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Author Topic: How to get your next punt off your mind  (Read 1079 times)

Offline JohnnyScars

I try to punt semi-regularly (every two weeks) but I find within a few days, I'm already thinking of, looking forward to or planning my next punt. I'm on break from Uni, so maybe the excess free time is contributing to it. Just looking for some advice on how to keep it off my mind (avoiding UKP except for writing reviews is an obvious one). Wondering if you guys have any others

P.S. I've had around 10 punts, the majority with HoD, the remaining reviews will follow soon.

Offline Waterhouse

How do you manage a punting budget if you're at uni?   :unknown:

Offline Waterhouse

Online threechilliman

Working part time

Work full-time during Uni hols - stop you from punting!

Online Dark_Gable

I struggle massively with this issue too. I can punt, go to bed satisfied, wake up the next day and all I can think about is my next punt and it'll stay on my mind until I punt :dash:

Offline PLeisure

Offline JohnnyScars

Do what I do... earn less  :D :rolleyes: :dance:

Funnily enough this is the only thing that worked. I didn't punt for the 4 months I was flat broke

Offline Bogof60

Browse "The worst escort picture challenge" Thread
Be careful though It may put you off punting for life  :scare:
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Banned by: daviemac

Offline Moby Dick

Shag civvies whilst you are still young.

Offline CheeseBoard

You can always knock one out.  That would quash the urge in the very short term, but granted, not nearly as satisfying


  • Guest
How do you manage a punting budget if you're at uni?   :unknown:

Eaton boy  :lol: :lol: :lol:

Offline HarryZZ

The more I punt the less I think I'm getting from the experience or at least the harder I am to please, and I do find after a poor punt I'm not thinking about the next one, I'm probably thinking it's a complete waste of money and why do I bother, but then a month later and the sap's rising again I'm back trawling the internet.

I guess the advice is, have more crap punts!!

In the OP's case he's still young, it's all fairly new and it's harder to be disappointed, my first shag was 38 years ago there's not much left I haven't seen or done, although the younger people I know are getting plenty of action through Tinder and social media, a lad in the office a couple of weeks ago had fallen out with his girlfriend, sorted somebody out while at work and didn't go back home that night, it's a different world to when I was a lad, although now I think about it I did reply to a lonely hearts add in the local rag and had a shag out of that, you had to write a letter though so it too a week, probably no good if you're desperate.

Offline OakTree

Personally i don’t go about my day to day life with the ever lurking thoughts of my next punt. There have been times in the past where punting took too much of my thoughts and musings and it’s not healthy or conducive to normal living. It is what it is, a fuck for cash and nothing more. Much as I enjoy it at the time it has little influence how I am outside of that nowadays. Once it starts having an influence on how you live, make decisions, go about your daily life, it becomes a negative force driving your life.

I’m an impulsive punter and do little or no planning which for me is a far easier way to go about living and when the urge arises pay a woman for sex. Each to their own I know but that’s how I go about punting.

Kinky Foxx

  • Guest
" It is what it is, a fuck for cash and nothing more. "

 :hi:  Some wise words there Mr OakTree,

Punting, as fun as it is, ( so, so much fun), should not become a negative force on anyone's life.  But we all know when that sap begins to rise, and that Friday feeling comes around, it's so hard to resist trawling the net and that trod to the cashpoint let alone not thinking about it all.

I see one reg once a week, £70 and often compare her to what I could have had  pic below.  But guess who wins out!

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Offline magnetico

Just looking for some advice on how to keep it off my mind

Have a wank  :hi:

Offline JamesKW

Shag civvies whilst you are still young.

Quite,nowdays there are more girls than boys in higher education so it should be pretty straight forward.Prossies should only be needed in the holidays,if at all.I am glad I didn't need to waste my money on such things when I was younger.

The other option is get another obsession gigs and clubbing can cost less and be more fun.You can see the biggest names in Rock or R&B for the cost of the cheapest punt.
« Last Edit: August 20, 2018, 02:59:40 pm by JamesKW »

Offline django0700

I try to punt semi-regularly (every two weeks) but I find within a few days, I'm already thinking of, looking forward to or planning my next punt. I'm on break from Uni, so maybe the excess free time is contributing to it. Just looking for some advice on how to keep it off my mind (avoiding UKP except for writing reviews is an obvious one). Wondering if you guys have any others

P.S. I've had around 10 punts, the majority with HoD, the remaining reviews will follow soon.

Between proper punts I used to visit Soho walkups (used to work near Holborn). Kept the punting devil at bay for £20+£2 per visit I could fuck a different girl every 2-3 days and save up for a visit to HOD or other SP's.

Offline Moby Dick

£20+£2  for what?

Between proper punts I used to visit Soho walkups (used to work near Holborn). Kept the punting devil at bay for £20+£2 per visit I could fuck a different girl every 2-3 days and save up for a visit to HOD or other SP's.

Offline JonasG

I struggle massively with this issue too. I can punt, go to bed satisfied, wake up the next day and all I can think about is my next punt and it'll stay on my mind until I punt :dash:

Same. 😩

This hobby whilst obvs fun is bloody addictive.

Offline JamesKW

£20+£2  for what?

I believe just one position sex,lasting 10 mins.I normally pay around £30 to £40 where you get a BJ and one  position (10 mins) or 15 mins for £40.

I always wonder whether you have to take Viagra for the £20 service,hand job yourself or you get any help.

Personally I attend low cost parties where you get better value.