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Author Topic: Tv or shemales  (Read 2109 times)


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Thinking of having a tv or shemale experience anyone tried it and any recommendations  thanks in advance

Offline vik.singh

Have a read through the "Transexual" section on Ukp. You'll come across Trans women who are based in the Midlands and those who tour the Midlands. The reviews will show what services they offer and then you can decide which lady suits you.

Happy Hunting ... Have fun!

Offline winkywanky

Be advised, generally TVs aren't on hormones and are I'd say, basically crossdressers. They may be feminine of course, but they won't tend to be naturally hairless with smooth skin etc. And the breasts (if at all) will be chicken fillets. They won't have had 'corrective' surgery. In essence they are bisexual/gay men who like dressing up as a laydee and having sex 'behaving as a woman'.

Shemales are Transgender/transsexuals and are generally on female hormones, have higher voices and smoother, more hairless skin. The hormones mean they will actually grow some real breast tissue but normally have breast implants too, with possibly other surgical work done to 'feminise' them. They are the ones who identify as female full-time and see themselves as women, born in the wrong body (ie a man's). They may ultimately have the meat & two veg cut off and are working towards that, but not always.

I think I've got all that right! But it seems a pretty imprecise 'science' to me, and as is the modern way, anyone can be whatever they want and (often) make a big noise about it while they do so

Offline winkywanky

So TV = Transvestite, TS = Transsexual.

Offline Black Horse

You need to think about what you want from a booking and choose wisely. The Transgender space is very wide and varied. As others have said there is a big difference between TS and TV. You’ll be exploring your own sexuality and it may take time, energy and money spent to find what you want.
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Offline Hugeadmirer

Not that it’s particularly important and While I get the point, I do disagree with the distinction that a TV is a crossedresser. My experience, and therefore my understanding, of the differences are:
- TS (pre-op): lives full time as a woman and is mentally a woman although this may not extend to their sexual performance/preferences/role. Is highly likely to have had surgery (such as breasts or facial) and/or have taken/be taking medication to assist their transition. Will have a cock, but may not be functional or include balls.
- TV: not necessarily living full time as a women but spends a significant amount of time as one and a such is often very feminine in appearance, mentality and characteristics other than transformational surgical enhancements. May or may not take medication.
- A cross dresser: a man who like to wear women’s clothing. Usually for sexual gratification. Highly unlikely to have much femininity other than clothing.

Anyway, as also said, one persons definition is not necessarily the others, including the persons in question. So tread carefully, there is indeed a lot of merkiness

« Last Edit: June 12, 2019, 11:32:17 pm by Hugeadmirer »

Offline winkywanky

Not that it’s particularly important and While I get the point, I do disagree with the distinction that a TV is a crossedresser. My experience, and therefore my understanding, of the differences are:
- TS (pre-op): lives full time as a woman and is mentally a woman although this may not extend to their sexual performance/preferences/role. Is highly likely to have had surgery (such as breasts or facial) and/or have taken/be taking medication to assist their transition. Will have a cock, but may not be functional or include balls.
- TV: not necessarily living full time as a women but spends a significant amount of time as one and a such is often very feminine in appearance, mentality and characteristics other than transformational surgical enhancements. May or may not take medication.
- A cross dresser: a man who like to wear women’s clothing. Usually for sexual gratification. Highly unlikely to have much femininity other than clothing.

Anyway, as also said, one persons definition is not necessarily the others, including the persons in question. So tread carefully, there is indeed a lot of merkiness

Without getting too far into Latin, transvestite literally means cross-dresser. Strictly speaking that's a what a TV is. So TV does indeed = CD. As time goes on (and with the current obsession with #Me#Me#Me and 'I can be whatever I want and the law has to recognise it') lines do get blurred and descriptions may vary.

Offline winkywanky

Not that it’s particularly important and While I get the point, I do disagree with the distinction that a TV is a crossedresser. My experience, and therefore my understanding, of the differences are:
- TS (pre-op): lives full time as a woman and is mentally a woman although this may not extend to their sexual performance/preferences/role. Is highly likely to have had surgery (such as breasts or facial) and/or have taken/be taking medication to assist their transition. Will have a cock, but may not be functional or include balls.
- TV: not necessarily living full time as a women but spends a significant amount of time as one and a such is often very feminine in appearance, mentality and characteristics other than transformational surgical enhancements. May or may not take medication.
- A cross dresser: a man who like to wear women’s clothing. Usually for sexual gratification. Highly unlikely to have much femininity other than clothing.

Anyway, as also said, one persons definition is not necessarily the others, including the persons in question. So tread carefully, there is indeed a lot of merkiness

By the way, I think you mean murkiness, merkiness would suggest a predilection for wearing a fanny wig  :lol:  ;).

Offline Hugeadmirer

Haha. Thanks for the correction

Offline greg101

Neither.  Don't do it.  It did me in, the regret.  I felt dirty (still do).  After the event I felt sort of OK, enough to leave a review.  A day or 2 afterwards my brain started telling me I was a (insert inappropriate none PC word) and I lost weight in the long run, felt physically sick.

« Last Edit: June 13, 2019, 09:28:13 pm by greg101 »

Offline winkywanky

Neither.  Don't do it.  It did me in, the regret.  I felt dirty (still do).  After the event I felt sort of OK, enough to leave a review.  A day or 2 afterwards my brain started telling me I was a (insert inappropriate none PC word) and I lost weight in the long run, felt physically sick.


With the best will in the world, it's not for you to tell him not to do it.

I just read your review of TS Sophie, and I'm sorry to hear you have regret about your meet. Reading between the lines it seemed like you rushed it somewhat, and acted on impulse.

We're all grown ups here and people are allowed to make their own choices. Just so long as those choices are informed and decisions made with careful consideration. There'll always be an element of uncertainty, that's why it's called punting. I can appreciate going with a TS is a somewhat bigger step than usual, but if someone has a nagging desire to try, and has considered all aspects, then so be it.

There's plenty of details on here for anyone considering this.

By all means tell your story about how you regret your meet, someone thinking of seeing a TS should be aware this could happen. But despite your undoubted best of intentions, it's not for you to make other people's decisions. No offence meant at all Greg  :hi:.

Offline winkywanky

Greg, serious question...are you OK now? If you still feel traumatised by your experience (and I have no idea about your personal circumstances) then you should speak to your doc. Or without sounding too dramatic, if you want to retain your anonymity, perhaps a call to Samaritans? They're not just for if you feel like doing the unmentionable, and they will also be able to give details of other assistance.

Offline Thecunninglinguist

Probably coming towards the end of my punting career, except for massages with extras, I keep thinking it may be a bucket list thing. It would certainly have to be a fully transitioned SP, I don't think I could cope with a dick hanging about, working or otherwise. I did make email/phone contact some time ago with a full TS and although I had no problem with the service offered, I just didn't in the end. I MAY just for the experience at some stage.

Offline greg101

Greg, serious question...are you OK now? If you still feel traumatised by your experience (and I have no idea about your personal circumstances) then you should speak to your doc. Or without sounding too dramatic, if you want to retain your anonymity, perhaps a call to Samaritans? They're not just for if you feel like doing the unmentionable, and they will also be able to give details of other assistance.

I guess it's just buyers remorse but on a really emotional level.  It's the voice in my head.  It's like when you are out for a pint and that voice goes "Mate, do you really really need that? you've work in the morning".  It knows what I've done (obviously) and won't let me forget it.  It's crazy, I was going to Birmingham on the train today, sat at a table seat, guy sits opposite, voice in head goes "Bet you fancy him?".  Seriously, I'm fucked.  My inner consciousness is like a playground bully, it won't let me forget. 

Thanks anyway WW, I'm sure it'll all pan out in the end.


  • Guest
Had a couple of ladyboy in Thailand. BJ and cum on tits with the one and banged the other up the arse. I'm not convinced I'd be into the cock n balls side of things (just my preference) so never went there.

I don't feel any remorse at all tbh, it was a good experience. Plus unless you've seen these high end ladyboys in person you really can't judge. I'm telling you they're easily the best looking 'girls' in Thailand. I couldn't give a shit about the twig and berries in their pants, the BJs were great and it's another experience ticked off the list.

I noticed they were very comfortable with me not going near their cock. I think you have to instigate this as I guess most men they see aren't as interested in their dick and more interested in the tits and arse.

That was my experience anyway, but that was in Thailand as I said so it might be different over here.

Never really felt the desire to do it again but I probably would if I was in Thailand. I certainly don't regret it at all, in fact quite the opposite. It was good fun.
« Last Edit: June 14, 2019, 01:45:21 am by Adam1990 »

Offline basquebrumie

Some interesting perspectives in this chat. For my own sins I have had a number of experiences with ladyboys both in Thailand many moons ago and a few years back in England. I don’t consider myself bi (others will shortly disagree  :P ) but I also took the opportunities to have a play with what they were packing and enjoyed the experience. I don’t ever find myself attracted to men but now I am finally back on punting scene I might scratch the itch again

Offline winkywanky

I guess it's just buyers remorse but on a really emotional level.  It's the voice in my head.  It's like when you are out for a pint and that voice goes "Mate, do you really really need that? you've work in the morning".  It knows what I've done (obviously) and won't let me forget it.  It's crazy, I was going to Birmingham on the train today, sat at a table seat, guy sits opposite, voice in head goes "Bet you fancy him?".  Seriously, I'm fucked.  My inner consciousness is like a playground bully, it won't let me forget. 

Thanks anyway WW, I'm sure it'll all pan out in the end.

This was nearly a year ago Greg, and it's clearly eating away at you. Please, do talk to a professional about this (or indeed, phone a helpful 'volunteer', I'm sure you get my drift re: my earlier post). I won't say any more on this other than to offer you wish you best wishes. Take care.

Offline A Decent Fist

Seriously, I'm fucked.  My inner consciousness is like a playground bully, it won't let me forget.

Listen Greg. Fancying pretty shemales, sucking their cocks, fucking them, even being fucked by them, is an entirely different thing to being gay.

I enjoy being top or bottom with CDs and Tgirls as long as they have a little femininity about them. If I also fancied men I would be cool with it, because there are so many more possibilities for free fucks. But I don't fancy men at all. I have put myself in the position of playing with men and I did not enjoy it. On a minor level it revolts me but it did not bother me to try.

So fucking shemales and being gay are two entirely different things. If your deepest instincts tell you (wrongly) that being gay is something to be ashamed of, then relax. You're not gay, pal.

Offline seandana

I had lady boy in Bangkok last year and by God she sucked my cock like her and my life depended on it then I fucked her arse in missionary position with her non interested cock in full view which she was worried would cause me to lose wood . It didn’t and I banged away like a man possessed under great encouragement from her . I wouldn’t say it’s for everyone but it is definitely in my top 3 sexual experiences , you will never know if you don’t give it a go . I have no regrets.

Offline brekker

My own definition was that a TS may be in the mix of a gender reassignment in the future or experimenting with who they feel the are or should be? In some cases may be on hormones and if a M2F may very well not be able to function.

A TV/CD is a grey area fetish which probably has several areas of originating from, perhaps not all men that are TV/CD are gay. But a TV escort could be a gay man who wants to make money in a unique area. In some cases why would a man dress to be a woman to then 'top a guy'?

As for the functioning ability, a TV should have all these abilities, but I have seen 3 TV escorts that could not get an erection, 2 of them had very tight 'cock rings on and still struggled to get hard. In one instant one escort had to make me an appointment and ended up giving me a blow job (albeit a great one) but could not perform. I texted on my way home and said 'thanks for a great time' which was the opposite of what I meant and the reply came 'glad you enjoyed sorry late replying had 2 more clients. Yes 2 more people in that room paying money for a service she advertised but unable to give, charging the top rate for a non top ability

This particular escort was worn out to the degree they couldn't perform, advertised on birthplace as "heavy cummer" and a "top" impression but kept seeing other customers, and actually charged me £150 when I just wanted to give oral only. Like a mug I paid but this I would expect a TS to have these problems, not a TV, so sometimes you cant make a difference.


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Greg.  I've been experimenting with my sexuality for about 45 years.  Like any experimentation some of it is going to lead to great discoveries some is going nowhere.  You can't do this without running up some blind alleys.  This really is just buyers remorse, doubled down on by having your dick in the middle of it.  You did it the first time and it was great and new and wonderful and ... oh shit!  If you went back and did it again it would probably be ho-hum.  Just like plenty of your other punting experiences. 

Since Kinsey we have known that absolutely everybody has some straight and some gay in them.  Why?  beacuse they are pretty artificial divisions when it comes to sexual experimentation, (which is really really healthy BTW).

You're not gay, you're not Bi, your're not straight, you're just this crazy mix of all kinds of suff calld Greg.  Ease up on yourself, stop trying to climb into a box and just enjoy mate.

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