Sugar Baby?

Author Topic: Edinburgh getting a bit crap  (Read 4002 times)


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It seems to me edinburgh is starting to get a bit crappy, from what I have seen the only few decent uk girls are a nightmare to get a hold of or are fat/ugly (sorry girls) and then the rest are EE girls (Mainly Romanian), not that I have a problem with EE girls in general however a lot of them seem to advertise things they dont do and generally its a little awkward shagging someone who barely speaks a word of your language.

Then there are the fake accounts... Edinburgh seems to have a bullseye above its head for these fake accounts at the moment, every few days there are a stream of new fake accounts and I have even come across some that have managed to get their accounts verified and have a phone number on there.... its getting harder and harder to find a decent reliable escort in edinburgh... especially one thats from the uk.

Only had a couple of good punts in the past few months.
myruna 77 - External Link/Members Only - Decent enough punt, the girl is prettier than her pictures suggest, Central location.  Decent english too for a romanian. Definitely worth a try.

AnnaBella - External Link/Members Only - Doesnt speak much english but fantastic body and great blowjob if you can get OWO from her on the second visit, shes my favorite at the moment if im just looking to get my dick wet no questions asked... fantastic price for half an hour too.

HornyxTeen - External Link/Members Only - First thing she said to me was to keep quiet and pointed towards her neighbors, then showed me into a little room with a single bed that squeaks like crazy, so again some moving around to try and stop the squeaks and more shushing. Great body though and very pretty but not worth a re visit.

Karoli 4U - External Link/Members Only - Not quite as hot as the pictures suggest but still a good looking lass, got told off for giving her oral which was a turn off + covered oral even though she advertises OWO which was a let down, good english for a foreign girl though (think she said she is Venezuelan if I remember correctly), overall a pretty average punt.

$ £ liza.£ $ - External Link/Members Only - Good looking girl with a good body but thats about it, blowjob was only till I got hard  and she wouldnt let me touch her pussy... then she jumped on top, I wasnt the only guy in the flat either as I could hear another guy in another room with another girl, I know of at least 3 girls that work out of that flat now. Paid for 30 minutes but I just came as quickly as possible and left as there was no connection at all.

A Fallen Angel - External Link/Members Only - I have heard so many good things about this girl however I made an appointment with her and agreed a time, I made my way into edinburgh and then got no response, I have even tried to book her again due to her ratings however I have not heard from her since she ditched me the first time... Not worth the time if you ask me, no matter how good she may be.

The rest I either cant find again/moved or I just couldnt get a hold off but they werent really worth mentioning anyway. I have tried to get a hold of blowjob queen twice and April x21 but have had no reply from either. I am really hoping to get a good punt with a UK girl as recently iv only been with EE girls, but I just cant get a hold of a well priced good looking sub 30s girl from the UK that is reliable enough... any suggestions would be fan fucking tastic.

Lets hope some new talent pops up because im not over the moon with the current selection, at least from what I have tried anyway.


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Thanks for the post Kriegar69.
Very useful info.

Offline f_angel

Try longleggedloveymel, she's good fun!

Offline Horizontal pleasures

get a hold of or are fat

Please do tell me about the ones you think of as fat, I may like them, especially if they are also happy and smiling.
« Last Edit: March 03, 2014, 04:15:03 pm by Horizontal pleasures »

Offline Horizontal pleasures

When searching in Edinburgh on AW there is a tech problem. Which works best? I am planning a visit soon.

1 Searching by writing Edinburgh in the freehand box at the end of the list?

2 Searching by choosing Scotland and then Edinburgh in the drop down boxes of the list?

3 Searching by choosing Scotland and then Midlothian and then typing Edinburgh at the end of the list?

4 Searching by choosing proximity and choosing EH1 and then say 5 or 10 miles - not all ladies add their postcode to their profile.

puzzled HP


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Search: -
Country: United Kingdom
Region: Scotland
Town/City: Edinburgh

Offline gorgie tony

I tend to do as BigMan suggests or sometimes

Country:United Kingdom
Region: <leave blank>
County/Area: <leave blank>

This can show some different profiles

Kaffeine Monsta

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I didn't want to quote or snip the OP. But he's right. I hate foreigners too and I'm not that xenophobic.


Offline Cactus

HP, I tend to search by postcode say mentioned, do a search 10 miles from EH1 & you should be covered for all of Edinburgh and the surrounding area.  To double check do a second search using the geographical regions just I case any are too lazy to put a postcode in.

I would agree with the OP, that Edinburgh is pretty shite for punting indies at the moment.  I don't know about the sauna scene as it's not my cup of tea, may be worth investigating.
« Last Edit: March 04, 2014, 01:39:42 am by Cactus »


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Anyone have Annabella's number? I have booked her once through phone but it is no longer displayed on her profile. I agree with op. She is HOT!

Kaffeine Monsta

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I want to punt early into a month when I have plenty of cash. Unfortunately, I've found it's too stressful to even get a booking so I spend it all on other more enjoyable things, like my DVDs. Typically later on in the month, it's the opposite feeling; I want a shag but have no money.


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Which sauna venue can I find myruna 77?