comments history suggests you've seen Scarlett more than once.
"When she is on Cowgirl, you can feel she is not petite." What do you mean by this?
If you've seen her before there's no doubt or surprise about what she would feel like. BTW "petite" is not about skinny or light, it's more about short, they can still be hefty, lardy or even heavier.
If you've seen her before then you would know she has a loose pussy so why see her again if it's not to your liking?
You said in the other thread that she left multiple times but she only left once during the action in this review. Leaving to wash her hands after is hardly a sin.
If you were instructing her about what to do because she was passive and mechanical then you made yourself come early, not her.
You only get one pop in a walk-up unless you specifically pay for more or pay for long enough. This again should've been known to you one way or another.
Like joediddley said, perhaps punting isn't for you.