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Author Topic: Adverts that make you NOT buy the product  (Read 1983 times)

Offline timsussex

Adverts for car  breakdown cover - that offer to help if you  run out of petrol

I always think that if they are really out to attract that sort of moron then do I want to be a customer? so I look elsewhere

Online mr.bluesky

Go compare with that fat annoying opera singer.

Offline MilleMiglia

Adverts for car  breakdown cover - that offer to help if you  run out of petrol

I always think that if they are really out to attract that sort of moron then do I want to be a customer? so I look elsewhere

Times have changed; that used to be very much your problem. Which company is it?

Offline Corus Boy

All of the charity ones that tell me to taxt ??????? and give £2 a month to some cause.

Offline Blackpool Rock

Go compare with that fat annoying opera singer.
That was annoying me years ago but they have scaled it back these days, as mentioned on another thread some of the money supermarket ads from a few years ago were annoying like the suited guy twerking and I did go elsewhere.

The one that really boiled my piss over the last year or so was all the ads for just eat, it wasn't so much singing "Did somebody say just eat" but the "Oooooo" afterwards that did my head in, thankfully they have changed the ad now  :thumbsup:

Online mr.bluesky

Amazon ads have been on the tv a lot lately showing how wonderful it is to work for them. Bloody hypocrits considering the bad press they recieved for the way they treated their workers and the shit conditions they had to put up with. Never used Amazon and have no intention of using them.

Offline David1970

Any sad charity adds, I do not want to sit and watch a donkey in distress, I change channel.

Fat opera singer pisses me off big style, I would love to punch him senseless.

Any shampoo with silly sounding ingredients, “jojoba plant with added fuck knows what”

Local charities spending all their money on lottery adverts, spend the fucking money on the people you are set up to help.

Offline Blackpool Rock

Amazon ads have been on the tv a lot lately showing how wonderful it is to work for them. Bloody hypocrits considering the bad press they recieved for the way they treated their workers and the shit conditions they had to put up with. Never used Amazon and have no intention of using them.
Those Amazon ads were clearly just a PR exercise and I bet when they asked certain employees if they wanted to be part of the ad they were too shit scared of being sacked to say no.

And i'd also put money on the fact there is fuck all special about Donnas fucking cakes  :mad:

Offline wombat42

Godaddy ads are always infuriating. Also I gave up listening to LBC a few year back because so many ads were infuruating and repeated far too often like several times an hour for weeks. Currently on TV there is a Claudia Winkleman ad for hair products which has been going on for so long.

An ad can be intrinsically annoying but to compound it they are often repeated ad nauseum far too often and for far too long which is extremely annoying, enough to make me change my listening or viewing habits. You cant just skip them with live radio.

Some ads get repeated for a year or more when it was annoying the first time.
« Last Edit: July 04, 2020, 06:02:03 pm by wombat42 »

Offline Matrix

Offline MilleMiglia

External Link/Members Only

I think this one tops it.

I remember this well - from what I can gather, it cost them a lot in sales. 

Offline Matrix

I remember this well - from what I can gather, it cost them a lot in sales.

Serves the fuckers right.

Offline Markus

I remember this well - from what I can gather, it cost them a lot in sales.

Yes it cost them a lot in sales.  Whoever came up with that bright idea was surely have been sacked.

Offline Chorley

Serves the fuckers right.
Agreed. Bunch of cunts promoting that woke MeeToo# bullshit, while charging women more for their products and using child labour.  :dash:

Offline MilleMiglia

Offline Squire Haggard

For weeks, I see a lot of flickering flashing NewChic ads and hate them because they are distracting when trying to read something. They must be provoking a similar reaction with some other people. 

Offline Matrix

Agreed. Bunch of cunts promoting that woke MeeToo# bullshit, while charging women more for their products and using child labour.  :dash:

Aye it's usually the one's making the biggest noise who're the one's to watch.

Offline Spencer Fobby

Fucking Quickbooks ad.  Like I have a choice??  HMRC demand I submit my VAT through one of their approved suppliers (quickbooks or the other one) - I can't just do it the way I've been doing it successfully for years - and I have to pay a monthly fucking subscription for the privilege and then watch Sanjeev Bhaskar getting a fat fucking fee to tell me that it's all about making my life easier.
Banned reason: Abuse of mod.
Banned by: daviemac

Offline Chorley

Go compare with that fat annoying opera singer.
Fucking annoying cunt.  :dash: :dash: :dash:

Offline Thephoenix

Any of the ads for toothpatht,

How come all the dentiths theme to talthk ath ifth they've thstill got fuckin thtoothpadtthst in their gobths?

Do they think it makes their teeth thound cleaner? :)

Particularly the one for sthentodyne thtoosthpasthte
« Last Edit: July 05, 2020, 10:16:07 pm by Thephoenix »

Offline sub_marine

Amazon ads have been on the tv a lot lately showing how wonderful it is to work for them. Bloody hypocrits considering the bad press they recieved for the way they treated their workers and the shit conditions they had to put up with. Never used Amazon and have no intention of using them.

To be fair to amazon, they pay well above minimum wage, so they should be able to pick the decent workers, mainly fit and healthy people who can run around like blue arsed flies picking stock.

Whenever they have these undercover documentaries exposing amazon, its usually the middle aged people complaining, who have came from some bygone industry such as shipyards, coal mining, Rover, etc that are used to working slow and using the fact they are unionised to protect them.  I've been a union member myself for almost 20 years, boils my piss when lazy f***ers use it for protection.

Offline winkywanky

Any of the ads for toothpatht,

How come all the dentiths theme to talthk ath ifth they've thstill got fuckin thtoothpadtthst in their gobths?

Do they think it makes their teeth thound cleaner? :)

Particularly the one for sthentodyne thtoosthpasthte

Badly-fitting implants?  :D

Online mr.bluesky

Annoying advert with Elton John means I will never buy another Snickers bar again. :dash:

Offline winkywanky

Annoying advert with Elton John means I will never buy another Snickers bar again. :dash:

I do hope this is nothing to do with the old gag about squirrel shit having a peanut in very bite? :unknown:

Offline timsussex

I do hope this is nothing to do with the old gag about squirrel shit having a peanut in very bite? :unknown:

I think it was the Topic bar which asked what has a hazelnut in every bite?  - earning the response - Squirrel Shit!

Online mr.bluesky

I think it was the Topic bar which asked what has a hazelnut in every bite?  - earning the response - Squirrel Shit!

And Snickers bars used to be called Marathon until the name was changed to suit the American market  just like opal fruits changed to starburst.  :dash:

Offline winkywanky

I think it was the Topic bar which asked what has a hazelnut in every bite?  - earning the response - Squirrel Shit!

You're so right!  :blush:

Offline winkywanky

And Snickers bars used to be called Marathon until the name was changed to suit the American market  just like opal fruits changed to starburst.  :dash:

Yes, the bastards  :thumbsdown:

Anyone bought any Cadbury's products lately? The new Yank owners (Kraft?) have totally ruined the chocolate in the whole Cadbury's range, and the other week I had the misfortune to buy some Maynards' Wine Gums in Tesco when Aldi had run out of the brand they carry (which are bloody good). I found to my disgust that they had no fucking fruitiness whatsoever. A quick look at the bag showed that they come under the Cadbury umbrella.

Dumbfounded  :unknown: Another part of my childhood heritage raped by the good ol' US of A  :dash:.

Offline Colston36

Yes, the bastards  :thumbsdown:

Anyone bought any Cadbury's products lately? The new Yank owners (Kraft?) have totally ruined the chocolate in the whole Cadbury's range, and the other week I had the misfortune to buy some Maynards' Wine Gums in Tesco when Aldi had run out of the brand they carry (which are bloody good). I found to my disgust that they had no fucking fruitiness whatsoever. A quick look at the bag showed that they come under the Cadbury umbrella.

Dumbfounded  :unknown: Another part of my childhood heritage raped by the good ol' US of A  :dash:.

The name changes are usually to whatever the product is called in the U. S. where it originated. It's a sort of corporate neurosis; people sitting in meetings with fuck all else to do deciude to tidy names up. The corporate bitch who bought Cadbury has really fucked it up.

When you look at what a fucking mess that country is in you really have to wonder. But what comes next? A world run by China. God help us all.

Offline winkywanky

Hi Colston, I hadn't realised that Marathon had originated in the US under the Snickers name!

Presumably 'Marathon' was also available in Europe, was it only the UK which called it Marathon rather than Snickers?

Offline winkywanky

Branding put in context: External Link/Members Only

Basically, all the old fuckers like us will soon be dead, so why worry about us feeling that our childhoods have been whipped from under our feet?

Youngsters will come along who never knew the original name anyway, and when they go abroad for whatever reason then they'll find their favourite brands waiting for them. Plus, all the publicity attracts a lot of new custom anyway.

I guess that's fair enough  :hi:.

But when Kraft come along and basically wreck existing products when they buy up a traditional British brand, that does stink  :thumbsdown:

Offline Blackpool Rock

Yes, the bastards  :thumbsdown:

Anyone bought any Cadbury's products lately? The new Yank owners (Kraft?) have totally ruined the chocolate in the whole Cadbury's range, and the other week I had the misfortune to buy some Maynards' Wine Gums in Tesco when Aldi had run out of the brand they carry (which are bloody good). I found to my disgust that they had no fucking fruitiness whatsoever. A quick look at the bag showed that they come under the Cadbury umbrella.

Dumbfounded  :unknown: Another part of my childhood heritage raped by the good ol' US of A  :dash:.
I thought that when Kraft bought Cadbury there was a major protest when they were thinking of changing the Dairy milk formulation and they kept it as it was  :unknown:

The other way they do change stuff is by stealth, effectively not going straight from A to B but by reducing the % of certain ingredients in stages while adding more cheap crap like sugar.
If it's done slowly people don't necessarily notice  :thumbsdown:

The biggest fuck up ever must have been about 40 years ago when Jacobs changed the chocolate on club biscuits to an artificial alternative, sales plummeted and never regained their numbers as people switched brand
« Last Edit: July 07, 2020, 11:26:14 am by Blackpool Rock »

Offline Matrix

Yes, the bastards  :thumbsdown:

Anyone bought any Cadbury's products lately? The new Yank owners (Kraft?) have totally ruined the chocolate in the whole Cadbury's range, and the other week I had the misfortune to buy some Maynards' Wine Gums in Tesco when Aldi had run out of the brand they carry (which are bloody good). I found to my disgust that they had no fucking fruitiness whatsoever. A quick look at the bag showed that they come under the Cadbury umbrella.

Dumbfounded  :unknown: Another part of my childhood heritage raped by the good ol' US of A  :dash:.

I think a lot of Cadbury products are made in Poland now. Their chocolate is substandard and actually a bit greasy these days.

Rowntrees used to made nice goodies too.

Offline winkywanky

I thought that when Kraft bought Cadbury there was a major protest when they were thinking of changing the Dairy milk formulation and they kept it as it was  :unknown:

The other way they do change stuff is by stealth, effectively not going straight from A to B but by reducing the % of certain ingredients in stages while adding more cheap crap like sugar.
If it's done slowly people don't necessarily notice  :thumbsdown:

The biggest fuck up ever must have been about 40 years ago when Jacobs changed the chocolate on club biscuits to an artificial alternative, sales plummeted and never regained their numbers as people switched brand

There certainly was an uproar. You reckon they kept it the same? Or they said they did? I'm not so sure.

Certainly the Maynards Wine Gums of my youth have been ruined. If you want some decent Wine Gums, the ones Aldi sell are brilliant. They're about half the price and actually taste of fruit, and yes, the colours all taste different  :thumbsup:.  They're branded 'Dominion'.

Offline winkywanky

I think a lot of Cadbury products are made in Poland now. Their chocolate is substandard and actually a bit greasy these days.

Rowntrees used to made nice goodies too.

To be fair I think Cadbury had already changed Dairy Milk from what it used to be in the 60s and 70s. I'm sure it tasted more 'chocolatey' then (probably more Cocoa solids or something) and the texture changed.

In the old days you'd have to hold the bar hard at both ends to snap it, and there'd actually be little shards of chocolate breaking off when you did it. More brittle. It was darker brown too. It seemed to get more like Galaxy as time went on, ie softer, more sugary, less chocolatey.

Offline Matrix

I do like to store such things in the fridge. I remember leaving a whispa on the dashboard once. It was like a wrapper of hot chocolate.

Speaking of all these goodies, did anyone survive eating a wham bar or a McCowans Highland Toffee?

Risky business.

Offline winkywanky

I remember eating McCowan's Highland Toffee as a nipper, and all my teeth are intact.

I wouldn't risk it now though!

Offline Adoniron

Ads which show men as helpless children unable to do the most basic household task without wifey showing them the right product to use.

Offline winkywanky

...well that's about 90% of any ads that want to sell stuff to women (which in itself is probably 90% of ads).

I guess the exception might be ads for thrush treatment or tampons, where the involvement of gormless men would'nt be desirable (unless they wated to blame the bloke for giving her thrush, which happened to me. And no, I didn't give her thrush because I wasn't suffering from it).

Offline standardpostage

All of the charity ones that tell me to taxt ??????? and give £2 a month to some cause.

Offline Chorley

Tik Tok and fucking Spotify, which I have to endure every time I watch a YouTube video.  :dash: :dash:  :dash:

Offline Bonker

Any advert with a celebrity in it.

Offline gonewest

SunLife ads.  Irritating beyond belief and they make me feel old  :angry:

Offline Corus Boy

Those with fashionable statements that seem to mislead.

The latest Bird's Eye advert for example.

It is for some sot of Cod Fillets where they seem to claim that all fish is Wild caught?

The conservationists do like line caught fish as opposed to those caught in huge trawl nets.

But what is 'wild' caught?

I doubt that any fish are 'tamely' caught by swimming up to the trawlers screaming, "Eat me, eat me.'

So, to me, wild caught means nothing but is trying to make viewers feel that it is a better way to get your fish.

PS I'm not Vegan, Vegetarian and love all sorts of food including red meat.

Offline GreyDave

 :hi:  I used to get a Free Meal in Hotel drinks and a payment between 60- 120 quid for a 3hrs session of market research with a lady who would juggle a few people and this would happen every 3 or 4 months ( Id blow cash on a tart aferwards  :D :D :D :yahoo: )

Anyways she stopped using me and a mate as rules are anyone over 55 years old is too set and independant unable to be influnced by marketing...But will give the answers the Marketing company want to get paid in session ;) ;) 

Anything with Jamie Oliver in ..going in to Sainsburys asking for a small knob of... :hi: :hi:

Offline Londonpunter30

Tik Tok and fucking Spotify, which I have to endure every time I watch a YouTube video.  :dash: :dash:  :dash:

If the Tik Tok one is the same as the TV one I can’t stand it.  Also don’t like the Samsung galaxy s20 ad.

Car adverts that don’t show the car, badly dubbed adverts (e harmony )

Offline Marmalade

Hidden Image/Members Only[

External Link/Members Only

Karlie Kloss definitely does not make me buy Carolina Herrera perfume. I’d not heard of the perfume before so would neither buy or not by it. Now she has made me very aware of it so you could say she’s made me not buy it. I hope she keeps trying to persuade me.
With legs like that she could smell like a farmyard and I’d still explore them given a wink and a chance.
No point in stopping to buy some car crash perfume!
 :P :P :P :P :P :P
