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Author Topic: Shibuya Tokyo  (Read 1462 times)

Offline Dickrick

Am in Shibuya Tokyo for a few days.... Any recommendations?

Offline sasuke9801

My man, you might want to try Asian mystique or Nasty dolls if you want the agency direction. TAG is a pretty good forum for this stuff though

Offline Hantsman2

Stand by Hachiko statue just outside Shibuya station from 6 in evening. Look polite and smile at your host nation,s fairer sex. You could well become lucky with an amateur. If not the fleshpots on Dogenzaka await. Good fortune and let us know how you get on

Offline Marmalade

Stand by Hachiko statue just outside Shibuya station from 6 in evening. Look polite and smile at your host nation,s fairer sex. You could well become lucky with an amateur. If not the fleshpots on Dogenzaka await. Good fortune and let us know how you get on

With respect, I really don't think it's that simple. Can you say otherwise from personal experience and maybe give us a blow by blow?

For a non-Japanese speaking tourist, or even someone with very basic Japanese, I've found such ploys rather poor. The Japanese are not very trusting of foreigners – partly as we are so ignorant of their cultural norms and they don't want to offend us and so they keep many things 'Japanese only'. I only cracked the semi-impermeable wall by teaming up with a bi-lingual Singapore man who showed me where to go and how to 'persist gently'. I'm sorry I don't have addresses. So many places look exactly the same from outside! But if I could stay there for six months, friends there assured me "I would find a Japanese girlfriend".

If money's no object you can pay high odds through agencies or middlemen of course – not something I'm prepared to do. I've been three times and it is the only country I've ever resorted to a 'guide'. And that's after several months preparation learning beginner's Japanese, which I am still rather poor at, but at least I think I can tell the difference between a Korean and a Japanese prostitute – the latter are much more expensive of course!

Offline Hantsman2

With respect, I really don't think it's that simple. Can you say otherwise from personal experience and maybe give us a blow by blow?

I CAN say otherwise and based on personal experience of living for a long time in Shibuya.
Not going to give blow by blow of many such experiences but it was all surprisingly easy with or without a common language

Offline Marmalade

That’s great! But can you (if you can be bothered) offer others some tips?  I’m sure if I lived in the area for quite a long time I’d find it easy.

Offline Hantsman2

My advice is contained in my original post.
Your sarcasm is misplaced.
I lived there for over 5 years. You, probably not

Offline Marmalade

My advice is contained in my original post.
Your sarcasm is misplaced.
I lived there for over 5 years. You, probably not

It's not a pissing contest. I replied politely. You responded like a twat. Nuff said. Who gives a fuck how long you lived there? Look at the advice from others on this board to help other punters. And your big contribution is the name of district.  :rolleyes: Are we supposed to be fucking honoured? Or maybe we should salute you with a few arigato gozai mases. Doubtless from some cold backstreet deciphering the hieroglyphics on a tourist map one winter's night with no fuck in sight under the neon signs winking out in the land of the rising sun.

Offline Frank Castle

Not Shibuya but in Shinjuku just walk around Kabukicho and you will be offered a “soap land experience” by someone. Just stay away from the Nigerian scammers.