Sugar Baby?

Author Topic: Sticking to your own Punting Rules  (Read 5242 times)

Offline Charliehutton

In my short punting 'career' I've had several self-imposed rules, and the approximate order I've broken them all in is this:

1) Don't do anything unprotected - no DFK, RO or OWO.
2) Don't see any girl more than once.
3) Don't bother with anal.
4) Don't travel more than an hour.
5) Don't see any girl more than twice.

I just wondered if other guys had their own rules, and how vigorously they stuck to them.

Offline millbush

Banned reason: Troll.
Banned by: daviemac

Offline Belgarion

Only punting rule I've broken was not to do outcalls to my home. After a horrible experience, I've never repeated the mistake

Offline Punterperson1971

In my short punting 'career' I've had several self-imposed rules, and the approximate order I've broken them all in is this:

1) Don't do anything unprotected - no DFK, RO or OWO.
2) Don't see any girl more than once.
3) Don't bother with anal.
4) Don't travel more than an hour.
5) Don't see any girl more than twice.

I just wondered if other guys had their own rules, and how vigorously they stuck to them if I feel like seeing a new girl then I will if not I stick to my regular.
Isn’t 2 & 5 the same thing but worded differently,and I do what I like on impulse.
« Last Edit: November 06, 2019, 01:29:45 pm by Punterperson1971 »

Offline fisherofsouls

1. Always consider how likely she will be to see you again for free (i.e. NOT).  It's a business transaction, not a relationship !!
2. Never fall for a sob story.  There is a 1 in 10,000 chance of it being true, and even if it is, you'll still end up out of pocket
3. Always, I mean 100% religiously, keep your punting and real lives separate.  There are plenty of scumbags in and around the sex trade - do you really want to deal with one of them turning up at your work ?
4. Never park where she says !  (Linked to no.3)
5. Chill out and live in the moment - you're buying a sexual stimulation service, not a wife.  Enjoy it, then move on...
« Last Edit: November 06, 2019, 01:29:52 pm by fisherofsouls »

Offline smiths

I never think just with my dick nowadays and have a plan B option so I find it easy to walk if necessary. And I don't double book WGs.

I don't do business with clear bait and switch low lifes, it doesn't matter what the switch looks like assuming I am aware its a B&S which I imagine I don't know sometimes as I do punt with WGs who have no face pics, or free face pics. Sadly as I see it loads of punters who do or have done reviews on here have given a positive review on the switch which to me just encourages them more. And I know its not against the rules to do such a review but to me a B&S can never be a positive as the WG set out to deceive from the start. :thumbsdown: :thumbsdown: :thumbsdown:

Virtually everything I tell a WG is a lie, I don't trust any WG including regulars with my true personal information and I don't do Outcalls to my hotel room let alone home which I see as utter madness. And I am aware that some on here haven't had any problems with Outcalls, it only takes 1 bad WG or pimp though, not worth the risk to me however small that risk may be.

Never ever pay a WG a deposit, I don't get myself into punting scenarios where a deposit should ever be asked for, but when it has been on rare occasions that's the end of my interest. My punting is a pay the WG in person on the day pastime.

I use a punting phone which is only on when I am arranging and on my way to punts, simple to change number from time to time. I never email WGs, if they don't have an advertised phone number they don't get my business, I wont jump through WGs hoops anymore. So needing to have A/W feedback and do a booking request on that poxy site is a never for me. I punt to suit me NOT a WG. If she operates how suits me it could be punt on, if not I go elsewhere.

I don't trust 1 word on A/W unless I know and trust the punter who has left feedback. How I operate is a WG I haven't met before has to show me she offers me a good service and does what her profile says, until then I am always suspicious and ready to walk. Of course reviews on here from punters I find credible and others I know in person can greatly help which is appreciated.

I will always do a negative or neutral review quickly after the punt or as is more usual attempted punt to warn other punters. I may name and shame bad WGs on here on other punters review threads if the WG has fucked me over, I don't care if the reviewer doesn't like it. Good for him that he had a positive punt, I didn't and that's the consequence of fucking me over, I never forgive or forget. And other punters apart from the reviewer may not be aware for all I know, though A/W reviews are often linked in well nowadays. However, if the WG had a previous profile which happens quite a lot the reviews linked to that profile might not be linked in. Also just because a WG A/W profile is down doesn't mean 100% she is gone, some take them down then put them back up, or change area and name but kept the same numbered link, so I wouldn't not do a negative review because the profile happened to be gone at the time. I will do positive reviews when I decide to do so.

My usual max distance is a 50 mile round trip from home which I rarely go over, and I try to time things so I am in the WGs area anyway on other business though the WG wont know this. I also say if asked nowadays that I got a cab to the WGs place, I don't say I drove myself, me having a car is nothing to do with a WG. I always park away from the WGs premises, NEVER park where a WG insists is my advice. The fact is the WG will know you will be with her and for how long, who knows what some low life might do. Plus the WG or pimp may take your reg number down and share it with others for all I would know, again not worth the risk to me however small it may be.

I go on my instincts so when a WG opens her door to me for the first time if I get a bad vibe like a face like a smacked arse, a monotone voice with no effort to be friendly I may well walk. My logic is obvious, a WG should be trying to impress me especially before I have handed my cash over, if they cant make the effort to do so that's a big red flag to me. Any hint of a bad attitude is enough for me to walk nowadays and book in with my plan B usually a regular.

I don't knowingly punt with forum WGs and haven't for years now, I used to off another punting forum before UKP existed, the problem I found was a small number had no interest in discretion and knew a few things that I had told a previous WG. So not worth the risk for me to punt with any of them now, and I know some or many would be fine, but that's a rule I now have.

I wont buy anything off A/W including WGs PG pics, I use the site as a location tool as its the best for that but I wont directly contribute to their coffers. IMO the owners are scumbags, they certainly allow many well dodgy profiles to exist. IF they strictly enforced age verification I may buy a card from a Paypoint anonymously so I can still access the site, or use a VPN. I would decide that if and when it occurred.

Sadly if a punter has something to lose in life, a partner, kids, a job etc in my opinion being extremely careful when punting is wise. It is not illegal to punt with an off/street WG of course who isn't being forced and/or underage but like it or not paying for sex is looked down upon. Great if a punter doesn't care who knows he punts, not all of us are in that position so I do what I can to negate the risk. Obviously I could do more, by not posting on here or elsewhere, I choose to continue posting but who knows if that might change or when.

Punting is a business transaction NOT a relationship, I stick to that and can punt with good regulars loads of times and not lose track of it. Its very clear to me some even on here treat punting like a relationship, up to them but not a good idea in my book.
« Last Edit: November 06, 2019, 02:31:35 pm by smiths »

Offline threechilliman

I make my rules up and then break them because I can. The main one was price but I don't worry about it as much these days.

Offline unclepokey

I have one rule: Use your fucking common sense!

Think about what could go wrong and ways to avoid.....Eerr .. That's it

Rees-Mogg is in the dunces corner for using 'common sense' in a stupid way. Rightly so. But 'Fucking Common Sense' is something else. Its about pre-planning for things just the same, but things where lives are not lost.

Online RandomGuy99

My rules are:

1. No barebackers
2. No outcalls - although I have almost broken this but fortunately decided against it
3. No brothels or parlours where multiple girls are working.  I always see indies.
4. Nobody I think is being trafficked or pimped
5. Don't see providers with low feedback scores
6. Don't park where the SP tells me.  I prefer to park away from their premises to avoid any issues with nosey neighbours who collect number plate details.
7. Always use a punting phone.
8. Don't tell anyone your real name.
9. Don't spend more time travelling to and from a booking than you are at the booking.

I don't have a problem with seeing the same provider many times. If she ticks my boxes then I am happy to see her.  I'm sure the people at the venue they use are fully aware of what goes on and have no problems with it provided it doesn't cause the owner any problems.

I am coming up with some new rules for 2019, which I will follow to avoid repeats of mistakes I have made. You live and learn. One will be to engage less in forums as they can be more trouble than they're worth.  I just want to have paid sex without any hassles or drama.

We all punt differently.  For me I'm not out to shag as many women as I can.  I prefer to have a small number of SPs I see on a regular basis (weekly/fortnightly or monthly basis).  I do this because I like the predictability of seeing someone I know ticks my boxes and who will make me happy. I can't be arsed with phoning a random provider, going to see her and being disappointed or messed about.  I'm sure you get some good experiences with the random approach but I think you probably get more bad ones.
« Last Edit: November 06, 2019, 02:57:58 pm by RandomGuy99 »

Offline Charliehutton

Isn’t 2 & 5 the same thing but worded differently,and I do what I like on impulse.

No, 5 was the new rule after 2 was broken. It's been broken since, of course!

Offline millbush

1. No barebckers
2. No outcalls
3. Punting phone
4. No Romanians
5. Nobody over size 12
6. Never deal with Mandy Foxx ever again.
Banned reason: Troll.
Banned by: daviemac

Offline Kingy28

« Last Edit: November 06, 2019, 05:12:15 pm by Kingy28 »

Offline Spunky34

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My own rules - I generally do outcalls to my home via reverse bookings.

1) No barebackers
2) No-one too local
3) Confirm what you’re looking for and total fee
4) No second chances - if they muck you about once, blacklist and move on
5) Don’t bother with short notice plan Bs - just do something else that day instead
6) If you see anything at all on a profile which gives you a concern, move on - don’t give them the benefit of the doubt
7) Add at least five years and at least one dress size.  If they already strike you as chubby, add two dress sizes.  Sounds unfair but you’re less likely to be disappointed.
8) Never trust professional/agency style pics
9) Don’t get too wound up if they don’t turn up - it’s annoying but worse things happen.

Offline Charliehutton

1. No barebckers
2. No outcalls
3. Punting phone
4. No Romanians
5. Nobody over size 12
6. Never deal with Mandy Foxx ever again.

I'm very, very interested in your No 6, Bushy; sounds like you've a tale to tell....

Offline Ben1983

Been punting since 2018/2019, but since then, I’ve had a few rules.
These few rules are the ones that HAVEN’T been broken.

1. No outcalls to home address (I’m single, but keep my punting life private)
2. No barebackers
3. No deposits (I understand that some are legitimate, but won’t take the risk)
4. Park a few (safe) streets away from punting location
5. Nothing above £150 an hour

Offline Home Alone

1. Always consider how likely she will be to see you again for free (i.e. NOT).  It's a business transaction, not a relationship !!
2. Never fall for a sob story.  There is a 1 in 10,000 chance of it being true, and even if it is, you'll still end up out of pocket
3. Always, I mean 100% religiously, keep your punting and real lives separate.  There are plenty of scumbags in and around the sex trade - do you really want to deal with one of them turning up at your work ?

4. Never park where she says !  (Linked to no.3)
5. Chill out and live in the moment - you're buying a sexual stimulation service, not a wife.  Enjoy it, then move on...

I'm surprised not to have seen "Never shit in your own midden." appear specifically in any of the lists so far. For the last 15 years, I've lived in a small discrete - but not necessarily discreet - town in a northern connurbation and don't want any of my neighbours knowing this particular bit of my business.

I have seen our local SP 'professionally' on a few occasions, the last of which was a week or two before we bumped into each other in our town centre one day at about 9.30 a.m. She recognised me and said hello. I hadn't recognised her - well, she was wearing more clothes than I'd ever seen her wear before - and just said something like, "Oh, hi." Her friendliness - or lack of discretion - wasn't the only reason I've not been back to see her but it was a contributory factor.

Because I'm retired with a Senior Citizens' Railcard, I used - more often than I've done over the last 18 months or so - to make punting the centre of a Day Out. I'd be happy to travel up to a couple of hours by train to one of the neighbouring connurbations. As age catches up with me, I don't travel as far these days; but it'd be a rare punt if I didn't have a 'home to punt' time of an hour or so by public transport.

Offline millbush

I'm very, very interested in your No 6, Bushy; sounds like you've a tale to tell....

Well after the car crash of my first duo I thought I'd arrange another,to be honest I was more interested her partner Nicole Starr who has a FAF body however Mandy does anal which is all good for me.
Contacted Nicole who's a bit vague but tells me to arrange via Mandy which I do explaining I don't want a 3 way email exchange,I email Mandy again as Nicole has been in further contact.
I then get a mail saying from Mandy  "I thought you didn't want a 3 way email ping pong" bit of an attitude vibe.
Then "I'll message her"(Nicole)this is in the morning,as at 7pm I've not heard anything I email to say it's not happening is it?
Go for a run and she has emailed admonishing me for not realising she's been working(what non stop) and then she goes to the gym(htf would I know that?)
Does offer a time fair enough but at this point I'm getting annoyed with the attitude so thinking of not booking, as it's late I sit on it.
Then I get another email saying "thanks for reading but ignoring my email",that's the final straw for me tell her she can shove her booking.
Basically every email came with a side serving of bad attitude,she's not good looking enough to get away with that.
Feel a bit bad for Nicole she seemed nice.
Banned reason: Troll.
Banned by: daviemac

Offline charlatan44

Been doing this for about 15 months. Main rules are

1) No bareback
2) Won't see a WG that doesn't do OWO
3) Won't see a WG anywhere near where I live
4) No Roms
5) Always read reviews on this site before seeing any WG I have not been with
6) £180 max for an hour

Offline Beamer

1. Never ever discuss your real name or personal situation.
2. Create a punting character if you feel the need to talk about personal information with an SP. Be careful with ages, everyone gets older!
3. Never park in sight of the SP's location. Always park in a public place.
4. Always lock your wallet, normal phone etc in your car and take just cash, condoms if appropriate and punting phone into the meeting.
5. If I see anything slightly odd or not normal (e.g. man waiting for the door, or group of men without any obvious purpose or reason to be in situ etc.) I would return to the car and cancel my booking.

I have some regular SP's who I have been seeing for 10+ years and they still have no idea of who I am, what or where I live.
But some know the "Punting character" that I created. So they feel they know something about the punters who is fucking them.
What is surprising is how many SP's seem happy to tell you about their own life and circumstances.
« Last Edit: November 06, 2019, 11:03:54 pm by Beamer »

Offline MrMatrix

A lot of good advice here borne out of a lot of experience. All my rules are covered by preceeding comments. :hi:

Offline Herts_Outcaller

I'm really not as paranoid as everyone else

I use my own phone (but my social media settings are such that you can't find me from my number) (I also clear texts and sometimes call log) (also my other half doesn't ever pick up my phone)
I use my real (first) name (it's a common name admittedly)
I'll park right outside if it's a flat and free, and about 10-15 doors down if it's a house. Nobody's out to get you there.

My rules are
1. never see a barebacker
2. be nice to the girls and you'll get better service
3. no girls with terrible reviews on UKP (more bad than good)
4. never go over the budget of money put in the punting account each month
5. If too much money builds up in punting account (more than a grand), you have to spend some of it at the immediate first opportunity, regardless of if it's a dream girl or not.

The above rules are never broken
« Last Edit: November 06, 2019, 11:09:31 pm by Herts_Outcaller »

Offline webpunter

Get cracking on the punting b4 alzheimers sets in !

2) Don't see any girl more than once.

5) Don't see any girl more than twice.

Good thread  :thumbsup:

Offline smiths

I'm really not as paranoid as everyone else

I use my own phone (but my social media settings are such that you can't find me from my number) (I also clear texts and sometimes call log) (also my other half doesn't ever pick up my phone)
I use my real (first) name (it's a common name admittedly)
I'll park right outside if it's a flat and free, and about 10-15 doors down if it's a house. Nobody's out to get you there.

My rules are
1. never see a barebacker
2. be nice to the girls and you'll get better service
3. no girls with terrible reviews on UKP (more bad than good)
4. never go over the budget of money put in the punting account each month
5. If too much money builds up in punting account (more than a grand), you have to spend some of it at the immediate first opportunity, regardless of if it's a dream girl or not.

The above rules are never broken

I don't view it as paranoia, I view it as being wise when punting, they aren't the same thing, to me at least.

Offline jesse4585

I find it pesky having to comply with various rules at work,  I don't have any for punting.   I've not done anal, or knowingly seen a trafficked or bareback lass, though I see that more as a preference than a rule.  Most of the other rules above I've broken.  I guess its partly as I have a need to trust at least some people. And I don't like lying unless it truly feels like a white lie. Back in the past I've used a false name, in recent years I always tell them my real name, I think the odds of being used against me are v. low, and it just feels better.

And as has been said it's largely about what you have to lose. If I had children depending on me for example then I'd be much more cautious.

Offline webpunter

Offline Bonker

Many of these are ones I try to follow.
Additionally, don't get into a fight. Walk away, leave the money with your mind and body intact.

Offline Plan R

1) No Barebackers
2) Check UKP for a review
3) 'Google map' the postcode first - to avoid council blocks (

Offline getsbettereverytime

All good stuff suggested above; one to add

Always be prepared to walk if during that first couple of mins you are not happy with what’s in front of you, could be all sorts of reasons but always be prepared to exit.

Offline maxxblue

You are a hypocrite, and talking absolute bollocks, Herts_Outcaller.

3. no girls with terrible reviews on UKP (more bad than good)

6 review(s) for Petite Nadia X (1 positive, 1 neutral, 4 negative)

The above rules are never broken


Mmm?  :unknown:

Offline GingerNuts

You are a hypocrite, and talking absolute bollocks, Herts_Outcaller.

Prior to his review there was one positive, one neutral and one negative.

Offline maxxblue

Prior to his review there was one positive, one neutral and one negative.

Fair enough, GN.

Apologies to Herts_Outcaller  :hi:

Offline NotATrumpFan

After nearly a decade in this game, my list is much the same as others here.

1) No bareback
2) No outcalls to private addresses (outcalls to hotels are fine unless they want my life story)
3a) No EE girls - high possibility of trafficing
3b) No African imports - high possibility of having aids (Not a racist thing, i will see black girls, just a "countriest" thing.  yes, use protection, bit its just risk management and mitigation)
3c) No B&S asians - Tough one to call without visitng them, but if who you meet isnt who you booked... walk.
4) Only ever carry a punting phone, cash, and car keys.
5) Park out of sight of the address and walk round.
6) Have a punting identity.  Keep the idle chitchat to a minimum.

I did start out with the intention of only seeing any girl once, but you cant keep that up forever if you want to punt regularly, and my first few rules reduce the available pool of options significantly.

Offline fisherofsouls

1) No Barebackers
2) Check UKP for a review
3) 'Google map' the postcode first - to avoid council blocks (

Nah, too limiting.  Plenty of council estates are absolutely fine... 

Offline Decadent Hobby

A lot of my rules are similar to the ones already stated.
Some of the rules I’ve set myself have a chance to be broken/bended. I don’t beat myself I’m about it too much if that happens. It’s a hobby, i do it to have fun, don’t be too serious about it.

1. No Barebackers
2. Never punt in my own borough. There was a hot looking wg a while back who worked out of a place a few streets down from me. I had to resist. Never shit on your own doorstep. Things could get really ugly.
3. Have your alibi ready and cocked. This is a relatively new one. I could be punting on the other side of London but, happen to bump into someone I know. I watch a lot of movies so, “just been to the cinema” would be my first instinct. Luckily, I haven’t had to use this yet.
4. No dfk? No thank you.
5. I punt once a month, with £150 the maximum that I’m happy to part with. Although, I have spent a little more at times, if the girl is well reviewed, offers a service I really want (pse), or my downstairs head wins the argument.
6. Try to stay away from Romanians. There are a couple out there who look great and are well reviewed so, I may break this rule at some times.
7. Push the boat out on your birthday month. As I punt monthly, in my birthday month, I’ve decided to spend more than I usually do and really treat myself. For a few reasons, I was unable to do that this year.
8. Protect yourself: use a punting phone, never disclose your true details/info, have an alternative life planned. These seem like obvious ones but, I was carefree when I started punting a few years ago. My shit is down like James Bond now.
9. If a punt is shit, neutral or even a low positive, off the HL she goes. If she’s fucked me around and done a no show or B&S, leave and never give another chance.
10. Finally, treat yourself. Post punt, I usually go for a burger, pizza or a couple of drinks.

Offline Watts.E.Dunn

1) No Barebackers

Interesting because then you ought to never see any girls.

All girls bareback with someone, boyfriend, pimp,partner, some customers who she may well have a give us an extra ** quid for BB arrangement with.

Its often said on the forum a lot of girls will do BB but won't put it on their site or openly offer it.

Treat ALL girls as if they are BB'ers and keep that few microns of latex between you and her and all will be well even if she venemently says no BB you just do not know what she may be  carrying she can be infected but asmptomatic!..

Mind how yer go on the job eh;?.
« Last Edit: November 08, 2019, 12:29:11 pm by Watts.E.Dunn »

Offline Hobbit

1) Never discuss UKP
2) Never invite a hooker to my home
3) Leave a negative review if the punt is shit
4) Never buy a hooker gifts (they earn more than enough to buy their own fucking gifts)
5) Never believe I have made a hooker cum
6) Never see them again if they waste my time
7) Never fall for EAS!!!

Offline jesse4585

1) No Barebackers

Interesting because then you ought to never see any girls.

All girls bareback with someone, boyfriend, pimp,partner, some customers who she may well have a give us an extra ** quid for BB arrangement with.
I'm not sure that's strictly true.

Perhaps I've been told untruths,  but from chat with a Romanian WG I've punted,  she's only ever had one bf,  and she's never used the pill.  She didn't say but seems more than likely she used condoms even with the one bf.   I think there's a fair few EE girls who come over here to make money out of financial desperation,  & who hadn't had much sexual experience before hand.

Even if the lass has bare backed with a few (& I'm sure you're right that most do)  , she's significantly more likely to have STDs if she's up for barebacking with everyone.

Like you say, a condom should protect,   but sometimes they break,   so even for a relatively reckless punter like myself,   avoding barebackers seems to be worthwhile risk control. Not just for ourselves but for other WGs & any current or future civvy things we might have.

Offline Jonestown

Anyone got any punting rules specific to the TS scene ?

Online ulstersubbie

4) Never buy a hooker gifts (they earn more than enough to buy their own fucking gifts)

Quite right, this pisses me off no end, especially when they put up wishlists on their Twatter feeds. Us punters pay enough as it is, if the WG wants gifts, her vanilla mates can oblige.

Offline Watts.E.Dunn

""Perhaps I've been told untruths,  but from chat with a Romanian WG I've punted,  she's only ever had one bf,  and she's never used the pill.""

Well thats just the one from what I've gleaned from Rom girls there're over here trying to make enough money so they do not have to depend on Rom Men!

Seems to be a big thing in that country, or there over here to try and take therselves out of a poverty trap, surprising the number who have a child or two back home that their mum looks after.

In fact one of them I used to know got "up duffed" by an English punter and has now gone back home to Romainia!

Interesting about the pill. I hear more WG's aren't on the pill as it clobbers their sex drive!

Offline Herts_Outcaller

I also tend to follow a loose rule of alternating between girls I've not seen, and girls I've seen already but know are good.

I don't always stick to that one cos practicalities and when (as happened recently) 3 good ones retire at the same time
« Last Edit: November 08, 2019, 10:21:56 pm by Herts_Outcaller »

Offline webpunter

Don't use swarfega as lube when getting banged up the gary

My personal fave is castrol gtx fully synthetic 0W30

Anyone got any punting rules specific to the TS scene ?

Edit:  joke !

WD40 probably not the best lube either  :D

Offline JontyR

Anyone got any punting rules specific to the TS scene ?

1. Never see anyone without a clear face shot.
2. If any main pic is without a face shot then move on.
3. Be doubly or trebly certain that if you want a specific service that it is actually on offer and whether any preparation is required prior to visiting.
4. Check that any service over 30 minutes is not just a cum once service. (Particularly true for Latin to)
5. If the venue is in the same flats you’ve had a poor service before from tourers before then don’t confirm.
6. Don’t do it at all if actually the thought of any labels being attached to you actually matters.
7. Be prepared to enjoy yourself and pity any poor sod who can’t get past their own prejudices or insecurities.
8. Realise that despite all of the above you are just mitigating the risks of disappointment and success isn’t always achieved as this is more unreliable than usual punting.
9. Remind yourself of your own rules regularly.
10. All the usual stuff for seeing escorts. Especially relating to BB.

Offline Malvolio

I'll never have consecutive punts with the same WG - this helps me to avoid forming an emotional attachment.

Offline Silva21

1. No barebckers
2. No outcalls
3. Punting phone
4. No Romanians
5. Nobody over size 12
6. Never deal with Mandy Foxx ever again.

What's up with Mandy Foxx?
You've not reviewed her......

Online RandomGuy99

I'll never have consecutive punts with the same WG - this helps me to avoid forming an emotional attachment.
I've seen loads of SPs multiple times and never had a problem.  I find it helps me be less nervous and I'm pretty much guaranteed to get what I expect.  I don't really go in for shagging as many different girls as possible.  I'd rather just discreetly see an SP I find attractive for paid sex, a bit of a laugh and conversation. 

Offline Punterperson1971

I've seen loads of SPs multiple times and never had a problem.  I find it helps me be less nervous and I'm pretty much guaranteed to get what I expect.  I don't really go in for shagging as many different girls as possible.  I'd rather just discreetly see an SP I find attractive for paid sex, a bit of a laugh and conversation.
100% agree