Sugar Baby?

Author Topic: Giving Alms  (Read 4812 times)

Online LLPunting

Of course a new virus is in the natural scheme of things (seemingly helped along by some questionable activities in China, once again)...

There's nothing questionable able eating.  Plenty of people around the world eat things that we in UK wouldn't or don't have to.  Just because it might be a choice to eat a luxury or delicacy not widely available only classifies it alongside black pudding or venison, hare or any other UK specific game (or its offal).  Be very careful about unconscious bias.  In the past, until we made them (near) extinct or found more convenient substitutes us Brits (a mongrel race) probably tried eating most everything that walked, crawled, slithered, flew or swam these isles, even when we were "civilised".

Offline winkywanky

There's nothing questionable able eating.  Plenty of people around the world eat things that we in UK wouldn't or don't have to.  Just because it might be a choice to eat a luxury or delicacy not widely available only classifies it alongside black pudding or venison, hare or any other UK specific game (or its offal). Be very careful about unconscious bias.  In the past, until we made them (near) extinct or found more convenient substitutes us Brits (a mongrel race) probably tried eating most everything that walked, crawled, slithered, flew or swam these isles, even when we were "civilised".

I'm very careful, and this is a bias of mine, and a conscious one.

In the same way that we had our bit of shame all those years ago, 'putting spinal cords in a bap' and causing a surge in Creuzfeldt-Jacob disease, the live animal markets in China are a disaster waiting to happen, it's been known for years. The same as killing tigers for their testicles to make Chinese medicine, the same as building five coal-fired power stations a week, and all the rest of it, it needs to bloody well stop.

I'm not biased against a country, I'm biased against shite. I don't like shite, wherever it is.

Offline Thecunninglinguist

There are swings and roundabouts here. I for instance am in a higher risk group according to the statistics. Although I have a decent income by way of protected pensions & savings. (This is not bragging in any way but a fact). On the other hand, there are many posting here who seem to not care a jot about the effects on them, the country and the future. If l get through this time, as statistics say l probably will. I will be able to carry on as normal, many boasting of not caring may well not have a job to go back to and the awful prospects that will bring to them and their families. Not to mention their Regs. We all need to get through this in a sensible way. Otherwise there may be only Happylad, HP, and me still punting.

Offline Payyourwaymate

What? -  some do but is not part of the job! Its not compulsory! We all tell little white lies. And if a WG says something like " i really enjoyed your visit" is that a lie, a little white lioe or a marketing comment?

I think it is compulsory, if they want to make money for longer than 4 weeks. It's just that some WGs are better than lying than others.... some punters are astute enough to notice and some are not. Marketing and lies can almost be placed in the same domain depending on what extent you are willing to go; a good deal of psychology is involved. A good WG would need be a good liar. No matter how unattractive she may find the punter, the second the money has exchanged hands she has to lie, give the illusion of the GFE, provide good service even if under different circumstances she would not go near him; play whatever role is required if she wants to really do her job well. She has to mental dissociate herself from the situation no? Lies are not only verbal or written...when people act out a role such as professional actors are they not "lying" to an extent in that moment that they are acting a role? They play a different character, someone who they are not.

Imagine deciding to put yourself in a situation where your means of earning money is being paid to do what ever an unattractive woman told you to do sexually just because she gave you £60-150. How would you cope doing that day in and day out? How would one be able to do there job well having to fuck some random who they have just met for money with the potential added perk of not being attracted to them or they weirdos, EAS types, horrible personality types?  By lying (acting) of the extent you are able to mentally dissociate from the situation.

Have you not come across a WG that can give a good service during the session and then after the session seems cold?

A good WG will be able to lie effectively in a sexual manner. You see in reviews those WGs that are good "service providers" get regular custom and glowing reviews. Those that are able to gain favour with fluffy men are abit more knowledgeable in using ploys to manipulate teddy bear punters into thinking there is something more to keep them coming back if they sexually have low prowness. Civy women lie to men all the time...surely I'm not talking out of my arse here?

There's plenty of examples of women manipulating men, women that can seduce men for ulterior aims... is seduction a method which not a lie in itself?

Most women that aren't stupid are able to manipulate men to get what they want (££££££, power over a situation or a preferred outcome to their benefit), Civvy or WG. Lying is a part of human nature to an extent, but going into that is not punting related.

Offline 90125

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Another thread taken over by Covid-19 "experts"   :dash:

Some members just cannot resist  touching the self destruct button.

Online LLPunting

People are still able to go out? 

Pubs for example, aren't closed (unless by landlord's decision, there's no govt decree to that effect).

But what's happening as a natural consequence is that less people are getting out and about, and then naturally, places are closing through lack of custom, or because they want to be seen to do the right thing.

People can still go their local cinema. But many are choosing not to because they don't want to spread it. People can go to their local whatever, the govt hasn't decreed otherwise?  :unknown: Depending on the daily/weekly numbers of the spread, then more draconian action may be taken, as it has in other European countries.

The whole strategy means that things wind down, and that will reduce the spread of the virus.

It seems to me that the govt are making a big effort, pledging £330Bn to try to help the economy and save businesses from going under (which pro-rata, is on a par with the US, with their just under $1Tn commitment). Of course they have to find a way to get that money out there, but they've pledged it.

It seems to me that whatever the govt does, there will still be economic hell to pay. It's a shit situation, all they can do is try to make it less shit, they can't make it go away.

That's the sly positioning of the Government to try to avoid blame for the failure of all these businesses based on their "advice" to customers to NOT congregate and stay home.  That's a whole different attitude to saying do go out and continue to live as normally as possible but you must respect social distancing and hygiene when doing so.  Oh and by the way all your kids (infant to uni student) are now home during the day until further notice, with no hope of educational advancement or qualification at this critical time for some.

The deliberate ambiguity of the legal definition of the circumstances is preventing the draw down against insurance policies because the insurance industry cannot cope with all its contracts being called.  It's business is predicated on a small percentage of payouts against a see of mugs told to pay insurance for a statistically unlikely event not a certain event happening to everyone at once.

If you enabled businesses to genuinely continue to function they wouldn't need all this alternative funding, bridging loan guarantees maybe.   The banks giving mortgage holidays was far more extraordinary and enabling, the Government has failed to follow through and deal with all other aspects of the debt chain that burdens the person in the street (us commoners).  That said, if the economy was still moving then few would need this relief.  The Government has thrown a huge spanner in a £1+ trillion flow of money and expects £330 bn will keep if moving just when a huge, new external cost is about to hit in the form of managing the care of the worst affected.

Offline Payyourwaymate

It seems every thread is going to COVID-19...oh dear  :lol:.

Offline workinallweek

I bought a regular some lingerie for herself and the girl who was joining us . Unfortunately the regs secret was found out leading to her fast retirement .. She asked me where to return the brand new clothing  or should she sell it and return me the money ...
Banned reason: Offering glowing positive reviews for free bookings.
Banned by: daviemac

Offline willie loman

Probably because no-one's ever heard of it before.

Perhaps you could enlighten us?

You are better googling it, but not that long ago anyone who considered himself educated knew about Malthusian theory, basically he said that there would always be intermittent epidemics, famines etc which would control the worlds overpopulation. Back in the day, aids , remember that? we would be walking over the bodies on the way to work,every family in Britain would be affected, blah blah, that was seen by some commentators as Malthusian.

Offline Gordon Bennett

It seems every thread is going to COVID-19...oh dear  :lol:.

Well we don't punt in a vacuum. I'm sure there were many Christmas related threads in December. We ought to ensure threads/posts include an angle that clearly relates to punting though.

Offline The_Grinder

No one will even know the true death toll from this virus, how many who have sadly lost their life would have done so anyway in the near future due to other issues, flu, pneumonia etc?, we will never know

What we do know is it will devastate a big part of this country,, things will never be the same.

If you want to support someone and are able to do so then yes, in my eyes it can only be a good thing, have a look on Saafe, our friends who supply us with a service are concerned and worried and some already struggling

Offline bender999

'People can still go their local cinema.'

Don't think so. Cineworld, Vue and Odeon have shut all their theatres. Local cinema clubs I belong to have now closed for the duration.

Offline Happylad

Odd that ive not heard the word Malthusian.

Probably because nobody has applied the necessary link.

Malthus`s Theory has never been more than pure theory, and his suggested correlation between population growth and food supply has not depended on nature (as he predicates) but, certainly over the last century, in many cases the foolishness or inhumanity of mankind itself.

WWI commenced because a student decided to assassinate an Archduke,
The Spanish Civil War arose because the Communists hated the Monarchy and the Fascists hated the Communists.
WWII became inevitable when Hitler was opposed in his desire to rule all Europe
The Korean War commenced because the Communists dictator Kim Il Sung wanted to take over non-communist South Korea.

During a similar period the actual natural catastrophes large enough to qualify were:=
The Spanish `Flu of 1919 (Nobody knows where that one came from)
Polio - now but a distant memory
Ebola, which many secretly still believe was the result of intercourse between a human and a monkey
AIDS, which again probably arose from sexual intercourse between human and monkey

The arguments are still very much open on how or why this latest epidemic arose - was it natural, was it an experiment gone wrong, or did it arise from evil intent?

The fact remains that the World Food Supply keeps increasing and is expected to exceed demand in a few years time, while man-made war which has been almost incessant somewhere in the world throughout the last century or more has helped to keep the demand under control

« Last Edit: March 19, 2020, 10:11:43 pm by Happylad »

Online LLPunting

The fact remains that the World Food Supply keeps increasing and is expected to exceed demand in a few years time, while man-made war which has been almost incessant somewhere in the world throughout the last century or more has helped to keep the demand under control

Thanks for raising this, I'd thought that at a Global level we've had an excess of food for years but a little Googling led me to this (amongst other things, although sadly since enabling privacy on my browsers I didn't end up down a Porn rabbit-hole):

External Link/Members Only

The top category of Table 1 represent those countries producing more agriculture-derived energy (i.e. food) that exceeds the Daily Energy Requirement.  The other lines represent diminishing production capability and capacity to feed (incl imports).  These are gross energy figures and do not account for nutritional balance so whilst the people may be fed they may not be on a healthy diet.

Now to find an SP well versed in food policy, sexy times ahead determining which countries produce the best natural grown sex aids!

Hidden Image/Members Only

Online RandomGuy99

I'm struggling a bit to follow that..... Is she asking clients if they have virus and declining to meet those that say yes? I'm not sure how sound an approach that is. Doesn't the fact that the viral client is actually seeking a booking suggest he might fib when he answers. I can't see him going Awwww, shucks you got me!
She is asking them if they have had the virus, but are now recovered.  Thinking about it some more, I guess once you've fought it off and recovered there should be no trace of the virus in your body, so you pose no threat to an SP who hasn't had it.

Offline cotton

I'm very careful, and this is a bias of mine, and a conscious one.

In the same way that we had our bit of shame all those years ago, 'putting spinal cords in a bap' and causing a surge in Creuzfeldt-Jacob disease, the live animal markets in China are a disaster waiting to happen, it's been known for years. The same as killing tigers for their testicles to make Chinese medicine, the same as building five coal-fired power stations a week, and all the rest of it, it needs to bloody well stop.

I'm not biased against a country, I'm biased against shite. I don't like shite, wherever it is.
I call that short sighted. There is a looming problem with mankind on this planet and people who simply advocate staving off the immediate threat by closing activities like live meat markets and funding the research into vaccinations are just kicking the problem down the road. Meantime the fundamental problem that mankind is teetering on a dangerous imbalance with nature remains , you may be able to stave the crisis off for long enough so that you can see out your days in peace but the next generation wont thank you for your short sightedness.

Offline cotton

Several years ago I arranged a punt with my then regular,then she had to ask for a few days delay as she had a period; I agreed week`s delay, and she then asked if I could pay in advance as she had "a bailiff at the door".  Because I had seen her many times over several years and trusted her I did so by bank transfer. When I arrived for the meet her door remained firmly locked despite much knocking and her `phone unanswered, although it was obvious that someone was in.
The following day a posting by her appeared on the Manchester site (of which we were then both members) complaining of an unnamed punter arriving  without appointment at her house and making a nuisance of himself, but even before I had even seen that posting I received several PMs from SP members on that site all complaining at my behaviour (and some threatening)as well as one from  Admin stating that unless I could come up with a good explanation I would be blacklisted - it was abundantly clear that either she, or someone on her behalf, had deliberately named me in numerous PMs to other SPs. Needless to say I was able to produce all the relevant emails and texts and details of the bank transfer showing her to be a liar, with the result that we were both banned (she for her lies and me for being rude to Admin), along with her friend who had colluded with her.
The cash amount of what I had paid her was later deposited outside my back door without explanation.
For some unexplained reason she afterwards accused ME of a breach of trust for defending myself.

The surprising thing about that story is that she gave you your money back.

Offline Thecunninglinguist

It looks like those WG's who are registered as a small business and pay some tax are probably going to reap some reward as it looks like they will get some money from the government to tide them over?

Offline Home Alone

Perhaps a good way forward would be to offer some money up-front, to be recouped as a punt when the WG starts working again.

But how many would trust a WG (even a regular) with that?  :D

On the principle of "Once bitten" - by the SP I developed E.A.S. for, I'd definitely be "twice shy" about this idea.

Offline Drayki

It's a transactional interaction between punter and WG, nothing personal. If a punter ran out of money would a WG give them a free fuck? Like...

WG: "hey hun I know times are hard for you workwise at the moment, let me suck your dick and help you feel better"

Punter: "Oh how thoughtful of you....Thanks babes you know it's hard right now, when I'm back on my feet I'll swing your way with the £££££ don't worry  :rose:"

I think not.

Any men that fall for such tricks of emotional manipulation from a woman that takes money in exchange for sexual services almost deserve to be scammed for their foolishness and naivety. It's the WGs job to lie to you, why would the lies suddenly be genuine now?

Well said fella  ;)

Offline jesse4585

And if a WG says something like " i really enjoyed your visit" is that a lie, ...

I think it is compulsory, if they want to make money for longer than 4 weeks. It's just that some WGs are better than lying than others.... some punters are astute enough to notice and some are not. ....

Everything you say is true  Payyourwaymate.  But it's only half the story.  Here are your own words from a while back:
  "Hey, do not be mistaken that girls do not want to have a lot of sex with a lot of guys. When I was in uni there were plenty of examples of girls doing multiple guys in a night, my friends at the time "running trains" on girls on holidays. Girls giving lineups etc"

You come across as one of the smartest cookies, but I guess as youre quite young you haven't had the chance to speak to many WGs outside of a punt, where they're more likely to be honest.  Some hate the job & are basically acting / lying on every punt.  But many  (most IMO) really do enjoy quite a few of their punts.    Anyhow,  you've given me an idea for my first thread.

Offline Happylad

The surprising thing about that story is that she gave you your money back.

She had several regulars (most of whom I had actually met) who were otherwise sensible business men and who were all members of that Forum. I have no doubt that more than one of them would have realised from seeing the evidence I produced that all the elements necessary to prove criminal fraud were present, so somebody subbed up quickly to prevent any risk of it happening.

Offline Payyourwaymate

Everything you say is true  Payyourwaymate.  But it's only half the story.  Here are your own words from a while back:
  "Hey, do not be mistaken that girls do not want to have a lot of sex with a lot of guys. When I was in uni there were plenty of examples of girls doing multiple guys in a night, my friends at the time "running trains" on girls on holidays. Girls giving lineups etc"

You come across as one of the smartest cookies, but I guess as youre quite young you haven't had the chance to speak to many WGs outside of a punt, where they're more likely to be honest.  Some hate the job & are basically acting / lying on every punt.  But many  (most IMO) really do enjoy quite a few of their punts.    Anyhow,  you've given me an idea for my first thread.

Yes I remember saying that, but those girls done that with guys in their (my) age range and they were attracted to them. That changes things by a big deal wouldn't you say? Money was not the overriding deciding factor for them to do it. Fair point though, perhaps there are some women that really do enjoy the companionship of random punters as I have not really discussed with many WGs outside punts about how they feel about punters often. :hi:

Online LLPunting

She is asking them if they have had the virus, but are now recovered.  Thinking about it some more, I guess once you've fought it off and recovered there should be no trace of the virus in your body, so you pose no threat to an SP who hasn't had it.

There are reported cases of "re-infection" but no confirmation if this is genuine reinfection from another person or a resurgence of previous infection.  The SP thinking you've had it once and therefore now safe is a fallacious approach. 

Offline Jonestown

There are reported cases of "re-infection" but no confirmation if this is genuine reinfection from another person or a resurgence of previous infection.  The SP thinking you've had it once and therefore now safe is a fallacious approach.

From what I've seen  posted of late, reinfection by any virus is not unknown, but it is rare to the point of being a statistical aberration, the real issues in regard to re-starting social contacts, are going to be determining when you are no longer infectious to others, and when you have built up some immunity, perhaps they are simultaneous points, perhaps not.

Offline freeze44

I would offer support to the wg's I know and by that I mean with advice on how to make sense of the support and financial assistance that is being offered by the government etc. If any punter who is concerned/worried wants to discuss by pm, then feel free to contact.  :thumbsup: 

Online RandomGuy99

There are reported cases of "re-infection" but no confirmation if this is genuine reinfection from another person or a resurgence of previous infection.  The SP thinking you've had it once and therefore now safe is a fallacious approach.
Actually... people as saying that the supposed re-infection was actually their first infection as their previous infection wasn't actually them being infected at all.

Let's not spread false news and get people panicked

Online LLPunting

Actually... people as saying that the supposed re-infection was actually their first infection as their previous infection wasn't actually them being infected at all.

Let's not spread false news and get people panicked

No idea whose stories you are being informed by but it is not false to suggest that re-infection is possible.

External Link/Members Only

External Link/Members Only

Offline Gordon Bennett

Actually... people as saying that the supposed re-infection was actually their first infection as their previous infection wasn't actually them being infected at all.

Let's not spread false news and get people panicked

I suppose that's the key part. Average Joe's aren't getting tested. Get a cough/feel a bit peaky so stay home for 7-days and you're then back in the game but you have no idea if it actually was the virus.
I suppose if you were quizzing anyone you could ask them if they had a medically confirmed diagnosis of Corona or did they just self-diagnose?

Online lewisjones23

She had several regulars (most of whom I had actually met) who were otherwise sensible business men and who were all members of that Forum. I have no doubt that more than one of them would have realised from seeing the evidence I produced that all the elements necessary to prove criminal fraud were present, so somebody subbed up quickly to prevent any risk of it happening.

was it that oriental looking WG? had loads of piercings

i cant remember for the life of me her name but i can remember the episode on the other forum

Offline Home Alone

I suppose that's the key part. Average Joe's aren't getting tested. Get a cough/feel a bit peaky so stay home for 7-days and you're then back in the game but you have no idea if it actually was the virus.
I suppose if you were quizzing anyone you could ask them if they had a medically confirmed diagnosis of Corona or did they just self-diagnose?

And I suppose/guess that 90% of them - including me - would say the latter.

I haven't - yet - shown any of the symptoms which the official information indicates as being an indication of CV19 so, in this era when it feels like the national motto ought to be 'Keep calm and carry on [without being selfish b'stards who buy in bulk].', I've not wanted to trouble the NHS staff.

Online RandomGuy99

I suppose that's the key part. Average Joe's aren't getting tested. Get a cough/feel a bit peaky so stay home for 7-days and you're then back in the game but you have no idea if it actually was the virus.
I suppose if you were quizzing anyone you could ask them if they had a medically confirmed diagnosis of Corona or did they just self-diagnose?
That is why they are working on testing kits but it'll take a long time to manufacture 100+ million kits.  Apparently there is a test for if you have it and another for if you have had it.

I was reading the other day about the equipment requirements for big cities like New York.  There is just no way they can get the oint of stuff they need.  This is part of their shopping list:

"The mayor wants federal reinforcements to help deliver extra stocks of essential equipment. He has presented Trump with a shopping list of 15,000 ventilators for those patients unable to breathe alone, 3 million N95 respirator face masks to protect essential health workers and 50m surgical masks."

This is why we all need to stay at home so the load on health services can be managed over time.

However, I suspect that at some point we may have to say to people that they jist need to get the virus and recover at home.  There will be difficult decisions to be made regarding the at risk. 

If you can it is probably going to be better to be in the sticks than inner cities where the demand for food, medicines, etc. Is so great.

Offline Happylad

was it that oriental looking WG? had loads of piercings

i cant remember for the life of me her name but i can remember the episode on the other forum

No, she`s English, good looking, and I don`t remember any piercings, but  I`m afraid the I`ve even forgotten the name she used on that site, but she is no longer a proper SP anyway.

I`m also informed that all the postings in that particular thread on that site have been deleted by its operator - presumably to brush it all under the carpet, so the only proof that I now have is in my own records and the recollections of members of that Forum at the time.

Online LLPunting


However, I suspect that at some point we may have to say to people that they jist need to get the virus and recover at home.  There will be difficult decisions to be made regarding the at risk. 

If you can it is probably going to be better to be in the sticks than inner cities where the demand for food, medicines, etc. Is so great.

We ALREADY do this for every other virus that kills some of it's victims.

Fleeing to the sticks is only worthwhile if you intend to join the armed defenders of an isolationist farm that's self-sufficient and yet accepts more inhabitants  :wackogirl:  Whilst grocery stores continue to function as part of a government supported distribution network then supplies will be prioritised to large communities i.e. city conurbs, especially where seats of government are housed.

Offline Watts.E.Dunn

Have a read thru this its got an attached PDF download link, bit long winded but very good results all the same:)

External Link/Members Only

Offline Boundless

Online RandomGuy99

We ALREADY do this for every other virus that kills some of it's victims.

Fleeing to the sticks is only worthwhile if you intend to join the armed defenders of an isolationist farm that's self-sufficient and yet accepts more inhabitants  :wackogirl:  Whilst grocery stores continue to function as part of a government supported distribution network then supplies will be prioritised to large communities i.e. city conurbs, especially where seats of government are housed.
Well from what I'm hearing from colleagues in London the supermarket shelves are stripped bare and there are always long queues when they get deliveries. If you 9 million people supply it will be more difficult to keep them all supplied.  If you have the option to temporarily relocate to outside your city then you will probably have an easier time of it and also reduce the load on supply chains in the city.
« Last Edit: March 21, 2020, 05:59:15 pm by RandomGuy99 »

Online LLPunting

Well from what I'm hearing from colleagues in London the supermarket shelves are stripped bare and there are always long queues when they get deliveries. If you 9 million people supply it will be more difficult to keep them all supplied.  If you have the option to temporarily relocate to outside your city then you will probably have an easier time of it and also reduce the load on supply chains in the city.

And increase the load on sparser rural supply chains  :dash:  Do try thinking a little more about why we use large single-driver vehicles for transport to more populated areas...

Offline rathbone

Does anyone feel inclined to support their favourite escort(s) by advancing them money for your next booking, buying their camming or phone/SMS services, purchasing galleries/movies or some other mechanism?
No, definitely not.  And a decent, smart SP wouldn't ask anyway, because it throws up issues of trust, dependency and so on that complicate a simple no-strings-attached deal.  Also, difficult to keep a professional distance when you're in hock to somebody.

Offline workinallweek

  i had a punt arranged just before the lockdown . t he job which put me in the area was canceled the hotel restauts were closed so i canceled .
I did offer to pay a portion or indeed all of the punton the understanding it was pre payment for next time , but the girl refused and seemed suprised i should think to offer .  ok maybe i was mad but it made sense at the time ....
Banned reason: Offering glowing positive reviews for free bookings.
Banned by: daviemac

Offline OakTree

was it that oriental looking WG? had loads of piercings

i cant remember for the life of me her name but i can remember the episode on the other forum

It was the Holly Macy saga or Elle Hart whatever she was called

Offline tesla

It was the Holly Macy saga or Elle Hart whatever she was called

two different girls  Holly Macy is now The Naked Therapist  External Link/Members Only or External Link/Members Only

Elle Hart is now Your Hidden Secret  External Link/Members Only or External Link/Members Only

Offline Beamer

  i had a punt arranged just before the lockdown . t he job which put me in the area was canceled the hotel restauts were closed so i canceled .
I did offer to pay a portion or indeed all of the punton the understanding it was pre payment for next time , but the girl refused and seemed suprised i should think to offer .  ok maybe i was mad but it made sense at the time ....

Good on yer....... :hi: :hi:

Offline OakTree

two different girls  Holly Macy is now The Naked Therapist  External Link/Members Only or External Link/Members Only

Elle Hart is now Your Hidden Secret  External Link/Members Only or External Link/Members Only

Yeah if I remember rightly they were friends. There was a big saga on another forum with them both and a punter. They all ended up getting banned from what I remember.