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Author Topic: Success rate with WG's  (Read 1467 times)


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Hi all

I have been on Adultworks for a while and only successfully had 1 punt. It seems from my experience that in 90% of cases you arrange a punt then all of a sudden the comms with the WG stop and the punts doesn't happen. Just wondering if it is me? I am early 40's, admittedly married but seems I can't even pay for sex these days.

Just wondering if it is an occupational hazard and that WG's are notoriously bad or whether I just have bad luck. Any advice welcome


Offline hungrypunt

welcome to the world of punting, over time youll get better responses as your "timewaster" radar improves.

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  • Guest
Love your definition of punt and fair play - it is absolutely correct.

Decided now to go for the mass invite and hope for one to reply rather than go for my current strategy of hoping the girl top of my hot list will actually be available

Offline JonasG


Most of the time I want a punt, it'll happen.

Offline Bogof60

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Offline The Owl


Most of the time I want a punt, it'll happen.

Another +1.

I occasionally don't get a booking but that's often when I contact an AW profile that doesn't use the available now green light or have a clear indication of availability times, otherwise I do fine at getting advance bookings and have even had luck with most on the day punts. Perhaps OP could give us an example of what he says when he requests a booking, he could be putting escorts off.


  • Guest
10% success rate seems way too low. Assuming the numbers aren't fudged what's your protocol?

I usually try to only go for ones marked as available as in most cases it means they are.

Then call around an hour before to two hours, usually an hour before.

I used to ask if they're available, I guess more fear of wrong number than anything else.

Now I'd only say hello i'd like to visit at such a time for such a time, is that ok, then answer any questions, usually white or black, ask to text where they at, let them know you'll call when there. Very quick and simple most times. A few variations they'll let you know. Make your way then call when there to let them know, make sure you look around and make note of some land marks so they can guide you from there. That bit is always the most taxing but after a few times it's alright.

10% flake. 90% of punts like that connect, although 10% the girl you want is actually booked but surprise they have spare girls.

It also depends how you're picking escorts as well though. Some profiles are shabby and some of us might avoid them on instinct without really knowing why. Some are very demanding, I usually avoid that, especially ones wanting deposits or identifiable details so they can blackmail you. Those are instant red flags. Unless offerring something really special or something and even then I'd probably say don't bother with extra hassle when there are easier punts.

To be fair though, I found ones with more rigorous booking processes (booking ahead rather than calling right before you set out) a bit more tricky. Ones that aren't on call it's more complex and many aren't into it full time/aren't about maximising visits.
« Last Edit: September 29, 2018, 03:05:35 am by testuser »

Offline LLPunting

Hi all

I have been on Adultworks for a while and only successfully had 1 punt. It seems from my experience that in 90% of cases you arrange a punt then all of a sudden the comms with the WG stop and the punts doesn't happen. Just wondering if it is me? I am early 40's, admittedly married but seems I can't even pay for sex these days.

Just wondering if it is an occupational hazard and that WG's are notoriously bad or whether I just have bad luck. Any advice welcome


How long is "a while"?

How many girls have you tried to book?

What's your budget for a punt and how long a session are you after?

How anxious are you when making a booking?

How anxious are you about being caught by your missus/kids?

What do you check for on a profile when you pick a girl to contact?

Like Testuser and others I rarely have a problem making contact.  I might have a handful of choices to call and I usually make voice or text contact with an SP within the first 2 or 3 attempts.  I may reject those and keep looking if they appear dodgy or charge extras but I've usually got choices if I end up contacting 5+ girls.

You could try massage parlours or the Soho walk-ups or an Agency which would almost guarantee you emptying your balls.

Offline shagmore

Success rate is very good, only very occasionally have I not been able to get a punt, admittedly would have been better if some of them hadn't happened
But do you just try one, and thats it, or do you have a back up plan.
Make sure the girl is working that day, or contacting before hand to confirm booking via AW
Don't sound to needy on the phone in your text
Or is it because you are asking for some seriously weird shite

Online Moby Dick

Never been a problem.
There are more SP then I can afford. Admittedly not all in my HL respond immediately but generally I can find someone decent.
Use your HL to check who is available, last logged in, and phone them. It's good to talk.


  • Guest
Hi all

I have been on Adultworks for a while and only successfully had 1 punt. It seems from my experience that in 90% of cases you arrange a punt then all of a sudden the comms with the WG stop and the punts doesn't happen. Just wondering if it is me? I am early 40's, admittedly married but seems I can't even pay for sex these days.

Just wondering if it is an occupational hazard and that WG's are notoriously bad or whether I just have bad luck. Any advice welcome


Through the first two years of my punting my "hit" rate, however you calculate it, was low.  LLP's post is relevant and worth reflecting on - certainly learning how to communicate and qualify effectively is a continuing journey and at the start all the mistakes either cost you time, money or reduce your chances of a reasonable punt. 

As your experience increases your hit rate will improve to a degree.  I know plenty of punters report comparative ease in arranging bookings.  Without wishing to labour the point you may want to consider what kind of value they are getting for their spend.

Offline rocket88

A 10% success rate arranging punts seems extraordinarily low. Perhaps more research on this forum might improve his chances?


  • Guest
Thanks for your replies

Ok, 10% was probably bit too low, nearer 25%. I think one issue is that I book quite far in advance and i have relatively small time slots that I am available (occupational hazard of being married and working long hours). I think if you do the same/next day punt it is probably easier but I say that with no knowledge of doing a same/next days punt. I normally go for the higher end of the market (150-200/h) so thought there would be no issue at all.

Anyway, last night  I messaged 6 girls and got a few replies so hoping to increase my cancellation rate shortly

thanks again

Offline TPreston

Thanks for your replies

Ok, 10% was probably bit too low, nearer 25%. I think one issue is that I book quite far in advance and i have relatively small time slots that I am available (occupational hazard of being married and working long hours). I think if you do the same/next day punt it is probably easier but I say that with no knowledge of doing a same/next days punt. I normally go for the higher end of the market (150-200/h) so thought there would be no issue at all.

Anyway, last night  I messaged 6 girls and got a few replies so hoping to increase my cancellation rate shortly

thanks again

If you only have a certain time slot and location remit, do a reverse booking and let them come to you?

Admittedly I mainly use SA (if you're married this far more hard work than AW) but this works well for punters doesn't it?


  • Guest
If you only have a certain time slot and location remit, do a reverse booking and let them come to you?

Admittedly I mainly use SA (if you're married this far more hard work than AW) but this works well for punters doesn't it?

I think that is bad advice and say don’t waste your time. 

Rather, be realistic about what you can expect, punt locally, establish contingencies, moderate you expextations about looks, likes and service, expect to pay (a bit) more and do plenty of research.

Offline scutty brown

just use the girls who have phone numbers listed: they're keen for the business.
Ignore those who expect contact via Adultwork: they don't need the work and are likely to ignore you

Offline LLPunting

just use the girls who have phone numbers listed: they're keen for the business.
Ignore those who expect contact via Adultwork: they don't need the work and are likely to ignore you

+1  (Seeing as OP didn't answer my questions)

Try calling those clearly touting for business on AW.  Or just go for broke and set yourself a limit of say 5 SPs you most fancy on AW and VS search results the night/morning before you punt.

At your price point you may be competing for well known, established SPs who won't have the availability of diary unless you're planning weeks in advance.

Offline JonasG

Advance bookings are a recipe for a fail I've found, via phone and text anyway. Dunno about email.

The times I've marked a day I'm gonna punt, sometimes I text a day before and a lot of the time she'll say can you arrange on the day instead. So I've stopped bothering now.

If you have a set day/time/window you can punt, just arrange it on the day.

Forget advance bookings.

Frankly they're never that busy, unless it's the really popular escorts I guess. If you go for the £80 to £100 for 30 minutes girls always arrange on the day. (Which I guess is 150 ph girls you see ish)
« Last Edit: September 30, 2018, 12:59:53 am by JonasG »

Offline jabbawokez

I think it depends on alot of factors:

- its more difficult to book on weekends
- how much notice you give
- how you book (sms/txt)
- luck i.e. how busy they are
- have they seen you before

Offline JonasG

Yeah true, the weekend is slip pickings at times.

But on the weekdays you should have no problems, even as a rookie punter still finding his feet.

Offline nodough

Went to Plymouth for a punting break that was admittedly a failure as I only managed to actually book 1 out of the 7 WGs that I messaged. 4 just never replied, 1 was busy and the other stopped replying before confirming the booking which was a shame as she was top of my list. So I'm currently sitting at a 1 in 7 or 14% success rating.

Except worse that that I tried to book 2 more girls on the drive home but they never replied either! So now I'm at 11% :(

Offline Malvolio

Went to Plymouth for a punting break that was admittedly a failure as I only managed to actually book 1 out of the 7 WGs that I messaged. 4 just never replied, 1 was busy and the other stopped replying before confirming the booking which was a shame as she was top of my list. So I'm currently sitting at a 1 in 7 or 14% success rating.

Except worse that that I tried to book 2 more girls on the drive home but they never replied either! So now I'm at 11% :(

11% is only the correct figure if you were intending to have nine punts in that break - which sounds a lot to me.

Offline nodough

11% is only the correct figure if you were intending to have nine punts in that break - which sounds a lot to me.
Suppose that's true, I was only intending to get 2. The reply rate was still bloody poor.

Offline Nothere269

Keep at it mate, there are truly some diamonds in the rough on AW etc but you do have to look hard for them sometimes