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Author Topic: Can t get an erection  (Read 2695 times)

Offline Metalgear2018

I know this subject has probably been repeated so many times on here. But I'm 30 years old and my main issue is trying to get a hard on when I'm with a women.

I used to use viagra which I ordered through Superdrug. I stopped taking it as I'm scared of the potential side effects or unknown ones.

Is there any herbal remedies you can recommend?

Thank you.

Offline Belgarion

Go and see a medical professional and explain your problems. Why were you taking viagra in the first place at that age?

Offline Metalgear2018

I just took it as it easy to order through Superdrug. I'm not sure what the doctor will say or do as they will probably offer me the same.

Offline Belgarion

I just took it as it easy to order through Superdrug. I'm not sure what the doctor will say or do as they will probably offer me the same.

Please go and see a doctor, that's better than any online help here. No one here knows your medical history. It is also never a good idea to self medicate.

Online scutty brown

the doctor will test you for a range of problems, including diabetes, heart disease, thyroid deficiency, overweight.........
You should have seen a doctor as soon as the symptoms appeared - at your age the symptoms could indicate a serious problem

Offline dy8

Agree with previous advice, go see the doc, have checks done for any potential problems, its in your best interests too.

Offline Ce95

I am 23 have the same problem went to GP did all tests nothing wrong physically. Used viagra connect 3 times, 2 of which it was perfect. Last time did not do anything for me as if I took nothing. I don’t know what happened but I hope next time it works!

Offline Richthescouser

If there’s no physical reason for the problem then the issues a mental one - and I reckon there are better ways to handle it than Convincing yourself that you need tablets.


  • Guest
In my experience...if you're under 40 yrs old and struggle to get a 'hard on' with a 'Tom' and you've been tested medically...then.... You're seeing the wrong sort...Try one about 15 yrs older than you....Or an English one and go for an hour....a sexy massage with an oily Happy Ending....or a Miss Strict (as a lot of this type understand the problem...and a good one will interview you first,so you can tell her all about it) or STOP wanking for a couple of weeks and leave the Porno films alone.....or maybe you should just find one that will spend time just kissing and cuddling....or get yourself a girlfriend and come back to punting later.

Offline Ce95

Yeah you guys are right. I’m not convincing myself I need tablets just don’t want to pay anymore and can’t get it up. Also, being with someone who is more enthusiastic as you suggested an English girl seems a good option as I have already tried older ladies. It’s just the pressure of punting coupled with the feeling of wg not wanting you there and they hate their job even though they are nice to me but they don’t like their job obviously. So I think a gf or an enthusiastic girl that loves her job should be my next options before judging my performance.

Offline themats

A lot of the time, not being able to get hard is a mental thing, when it's in your head and your consciously thinking about it, that has a big effect (especially at a young age)

Like others say, I'd see a doctor for checks too, just to make sure.

Offline MrMatrix

Go and see a medical professional and explain your problems. Why were you taking viagra in the first place at that age?
Belgarion and the others speak a lot of common sense. Listen to them OP and lets us know what happens at the consultation. Best of luck mate. :hi:

Online scutty brown

I am 23 have the same problem went to GP did all tests nothing wrong physically. Used viagra connect 3 times, 2 of which it was perfect. Last time did not do anything for me as if I took nothing. I don’t know what happened but I hope next time it works!

aged 23? Go back and see your GP and ask to be checked again. You have something wrong medically

Online scutty brown

Yeah you guys are right. I’m not convincing myself I need tablets just don’t want to pay anymore and can’t get it up. Also, being with someone who is more enthusiastic as you suggested an English girl seems a good option as I have already tried older ladies. It’s just the pressure of punting coupled with the feeling of wg not wanting you there and they hate their job even though they are nice to me but they don’t like their job obviously. So I think a gf or an enthusiastic girl that loves her job should be my next options before judging my performance.

The correct thing to do is to get yourself medically examined. You may have a serious medical condition

Online Waterhouse

Could also be a form of hormonal deficiency... testosterone/free testosterone levels. Low POS level, or a number of other factors as mentioned above, including possible vascular issue in the pelvic region.  The only way to properly deal with is to visit your GP and be completely upfront and open with him/her regarding the problem. 

The way erections work is usually pretty simple from a physiological perspective, but when you add the brain to the equation then there is the potential for all manner of hurdles to complicate the process.

Go and talk with your GP, let them help with the basics and then refer you on if needs be.

Best of luck and I'm sure they will be able to help.

Offline Metalgear2018

Thank you guys for the support and advice.

I do watch a lot of porn and masterbating twice a day.

Physically I'm fine and strong.

Offline Bigwilts

I know this subject has probably been repeated so many times on here. But I'm 30 years old and my main issue is trying to get a hard on when I'm with a women.

I used to use viagra which I ordered through Superdrug. I stopped taking it as I'm scared of the potential side effects or unknown ones.

Is there any herbal remedies you can recommend?

Thank you.
Do you get erections when you aren’t with a woman, morning glory etc?
If yes then there is nothing physically / medically wrong and it’s all in your head.  Either a guilt issue that you feel there’s something wrong with the situation of paying a woman with sex, or it’s the stress & worry of having failed to perform before and building up the stress each time

If it is working at other times then don’t wank for a while, and possibly try something different such as going to a Thai / Chinese massage place without the intent of a happy ending. Just lie down, relax and expect nothing

If you have physical concerns or worry about previous viagra use then you must talk with a doctor. It does not have to be your normal GP.

At 30 you should be beyond constant teenage erections for no reason, but should stand proud without assistance when required.  Worrying about it will stop that

Edited for your latest post - there is nothing wrong with you
This will all be about anxiety
Go for the ‘almost normal’ massage option, or just date some girls and let nature take its course
« Last Edit: October 07, 2018, 10:45:26 am by Bigwilts »

Offline MrMatrix

Thank you guys for the support and advice.

I do watch a lot of porn and masterbating twice a day.

Physically I'm fine and strong.
If you keep wanking at that rate you will lose eventually sensation in your bellend and then unloading will be a problem, let alone getting a hard on.
You should look at this UKP thread - really useful regarding erections and unloading or not as the case may be.


Offline Ce95

« Last Edit: October 07, 2018, 11:13:33 am by Ce95 »

Offline Ce95

aged 23? Go back and see your GP and ask to be checked again. You have something wrong medically

They did all sorts of exams and all came out fine, tbh I am quite a shy person and gets anxious about the punt, Dont masturbate much either. But also don’t seem to get easy erections normally like guys my age. Mostly in the morning only and sometimes not that hard. I really Don’t know if it’s just nerves or not.

Offline threechilliman

Thank you guys for the support and advice.

I do watch a lot of porn and masterbating twice a day.

Physically I'm fine and strong.

I suspect this may be the root of your problems.

Offline Ce95

First 2 times I took viagra it was too good to be true, rock hard I was able to control when I wanted to cum, says it lasts 4 hours I was still able to feel it after 7 hrs, last time which was the third time I try it completely failed me. Maybe it’s because I hadn’t slept well that day or smthg else but I hope it works again

Offline Partyguy

As others have said get yourself checked out by a doctor before doing anything else.

I'm no expert but to me it sounds like porn addiction, your viewing porn and wanking twice a day it takes it's toll and can result in the inability to gain an eriction when in the company of real women External Link/Members Only

Offline WARSZAWA16

Sounds to me like a nerves/anxiety thing. Not sure you should be wholly reliant on Viagra at such a young age though. Younger mates of mine do take it but that's so they can have longer sessions with their girlfriends/wives. You are also wanking far too much and losing grip on reality (no pun intended). Therefore when you are in the company of a real woman the whole experience thing falls apart. Obviously as many others have advised see a Doctor. Then perhaps see an older WG who's been round the block a bit and she can hopefully sort you out. Good luck.       

Online OakTree

Thank you guys for the support and advice.

I do watch a lot of porn and masterbating twice a day.

Physically I'm fine and strong.

I suspect this may be the root of your problems.

Oddly that pretty much describes me but for me it has a beneficial effect. If I abstain from porn and wanking my libido drastically reduces.

If the OP has been checked out medically and is fine I would imagine that it is an anxiety issue. Seeing and paying a woman for sex can be a stressful experience. Especially if you’re not that confident. Once stress is built up the last thing your body is going to want to do is give you an erection. Not being able to perform adds more stress and therefore less chance of getting hard. It becomes a vicious circle. Viagra type remedies are extremely effective especially if you have medical issues. The problem with using them when it’s just a confidence issue is that you become reliant on them and can get into a situation of only being able to perform if you’ve taken the pills.

Far better to resolve confidence issues first before going down the pill route.

Offline hendrix

Lots of good advice here, definitely see a doctor. Also, if you don't have this issue with civvies, and only with prossies, that's something to consider.

Offline dynatron

several reasons inc medical conditions and more commonly worry/stress at your age anything serious unlikely but just check with your gp to put your mind at risk-wouldant reccomeend taking viagra at your age

Offline king tarzan

I buy Brazilian baby watermelon from Sainsburys eat that a few hours before, 1 sugar free large can of red bull and it does help..
I get it up easily 2 times within the hour, and it gets quite hard again about an hour later whilst on way home, 3rd hard on was unheard of for me for quite a while now, so therefore luckily a very positive  improvement certainly.
Sure does help when the ladies are engaging passionately too with plenty of non stop foreplay.

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Offline Jimmy1771

I’ve had this same problem, and from my own point of view it was all caused by watching to much porn, and wanking to much with to tight a grip.

I never got to the stage where I couldn’t fully get an erection, but I was often banging woman with a semi erection, which makes sex a lot more awkward, and not as pleasurable for either of you. I also had big problems finishing. Either I wouldn’t finish at all which would upset any girlfriend, or I would last way to long.

What I did to fix the problem, was limit the wanking to once a week, and when I do it’s with my weaker left hand, and I don’t watch any porn or any other material when I do. Stopping watching porn completely is very important for this to work.

Obviously yours may be caused by a different reason, so I would agree about going to see a doctor first, but if the Doctor says you are all fine, then I would recommend doing what I’ve said above.

The other thing that will help, is living a healthy lifestyle, by eating healthy, and most importantly improving your cardiovascular fitness. Making your heart stronger will lower stress levels, and will improve your circulation which will only help get a better erection.

You may think that because your young it shouldn’t make a difference, but a 30 year old athlete, will have a much higher sex drive, and will be able to hold a much better erection than a 30 year old couch potato.

Best of luck. 
« Last Edit: October 08, 2018, 12:01:40 am by Jimmy1771 »

Offline Tablet

It is sensitivity or lack of it with me , can get hard no bother, but have never yet used a condom that I can really feel me in her , any suggestions would be appreciated.
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  • Guest
You could try these

External Link/Members Only

People do have allergic reactions to using condoms (ie: latex)

But there are lots of other makes out there who purport to be as good as wearing nothing

Offline JamesKW

For the younger generation this will become more of a problem, that porn is easily available nowdays and it is a lot worse than the top shelf porn and H&E of the past.Youngsters nowdays need a lot more to stimulate themselves,its a shame that they have to use Viagra at such a young age.
« Last Edit: October 08, 2018, 09:12:27 am by JamesKW »

Offline Tablet

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Offline JamesKW

It is sensitivity or lack of it with me , can get hard no bother, but have never yet used a condom that I can really feel me in her , any suggestions would be appreciated.

If you are seeing MILFS it maybe like trying to penetrate the Dartford tunnel,so a condom type may not make much difference.Its quite rare to find a nice tight WG.

Offline PhelTGrik

I do watch a lot of porn and masterbating twice a day.

Well thars ya prahblem.

Cut the porn and wanking right back, you've basically conditioned yourself to get an erection in response to PornHub and your hand of choice.

If you aren't clinically obese or north of 30% body fat, don't have high blood pressure, have no history of low back spinal injury and have an otherwise normal testosterone AND oestrogen profile for a man then your boner problems will most likely be pyschological rather than physiological in origin.

Edit to add: Viagra in of itself is relatively safe as a drug. It was trialled at 50mg daily in men that didn't have erectile dysfunction to see if it's pharmokinetics actually had any adverse effects in the target consumer. Improved erections were a reported side effect that resulted in the test subjects 'losing' what was left of their trial samples when Pfizer asked for them back.
« Last Edit: October 08, 2018, 07:11:01 pm by PhelTGrik »

Offline winkywanky

My nan used to work for Pfizer and Viagra would've been one of the things she worked on.

Although ironically the sight of my nan would undoubtedly result in the loss of your hard-on  :lol:

Offline Cum_again

Well thars ya prahblem.

Cut the porn and wanking right back, you've basically conditioned yourself to get an erection in response to PornHub and your hand of choice.

If you aren't clinically obese or north of 30% body fat, don't have high blood pressure, have no history of low back spinal injury and have an otherwise normal testosterone AND oestrogen profile for a man then your boner problems will most likely be pyschological rather than physiological in origin.

Edit to add: Viagra in of itself is relatively safe as a drug. It was trialled at 50mg daily in men that didn't have erectile dysfunction to see if it's pharmokinetics actually had any adverse effects in the target consumer. Improved erections were a reported side effect that resulted in the test subjects 'losing' what was left of their trial samples when Pfizer asked for them back.

Don’t want for two weeks, don’t look at porn for two weeks...

He’ll be walking around like someone from the British legion with the erection it will give him...

I remember my early 20s... I could wank five times a day, I could cum in buckets after two days gojng cold turkey...

How I wish I’d had this site then ..

Online scutty brown

FFS OP needs to see a doctor.
Don't give him excuses to chicken out.
Get any physical issues checked and sorted first before worrying about the state of his mind

Offline Ce95

Well thars ya prahblem.

Cut the porn and wanking right back, you've basically conditioned yourself to get an erection in response to PornHub and your hand of choice.

If you aren't clinically obese or north of 30% body fat, don't have high blood pressure, have no history of low back spinal injury and have an otherwise normal testosterone AND oestrogen profile for a man then your boner problems will most likely be pyschological rather than physiological in origin.

Edit to add: Viagra in of itself is relatively safe as a drug. It was trialled at 50mg daily in men that didn't have erectile dysfunction to see if it's pharmokinetics actually had any adverse effects in the target consumer. Improved erections were a reported side effect that resulted in the test subjects 'losing' what was left of their trial samples when Pfizer asked for them back.

Do spinal injuries affect erection? I have a herniated disc could it be the reason why I struggle to get hard?

Online Waterhouse

Do spinal injuries affect erection? I have a herniated disc could it be the reason why I struggle to get hard?
To repeat Scutty..... Go and see your GP.

Offline CoverMyEyes

To repeat Scutty..... Go and see your GP.
Agree - never take medical opinions from an internet forum. Go and see your doctor - don't be embarrassed about it, they have heard it all before!

Offline Mr_Shins

If you're moving around from one woman to another that can, in my opinion, make it more difficult. You may feel it is more "exciting" to see lots of different women but for performance purposes you'll do better visiting the same one as you get a familiarity with it.

Choosing the right time to go is also important for me. There are some days and times of day I am far more horny than others.

Offline PhelTGrik

Do spinal injuries affect erection? I have a herniated disc could it be the reason why I struggle to get hard?

External Link/Members Only

Start at nueroanatomy, you might need nerve anatomy chart to hand.

Essientially, regulation of erection doesn't even touch your brain, it's all controlled by elements of the nervous system in your spinal cord from the upper back and the small of your back...nerve damage or impingement in the lumbar sacral region (just above your arse crack) can be implicated in bladder/bowel issues as well as referred sciatic pain common with disc pathology.

So yes, spinal injuries can have an impact on overall genital function including erection HOWEVER this can be overcome with things like Viagra and depending on how you injured the disc (and which disc it is) I'd be inclined to suggest that if your bladder and bowels are working normally you probably don't have to worry about nerves and erections (in the anatomical sense).

I would echo the comments here though in that I am not a qualified medical professional (just a nerd) and if this is really bothering you to see your GP. They should be able to do blood pressure in the office, you might be able to persuade them to do a testosterone/estrogen test as these hormones are involved in male sexual function (steroid users can sometimes overdo it taking estrogen too low and then wonder why they become impotent). Would also ask if nothing appears to be physiologically amiss what the routes are for pyschosexual counselling...if that even exists in the NHS.

Offline winkywanky

External Link/Members Only

Start at nueroanatomy, you might need nerve anatomy chart to hand.

Essientially, regulation of erection doesn't even touch your brain, it's all controlled by elements of the nervous system in your spinal cord from the upper back and the small of your back...nerve damage or impingement in the lumbar sacral region (just above your arse crack) can be implicated in bladder/bowel issues as well as referred sciatic pain common with disc pathology.

So yes, spinal injuries can have an impact on overall genital function including erection HOWEVER this can be overcome with things like Viagra and depending on how you injured the disc (and which disc it is) I'd be inclined to suggest that if your bladder and bowels are working normally you probably don't have to worry about nerves and erections (in the anatomical sense).

I would echo the comments here though in that I am not a qualified medical professional (just a nerd) and if this is really bothering you to see your GP. They should be able to do blood pressure in the office, you might be able to persuade them to do a testosterone/estrogen test as these hormones are involved in male sexual function (steroid users can sometimes overdo it taking estrogen too low and then wonder why they become impotent). Would also ask if nothing appears to be physiologically amiss what the routes are for pyschosexual counselling...if that even exists in the NHS.

I'd tend to agree with your thoughts that if there were no other issues of numbness in the area, then it's unlikely erectile dysfunction would be to do with disc issues.

However if there were disc-issue effects in the area, AFAIK Viagra would not help. All Viagra does is improve the blood flow once the erection 'mechanism' has gone into action. So if the neuro-trigger isn't there in the 1st place tne Viagra won't help.


  • Guest
Is anybody hre with prostrate removed do you get any erection or emulate problem i am going for this pleasse that my sex life will go down hill

Offline winkywanky

I know two people with prostatectomies. Neither are able to get an erection in the conventional way. I know for a fact one of them still has an active sex life with an erection, he uses a self-administered injection (on the NHS) as and when required. he has joked to me that on a good day this will last around 4 hrs. Fill your boots!  :lol:
« Last Edit: October 09, 2018, 10:06:37 am by winkywanky »

Offline winkywanky

I should add he's still able to orgasm. But of course there's no ejaculate, that's what the prostate does.

Offline winkywanky

This is quite interesting, I did think that having a prostatectomy would necessarily stop any future erctile function. But not necessarily so!

External Link/Members Only

The best thing is to have a man to man chat with your consultant. Don't feel you can't ask him  :).

Offline PhelTGrik

I'd tend to agree with your thoughts that if there were no other issues of numbness in the area, then it's unlikely erectile dysfunction would be to do with disc issues.

However if there were disc-issue effects in the area, AFAIK Viagra would not help. All Viagra does is improve the blood flow once the erection 'mechanism' has gone into action. So if the neuro-trigger isn't there in the 1st place tne Viagra won't help.

Agree - it largely depends on what has been injured and how. What I was getting at is that anxiety or something more obvious would be present and spinal injury may be chasing the minutia of causes with regards to poor erectile quality.

Offline boneidle

Also sleep deprivation can cause it, so if you arn't getting enough sleep in a regular pattern, that might be something to look at.

But like most others have said, visit a doc.