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Author Topic: Making reviewing easier: "Writing" reviews with drop-down lists  (Read 1652 times)

Offline JayEZ2K

I was thinking that part of the reason that some people don't review is due to the time it takes to write reviews, as well as not knowing how to format them. A possible solution to this is what I've seen on the dutch version of UKP, called When I wrote a couple reviews there from my time in the Netherlands, I immediately noticed that they had a toggle system to make reviewing easier. For example, for physical traits you could just click on the height, boobs, hair, etc, and each would give a drop-down list of options for height, breast type, hair type, etc. They had similar lists for services, attitude, etc. After that, there was a section for writing, if desired. Then after completing the review, the results would be formatted into a published review.

The website had a lot of reviews, and new girls were reviewed very quickly, I think owing to the system taking care of all the important details, and allowing one to "write" a review by simple clicking, which could be done more easily on a smart phone than with typing. It also makes reviewing faster.

* "Write" reviews by simple clicking.
* Easier for smart phone users who have trouble typing on their small screen.
* Reviews will contain all important information (no details forgotten)
* Reviews are automatically formatted
* Makes reviews faster and easier to "write" - encouraging more people to write reviews.

And I suppose another benefit is that girls could be indexed and searched not only by ID, but also by physical trait (large breasts, bubble butt, etc). As opposed to using the search function, which is less direct.

If it wasn't possible to implement this into the forum, it could probably be done using a separate page/program that converts the selected options to a printout that could be copy/pasted.

I think there's a lot of wasted time and money with people punting, and not reporting, on the same negatives/neutrals. So I just wanted to put this idea out there, in case anyone else had any ideas.

Offline maxxblue

Nothing wrong with the current system, in my view.  :hi:

Online daviemac

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Nothing wrong with the current system, in my view.  :hi:


Seems an awful lot of unnecessary work for Admin. There's a very useful guide for those unsure of how to write reviews.

Offline Shearer1955

A review can be as simple as a few lines for those with little time  -

Who you met / venue - area / price

What she looked like in relation to profile

What services did she provide  - eg: oral (owo) & reverse oral; kissing; doggie.. missionary...cowgirl; others
How did she provide them - enthusiasm / friendly / cleanliness

Did you enjoy yourself / would you return
Nothing to change

Offline smiths

I was thinking that part of the reason that some people don't review is due to the time it takes to write reviews, as well as not knowing how to format them. A possible solution to this is what I've seen on the dutch version of UKP, called When I wrote a couple reviews there from my time in the Netherlands, I immediately noticed that they had a toggle system to make reviewing easier. For example, for physical traits you could just click on the height, boobs, hair, etc, and each would give a drop-down list of options for height, breast type, hair type, etc. They had similar lists for services, attitude, etc. After that, there was a section for writing, if desired. Then after completing the review, the results would be formatted into a published review.

The website had a lot of reviews, and new girls were reviewed very quickly, I think owing to the system taking care of all the important details, and allowing one to "write" a review by simple clicking, which could be done more easily on a smart phone than with typing. It also makes reviewing faster.

* "Write" reviews by simple clicking.
* Easier for smart phone users who have trouble typing on their small screen.
* Reviews will contain all important information (no details forgotten)
* Reviews are automatically formatted
* Makes reviews faster and easier to "write" - encouraging more people to write reviews.

And I suppose another benefit is that girls could be indexed and searched not only by ID, but also by physical trait (large breasts, bubble butt, etc). As opposed to using the search function, which is less direct.

If it wasn't possible to implement this into the forum, it could probably be done using a separate page/program that converts the selected options to a printout that could be copy/pasted.

I think there's a lot of wasted time and money with people punting, and not reporting, on the same negatives/neutrals. So I just wanted to put this idea out there, in case anyone else had any ideas.

Unless the poster is an idiot reviews on here are VERY simple to do and can take just a few minutes to do. My view is why change a successful formula but as ever admin will decide.

Offline Winker121

I don't see anything wrong with the current system.  It lets people write their review in the style that they like and makes for more varied reading.

Online Doc Holliday

I have seen attempts at introducing templates on other forums and they simply don't find favour. People prefer to do their own thing.

I have always suspected the AW template is a hindrance to members putting a report together? The number of full reports is very small compared to the amount of feedback.

Whether either on AW is worth anything anyway, is a whole different discussion.  :)

Offline Zeusthedoc

I offered a similar suggestion some time back and the resounding response is similar to this response.

i've since changed the way i review:
as to the point as i can make it.

changed my opinion on it really -
if you use the site, it's your role to review (and take from others reviews)

i don't think the reason people dont review is predominantly because it's too time consuming.
i can now be done with a review in a few minutes - they take as long as you want them to take.


  • Guest
You all have to remember as well, this site is free to use. Asking the admin to implement all these changes for nothing, just to appease newbies or non reviewers, is taking the piss I think!


Offline JayEZ2K

Seems an awful lot of unnecessary work for Admin.
I wouldn't have to be done by Admin. It could be a link to external page with drop-down lists that would print the text to be copy/pasted to the review.

I have seen attempts at introducing templates on other forums and they simply don't find favour. People prefer to do their own thing.
People could still do their own thing. It would just be an option for those who need it.

I've written 118 reviews in a bit over a year, so this isn't directly for myself. I've been trying to think of ways to lower barriers to reviewing, which will definitely increase the number of reviews written. (Another example is the use of reports for regional threads, where people just drop a quick sentence or two to let others know if a girl worth seeing or better avoided. I've seen that a lot of people who don't want to write a full official review will write short reports in a thread, which can often times be helpful enough.)

This is the Dutch site's system in the attached image, with four tabs with drop-down options, each tab for different aspects (looks, extras, etc), and then the fifth tab for writing: 

Hidden Image/Members Only
« Last Edit: March 04, 2019, 10:59:16 am by JayEZ2K »

Online Waterhouse

Review system is fine as it stands IMO.  If folk are too lazy to review with simple to use facilities here already then fuck 'em.

Being reliant on an external site is nonsense. For starters what if it is unavailable or disappears or goes down midway while writing a review?

I for one would not want to trust an external site for something that should be treated with discretion and within this forum only.  Also what about potential additional tracking/cookies from said external site?  No, no and no. In my view.

Offline Third Man

I can see where the OP is coming from, in that it may entice some to stick up a review where they perhaps wouldn't,however how many new reviews it would create would probably not  be many. However the current system works well, and if guys can't be arsed to do any reviews I doubt any new system would encourage them in any case.
« Last Edit: March 04, 2019, 11:39:01 am by Third Man »

Offline Home Alone

Yes; I, too, don't think the system's 'broken', and if it isn't, there's no real need to fix it.

Me; I follow cueball's system of headings as a template each time I write a review. They provide the essential information that colleagues need to know when deciding who to see next.

Offline Ali Katt

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Most of the physical attributes are on Adultwank or VS anyway. I think you have had good intentions JayEZ2K and I've nothing against more reviews, the system you list isn't for me as it reduces it to a what is basically a shopping list. My reviews are fucking long and detailed, but I have my own style which is complex and maybe even pretentious, but hey that's how I like it.

Offline Squire Haggard

I've no reviews because I've not punted since 2015. Its my longest punting break ever. I'm now ready to roll but the parlour scene in Edinburgh is now a pale shadow of what it was in 2015. I've phoned BSS and know from the unhelpful response, and the reviews on here, that things aint what they once were.

IMO, a brief summary at the start may help someone decide whether the girl is what they are looking for or not. Chunky or thin, young or old, can be seen at a glance. I'll do mine like this, I promise.  :)

Date:        16/1/19
Duration : 30 mins
Cost:        £20 + £20 for HE
Lady:       Robbie,Italian,early 30's,slim,tattoo on arm and apparently has another 10,small nose stud.
Comms:   Just walked in off the street.;area=showreviews;u=130066

Offline Charliehutton

I don't see anything wrong with the current system.  It lets people write their review in the style that they like and makes for more varied reading.

I quite agree. They could become very boring if they're all too formulaic.

Offline cueball

I don't see anything wrong with the current system.  It lets people write their review in the style that they like and makes for more varied reading.

The current system is fine as far as I'm concerned.

I can write a review in the style I like with the details I want to include. The current system gives the reviewer the ability to write it in a style that he chooses and pleases.

No need to fix what is not broken.

Offline peter purves

I think it is an interesting suggestion - many questionnaires are like this nowadays
Banned reason: Can't / won't take advice.
Banned by: daviemac

Offline cueball

I think it is an interesting suggestion - many questionnaires are like this nowadays
I don't want to read a questionnaire, they're boring.

I like to see the personality of the reviewer come through

Offline Gordon Bennett

Think it's a good idea really but I accept that implementation would be too much farting about. Conformity and pro-formas appeal to my bureaucratic ink-monitor personality but I recognise most people are more relaxed than me.
 I'd love it if there was a way to automatically insert their verification photo (if it's available on here) into the reviews. Bit like how their Adultwork thumbs appear.

Offline wristjob

It's good intentioned and it would be nice to get more reviews but I think the problem is people just don't want to and it won't change that. What is more likely is that punters will take the easy route rather than writing reviews as they do now.

Considering how long it can take to research, book & drive to a punt and that there is no real minimum requirement for a review I think it's not the effort involved in writing a review that's the real problem.

Offline peter purves

I don't want to read a questionnaire, they're boring.

I like to see the personality of the reviewer come through

You could always have a space for:

'Further Comments'  ;) :P
« Last Edit: March 04, 2019, 09:03:15 pm by peter purves »
Banned reason: Can't / won't take advice.
Banned by: daviemac

Offline Home Alone

I don't want to read a questionnaire, they're boring.

I like to see the personality of the reviewer come through
I write my Reviews from the perspective of a 72-y-o with a congenital disability who, up till December 2004, never thought he'd be up to shagging women young enough to be his daughters - sometimes his granddaughters - and wants to celebrate the fact that he is.

There probably aren't many readers of Ukpunting in a similar situation but if there are any, then my Reviews are there to assure them that it is.

And if there's any frustrated non-disabled 72-y-o out there who's encouraged by reading one of my Reviews, then so much the better! :yahoo:


  • Guest

And I suppose another benefit is that girls could be indexed and searched not only by ID, but also by physical trait (large breasts, bubble butt, etc). As opposed to using the search function, which is less direct.

ive asked for this also in the past

would be an awesome feature


  • Guest
I wouldn't have to be done by Admin. It could be a link to external page with drop-down lists that would print the text to be copy/pasted to the review.
People could still do their own thing. It would just be an option for those who need it.

I've written 118 reviews in a bit over a year, so this isn't directly for myself. I've been trying to think of ways to lower barriers to reviewing, which will definitely increase the number of reviews written. (Another example is the use of reports for regional threads, where people just drop a quick sentence or two to let others know if a girl worth seeing or better avoided. I've seen that a lot of people who don't want to write a full official review will write short reports in a thread, which can often times be helpful enough.)

This is the Dutch site's system in the attached image, with four tabs with drop-down options, each tab for different aspects (looks, extras, etc), and then the fifth tab for writing: 

Hidden Image/Members Only

You may think that it's simple. But just bra size alone would require options different from the EU (they have different sizing). So you have to have options that are 28 to 40. AA to K. So that's 7 back sizes and 12ish cups. Combine the two and it's a lot of options just on that alone.

Then dress size, is it a 6 or 8, or a 6 to 8, 12 or 14, or a 12 to 14. Just be basics make it not as easy. There are too many drop down options for bra and dress sizes that exist.

Easier to just pop in your impressions (takes the same time as a drop down unless they're 28AA size 0). So not really worth admit putting in the work adding options. If you dearly want them, then feel free to give admin the cash for the time he would spend getting the coding to work.

What others have doesn't mean it's easy to apply on another site. I can guarantee you that all those options aren't simple to code. It's why so many people charge for it.
« Last Edit: March 05, 2019, 02:09:16 am by TailSeeker »

Offline PatMacGroin

Sorry JayEZ2K, I understand the sentiment but I have to agree with the consensus of most of the replies here.

Your suggestion over complicates what is already an easy to use system. Posting a review is as simple as posting comments or starting a thread on any forum online. Members can include as little or as much detail as they like. 99% of Leechers and Lurkers don't review because they are selfish and lazy, not because they don't know how to.

A few negative points to your suggestion that I foresee:
- Reviews become a boring, formulaic set of description lists and stats
- Potentially Forum could be flooded with fake reviews created by bots, from touts or just someone out to cause mischief.
- Fake reviews would become impossible to spot, it's usually the writing style that gives away Sergie or an SP posing as a punter.
« Last Edit: March 05, 2019, 02:21:20 am by PatMacGroin »

Offline mr.bluesky

I don't see anything wrong with the current system.  It lets people write their review in the style that they like and makes for more varied reading.

+1 . The op's system sounds a bit too mechanical. A bit like the service some girls provide.

Online ZeroCount

I think this is a far better idea than you're all giving it credit for. Sure, I wouldn't want it to replace the current system, as it's a lot of fun to read some of the more creative freeform reviews.

But if you implemented it as a kind of database with a decent search facility, it could potentially be an amazing resource in it's own right - a sort of "reverse Adultwork", where you could actually trust the information because it was put together by other punters. Even having a searchable list of services which you could actually trust were available would be pretty amazing.

Now before everyone leaps in and points out the obvious, sure, it would be a vast amount of work to implement this, so I can't see it ever happening. Still a cool idea though.
« Last Edit: March 05, 2019, 06:59:45 am by ZeroCount »

Online Waterhouse

Sorry JayEZ2K, I understand the sentiment but I have to agree with the consensus of most of the replies here.

Your suggestion over complicates what is already an easy to use system. Posting a review is as simple as posting comments or starting a thread on any forum online. Members can include as little or as much detail as they like. 99% of Leechers and Lurkers don't review because they are selfish and lazy, not because they don't know how to.

A few negative points to your suggestion that I foresee:
- Reviews become a boring, formulaic set of description lists and stats
- Potentially Forum could be flooded with fake reviews created by bots, from touts or just someone out to cause mischief.
- Fake reviews would become impossible to spot, it's usually the writing style that gives away Sergie or an SP posing as a punter.

100% This, especially the highlighted bit.

Offline Hobbit

This is a bad idea and would lead to more fake reviews. It'd make it difficult to determine which reviews are real and which ones are fake. At the moment you can distinguish quite a bit from people's writing especially whether they are a white-knight or a fluffy and having drop-down menus to choose from would make it difficult to establish the integrity of the review.

The review system works fine the way it is, and people not writing reviews has got nothing to do with the review system being difficult. People simply don't write reviews because they are scared of Prostitutes and their pimps!
« Last Edit: March 05, 2019, 10:00:07 am by Hobbit »

Offline Ali Katt

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ive asked for this also in the past

would be an awesome feature
Rather bizarrely I did try this on puntingwiki before the AW IDs were linked.

Offline JayEZ2K

Sorry JayEZ2K, I understand the sentiment but I have to agree with the consensus of most of the replies here.

Your suggestion over complicates what is already an easy to use system. Posting a review is as simple as posting comments or starting a thread on any forum online. Members can include as little or as much detail as they like. 99% of Leechers and Lurkers don't review because they are selfish and lazy, not because they don't know how to.

A few negative points to your suggestion that I foresee:
- Reviews become a boring, formulaic set of description lists and stats
- Potentially Forum could be flooded with fake reviews created by bots, from touts or just someone out to cause mischief.
- Fake reviews would become impossible to spot, it's usually the writing style that gives away Sergie or an SP posing as a punter.
Yep, you make two really good points at the end, which are the most concerning. There are work-arounds, like weighting the reviews of trusted reviewers, but that kind of defeats the purpose.

Maybe there needs to be a cure for selfishness and laziness, or a way to incentivize reviewing...

I think this is a far better idea than you're all giving it credit for. Sure, I wouldn't want it to replace the current system, as it's a lot of fun to read some of the more creative freeform reviews.

But if you implemented it as a kind of database with a decent search facility, it could potentially be an amazing resource in it's own right - a sort of "reverse Adultwork", where you could actually trust the information because it was put together by other punters. Even having a searchable list of services which you could actually trust were available would be pretty amazing.

Now before everyone leaps in and points out the obvious, sure, it would be a vast amount of work to implement this, so I can't see it ever happening. Still a cool idea though.
Cheers, as you mention, the searchability feature would still be useful. A slightly different topic, but I think AW offers some kind of script where you can create your own AW page. That might be useful, because you could search AW and replace all the garbage with hybid page with AW search results and UKP reviews/ratings built into it.
« Last Edit: March 10, 2019, 12:54:49 pm by JayEZ2K »

Offline PatMacGroin

Yep, you make two really good points at the end, which are the most concerning. There are work-arounds, like weighting the reviews of trusted reviewers, but that kind of defeats the purpose.

Maybe there needs to be a cure for selfishness and laziness, or a way to incentivize reviewing...

Cheers, as you mention, the searchability feature would still be useful. A slightly different topic, but I think AW offers some kind of script where you can create your own AW page. That might be useful, because you could search AW and replace all the garbage with hybid page with AW search results and UKP reviews/ratings built into it.

If you could invent that you'd be a billionaire. Everyone needs a little extra kick up the arse from time to time, just some need it more than others.  :thumbsup:


  • Guest
Rather bizarrely I did try this on puntingwiki before the AW IDs were linked.

still hoping Admin will do something like this

Offline JayEZ2K

still hoping Admin will do something like this
There might be some workarounds. When I get time, I was going to ask about peoples' workflow for research and see if there was a way to speed it up. For me the research tends to be the most time consuming part of punting, with more research leading to the best punts.

Offline jarndyce

I don't want to read a questionnaire, they're boring.

I like to see the personality of the reviewer come through

Hear hear!

Done really well - think MOTC - a good review can be almost moving. Introducing a template would unnecessarily constrain the best reviewers, and leave the rest of us with the sort of anodyne bs that’s all over the likes of Trust Pilot.

Offline NigelF

I think there's a lot of wasted time and money with people punting, and not reporting, on the same negatives/neutrals.

I totally agree and I think encouraging negatives and neutrals is of utmost importance. However, a helpful negative really doesn't need to be all that long at all (even less so than positives, which themselves don't need to be very long) so I think it's difficult to imagine that anything about the current review system puts people off. I lurked and leeched for a year before posting and the review system certainly didn't put me off. I was just lazy and selfish, pure and simple. People try to sugar coat it saying they're busy or whatever but the reality is they can't be arsed and don't care enough about helping others, otherwise they''d make time for it just like they do for their punting and all your other hobbies in life. The review system has very little to do with that.

You all have to remember as well, this site is free to use. Asking the admin to implement all these changes for nothing, just to appease newbies or non reviewers, is taking the piss I think!


It's not about appeasement, it's simply about encouraging more reviews and making easier for the benefit of everyone on here. However, I don't think it's a particularly great solution, as I'll explain below.

Most of the physical attributes are on Adultwank or VS anyway. I think you have had good intentions JayEZ2K and I've nothing against more reviews, the system you list isn't for me as it reduces it to a what is basically a shopping list. My reviews are fucking long and detailed, but I have my own style which is complex and maybe even pretentious, but hey that's how I like it.

Many of the physical attributes on AW are lies though (particularly age, dress size and cup size). On Vivastreet you only know the attributes if the WG writes them in the description and many don't or at least many miss out "key" attributes.

His system wouldn't stop you from writing long and detailed reviews in your style, as he's said you can still write whatever you want. However, I do think it would discourage such writing.

This is the Dutch site's system in the attached image, with four tabs with drop-down options, each tab for different aspects (looks, extras, etc), and then the fifth tab for writing: 

Hidden Image/Members Only

While I don't think it's a bad idea, unfortunately, I'm not at all convinced that it will achieve the aim of encouraging more reviews or even making them quicker, even though I agree it seems like it would be easier when on your phone.

I do think it would make reviews more detailed and mean less things are forgotten however it's exactly this which I think would either put off potential reviewers or make reviews take longer. Looking at that image (for just tab 1 of 5 - even though presumably most tabs are shorter), even I find that a little intimidating. I'm an experienced reviewer and I put more detail about the WGs appearance than most punters on here but even I often struggle to remember details such as tattoos (as long as they're not covered in them), hair length (particularly if not short), piercings and height. Obviously that reflects on the fact that I punt quite a lot (so it's easy to get mixed up or forget) and I often don't care about such attributes but I'd be surprised if many others didn't struggle too. And for the avoidance doubt, I usually write short notes very soon after each punt to help me remember things.

Also, as others have pointed out the prescribed categories are likely to be very restrictive/not what the reviewer would like to say. This particularly applies to the silicone breast section - there are different types of boob job and implants and so I find it much better to describe them myself than to just say "yes or no" to fakes/"silicone". It also applies to the age category, which prescribes rather large ranges, e.g. 20-25 or 25-30 (I would've thought most guys would want a little more specificity than that even though it's just a guess). Also, just saying "yes" or "no" to tattoos and piercings isn't that helpful - there's a huge difference between a girl with a small ankle tattoo and one nipple piercing than a girl covered in both. While it's true that many WGs forget to update or include key attributes, when they do, they don't usually lie about their height, hair colour, hair length and any tattoos and piercings so this just seems like extra effort for the punter, especially since they're often best off writing a description for most of those things (including hair colour).

In addition, your system doesn't include specific locations (other than just a city), info about the venue, comms or time keeping/rushing. Another a key thing that's missing is the accuracy of pictures/comparison between the pictures on her profile and what she looks like in person/reality. Just having an option for "as expected" or above or below is nowhere near as good as a written description.

On that note, many guys are poor judges of dress size (although I suppose physique is better in that regard even though it is a little subjective) and cup size (although I do think a guess is better than nothing in most cases). The age category is also hard to judge, especially if you have to guess a specific number rather than range. Since some people cite struggling to know how to rate a review (positive, neutral or negative) as a reason for failing to review (and that's genuinely been a reason in the past for me too - although it was that and being lazy or forgetting) so I dread to think how many people would give up when they look at your system (which also asks for an overall rating out of 5).

Having just looked at reviews on that site, I see you also have to rate each service out of 5 (another headache and actually takes longer than just describing it - especially if you take it seriously and want to make the rating meaningful so punters can reliably compare different WGs at a glance - not an easy task hence I stopped giving out overall ratings out of 10 a long time ago). Also, for example there's only "kiss" and "tongue kissing" (both rated out of 5), that's all well and good but what does that mean - is 5 star tongue kissing DFK? Basically, people will interpret it in different ways (some of which the reviewer might not intend), that's always the case with any review but describing it exactly how you want minimises that risk.

Basically, if you want the review to be clear, accurate and helpful, you actually have to spend quite a lot more time using your system than just writing whatever you want. While people are a lot more likely to forget something currently, other punters can always just ask if they want to know something.

Using a separate site sounds like a faff. Being able to search by physical trait on here would be good but that would definitely mean effort from admin. You could just create a template and post it on the PuntingWiki (e.g. on the guide to writing reviews page) and then if people want, they can just copy and paste that when they start their review to form the outline structure although of course that wouldn't make it much easier to post using your phone.

Having said all that, since using your system would be entirely optional, it shouldn't put anyone off but likewise I doubt it will be picked up by many members. And those who do use it are likely to be people who often contribute and mention all/almost all of those things in their reviews anyway. The worst case scenario is actually that people start using your template but then write much less of a written description than they normally would have (because they don't think they need to), thereby making the quality of their reviews go down!

You may think that it's simple. But just bra size alone would require options different from the EU (they have different sizing). So you have to have options that are 28 to 40. AA to K. So that's 7 back sizes and 12ish cups. Combine the two and it's a lot of options just on that alone.

Then dress size, is it a 6 or 8, or a 6 to 8, 12 or 14, or a 12 to 14. Just be basics make it not as easy. There are too many drop down options for bra and dress sizes that exist.

Easier to just pop in your impressions (takes the same time as a drop down unless they're 28AA size 0). So not really worth admit putting in the work adding options. If you dearly want them, then feel free to give admin the cash for the time he would spend getting the coding to work.

What others have doesn't mean it's easy to apply on another site. I can guarantee you that all those options aren't simple to code. It's why so many people charge for it.

To be fair, most people don't care about chest size (or don't even know that's what the number means) so usually just cup size and dress size will suffice. So a scroll-able list for cup size should be fine and even for dress size, it wouldn't take too long to scroll through a list that included both whole numbers and ranges: <4, 4, 4-6, 6, 6-8, 8, 8-10, 10, 10-12, 12, 12-14, 14, 14-16, 16, 16-18, 18, >18  (17 options in total)

Nonetheless, I agree with your general point and presumably the coding aspects too.

Anyway, I'm not having a go at the OP, his motives are good and it's not at a terrible suggestion. I'm also well aware that it's not actually "his" system and he's just using it as an example, it's not something that necessarily needs to be copied exactly.
« Last Edit: March 12, 2019, 12:17:50 am by NigelF »

Offline twaff

The thing that annoys me about reviews are the people who judge your choice of wg. If you want a fat, average looking girl, were happy with the service and got vfm why should someone feel they've got to say anything about your choice?
I put a positive review up to say that a wg is genuine, gives the service she advertises and I felt safe in the punt, too many ask for sexual content or think it's clever to criticise your choice of wg.
Rant over!
I've had best help ever getting over my initial fears of entering the punting world and filtering out the dodgy situations on here and to me that's the most important bits.
If you're writing a review get down the basics; safety, vfm, likes list genuine and does the wg match her profile. If she's fat/thin/ts and doesn't meet your individual tastes then just leave it


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To be fair, most people don't care about chest size (or don't even know that's what the number means) so usually just cup size and dress size will suffice. So a scroll-able list for cup size should be fine and even for dress size, it wouldn't take too long to scroll through a list that included both whole numbers and ranges: <4, 4, 4-6, 6, 6-8, 8, 8-10, 10, 10-12, 12, 12-14, 14, 14-16, 16, 16-18, 18, >18  (17 options in total)

Nonetheless, I agree with your general point and presumably the coding aspects too.

Anyway, I'm not having a go at the OP, his motives are good and it's not at a terrible suggestion. I'm also well aware that it's not actually "his" system and he's just using it as an example, it's not something that necessarily needs to be copied exactly.

Certainly true many don't understand how bras work (that's true even for a lot of women. Hence a good chunk apparently wear too small/wrong sized bra). But backs size does play in a lot to cup size. Can be anywhere from a AA to an N. But depending on the back will make it seem larger. However dress size could cut it down, but not entirely. As bra size can very much influence dress size. You could get a girl who is a 30J, but a size 6 otherwise. However she would have to buy 18ish size tops to fit the boobs. Or someone who is only a 38B but a size 20.  It does give a hint of how the weight is distributed.

And it's not so simple as 4 to 18 clothing. Clothing for women goes from 0 to 32 (likely higher still). So there's a lot more options than first thought. Women's clothing is annoyingly a lot more complicated than men's clothing. Believe me I wish it was simpler.

And creating drop downs in coding isn't always so simple. Can depend on coding. But if Admin doesn't have it in effect than it's likely because it'd be a bitch to put into effect.

Offline claretandblue

if it was just a multiple choice drop down i reckon you would get flooded with loads of random,fake reviews

Online Doc Holliday

Having just looked at reviews on that site, I see you also have to rate each service out of 5 (another headache and actually takes longer than just describing it - especially if you take it seriously and want to make the rating meaningful so punters can reliably compare different WGs at a glance - not an easy task hence I stopped giving out overall ratings out of 10 a long time ago).

Completely agree. Especially when punters score them 11/10!!

Online Doc Holliday

The thing that annoys me about reviews are the people who judge your choice of wg. If you want a fat, average looking girl, were happy with the service and got vfm why should someone feel they've got to say anything about your choice?


On the subject of encouraging members to review, nothing is more counterproductive than reading comments like "Jeez you paid good money to spend time with that old granny" etc

Offline Ali Katt

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The thing that annoys me about reviews are the people who judge your choice of wg. If you want a fat, average looking girl, were happy with the service and got vfm why should someone feel they've got to say anything about your choice?
I put a positive review up to say that a wg is genuine, gives the service she advertises and I felt safe in the punt, too many ask for sexual content or think it's clever to criticise your choice of wg.
Rant over!
I've had best help ever getting over my initial fears of entering the punting world and filtering out the dodgy situations on here and to me that's the most important bits.
If you're writing a review get down the basics; safety, vfm, likes list genuine and does the wg match her profile. If she's fat/thin/ts and doesn't meet your individual tastes then just leave it
I mainly fuck gorgeous fat girls, funny how I rarely get any criticism, probably because I tend to answer back. My reviews are sexy and loaded with sexual content, that's how I like writing them, if someone else say has a paragraph about positions or even a list, that's just as good. It's just preference.

Online Doc Holliday

I mainly fuck gorgeous fat girls, funny how I rarely get any criticism, probably because I tend to answer back.

Yes but you are an established and self confident member. A new member posting a report for the first time may well be put off doing so again if he reads " why are you paying to fuck a heffer"

Offline Ali Katt

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Yes but you are an established and self confident member. A new member posting a report for the first time may well be put off doing so again if he reads " why are you paying to fuck a heffer"
You do need a thick skin on this site it was the same when I joined, that's why I like it.

Offline shagmore

Surely if its all drop down menus then its quicker, but much more mechanical, and not necessarily your own words, just something that you think is a good idea to put.
Can make reviewing a WG very similar if all drop down txt, also how many drop down boxes would you consider, if there are loads, then again it would be easier to write a review then read what some one else thinks or puts. For punting and descriptions, its not a one size fits all .

It would be quicker, but not as accurate too personal

keep it as it is, otherwise you could get random reviews which have no meaning, if your going to review, then its got to be how you perceive it to be

Thats the trouble with todays society, everyone wants the simple easy option.

Offline cueball

You do need a thick skin on this site it was the same when I joined, that's why I like it.
This ^^^

It's not a knitting forum.... And all the better for it.

Fwiw... I write my reviews as if I'm telling you face to face over a pint in the boozer  :D

Offline Home Alone

And, speaking for myself, that's how I read 'em! :drinks:

Online Doc Holliday

You do need a thick skin on this site it was the same when I joined, that's why I like it.

Agreed and I too have the hide of a rhinoceros. I've nothing against confrontation .... but that wasn't my point.  :hi:

Offline cueball

And, speaking for myself, that's how I read 'em! :drinks:
Good  :thumbsup: because I'm not writing to you, I'm talking to you  :drinks: