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Author Topic: members with zero reviews who claim experience.  (Read 2772 times)

Offline piotrskut

Cant see how you can compare a multi billion dollar operation like Google to a small forum ! ,if you mean by the same old,same old reviews that girls have multiple reviews,that is actually a good thing and would certainly give me the confidence to book a punt if loads of guys have posted positive reviews.
Bottom line is a forum like this without reviews would soon fade into a quite wasteland.

sorry, the google thing was a bit jokey, but i was trying to get across that people use websites as info tools without being forced to contribute  :hi:  I didn't mean multiple reviews, i meant rehashing the same old experience over and again (which is more likely in a rub and tug shop) so theres bugger all new info in the review, just a "my punt was the same as his punt" type of review. 

Online LLPunting

And let me be the second zero-reviewer, after SpunkyMonkey. I've been punting for (... counts ...) just over thirty years, I'm early 50s and still pretty fit, and I reckon I have a lot left in me yet :-)

You make a sensible observation and you're the kind of newbie who won't likely get a roasting because you consider what you post, you understand the ethos of this site and would likely add relevant information if you had it, noting whether it was current or not.  To you I say "Welcome".

We are not condemning all noobs, we are picking out all the exploiters, lazy fucks and pointless commenters.  Because there are so many of them it just seems like we're ragging on anyone new.

There are nostalgia threads dotted about that are useful to contribute to too.  No harm in starting them as this gives you a chance to establish bona fides in a fairly neutral context.

Online LLPunting

I noticed too - so let me be the first. I've punted many years ago but stopped in the last few years - I still like to look around here and offer an opinion when I feel it contributes something to the poster. We can all learn something, not necessarily from reviews.

If you are just piping up from past glories when relevant then by all means do, it's a way to build rep.  :hi:

If a member is actively enjoying SP services then they should be sharing in a timely fashion by way of a review. 

Until a member is known to be a genuine sharer they shouldn't come begging for recommendations, they should do the research. 

If they're moaning that the girls aren't reviewed then guess what?  TOFTT or else fuck off back to their closets to weep and hopefully suffocate.

Online Moby Dick

For me it is not really a question about ratio of reviews to posts.
Some people may be more than happy to stay in off topic and never review. No problem.

The main issue I have with zero reviewers is "closing the stable door after the horse has bolted".
If newbies\zero reviewers have something decent n recent to say then put in a review. They will become more credible, and threads will stop being full of "review review" posts.

Controversial, and perennial subject, almost as perennial as the BB obsession.

Out of interest, the OP has 3 reviews and yet over 300 posts - not picking a fight but how many posts vs reviews makes someone a valued contributor? It seems to me that with a few exceptions, the older members seem to reach a point where their posts massively outnumber their reviews and this is apparently acceptable.

I seem to remember Admin posting some facts about internet forums in which the overwhelming majority tend to be lurkers and it was hard to deal with?

Personally, I can't see any harm in lurking but I'd have to agree that trolls who appear, tell us they've seen someone who was crap/good but don't review, then disappear are just a wast of time

Online LLPunting

Controversial, and perennial subject, almost as perennial as the BB obsession.

Out of interest, the OP has 3 reviews and yet over 300 posts - not picking a fight but how many posts vs reviews makes someone a valued contributor? It seems to me that with a few exceptions, the older members seem to reach a point where their posts massively outnumber their reviews and this is apparently acceptable.

I seem to remember Admin posting some facts about internet forums in which the overwhelming majority tend to be lurkers and it was hard to deal with?

Personally, I can't see any harm in lurking but I'd have to agree that trolls who appear, tell us they've seen someone who was crap/good but don't review, then disappear are just a wast of time

It's not about how many posts, or post to review ratios, it's about useful contribution.  There are members who only post reviews (114 posts, 100 reviews), there are others who no longer punt (much) but have a wealth of experience that's still relevant and they post knowledgeably.

Lurkers here are possible trolls in the real world.  More than one management and SP has complained in passing about the sudden uptick in shit customers after a good review;  idiots who turn up feeling entitled to the same service; thieves; abusers; timewasters; stalkers; blackmailers.  It's because of these that I wholeheartedly support a restriction on lurkers to non-review content which would also exclude mini-review threads, recommendation threads, best ofs, top tens and anything else that would lead them to SPs.

Online LLPunting

sorry but to all those that say that we should accept it and move on, thats all well and good but then if that is the case ..... why should ANYONE review if the whole attitude is that it doesnt matter if we help each other or not here?

*Rant alert about a 'currently' leeching poster(might change after this)

take the poster romeouk for instance....initially i honestly enjoyed the guys exchange mainly cause he was along my line of interest with regards to working gurls etc.... then i dont know when but i must have made a cheeky comment s a joke which he then replied to with a bit of sting (fair enough) and then i checked his posting history...

...literally every post made by this guy is

1.Asking for help about a service provider
2.Posting new girls waiting to see if someone responds about her and if no one responds he does the whole"did you see that girl i posted on the thread? nice right? anyone seen her? i dont want to travel all the way there so will wait for someone else to check first before i go"
3.Promising to review someone if someone helps him first
etc etc etc

i dont know whether he got comfortable with these posts but i was surprised  to see that he was so casual about being open as to what leechers really get up to...asked him to write a review and he pretty much outright lied about never having punted...looking at his posts he had but he pretty much outright REFUSES to do a review..while constantly asking for people to help him out

and he constantly lurks based on his posting activity and when he is last online

his current attitude is the embodiment of what i dont like about leechers. take and then actively participate only to get more out of those taking risks and saving them time / effort / money  etc etc

the flip side is that leechers are the life blood of websites so they are needed

*rant over*

Good example.

Leechers are only needed on sites that commoditise their presence.  This site does not so they have ZERO intrinsic value and based on recent action by Admin they are a loadstone consuming paid-for resources.  Our fundamental value to this site is our published punting activity and relevant experiences.  Anything else like niceness, humour, friendliness, etc is incidental furnishing and flavour.  Don't expect to be any more welcome if you're just a good comedian (with irrelevant jokes).

Online LLPunting

i use the site for the same thing as you do, a place to get info.  but that doesn't mean I should feel obliged to fill up the review section with loads of same old, same old reviews.  if i visit someone and i have a good time and want to share that info with you lot i will, but having an actual life outside of shagging pro$$ies means I don't get many opportunities to add anything to the convo, so why should I get shit for that?  as i said, i'll offer information where I can and when its of use. as for having a hotlist, what's wrong with that?  doesn't mean i'll ever get a chance to shag her.  and how many times do you use google, and how many times have you added to it?

We don't want you to drone on blandly in your reviews only the lazy, clueless twats who are unable to properly detail and characterise their encounters with useful and individual information do that.

if i visit someone and i have a good time and want to share that info with you lot i will - Seriously?  True colours will out.
You've got time to drop in and post 68 times and read unknown amounts of information but you haven't got 5-10 mins to post a review? 
How much effort are you willing to put in to ensure you spend £100 wisely or whatever you consider a pricey amount for an SP meet?

Online LLPunting

did I say I wouldn't give back?  I said i would if the info is helpful.  i could make up a whole load of reviews of chinese wank shops to get my review count up and make it into "the club" but i'd prefer accuarate information over a shitload of useless drivel. it's confrontation crap from some existing members that puts rookies (to ukp, not punting) like me off reviewing.  if some people were a bit more friendly perhaps more people would review, jus' sayin.

Pointless Trumpesque drivel.
You're fabricating a behaviour to justify your lack of contribution.  A truly childish and selfish argument.
Reviews are contested when the content is lacking and questionable, there just happens to be a lot of shit reviews being posted. 
Good reviews, whatever their rating, are acknowledged and welcomed.  Your pathetic mewling is because you can't be arsed to write a review at all.  You're painting yourself as an entitled, lazy, exploitative shit.
This site is openly characterised as a boozy, brawly saloon-type meeting of minds that does not suffer freeloading fools.  You walked in the doors so if you're too freakin' sensitive to deal with that then best you turn around and march your snowflake arse back out into the wilderness.

Online Moby Dick

To be fair he has done a review.;area=showreviews;u=201670

We don't want you to drone on blandly in your reviews only the lazy, clueless twats who are unable to properly detail and characterise their encounters with useful and individual information do that.

if i visit someone and i have a good time and want to share that info with you lot i will - Seriously?  True colours will out.
You've got time to drop in and post 68 times and read unknown amounts of information but you haven't got 5-10 mins to post a review? 
How much effort are you willing to put in to ensure you spend £100 wisely or whatever you consider a pricey amount for an SP meet?

Online LLPunting

...too many people shouting "review, review, review" as if quantity is the king of the pile, rather than decent info. [/b]

We tell people who aren't contributing to write reviews.  There are plenty of freeloaders here.  Anyone who is genuinely appreciative of the shared information here will find a valid and appreciated way of paying back in an appropriate format that's openly described here.

Online LLPunting

To be fair he has done a review.;area=showreviews;u=201670

Member since Feb, review is shortly after he surfaces and after which he continues to post.  Most of his posts, like many of ours, are shooting the breeze and don't reveal anything new or useful about what's happening in the scene.  He's clearly active since his review and trying out places if not SPs that aren't well documented here recently.

Online LLPunting

wasn't posting about my own experience here which has been good mainly, and no i didn't post to gain access, i had a shit punt and wanted to warn peeps to save their hard earned.  im not taking on any causes, and im not a crusader but i am bored with hearing the same old song about reviews.  to me, a review should be for good service or shit service, but repeating over and over what other people have said is a bit of a waste imo, or are reviews also wank fodder for some? they like reading about shagging and toss off over their keyboard to them (not implying you do btw)  i think people defo should do reviews if there's something new to say cos that makes it worth reading.  but I also agree that its give and take and twats that just take are a pissing nuisance

Do you buy shares or rely on someone who does for some of your financial security?  What's important about maintaining such an investment?
Knowing the variance or consistency of service of an SP is key in deciding to see her, different punters have different risk profiles so they need different amounts of information to make their decisions.  An SP's service can flip on one bad visit or other circumstance.  The more timely reviews we have about her the more likely we can gauge the probable success of an encounter.

Online LLPunting

sorry, the google thing was a bit jokey, but i was trying to get across that people use websites as info tools without being forced to contribute  :hi:  I didn't mean multiple reviews, i meant rehashing the same old experience over and again (which is more likely in a rub and tug shop) so theres bugger all new info in the review, just a "my punt was the same as his punt" type of review.

Given the high turnover at these places, the usually undeclared rota and the unpredictability of the girls movements it makes ABSOLUTE sense to encourage plentiful reviews so that patterns of attendance can be established as well as consistency or changes in service by the girls and under management shifts in policy.

Offline piotrskut

We don't want you to drone on blandly in your reviews only the lazy, clueless twats who are unable to properly detail and characterise their encounters with useful and individual information do that.

if i visit someone and i have a good time and want to share that info with you lot i will - Seriously?  True colours will out.
You've got time to drop in and post 68 times and read unknown amounts of information but you haven't got 5-10 mins to post a review? 
How much effort are you willing to put in to ensure you spend £100 wisely or whatever you consider a pricey amount for an SP meet?

what a stupid fucking comment.  i haven't posted a review cos i haven't punted in a while.  does that mean i should shut up until i have? not all of us are punting studs who spend their life fucking pro$$ies.  when I have something of worth to review, i will review, although i'm not going to punt just to satisfy some twats on a forum's needs to read all about my shagging

Offline piotrskut

Given the high turnover at these places, the usually undeclared rota and the unpredictability of the girls movements it makes ABSOLUTE sense to encourage plentiful reviews so that patterns of attendance can be established as well as consistency or changes in service by the girls and under management shifts in policy.

what difference does it make if theres 10 or 100 reviews on the same place? aren't you being just a little bit anal wanting to know all the details?  you turn up, you have your knob pulled, you leave.  does it really fucking matter who's doing the pulling?  as long as she's a female and good at it, what else is there to know? and given the high turnover of women at these places and the general lack of knowing who's got your knob in their hand (i don't ask their names, they dont ask mine) makes a review a bit pointless to someone else, as theres a bloody good chance someone reading the review won't see the person i saw, so my experience is irrelevant to them.

Offline piotrskut

Member since Feb, review is shortly after he surfaces and after which he continues to post.  Most of his posts, like many of ours, are shooting the breeze and don't reveal anything new or useful about what's happening in the scene.  He's clearly active since his review and trying out places if not SPs that aren't well documented here recently.

sorry, didn't realise you were the forum police. not that its any fucking business of yours but i registered, found some info and punted.  then posted a review of said punt, like im supposed to do, according to you. and for the last fucking time, i'm not as active as most "in the scene" so don't presume, eh?  that review was the last time I punted as time/money/anxiety all play a part.  I've tried to contribute with information where i can and yet still get twats like you second-guessing.  fucking lord of the flies!

Offline piotrskut

We tell people who aren't contributing to write reviews.  There are plenty of freeloaders here.  Anyone who is genuinely appreciative of the shared information here will find a valid and appreciated way of paying back in an appropriate format that's openly described here.

oh really?  i know it's not you but you said "we", and this is just one thread, and half the posts are sarcastic "no review?" posts.

Online LLPunting

what a stupid fucking comment.  i haven't posted a review cos i haven't punted in a while.  does that mean i should shut up until i have? not all of us are punting studs who spend their life fucking pro$$ies.  when I have something of worth to review, i will review, although i'm not going to punt just to satisfy some twats on a forum's needs to read all about my shagging

Your own posts indicate your activity.

I didn't say you couldn't post.  Your own self-centred attitude is warping your perception of what is being said.

I posted 2 statements and 2 questions so which "comment" is fucking stupid?

Thanks for the compliment, I am indeed spending my entire life fucking prossies here in London, unlike your humdrum, grey, little "real life".

Offline piotrskut

Pointless Trumpesque drivel.
You're fabricating a behaviour to justify your lack of contribution.  A truly childish and selfish argument.
Reviews are contested when the content is lacking and questionable, there just happens to be a lot of shit reviews being posted. 
Good reviews, whatever their rating, are acknowledged and welcomed.  Your pathetic mewling is because you can't be arsed to write a review at all.  You're painting yourself as an entitled, lazy, exploitative shit.

can't stand the man, but just to answer this point, if the infortmation hasn't sunk in yet, is that I have no review to write as i have not had a punt since the last review.  do you get it yet? 

Your own posts indicate your activity.

don't recall any posts where i said ive been for a punt.  i was going to a soho walkup a couple of weeks ago after work but ended up meeting some mates for drinks.  don't feel i need to explain my every fucking move to you, if im honest.
« Last Edit: August 20, 2018, 05:36:26 pm by piotrskut »

Online LLPunting

what difference does it make if theres 10 or 100 reviews on the same place? aren't you being just a little bit anal wanting to know all the details?  you turn up, you have your knob pulled, you leave.  does it really fucking matter who's doing the pulling?  as long as she's a female and good at it, what else is there to know? and given the high turnover of women at these places and the general lack of knowing who's got your knob in their hand (i don't ask their names, they dont ask mine) makes a review a bit pointless to someone else, as theres a bloody good chance someone reading the review won't see the person i saw, so my experience is irrelevant to them.

Again your self-centred attitude is preventing you from understanding what's being said.  Thankfully we all aren't the same as you as far as seeking services from an SP, whatever type she is.
In fact, now that you've stated your belief, why do you need to use this site at all if all you need is any woman to pull your knob?

Offline piotrskut

Again your self-centred attitude is preventing you from understanding what's being said.  Thankfully we all aren't the same as you as far as seeking services from an SP, whatever type she is.
In fact, now that you've stated your belief, why do you need to use this site at all if all you need is any woman to pull your knob?

again, your stupidity is preventing you from understanding a simple fact.  why i use this site is none of your fucking business, but you totally missed the point i was making about repetitive pointless reviewing over quality info.  :hi: 

Offline freeze44

i'm not going to punt just to satisfy some twats on a forum's needs to read all about my shagging

That really is a stupid thing to say! You that vain to think anyone gets off reading about you shagging?!  :wacko:

Reviews and info on wg's what this forum about....not some fantasy forum you looking for it to be  :thumbsdown:

Online Moby Dick

oh really?  i know it's not you but you said "we", and this is just one thread, and half the posts are sarcastic "no review?" posts.
Good example, lots of guys with experience to share but some have not reviewed so it does not go against/for the WG review count. These posts could easily be missed and other potential punters would not benefit, or have to spend a lot more time deciding who to see. If the OP had taken some time to review before starting the thread then his credibility would not be questioned. The comments do not help the potential punter to make an informed decision because the contents lacks detail and it becomes more of a judgement about the poster.
Worse examples exist when member add "could've told you so" on negative reviews.
« Last Edit: August 20, 2018, 05:57:08 pm by Moby Dick »

Offline piotrskut

That really is a stupid thing to say! You that vain to think anyone gets off reading about you shagging?!  :wacko:

Reviews and info on wg's what this forum about....not some fantasy forum you looking for it to be  :thumbsdown:

it's not me that's looking for it, i really don't care what other blokes do with their cocks, you're the one making it about me. if you actually read what I said i meant i wasn't going to punt just to write a review
« Last Edit: August 20, 2018, 05:48:56 pm by piotrskut »

Online LLPunting

oh really?  i know it's not you but you said "we", and this is just one thread, and half the posts are sarcastic "no review?" posts.

Do you know the meaning of sarcasm?

All those commenters asked for reviews from punters claiming familiarity with SPs and who hadn't reviewed them.  None were asked to write bland, "no info" reviews.  It's implicit that they should follow the published guidelines and the hope is that something to improve out knowledge about looks, services, location and consistency or lack of would be forthcoming.

Online LLPunting

again, your stupidity is preventing you from understanding a simple fact.  why i use this site is none of your fucking business, but you totally missed the point i was making about repetitive pointless reviewing over quality info.  :hi:

The only point I missed is the point of you breathing.

You have missed the point about this website, whose "business" is you sharing your "business" with the rest of us here, who in turn share our "business".  That is the compact here.

Offline piotrskut

Do you know the meaning of sarcasm?

oh gee, let me think  :dash:

All those commenters asked for reviews from punters claiming familiarity with SPs and who hadn't reviewed them.  None were asked to write bland, "no info" reviews.  It's implicit that they should follow the published guidelines and the hope is that something to improve out knowledge about looks, services, location and consistency or lack of would be forthcoming.

is this the best way to ask, i wonder?

I’ve got one; go write some reviews you leeching twat.
   :lol: :lol: :lol:

Offline freeze44

it's not me that's looking for it, i really don't care what other blokes do with their cocks, you're the one making it about me. if you actually read what I said i meant i wasn't going to punt just to write a review

Durr...that's why i quoted you dummy to show what you said! And don't cry it aint about you...which is exactly the point of this thread! Reckon you be better off somewhere else....ya knickers getting all in a twist here  :lol:

Offline piotrskut

The only point I missed is the point of you breathing.

You have missed the point about this website, whose "business" is you sharing your "business" with the rest of us here, who in turn share our "business".  That is the compact here.

i'm well aware of the the point, its a place for info on pro$$ies where ANYONE can find the info without too much aggro.  people put reviews up that are helpful, but not everyone punts 7 days a week, 365 days a year so theres going to be some people who give more than others.  whats fucking annoying is the braying of the herd about low review counts and people who haven't reviewed.  is reviewing a condition of membership?  but you still missed the bit where i agree with you in that people who take should give, but the way the "give" is being asked for doesn't make new people want to in case forum twats post stupid arseholey comments to big themselves up.  everyone was new once

Online Moby Dick

The only time I have seen reviews criticized is when they lack key information or are suspicious, ie written by SP, pimp or fluffy whiteKnight
. More likely to be criticized for posting lazy threads requesting information instead of using the search function.

i'm well aware of the the point, its a place for info on pro$$ies where ANYONE can find the info without too much aggro.  people put reviews up that are helpful, but not everyone punts 7 days a week, 365 days a year so theres going to be some people who give more than others.  whats fucking annoying is the braying of the herd about low review counts and people who haven't reviewed.  is reviewing a condition of membership?  but you still missed the bit where i agree with you in that people who take should give, but the way the "give" is being asked for doesn't make new people want to in case forum twats post stupid arseholey comments to big themselves up.  everyone was new once


  • Guest
The only time I have seen reviews criticized is when they lack key information or are suspicious, ie written by SP, pimp or fluffy whiteKnight
. More likely to be criticized for posting lazy threads requesting information instead of using the search function.

Can't agree with that at all. People are always getting called out for their reviews... people don't contribute they get called a leech, people do contribute they are called fantasist or told they aren't valid because they are too low on the count.

In honesty people should feel free to contribute as much or as little as they feel comfortable contributing, and people should spend their money as they see fit. If people don't have the funds or nerve to punt 50 times a year then no one is to tell them they should be doing otherwise. 

The admins on here seem good and weed out the chaff reasonably quickly, i'm not sure why other users feel they should set the requirements for legitimate use of the forum and ultimately if you don't like what someone is posting ignore it, there is so much traffic on here why waste time arguing about what people bring to the party (none of that's not aimed at you MB)?

Offline David1970

you might want to take up point spotting, as you totally missed his  :hi:

not everyone is a punting machine.  I punt mainly massage and HE due to the occasional performance anxiety (high blood pressure prevents use of little blue pills) but to be honest I find that most of the gaffs I've visited are pretty well covered review wise and 9 times out of 10 I never get the name of the massager, so find doing a review a little daft unless its a bad experience and you lot need to know to save your hard earned.  but this constant shit about "post review, post review" from the crowd that have been here for years every time someone new posts is not the best way to encourage peeps to post.  if i have something to add to a post i'll add it, but filling up the forum with loads of shit reviews aint what I came here for.  how many on here use AW to look for a pro$$ie but never book, use credits or leave feedback on there? aint that leeching too? its more or less the same thing as ukp, a website designed to help punters choose a shag.

You don't get the point, if he is not punting what is he doing on this site?
If he is punting why is he not doing reviews?
Or is he just a leech taking and not giving?


  • Guest
You don't get the point, if he is not punting what is he doing on this site?
If he is punting why is he not doing reviews?
Or is he just a leech taking and not giving?

He/they could be on here for a multitude of reasons: building up to his first punt. Choosing wisely instead of chucking his money away on a gamble of a punt.

There are lots of reasons people on here have low post counts - surely what matters is that they aren't rolling around trolling and kicking off with people? Which as far as i can tell the admins stamp down on pretty quick.


  • Guest
I use this place sporadically to see if a girl that takes my fancy on AW is actually worth it and I will post if I think it is worth my time to post

It is actually quite pompous for people to think that you have to post a review to be a legitimate member.

Offline Marmalade

Ffs there was the odd non-reviewer just making an honest mistake but picorunt is well getting carried away with himself.

1. It’s not a forum for swapping fond memories and vague stories.

2. It’s not an excuse — and it’s been said many times — that a place has already been ‘well-reviewed’.  Every review helps. It also lets us know who you are as a punter.

There’s also an off-topic section for punters to let off steam about all sorts of stuff, as there is room for punters to let off steam about punting in the punting sections.

But as far as the site is concerned, we only know you’re a punter by the fact that you post reviews. Otherwise (unless you’re a miraculous bloody exception) you’re no different to the schoolboy having a wank as he posts and fantasises.

If you have no reviews to post it is better to lurk. If you only punt once a year it’s the decent thing in my opinion to contribute to ‘chat’ proportionally — a line of two here and there, rather than beat your meat on extended discussion. I’m really sorry for you if you ‘have no-one to talk to’ about you’re hobby: but there’s plenty of waffle sites, including UKP’s own UKE. Getting stuck in here without evidence of punting reviews is like meeting people for a restaurant meal and not contributing to the bill.

I don’t care if you ‘disagree’. Just learn not to be a sad cunt. Or ‘bit of a cunt’ to be PC.  :hi:

Offline smiths

Come on guys you know the score.

Some of you brag about your experience on various threads but don't ever review.
IMO your comments are worthless unless you review.
A review is much more helpful and credible than posting only comments.
OK more effort but helps us all.

I agree a review is more helpful than posting only comments but doing reviews isnt compulsory on UKP, its up to individual punters whether they do reviews or not.

My quibble are those that post on a negative review thread that they had seen the WG themselves and she was shit for them as well, well if they had bothered to review her the reviewer may of given her a steer. :thumbsdown: At least post a negative review as a warning to other punters, that's what UKP is here for, information sharing.

A punter who doesn't review if smart should realise this may annoy some other punters on here, if they aren't bothered by that that's up to them, if they are they can always do a review or reviews after they next punt. I read and have read over the years loads of excuses/reasons for a punter not to do a review, too busy being one that makes me laugh. A review can be done in 10 minutes, in fact admin once posted up what he saw as an ideal review, one of Steve2s and it was a few lines long, reviews do not have to be war and peace.

Offline Marmalade

You don't get the point, if he is not punting what is he doing on this site?
If he is punting why is he not doing reviews?
Or is he just a leech taking and not giving?

Much as I disagree with you on offtopic David, you are quite correct on here. (And even if I thought you weren’t you still get respect as a punter.) ‘Pompous’, my arse. This is a punting site. Not Loose Women.

Offline freeze44

Can't agree with that at all. People are always getting called out for their reviews... people don't contribute they get called a leech, people do contribute they are called fantasist or told they aren't valid because they are too low on the count.

In honesty people should feel free to contribute as much or as little as they feel comfortable contributing, and people should spend their money as they see fit. If people don't have the funds or nerve to punt 50 times a year then no one is to tell them they should be doing otherwise. 

The admins on here seem good and weed out the chaff reasonably quickly, i'm not sure why other users feel they should set the requirements for legitimate use of the forum and ultimately if you don't like what someone is posting ignore it, there is so much traffic on here why waste time arguing about what people bring to the party (none of that's not aimed at you MB)?

Agree punters spend as see fit and that lots of different tastes on here. Thanks to the reviews and info shared here has saved me shedloads and had some top punts. That's down to the nature of the site.

Dont agree about leaving suspect posts and reviews alone. Dont know exact figures but just look at the moderation log and how many get banned each day. Admin relies upon post reports to alert. Have you seen how many trolls, fakes and fan boys there are attempting to subvert this site?

Punting aint for the faint hearted and this site encourages members to toughen up. We going into a murkey world at times and need your wits about you.

When a fneg review gets attacked can just imagine the wg's rubbing their hands together when the fluffies come running to them saying how nasty such and such has posted a bad review etc. So she rallies the troops or posts a fake review and tries to fix it!

Every time this has happened it's been called out by punters here. That maintains the integrety of this site so we all continue to benefit from sound advice from true punters, not fakes, pimps or trolls!

Online Moby Dick

Follow the review guidelines, don't embellish or make shit up, don't be fluffy and touting and reviews will not/should not be criticised.
As for posters who don't review asking for recommendations before contributing then grow a thicker skin or shut up.
Can't agree with that at all. People are always getting called out for their reviews... people don't contribute they get called a leech, people do contribute they are called fantasist or told they aren't valid because they are too low on the count.

In honesty people should feel free to contribute as much or as little as they feel comfortable contributing, and people should spend their money as they see fit. If people don't have the funds or nerve to punt 50 times a year then no one is to tell them they should be doing otherwise. 

The admins on here seem good and weed out the chaff reasonably quickly, i'm not sure why other users feel they should set the requirements for legitimate use of the forum and ultimately if you don't like what someone is posting ignore it, there is so much traffic on here why waste time arguing about what people bring to the party (none of that's not aimed at you MB)?

Online last_days_of_logan

Can't agree with that at all. People are always getting called out for their reviews... people don't contribute they get called a leech, people do contribute they are called fantasist or told they aren't valid because they are too low on the count.

In honesty people should feel free to contribute as much or as little as they feel comfortable contributing, and people should spend their money as they see fit. If people don't have the funds or nerve to punt 50 times a year then no one is to tell them they should be doing otherwise. 

The admins on here seem good and weed out the chaff reasonably quickly, i'm not sure why other users feel they should set the requirements for legitimate use of the forum and ultimately if you don't like what someone is posting ignore it, there is so much traffic on here why waste time arguing about what people bring to the party (none of that's not aimed at you MB)?

that is an exaggeration ... a big one...many people post reviews and dont get called out for fact its over overwhelmingly in favor of people posting and not getting stick for i dont know where you get that from

if its a suspicious review you get called out,
if its a fluffy one that looks bias you get called out
if its a touty one trying to drum up traffic for a working lady then you get calle d out

etc etc

it isnt fool proof , some people get stick for tiny infringements but that shouldn't stop them reviewing

And can we relax on the "straw man" debating techniques please.. you dont have to punt 50 times to be able to 'hang' ...just if you come here and use the resources and the efforts from people that contribute here and if it benefits you then whats the reason not to say "thank you...your review helped was my experience with that person" or "here is someone i met earlier...hope it helps someone out" .. its just a give and take thing to do right?

of course we cant force anyone to write a review but i dont see why we shouldnt call out leechers that dont give back when they pop their heads out for a punting advise hand outs

Offline smiths

You don't get the point, if he is not punting what is he doing on this site?
If he is punting why is he not doing reviews?
Or is he just a leech taking and not giving?

There are punters on here who are semi-retired or now totally retired but have done reviews in the past, to me if I find them credible they are very welcome on UKP and I hope they continue to post their experiences of punting which might help others. They are still on here as they like UKP presumably, NIK the founder of UKP punted in London recently but also posted that may of been his last punts, if they were I don't want to see him fuck off as he isn't punting and reviewing. He has vast experience that to me is priceless.

Also a retired punter can always unretire which has happened with many over the years and reviews may follow once they are back punting.

Offline Marmalade

I agree a review is more helpful than posting only comments but doing reviews isnt compulsory on UKP, its up to individual punters whether they do reviews or not.

My quibble are those that post on a negative review thread that they had seen the WG themselves and she was shit for them as well, well if they had bothered to review her the reviewer may of given her a steer. :thumbsdown: At least post a negative review as a warning to other punters, that's what UKP is here for, information sharing.

A punter who doesn't review if smart should realise this may annoy some other punters on here, if they aren't bothered by that that's up to them, if they are they can always do a review or reviews after they next punt. I read and have read over the years loads of excuses/reasons for a punter not to do a review, too busy being one that makes me laugh. A review can be done in 10 minutes, in fact admin once posted up what he saw as an ideal review, one of Steve2s and it was a few lines long, reviews do not have to be war and peace.

Indeed it is completely up to individuals: it’s hardly the Spanish Inquisition.  :cool: Just a case of showing some decency IMO. I lurked on ISG for years until I thought I’d gained so much I ought to give back. I posted reviews on here at first to support the project. But after it took off I too found useful info especially on foreign countries. (And I also have to thank Steve2 for that, even if he is a bit of a lush). 

But the MeToo crowd you mention are the most hypocritical. I think others get some leeway if they’re polite. But if they go on and on or start arguing then a lot of people will get pissed off.

Your other point about War and Peace applies to us all, and a timely reminder.

(And equally perhaps non-reviewers who write war and peace without reviewing.)

Offline Marmalade

There are punters on here who are semi-retired or now totally retired but have done reviews in the past, to me if I find them credible they are very welcome on UKP and I hope they continue to post their experiences of punting which might help others. They are still on here as they like UKP presumably, NIK the founder of UKP punted in London recently but also posted that may of been his last punts, if they were I don't want to see him fuck off as he isn't punting and reviewing. He has vast experience that to me is priceless.

Also a retired punter can always unretire which has happened with many over the years and reviews may follow once they are back punting.

True. But they are people whose vast experience is generally instantly apparent. They tend to be the exception rather than the rule.


  • Guest
that is an exaggeration ... a big one...many people post reviews and dont get called out for fact its over overwhelmingly in favor of people posting and not getting stick for i dont know where you get that from

if its a suspicious review you get called out,
if its a fluffy one that looks bias you get called out
if its a touty one trying to drum up traffic for a working lady then you get calle d out

etc etc

it isnt fool proof , some people get stick for tiny infringements but that shouldn't stop them reviewing

And can we relax on the "straw man" debating techniques please.. you dont have to punt 50 times to be able to 'hang' ...just if you come here and use the resources and the efforts from people that contribute here and if it benefits you then whats the reason not to say "thank you...your review helped was my experience with that person" or "here is someone i met earlier...hope it helps someone out" .. its just a give and take thing to do right?

of course we cant force anyone to write a review but i dont see why we shouldnt call out leechers that dont give back when they pop their heads out for a punting advise hand outs

It's not a strawman, the point i'm making is people are free to use the forum as they see fit, seems to me the admins weed out the trolls reasonably quickly so if you feel someone is leeching just ignore them instead of wading in - that person who you think is a leech now maybe won't bother posting because they got turned on by people who feel they are more experienced/better placed to comment.

If someone is being a wanker then by all means call them out or report them, but if someone asks for advice why bother replying with "xxx amount of reviews mate" stuff.. just ignore them and watch their posts sink without a trace. This is kind of what i'm getting at, and realise now i'm getting dragged into defending everyone.

At the end of the day just crack on with what you want to do engaging with these people is exactly what they want, so if you think it's a troll/leech don't engage instead of saddling up.

Just my opinion mind and i yes realise I fall into the low count bracket.

Online last_days_of_logan

It's not a strawman, the point i'm making is people are free to use the forum as they see fit, seems to me the admins weed out the trolls reasonably quickly so if you feel someone is leeching just ignore them instead of wading in - that person who you think is a leech now maybe won't bother posting because they got turned on by people who feel they are more experienced/better placed to comment.

If someone is being a wanker then by all means call them out or report them, but if someone asks for advice why bother replying with "xxx amount of reviews mate" stuff.. just ignore them and watch their posts sink without a trace. This is kind of what i'm getting at, and realise now i'm getting dragged into defending everyone.

At the end of the day just crack on with what you want to do engaging with these people is exactly what they want, so if you think it's a troll/leech don't engage instead of saddling up.

Just my opinion mind and i yes realise I fall into the low count bracket.
your post count isnt the issue...from what i can see your content seems really strong... you are now where near the kind of people we are referring to

but you have at least reviewed someone honestly and well

as far as cracking on....i mean .. thanks? i will LOL , but i definitely dont want to feel like i cant call out people that keep asking " is she any good?" " how was her face?!" "does anyone know where this person is?" .... and they are just there with no reviews etc etc

i find it hard to ignore it as it kind of gets irritating? but i should really try to be big about it

let me ask you something, do you think this place thrives if there is no reviews?

lets say we did what you suggested and people got fed up of feeding the fat take/take leechers and then using your debating point the reviewers decide not to review anymore......would that be okay? no one reviewing or having a seperate forum for reviewers... would you champion that ?

PS: your avatar is super cool in that its freaking me out a bit LOL
« Last Edit: August 20, 2018, 07:35:14 pm by last_days_of_logan »

Offline Marmalade

People are perfectly free to act like a cunt and others are free to call them out.

As for being called out on reviews, it happens to all of us. We review to help other punters, not for the thanks we get, which is rare. You really do have to be able to take it IMO. Reviewing to be ‘liked’ is a bit pointless. It’s maybe not ‘fair’ but it does weed out some overly sensitive fluffies. It’s the way the board is kept clean, unlike other boards that are concerned ‘what prossies might think’ or the reviewer loving his own ego and story-telling abilities.

So if you get called out on your review, maybe remember this. If you’re genuine it does show eventually. Just have the balls to see it through. Stand up for yourself, and stick to facts.

People also learn from being called out. Before coming to UKP most are familiar with AW and prossie-type reviews: that style is slanted and not a particularly critically honest style of writing. Experience mostly shows that trying to help such newcomers ‘gently’ doesn’t work very well, although admittedly there has been a phase when some have been too rough on newcomers. Just try not to annoy everyone with endless, never-ending requests for info or shouting your mouth off without anything to back it up.

It’s not against the ‘rules’: just bad manners if you can’t respect the ethos of the board.  :hi:

Offline arrons222

I'm guessing I fall in to this category... but the simple fact is that I haven't as yet seen any of the types of girls that seem to be reviewed on this site. If however I do end up using the recommendations contained in the reviews, I would add my own. In the meantime, i was happy to post a recommendation for a girl that I eventually found after asking for advice from site members because, even though the advice I was given didn't lead to me finding what I was looking for, some members were kind enough to reply and make suggestions.
From a 'newbie' perspective, it is rather tiring when 60-80% of the replies you receive are about your review count or indeed, whether you are a former member in disguise (a pointless accusation given that it's impossible to prove otherwise).
Banned reason: Troll
Banned by:

Offline Marmalade

What are ‘the type of girls not reviewed on this site’?

Offline cueball

My quibble are those that post on a negative review thread that they had seen the WG themselves and she was shit for them as well, well if they had bothered to review her the reviewer may of given her a steer. :thumbsdown: At least post a negative review as a warning to other punters, that's what UKP is here for, information sharing.
Agreed, they're the worst and most annoying. I see it as they're happy to let me walk down the same hole without giving me a warning.

Fwiw, I don't get too bent double with non reviewers. If they're asking for best recommendations without putting into the site then they're fair game for my own kind of helpful searches.


  • Guest
your post count isnt the issue...from what i can see your content seems really strong... you are now where near the kind of people we are referring to

but you have at least reviewed someone honestly and well

as far as cracking on....i mean .. thanks? i will LOL , but i definitely dont want to feel like i cant call out people that keep asking " is she any good?" " how was her face?!" "does anyone know where this person is?" .... and they are just there with no reviews etc etc

i find it hard to ignore it as it kind of gets irritating? but i should really try to be big about it

let me ask you something, do you think this place thrives if there is no reviews?

lets say we did what you suggested and people got fed up of feeding the fat take/take leechers and then using your debating point the reviewers decide not to review anymore......would that be okay? no one reviewing or having a seperate forum for reviewers... would you champion that ?

PS: your avatar is super cool in that its freaking me out a bit LOL

I think the reviews are seperated out, so I wold have no problem with only reviewers being able to post in the review section - let everyone read but discussion only for those with reviews.

The problem in all of this is no one really knows, some of the reviews on here are pure fantasy so at the end of the day you're never going ot stop the bell ends posting, but i can certainly say from experience I post here a lot less than i would because of two things:

I don't punt regularly (handful of times in my entire life)
I don't feel comfortable contributing (mainly because of the issues outlined in this thread).

anyway, my intention was not to kick off with people on this thread, i just wanted to pose another side of the coin in peopel who don't post that often/punt a lot.