gets free bookings from agencies for pos reviews.
Banned by: daviemac

Offline Hobbit

Morally conservative high standing leading politicians from the USA and Brazil...

So what's your point? They wouldn't take a girl to pizza express and let her pay?

Offline king tarzan

So what's your point? They wouldn't take a girl to pizza express and let her pay?

they would have a very great response about a man dating escorts..
Banned reason: Misogynist who gets free bookings from agencies for pos reviews.
Banned by: daviemac

Online daviemac

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they would have a very great response about a man dating escorts..
I'll bear that in mind if I ever come across an escort I want to date in the USA or Brazil.    :dash: :dash:

Offline Hobbit

they would have a very great response about a man dating escorts..

Well, I'm sure they would be against anything morally challenging unless it involved money. Because where there are large sums of money involved then these people's morals go out the window.

Offline Payyourwaymate

The answer is quite simple. She belongs to the streets. Whether if she is a nice person, down to earth or an intellectual titan, it does not matter... go and find a chick like that who does not sell sex, they do exist. It's quite funny that men are ready to give a look in to any type of woman no matter her situation but when the table is flipped those same women they would give a chance would ignore that man.

People are ignoring their initial instincts focusing on the one positive they can grasp onto in a sea of negatives and then wondering how they end up in messed up situations in the future.

Men willing to enter such an entanglement are setting themselves up for heartbreak and I do not feel sorry for any of them. It's as bad as nice girls that fall for the typical bad guy that uses the girl for everything and dumps them, leaving them an emotional wreck. Take it how you will.

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« Last Edit: July 13, 2020, 05:25:27 pm by Payyourwaymate »

Online MissWolf

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Nope as the saying goes "never wife a hoe". There is a lot wrong with former wgs, most men that gets into relationships with a wg are ones that are easy to walkover. No sane, strong minded man is going into a serious relationship with one unless you have been really mesmerised by the pussy, found yourself in a emotionally weak position.

Have a casual fling with one yes, but don't get involved.

There is a lot wrong with men.....but we still put up with you :dash:

In the nicest possible way good sir, you are talking crap  :hi:

Offline AnthG

There is a lot wrong with men.....but we still put up with you :dash:

There is a lot wrong with the men WGs date is a better way of putting it.

Punters often start these topics but they don't stand a chance. Unless you deal drugs and think a fun Friday night is glassing some random person in a bar.....

And before people get in arms, I know not every working girl goes for that type of man. For example, I don't think nice girls like Strawberry or Keeva would go for that type of man in a million years.
Banned reason: To much drama, account closed
Banned by: Iloveoral

Online mace-window

The answer is quite simple. She belongs to the streets. Whether if she is a nice person, down to earth or an intellectual titan, it does not matter... go and find a chick like that who does not sell sex, they do exist. It's quite funny that men are ready to give a look in to any type of woman no matter her situation but when the table is flipped those same women they would give a chance would ignore that man.

People are ignoring their initial instincts focusing on the one positive they can grasp onto in a sea of negatives and then wondering how they end up in messed up situations in the future.

Men willing to enter such an entanglement are setting themselves up for heartbreak and I do not feel sorry for any of them. It's as bad as nice girls that fall for the typical bad guy that uses the girl for everything and dumps them, leaving them an emotional wreck. Take it how you will.

Hidden Image/Members Only

My man. Speaking my language and the truth. All these guys thinking about relationships with escorts listen to Payyourwaymate. I would add that any woman that whore herself out is for the streets regardless if she sells it or not. That and the typically nice girls that fall for bad guy normally dump or ignore nice guy that treated her nice in the first place for the exciting bad boy 8/10 times. Trust me, I know from experience. Don't feel sorry for those women.

By the way, did you steel entanglement from Jada Pinkett Smith?

Offline smiths

Any views on this at all? Does anyone have and stories with good/bad endings?

IMO its a bad idea but for some it could work as I know 2 couples where it has worked and they are years in together. However never be persuaded at the start to lend a WG money as that could be her real motivation. IF she treats you properly then fair enough. The fact is some WGs are total mercenary cunts who see men as walking cash machines, same as some civvie women do, you will see I said the word some, that's because as ever in life it depends on the individual woman, and man of course.

I had a good regular years ago who I had been punting with 3 times a week for 8 weeks or so and then out of the blue she said we could be good together, I said but I have a partner as you know. She was in a fantasy that I would leave my partner and set up home with her, as I said that wouldn't be happening plus I have no intention of ever being faithful. That put her off me but the big problem was that spoilt the punting magic for me and I never saw her again.

Offline Private Parts

Miss Wolf and Strawberry nailed it. Both experienced providers.
Hobbit has a lot to learn. Maybe he’s only 16.
His opinion is his rite. But to stuff it down members’ throats is rich.
Why do we put up with this

Offline Rack Admirer

Dating a prossie. Is it as bad an idea as it sounds?

This is a bit of a daft question as it assumes that all "prossies" are the same and that all punters are the same. There is no reason why dating prossies shouldn't go well. If the couple are a good match then it will work. I know some punters who got involved with WGs and went on to have long-term relationships. I know of at least one member on here who fits into this category and no longer posts as a result.

I do believe, though, that prossies are more likely to have issues than civvies who've never been on the game. It may also be true that punters themselves are more likely to have issues than non-punters. The profession definitely attracts more unstable characters than most.

I would also be wary of foreign WGs. I'm not being racist or xenophobic here, but as we all know, WGs from some countries have bad reputations. As much as I like Thai pussy, I'd be very hesitant to get into a relationship with one.

So, I reckon level-headed punters could cautiously attempt to date a prossie, provided they have found out as much about them as possible and proceed slowly and carefully.

Offline Global_Punter

The answer is quite simple. She belongs to the streets. Whether if she is a nice person, down to earth or an intellectual titan, it does not matter... go and find a chick like that who does not sell sex, they do exist. It's quite funny that men are ready to give a look in to any type of woman no matter her situation but when the table is flipped those same women they would give a chance would ignore that man.

People are ignoring their initial instincts focusing on the one positive they can grasp onto in a sea of negatives and then wondering how they end up in messed up situations in the future.

Men willing to enter such an entanglement are setting themselves up for heartbreak and I do not feel sorry for any of them. It's as bad as nice girls that fall for the typical bad guy that uses the girl for everything and dumps them, leaving them an emotional wreck. Take it how you will.

Hidden Image/Members Only

@ Payyourwaymate definitly " She belongs to the streets " may sound harsh but thats reality, truth is an SP's will have cultivated the habit of needing different men for different things thats why one man will never be enough - if his rich he may be lacking a bit of rough neck preferencies that she admires.

There's a hidden message in Chronic 2001 3 & 19, I will leave it alone before the conservatives - decode it :sarcastic:

« Last Edit: July 13, 2020, 06:50:13 pm by Global_Punter »

Offline king tarzan

The answer is quite simple. She belongs to the streets. Whether if she is a nice person, down to earth or an intellectual titan, it does not matter... go and find a chick like that who does not sell sex, they do exist. It's quite funny that men are ready to give a look in to any type of woman no matter her situation but when the table is flipped those same women they would give a chance would ignore that man.

People are ignoring their initial instincts focusing on the one positive they can grasp onto in a sea of negatives and then wondering how they end up in messed up situations in the future.

Men willing to enter such an entanglement are setting themselves up for heartbreak and I do not feel sorry for any of them. It's as bad as nice girls that fall for the typical bad guy that uses the girl for everything and dumps them, leaving them an emotional wreck. Take it how you will.

Hidden Image/Members Only

eye of the🐅 👊👊👊👊👊
Banned reason: Misogynist who gets free bookings from agencies for pos reviews.
Banned by: daviemac

Offline Hobbit

There is a lot wrong with men.....but we still put up with you :dash:

In the nicest possible way good sir, you are talking crap  :hi:

if you don’t like us men then what are you doing on this forum? Many of us wouldn’t date or marry hookers simply out of lack of trust. don’t take it personally. :hi:

Online mace-window

if you don’t like us men then what are you doing on this forum? Many of us wouldn’t date or marry hookers simply out of lack of trust. don’t take it personally. :hi:

Don't pay attention to such escorts justifying this. They is no logic to there responses and normally don't want to look at the typically punter point of view. For example "You could apply all of the same or similar to punters,  I mean a large proportion of the are cheating on their current partner so pot and kettle come to mind, but it still doesn't mean a relationship between the two can't and or won't work". While I am against cheating and I find it very unmoral, I understand why most these punters cheat. Most marriages are sexless and the men feel trapped as divorce counts are 90% times favor the women and therefore divorce will very likely destroy them financially and emotionally. So these guys find their fix with escorts secretly. Women who escorts do it for various for reasons but most of those reasons does not involve a women being trapped into escorting.

Besides escorts don't go in relationships with clients because escorts don't find most clients attractive/1% of men, find them pathetic or they enjoy fucking different men every night regardless if the client is good for her. But hi it should come down to the individuals and attitude right?  Finally yes it may comes down to individuals and attitudes and some relationships can work with escorts/clients but most escorts have issues FACTS and like Hobbit pointed out it is rational to not be in a relationship with these type of women and gamble with such a relationship which will highly end up in a mess. No thanks.

Online mace-window

Miss Wolf and Strawberry nailed it. Both experienced providers.
Hobbit has a lot to learn. Maybe he’s only 16.
His opinion is his rite. But to stuff it down members’ throats is rich.
Why do we put up with this

Hidden Image/Members Only

Offline Hobbit

Miss Wolf and Strawberry nailed it. Both experienced providers.
Hobbit has a lot to learn. Maybe he’s only 16.
His opinion is his rite. But to stuff it down members’ throats is rich.
Why do we put up with this

I gave my opinion and you are entitled not to agree with it. Nobody is forcing anything on people. I am always learning and how I wish I was 16 again. :D

Offline winkywanky

The answer is quite simple. She belongs to the streets. Whether if she is a nice person, down to earth or an intellectual titan, it does not matter... go and find a chick like that who does not sell sex, they do exist. It's quite funny that men are ready to give a look in to any type of woman no matter her situation but when the table is flipped those same women they would give a chance would ignore that man.

People are ignoring their initial instincts focusing on the one positive they can grasp onto in a sea of negatives and then wondering how they end up in messed up situations in the future.

Men willing to enter such an entanglement are setting themselves up for heartbreak and I do not feel sorry for any of them. It's as bad as nice girls that fall for the typical bad guy that uses the girl for everything and dumps them, leaving them an emotional wreck. Take it how you will.

Hidden Image/Members Only

eye of the🐅 👊👊👊👊👊

Eyes of Stevie Wonder?  :unknown:

Am I missing something here?  :D

Online mace-window

I gave my opinion and you are entitled not to agree with it. Nobody is forcing anything on people. I am always learning and how I wish I was 16 again. :D

Trust me. I still remember being 16 still (not to long ago mind you) and it was overrated.

Offline Hobbit

Don't pay attention to such escorts justifying this. They is no logic to there responses and normally don't want to look at the typically punter point of view. For example "You could apply all of the same or similar to punters,  I mean a large proportion of the are cheating on their current partner so pot and kettle come to mind, but it still doesn't mean a relationship between the two can't and or won't work". While I am against cheating and I find it very unmoral, I understand why most these punters cheat. Most marriages are sexless and the men feel trapped as divorce counts are 90% times favor the women and therefore divorce will very likely destroy them financially and emotionally. So these guys find their fix with escorts secretly. Women who escorts do it for various for reasons but most of those reasons does not involve a women being trapped into escorting.

Besides escorts don't go in relationships with clients because escorts don't find most clients attractive/1% of men, find them pathetic or they enjoy fucking different men every night regardless if the client is good for her. But hi it should come down to the individuals and attitude right?  Finally yes it may comes down to individuals and attitudes and some relationships can work with escorts/clients but most escorts have issues FACTS and like Hobbit pointed out it is rational to not be in a relationship with these type of women and gamble with such a relationship which will highly end up in a mess. No thanks.

Exactly. The whole question is pointless because men and women want exclusiveness when dating or getting married and yet neither can or want to provide it.

Offline Gambitman92

I wouldn't get into a relationship with one that was currently working as I'm monogamous when it comes to relationships but I can date one if it was agreed as something casual by both sides, I'm fine with dating and getting into a serious relationship with a former wg, its just a job. We all have our own history and I have a healthy view on women.

I did go on two dates with a cam girl I meet off of Okcupid recently. A wg did also msg me but I told her I wasn't interested, made my excuses. I did find her profile on AW but I left it, she has the right to her private life.

Nope as the saying goes "never wife a hoe". There is a lot wrong with former wgs, most men that gets into relationships with a wg are ones that are easy to walkover. No sane, strong minded man is going into a serious relationship with one unless you have been really mesmerised by the pussy, found yourself in a emotionally weak position.

Have a casual fling with one yes, but don't get involved.

What kind of backwards rubbish is this, so it fines for men to pay for sex, and it's also fine for punters go behind their wives backs, but there's something wrong with former wgs, makes sense.
Banned reason: Ignoring warning about white knighting.
Banned by: daviemac

Offline blend57

Joking aside and moving on from my comment concerning lunch at Pizza Express....

I think it is best to keep the relationship between the WGS and yourself commercial and professional. You can still be polite and friendly to each other, but I do not think it is a good idea to get involved at a personal level.

Offline Global_Punter

By the way, did you steel entanglement from Jada Pinkett Smith?

I thought its was a new word myself. After Jada said it folks started goggling it  :sarcastic: I'm looking forward to seeing this on relationship status forms & check boxes in social media or dating apps :D

I found this definition epic " involve (someone) in difficulties or complicated circumstances from which it is difficult to escape.
"they were suspicious of becoming entangled in a civil war" "

The civil war bit  :scare:

Offline willie loman

When people are the same age, more or less, and the same social cultural background, then the liasons which are actually quite common, will probably work, but most punters are a good 20 years older than the wgs, and without being too rude, the punter is usually a bit more educated, moreover the punters are often slightly vulnerable and needy types, and the girls are often pretty hard, so those liasons are not going to have a great ending.

Offline The Owl

I'd never date a working prostitute, it would be an utter mind fuck. Imagine being in bed and feeling frisky or just wanting to have a conversation about shit but your other half isn't interested because she's spent all sucking and fucking other men and making an effort to talk to them so they'll come back. You only have to look on SAAFE to see how many escort aren't interested in a recreational sex life because of the job. It would be madness to go from being a punter enjoying paid intimacy with a prostitute to being the boyfriend of a prostitute who doesn't need physical intimacy with you. It might seem very typical blokey to make it all about sex but the reason why many men punt is because of a lack of sex, therefore a fulfilling sex life is going to be an important part of a relationship.

I've made no secret of an enjoyable social relationship with an escort. We didn't spend every minute away from work in each other's company but we had a lot of contact that firmly crossed the client-escort boundary. When it was time for sex it was strictly paid although there continued some blurring of lines with bookings lasting a lot longer and other stuff, although we always practised safe sex.

The problems always started when emotions started coming in to play as the boundaries continued to crumble. It became obvious that there was a mutual attraction but neither of us wanted a relationship for good reasons. The problems started when the escort started acting like a girlfriend even though she wasn't. She started trying to change how I lived my life but never offered any real incentive to change. She claimed not to be jealous but then acted in a way that screamed jealousy, she was probably fucking far more different people than me. She made constant threats to never see me again when this kind of reaction was uncalled for. If I made a comment about her life it was a serious faux pas whilst,  even though she did the same about my life all the time. She got upset when I referred to her as prostitute, something she'd called herself, but used the term punter on me as a form of attack and as another way to try and make me change with no incentive. During one booking she skipped on part of the service she had been paid for after telling me. How guilty she felt about another punter paying for a fuck but only having a blow job, that went down like a ton of shit and she blamed me for it, I was already the boyfriend of a prostitute at that point in her brain rather than a valued customer. Eventually she blurted out that she wanted a relationship with me and that it meant no more escorting for her and no more punting for me, we agreed to have a long conversation about it but then she backed off just as quickly, then she continued all the behaviour of trying to change how I was for no reason. In the end I did to her what she did to me and she couldn't handle it. I got a scathing character assassination message from her that both painted me as someone she would never date as well as telling me I'd broken her heart and made her completely incapable of getting close to anyone romantically or even trust wise again. My last reply to her set out in detail all the shit she'd done that had derailed a brilliant sexual service, a decent friendship and a possible post punting/prostitution relationship. To me the problem was built around x years in prostitution where she needed to be in control combined with a complete lack of self-esteem probably partly from the job and more than likely from other stuff I won't discuss on a forum.

When it was good it was really good, we had a lot of laughs and did some fun non-sexual activities together like meals out going Dutch and shared a lot of normal couple stuff.

Where it went wrong was how her insecurities turned her in to a control freak who started to try and destroy my self-esteem because of her own lack of self-esteem. Fortunately for me I'd already experienced that kind of relationship so knew how not to give in.

If she'd started to work on herself rather than trying to break me down things might have turned out differently.

Prostitution is a real head fuck. It attracts lots of women with problems because sex for money seems like an easy way to make a lot of money quickly, but it's not. If a woman is already damaged, mentally unhealthy or living a damaging lifestyle then sex work will most likely make those issues worse. Fucking men you wouldn't want to go anywhere near if there was no money involved is a sure fire way to increase your problems as much as your bank account.

There are escorts and punters who have had successful relationships. They're probably in the minority. It requires two people to actually deal with their own shit before dealing with having a healthy relationship.

Online MissWolf

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if you don’t like us men then what are you doing on this forum? Many of us wouldn’t date or marry hookers simply out of lack of trust. don’t take it personally. :hi:

Sweetie nowhere did I say I didn't like men  :lol: