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Author Topic: Jennifer_Pussy  (Read 4346 times)

20 review(s) for jennifer pussy (4 positive, 3 neutral, 13 negative) [Indexed by ]


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Hi. this is my first review so please bare with me. Sorry if its not up to standard :)

After much deliberating about my next punt, I finally narrowed it down to two girls.

I was unable to get hold of Wild-Katalyna (think she is away) which left me with the much talked about and highly rated Jennifer Pussy of Wembley

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You may be wondering "a negative for Jennifer??" but please, hear me out!

It all started off quite promising. The communication was clear and all by text which suits me and the apartment was easy to find.

When I got there, she answered the door looking rather casual with her hair up wearing hot pants and vest top. She had a friend with her and tried to sell me a threesome. Two women all over me grabbing my cock asking me to "give it to them" is not the worst thing I've ever had done to me however I turned down their offer.

Jennifer is attractive, with an awesome figure, however that is not the problem. She is an absolute nutcase! she over react to 'pleasure', she kept tickling me, she was burping complaining that she had only just eaten, she kept shouting stupid things, singing and pretty much just constantly killing the mood. I have to say that it was single handed the very worst sexual encounter I have ever had.

The sex itself was plain. Blowjob was poor, too much playing around, not enough sucking! she just wanted me on top. She didn't want to do any of the work, refused to go on top herself and seemed to want everything done her way. terrible, terrible, terrible!

The worst part of it all was on the 2nd go, she sucked for about 2 minutes then asked me to wank off!!
"Love, I did not pay £100 to have a wank!"

I don't know if she is like that with everyone. Did I catch her on an off day? even if I didn't, all I know is that I never want to see her again!

Just a word of advice, if anyone plans of seeing her anytime soon, just make sure she has eaten at least an hour before visiting her!

Petite Angel over Jennifer any day. Removed from hot list!


  • Guest
Did you not see, she specialises in 'wind play'. She's been known to fart on ones cock, and on occasion follow through!


  • Guest
Thanks for the report. I'm still interested in this one, she'll be up for some weird stuff. Need to use my imagination with this nutcase. I'm looking for something a bit different.

Offline Meursault

Drink or drugs involved by the sound of it.

Offline Bartolomeo

Isnt this the girl who apparently headbutted someone and thought it was playful?   :wackogirl:

Offline Stiltskin

What a shame, she looks so hot as well. She should have stuck with her old name Jennifer Crazy.

Offline jesus_jones

Isnt this the girl who apparently headbutted someone and thought it was playful?   :wackogirl:

Ah yes, that would be me. Most nutty WG I've ever met.

And she's definitely coked-up on a regular basis. Seen her twice and was invited to stay overnight for a 'party' free of  charge if I could bring some gear. It's a shame she doesn't focus more on her service, I had some great highlights in my punts- she can be excellent when she wants to be.
Never returned after her 'proposition'.

Offline iPad3

I've seen her twice, she was pretty good both times but I did see an element of her wanting it her way, however I found by being insistent or even telling to shut up and get on with it she will comply to your requirements.

No doubt she was off her tits but she's smart too and if she can have all her way she will.

Sorry to hear the OP had a poor punt though.


  • Guest
Her profile suggests you take her out for dinner  :lol:

Offline Steve2

Her profile suggests you take her out for dinner  :lol:

McDonalds and refillable "coke"?


  • Guest
I'll pay for that IF she goes with Jimmy  :D

Offline bestbefore

What a shame, she looks so hot as well. She should have stuck with her old name Jennifer Crazy.

yes, her old name summed her up.

Mad as a box of frogs when I saw her over a year ago. Shame as she has one of the best bodies on AW, and several punters have rated her highly, but she was a bit too crazy for me!


  • Guest
She sounds fun, but I guess if you don't know if she's going to be just a bit kooky or completely off her head it makes it a bit too much of a gamble.

Offline Stiltskin

Does she do roleplay? Perhaps I could ask her to play a mute person for an hour.

Offline akauya

Isnt this the girl who apparently headbutted someone and thought it was playful?   :wackogirl:

I think she should work at the London Retreat - if she likes beating up punters she will fit right in :D


  • Guest
I think she should work at the London Retreat - if she likes beating up punters she will fit right in :D

is that the place with the dungeon?

Offline akauya

is that the place with the dungeon?

I think so - I can't tell, the pictures are crap - not in a zillion years for me  :lol:

Offline LastManCumings

No doubt she was off her tits but she's smart too and if she can have all her way she will.


You have to take the lead with here. Left to her own devices, she will do whatever comes to her mind. I have seen her and she did not even want to be on top as she had gotten her belly button pierced. I told her I like it that way and insisted (politely) on it. After having done so 2-3 times, she eventually rode me for a good 15 mins with no discomfort at her end.

I have not gone back as there are better punts out there, but if you want someone who is on the wild side and bit rough around the edges that you will need to 'take the reins on', then Jennifer is a good punt, if you aren't ready to do that, then don't go near her. You will be disappointed.

Offline Mr Br1ghts1de

Saw this girl about 4-6 weeks ago as I fancied something a little different.

Even having read the threads on her on this site in advance, I was still treated to the good, the wacky good, the wacky bad and the bad  :wackogirl:

Text comms and agreements in advance were good, but upon arrival she had failed to dress as requested, although with her fab looks she looked bloody hot in jean skirt, red vest top and bare feet, so partially forgiven. Worse was the fact that she had a client in the other room who had turned up on spec to see her and she tried to pass me off to her flatmate Morena. To be fair, as soon as I stated it was her that I had come to see and still wanted to see she packed the other guy off smartly.

Money paid (£100 1 hr) she came back to the room, but the first 10 mins were very unpromising as merely light kissing and she just seemed to want to rush through the service. She gave some fairly unpassionate OWO (maybe because she tried to sting me for an extra £20 for CIM prior to starting to which I said "that's not what your profile says"). Anyway becoming bored, I suggested some RO, but she just very much lied there and said "just my clit, just my clit" and shortly after "come on top of me". I did, but mish was also pretty perfunctory, so I suggested she go on top.

Now, maybe she just likes to be in charge but from this moment, things definitely got better as she rode me very enthusiastically and even more so as I played with her lovely breasts. I was now getting very worked up so suggested some doggy and gave her a lovely pounding before finally popping.

I then went to the toilet and she followed me and started gyrating and rubbing her ass up against me which was quite a turn on. She then led me back to the bedroom and we had a little chat before she then become overly concerned about what looked to be, in the bedroom light, a minor skin rash on one of her legs and then she started applying some cream which was very offputting to say the least. She told me she was half Russian/half RomanIan, but the product was definitely from Romania.

Anyway, just as I was contemplating whether a 2nd pop was going to be worth it, she said I could CIM at no extra cost. Well, no financial cost, but she did at 1 point slightly apply her teeth to the base of my cock (I would have been very alarmed if I hadn't read a previous post here of her doing this). Anyway after a firm "no" and a shake of my head, she then proceeded to give me an amazing bj, even continuing to enclose her mouth over me well after I had cum. She actually offered to snowball me with it. Not my thing, but she did look sexy as hell.

All in all, quite a mixed bag, some real awkward moments, a definite gamble as to what you might get (just recommend you be firm with her if you encounter any nonsense as she does seem to come back to planet earth eventually), but ultimately I did have 2 fantastic pops with a gorgeous looking girl.