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Author Topic: Louis Theroux Selling Sex - Sunday 12th January, BBC2 @ 9pm  (Read 18872 times)

Offline Discord

Trouble is, I don't think that any sensible escort or punter would appear in such a documentary - you'd have to be a bit odd or unstable I think. Therefore, you get a rather skewed snapshot of things from these shows. I found every lady on the show somewhat damaged, fragile and a bit off-centre. I thought the young art student lady had mild learning difficulties and now she has put a big target on her back for any predators, shitbags and manipulators to go after.

I think they may have said at the start that the art student was autistic so not learning difficulties as such. 

As a fan of Louios Theroux's stuff I enjoyed the program to some extent but its a bit annoying that they picked 3 women who appeared to have gone into escorting due to issues stemming from their younger years.  That's probably not the case for a large portion of working girls. 

Offline winkywanky

It was Asperger's (on the Autistic 'scale').

Offline millbush

I think they may have said at the start that the art student was autistic so not learning difficulties as such. 

As a fan of Louios Theroux's stuff I enjoyed the program to some extent but its a bit annoying that they picked 3 women who appeared to have gone into escorting due to issues stemming from their younger years.  That's probably not the case for a large portion of working girls.

How do you know?
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Offline paper7

The only thing that bothered me a bit was that the WG's they concentrated on all had previous problems. It would have been more revealing to have someone who'd been 'pushed in Escorting' because of the shambles caused by the implementation of 'Austerity' and 'Universal Credit.'

Offline Bogof60

Or Women who like to make lots of Money without having to have a job
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Offline Payyourwaymate

Thanks for saving me the watch  :thumbsup:.

Offline bobby1973

i can't believe they showed the face of the 14 year old on there
she will end up with so much stick and bullying as she grows up

Offline sparkus

i can't believe they showed the face of the 14 year old on there
she will end up with so much stick and bullying as she grows up

Punters' houses, hookers' teenage daughters, clearly they weren't thinking discretion here.

Offline Discord

How do you know?

Seems like a cliche.  I imagine a lot of them just do it because it means they can make great money with hours to suit themselves and no boss. 

Offline Itsnotshy

The Guardian review

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The Independent's review

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Thanks for the links.
Not too bad from the Independent, hopefully no harm done.
Don't know about the Guardian as I refuse to click on that Social Justice, feminist garbage that masquerades as a newspaper.

Online Dipper

2.5 stars would’ve been fair IMO.

Offline Cunning Punt

Thought the programme was better than one would usually expect from BBC. However, due to the choice of interviewees and Theroux's annoying voiceover analysis, it still reinforced stereotypes,

ie: Sex workers are emotionally unstable, possibly due to being allegedly abused, and guys who pay for sex are rather sad individuals.  :unknown:

It would have been more interesting if they had actually interviewed more representative punters eg married guys who know the score and find punting more discreet than affairs, plus sexually active young men like the 25-y-o client who can easily pull women at weekends but struggle to tie down girls with a job to meets during the week.

Can't believe that mum of three pushing 40 with the face of a slapped arse was charging £250 an hour - in Notts, really! 220 now and would've thought it would've been lower last week but I didn't see her profile previously.
BBC could probably sue her for using that pic but good luck to her.

Yes, her daughter would've still got bullied by kids who know the family but interviewing a 14-y-o girl about her mum's escorting and showing her face was poor of the BBC.  :thumbsdown:

« Last Edit: January 13, 2020, 07:59:48 pm by Cunning Punt »

Offline CheeseBoard

I think she must be running a promo as her hourly rate is now £220 whereas it was quoted as £250 in the show.  She does seem to offer a lot of specialist services.

There is a fraction of a second on the program where it brings up her profile and it says £210 for the hour, not £250 as Louis mentions.

Offline Itsnotshy

Thought the programme was better than one would usually expect from BBC. However, due to the choice of interviewees and Theroux's annoying voiceover analysis, it still reinforced stereotypes,

ie: Sex workers are emotionally unstable, possibly due to being allegedly abused, and guys who pay for sex are rather sad individuals.  :unknown:

It would have been more interesting if they had actually interviewed more representative punters eg married guys who know the score and find punting more discreet than affairs, plus sexually active young men like the 25-y-o client who can easily women at weekends but struggle to tie down girls with a job to meets during the week.
Nothing wrong with being a sad, ugly man paying for sex, after all for us it's the ONLY option.
Easier for the State, imo, to criminalize the hobby if the men are seen as having other options.
The way we behave and are perceived to behave by society is more important.

Offline tantric talents

from the screen shot it looks like Classy Filth is involved

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She’s even using his picture in her profile   :lol:
There’s no such thing as bad advertising I guess!

Offline millbush

ie: Sex workers are emotionally unstable, possibly due to being allegedly abused, and guys who pay for sex are rather sad individuals.  :unknown:

Well I think the former is largely true not perhaps the abuse part though,as for the latter that is certainly true in most peoples minds.
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Offline latex_demon

I guess this just put him in teh driving seat of yet another dull documentary to try and show people something that has changed in the way peoples lives are changing. The editing makes a massive difference on this stuff, so they can tell any story with that. Nobody will know the real answer as to why people do it, they will be some that love, and some that don't. It's a shame there wasn't a more balanced view of someone that really loved what they do.

Offline NickyBobby

Here's the fittest one from the doc

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Too spensive and the fucking extras list though

But was a barebacker  :vomit:

And looking at her profile and footage from the doc, she’s not far from CLAPham

Online bdyno

Her old man seemed to be somewhat in two minds about the genie which had been unleashed from the bottle (his missus going on the game all those years ago), so I wonder how he'll react to this?  :unknown:
This is the bit I was probably most interested in.  They were virgins when they married, so did they get into swinging first?  Or was the second bloke she ever had a punter? 
They talked about where they started & where they ended, but not really how they got there.

Offline Payyourwaymate

Nothing wrong with being a sad, ugly man paying for sex, after all for us it's the ONLY option.
Easier for the State, imo, to criminalize the hobby if the men are seen as having other options.
The way we behave and are perceived to behave by society is more important.

I hope your are saying this in jest. Under no circumstances should you ever see yourself as sad and ugly where paying is your only option. How could you look at yourself and smile if that's what you think of yourself, let alone other people. If you see yourself that way then change. I ain't sad or ugly, as I am sure many others who are also not sad and ugly...and paying for sex gives many options  :lol:. If your not as attractive as the next guy it does not matter....just make sure your pockets are deep and you don't take shit.

Offline Watts.E.Dunn

Did that woman from Nottingham really have to drag her poor children into it poor sods.

Kudos for supporting them, but would have been better if some anomity was kept.

As to the others fine there, but little children, really:(

Offline Cunning Punt

Well I think the former is largely true not perhaps the abuse part though,as for the latter that is certainly true in most peoples minds.

Depends who one sees but most of the WGs I've met aren't emotionally unstable and as for the latter being true in "most people's minds" well that's the point it's a stereotype; most guys have options with effort but punting saves time and hassle.

Offline getsbettereverytime

I haven’t seen the program yet (was planning to watch it but forgot) but I have seen classy filthy in Notts a couple of times.
I wish I had been watching it live as I would have been SHOCKED to see someone I’ve met on one of Louis’ programs, I’m not sure how I would have reacted. Will have to catch up later in the week.

She is (or was) quite keen on getting more into porno/actress roles that might explain going on national TV for a momentary career boost, but can’t be a good idea involving the kids on the program.

Offline sparkus

The Notts punter was supposed to be anon but was shown in slightly distorted profile and with a muffled rather than overdubbed voice, he wouldn't be that hard to spot if you knew him and his recent circumstances e.g. relationship break-up.  Again, the punter here was shown as vulnerable sad-sack whereas Mr 500 AW feedbacks in Fulham is supposedly well endowed and apparently doing well on Tinder.

Anyone watching the programme with little familiarity with the wide spectrum of WGs and why sex work is chosen could assume Classy Filth and her negative view of men as clients and partners is very typical and behind those choices.

It was essential viewing for anyone who's a fan of Louis Theroux and his work but the cases here were so selective you may as well say all Christians are as nutty as the Westboro Baptist Church.

Offline Freddie Boswell

Did that woman from Nottingham really have to drag her poor children into it poor sods.
Can't help but suspect that Victoria must've ceased upon some added financial opportunities in exchange for her daughter's inclusion. Botox and filler treatment is a costly maintenance, don't forget.

Offline Winterspirit

At least this programme didn’t do the usual of showing the two extreme ends of the sex worker scale-
The working on the streets for the next fix and the high end call girl charging a gazillion an hour.

So it was somewhat the view from the middle (saying that I wouldn’t pay £210 or whatever for the Notts lady) where the majority of sw/sp are.  But then it went down the all sw/sp are damaged path which is true for some but not all

Offline Bogof60

At least this programme didn’t do the usual of showing the two extreme ends of the sex worker scale-
The working on the streets for the next fix and the high end call girl charging a gazillion an hour.

So it was somewhat the view from the middle (saying that I wouldn’t pay £210 or whatever for the Notts lady) where the majority of sw/sp are.  But then it went down the all sw/sp are damaged path which is true for some but not all

This ^
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Offline Vanhobonk

The vast majority of SPs want complete discretion ,the ones that go on TV are breaking from the norm just by doing so,the same goes for punters.Discretion is so huge in the punting world which makes it virtually impossible for any film maker to paint the full picture.

Offline winkywanky


It's probably fair to say that the very fact of these girls wanting to appear in his programme, means that they aren't a representative sample of WGs. They're seeing this as a marketing opportunity amongst other things.

That's proven by the fact that two out of the three featured WGs are already brazenly featuring their participation on their AW profiles.

Offline Skyjuice1000

The people the working girls in the film came across very narsacisstic they believed they are of higher intelligence etc how the hell is that mother telling her 14 year old daughter what she does ??
It’s not a bad thing what she does but it’s not the type of thing you share with your children.
The couple are delusional and the type of people you keep away from at garden parties and the girl in London better find a day job soon to be realistic as she isn’t gonna last. All in all you can’t generalise why women get involved in sex work, but in my experience the ones who stay in it too long get jaded and tired looking and become bitter and full of a air of self importance

Offline winkywanky

I think the reality is that when your daughter gets to 14yrs old, if you don't tell them yourself they'll find out through the back door, and that's a whole lot worse.

But to have the girl featured and speaking on the programme was a mistake I think, both from the POV of the mother and that of the BBC. I think they'll get many complaints to Ofcom over that, and I think they'd be justified.

Offline Beamer

I think the reality is that when your daughter gets to 14yrs old, if you don't tell them yourself they'll find out through the back door, and that's a whole lot worse.

But to have the girl featured and speaking on the programme was a mistake I think, both from the POV of the mother and that of the BBC. I think they'll get many complaints to Ofcom over that, and I think they'd be justified.

Agreed. It was typical of the idiots who were managing the programme content, both producer and presenter.

Offline Vanhobonk

I believe the reason discretion is so important to Sps is because the stigma could hurt their family in most cases ,they respect there parents and dont want to bring shame on them.
If  they a troubled childhood though and do not care for their families due to that it could be the opposite ,some sort of revenge kick they get by exposing themselves cause the ones that were supposed to care for them as children failed.
This is why I think its much more likely girls who show face pics and go on TV are troubled but the vast majority who like discretion are not .

If you were to for example say ask 100 SPs to go on TV
80 of them from loving familys that do it as a lifestyle choice and 20 from troubled backgrounds ,my bets are the majority of the ones who agreed would be from the 20 which would give an unrealistic representation.
« Last Edit: January 14, 2020, 12:19:39 pm by Vanhobonk »

Offline Squire Haggard

I think the reality is that when your daughter gets to 14yrs old, if you don't tell them yourself they'll find out through the back door, and that's a whole lot worse.

But to have the girl featured and speaking on the programme was a mistake I think, both from the POV of the mother and that of the BBC. I think they'll get many complaints to Ofcom over that, and I think they'd be justified.

I'm amazed that the BBC allowed the kids to appear. I hope that the 14yo daughter does not get teased or bullied at school as a result.

Offline Vanhobonk

Im sure they said the mother was already very open in the community about it,again not the norm for an SP.It still did not sit right with me though,the poor wee lass will probably attract alot of unwanted attention from boys as they will assume she is a wee dirty like her mother and even worse paedo attention.BBC and mother were so wrong exposing her like that.

Offline winkywanky

I'm amazed that the BBC allowed the kids to appear. I hope that the 14yo daughter does not get teased or bullied at school as a result.

Of course you didn't see the two younger ones properly, and certainly not their faces at all. Quite right too.

The 14yr-old was very much a mini-me of her mum, facially very similar. And with a very grown-up attitude and ability to speak cogently, I would say much more so than her peer group.

We don't know what went on with the dad of course, but mum alluded to him and it wasn't good

It may be that the eldest was forced to grow up 'a little quickly' in that environment? And certainly her mum's job would tend to reinforce that.

The BBC have strict Producer's guidelines and I suspect they weren't strictly breached, according to the letter. I do think it was inadvisable to feature the youngster in that way though, because that's just what she is, a youngster, and the potential consequences are great.

Offline winkywanky

She was very mature.

I suspect the Producers and Theroux felt that her speaking openly in this way might actually reduce potential bullying? Because it's out in the open, and she was very eloquent. If she hadn't, there'd have been all the speculation and gossip. Time will tell I guess  :unknown:.

Offline simon07

Not a representation of the real world of punting. A lot of gals have been mentioned have part time jobs as:
Beauticians, hairdressers, shop assistants, bakery shops, teachers, merchant bankers, estate agents to mention just a few.

Not a good idea to involve the 14 year old girl in documentary. May get a lot of stick from school etc. Plus mum is a role model, what career choices might she want as she gets older?

Offline dubs

Not a good idea to involve the 14 year old girl in documentary. May get a lot of stick from school etc. Plus mum is a role model, what career choices might she want as she gets older?

Yeah, its not like she has a good male role-model around either.  She's likely to inherit her view of men from her mother and behave in the same way.

Warning... cod-psychology ahead...

When working girl's have opened up to me about their personal life, there always seems to be some kind of divorce, daddy-abandonment issues or mental/physical/sexual abuse in their past.  The common factor seems to be they never had a decent platonic relationship with a male i.e. their father who provided the unconditional love and attention that only a functional parent would.  So, an alternative male steps in (step dad, abusive boyfriend etc) and the girl realises they can only get attention by using their sexuality.

Offline Watts.E.Dunn

This prog is coming in for a bit of stick on the SAFFE forum too!

Offline Itsnotshy

I hope your are saying this in jest. Under no circumstances should you ever see yourself as sad and ugly where paying is your only option. How could you look at yourself and smile if that's what you think of yourself, let alone other people. If you see yourself that way then change. I ain't sad or ugly, as I am sure many others who are also not sad and ugly...and paying for sex gives many options  :lol:. If your not as attractive as the next guy it does not matter....just make sure your pockets are deep and you don't take shit.
Perhaps I should've said it's the only option if you're old and want to have sex with fit young women without any emotional complications for either side  :)
Too old now to change, but fortunately I do have deep pockets.
« Last Edit: January 14, 2020, 04:39:41 pm by Itsnotshy »

Offline Home Alone

And, if you've always had low self-esteem, then it's easy enough to look at yourself like that.

I was 58 when I started punting - the OH & 'my successor' had pissed off down south the best part of 2 years previously - and I knew that if I was ever to have 'the joy of sex' again, it would have to be through punting. That was mainly because I didn't then have the self-confidence with women that I've developed in the last 15 years.

Offline wombat

How come George Muppet didn't make an appearance??

Offline sparkus

How come George Muppet didn't make an appearance??

Probably thinks Louis Theroux should appear on HIS show instead  :sarcastic:

Offline Blackpool Rock

How come George Muppet didn't make an appearance??
Cause it was about paid sex not cunts who leech and try to get freebies  :sarcastic:

Offline Freddie Boswell

Honestly, that guy would rock-up in a syringe-strewn alleyway expecting a freebie off some poor crackhead-strumpet.

Offline sparkus

Seems the "sex economy" is going quite mainstream and could be coming soon to a government near you:

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Online hullad

I have been away and only watched it last night, enjoyed the insight from a good programme maker. Louis presented us with three very diverse  working giris, each with differing reasons for their career choice. I think many of us have met at least one of these girls professionally and can relate to them. A brave decision outing themselves to the scorn and bigotry of the general public and I hope they can weather the storm. I think they will all continue 'working' and use the resulting publicity for increased revenue it will bring and why not.

The oldest one clearly has an up hill struggle with now being outed as a sixty three year old (ish) and not the 54 she claims. In all honesty none of them did nothing to float my boat, but that's the thing about this sport/ game / hobby is the diverse choice there is out there and the ease it can be obtained in the digital age.

A year from now it will be just a memory in a few people's mind and an odd mention on here when a punter does a report on one of them and adds the ' TV' star tag.

« Last Edit: January 15, 2020, 09:58:45 am by hullad »

Offline Itsnotshy

I think they will all continue 'working' and use the resulting publicity for increased revenue it will bring and why not.
The 23 year old hippy type has already got 60p off me to view one of her adultwork vids.

Offline millbush

The oldest one clearly has an up hill struggle with now being outed as a sixty three year old (ish) and not the 54 she claims.

Don't think she was fooling anybody with that.
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