Sugar Baby?

Author Topic: Raw Cum Whore - Nr South Croydon  (Read 19849 times)

3 review(s) for Whore Kirie 34K  (1 positive, 0 neutral, 2 negative) [Indexed by Sinz]

Offline last_days_of_logan

HIV is the obvious one. Hepatitis is another. Though even those which are thought of as being site-contact dependent can have unexpected intermediates - lick the finger which has just rubbed a cold sore and...?

But Autodidacticism is really the thing we should all want to spend more time looking into. So next time: do more than just one quick search.

Thats twice now you've finished off a response with a condescending tone. It's unecessary...i didnt come at you with any impoliteness so i am not sure why you had to be patronising.

i read what i thought was an interesting comment from you thinking to myself that i was surprised that there were some that had a higher risk of infection then others through Oral alone....i asked and that was it.

Offline last_days_of_logan

I was happy to defer to your outspoken authority earlier simply because I lazily presumed as such a vocal informed SP you had all the facts to hand.  However some of your latest statements contradict published medical advice from supposedly reliable health sites here and in US (I didn't check European, yet).  Are you a published medical researcher? I challenge you not to tear you down, I'm genuinely interested in understanding the source of your facts.  This would also give Punther and his adherents somewhere to go to fact check too.

I do however take issue with your closing statement as one who has contracted both Chlamydia and Gonorrhea in the past through OWO with civvies (oral was the only sex act).

Not to be considered exhaustive or reassuring:
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Whilst these and other authorities may state low transmission rates (in general) for OWO they do not state ZERO risk and they always caveat with being subject to oral health of giver (as has been mentioned previously).

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The prevalence of HSV1/2 in the population may lead some to think it's not really a problem having it/catching it/passing it on, perhaps due to never/rarely experiencing any discomfort from it.  But their experience is not everyone's experience.

A person with multiple STIs is more likely to carry higher viral loads or be more infectious due to their compromised immune system.  Kirie's behaviour places her in a much higher risk category of contracting the full gamut of STIs, whilst some of these may only be transmissable from contact with infected sites, her system may otherwise be laden with more infectious site-non-specific STIs.

In addition to the 4 scenarios I posited before, given Kirie's thorough enjoyment of sex, it is reasonable to expect and therefore have to consider both ATM, PTM, MTP, MTA, ATP and PTA insertions.  So chances of her being infected in all 3 "avenues of joy" are more likely than SPs who use protection some/most of the time for most/all avenues.

Summary of my below response: 100% agreement

You see now this i agree with. Well put and thank you very much

I think Punther genuinely might not be getting what it is that people are referring to . Probably Punther focusing on two things

1. The one type of sexual activity in isolation (almost as though in a controlled environment where other factors are being controlled like when conduction a Hypothesis test)

2. The idea that we are all sharing equal risk because we engage in a world where infection comes with the territory and we dont know what people get up to anyway. So how can one person pass judgement on another

I am a little surprised that he isnt taking things with a broader view, i.e that even if you intend to control the circumstances of a meeting with such a working never actually can due to the multitude of avenues that you can catch something from her.
Oral shouldn't be the one solitary service focused on here but rather the liklehood of other unforseen events ,which happen most of the time, that could happen while you go for the service you deemed low risk.

As for the other thing...well we probably do all share risk, but not intentionally and though risk can never be avoided we can do what we can to minimise it as much as possible

in short i agree with you

Offline last_days_of_logan

HIV and Hep B are really the only ones that aren't site dependent. Contracting HIV through bb sex is pegged about 1%, less female to male. Through oral... whelp no studies ever showing it from receiving OWO, very small risk from giving OWO (a fraction of a percent). Hep B you need blood, semen or vaginal fluids (it's not found in saliva, that's free mongering), and the risk is again on the giver, not the receiver of OWO.

Syphilis only spreads when it reaches the brain, at which point you're usually going to be contained to a ward as you're going to kick it fairly soon.

The take away is OWO doesn't really have risks for the guy when seeing a bber. Get a Hep B vaccine, and don't stick you dick in a bloody/rashed/lesioned mouth.

Gonhorrea doesn't transmit through OWO for the receiver, and chlamydia, well the data on that is iffy. Studies on it from men recieving OWO have been clouded by the fact most admit to having unprotected sex. Theoretically it does happen, but the data isn't really there. It is there for people who get oral chlamydia.

Herpes, well more than 90% of oral herpes cases are caused by HSV1, 70% of the UK population have HSV1 by 40 years old. 90% exposed by 50, most get it by the age of 5. Chances are punther has it orally, can't get that strain genitally. HSV2 (the "genital strain") doesn't like the mouth, and about 50% of positive diagnoses are false positives. Also HSV2 is overwhelming affecting women (even more so a subgroup of that) gentially. If you have HSV1 orally (which we can reasonably assume this WG has as the majority of the population do), she couldn't contract HSV2 orally (it just doesn't happen), so the likelihood of her giving that to punter would be small enough to pretty much consider zero.

Look, I don't agree with bare backing when escorting, you cannot test enough to catch everything. Even more so if you do bb anal as that is the highest risk of transmission. So if someone is doing bb they're increased risk of being a transmission risk (getting tested on the day means nothing, that's usually only a nod that you were clean 3 months ago, maybe less if they do some of the newer more expensive tests). But getting OWO off a bb WG is the same risk as a non-bb WG.

Would I want to see someone who saw a WG that does bb? No, because my main concern is he is going to try to pull the condom off. Or at most I'd offer him covered oral. As I can only assume he saw a bb WG for bb.

I know in my head that doesn't make sense, as I've had more than a few punters try to convince me to drop a condom as "they only do it with girls who don't do it with anyone else". Or some other ridiculous unsafe request (come on my pussy, rub my bare dick on your clit, keep your eyes open for a facial, etc).

On our side, we assume those who aren't obvious about seeing a bber aren't doing it except for an SO (hopeful ignorance I guess), and on your side I guess the same is assumed.

But the take away is studies have repeatedly shown OWO isn't really a risk for the receiver. Which is why I think it is fair play for other WGs to only offer OW, the risk is on our end.

Thank you TS for the well thought out response, ma

If the situation was controlled and all factors / variables were kept independent of one another i would say i agree with you,
but in reality a punter can attempt to control the risks involved when receiving oral from someone like this lady that offers BB as much as a punter wants ...the fact of the matter is that a punter willingly and consciously expose themself to more risk due to the multitude of mediums and avenues that they can get other things from her. i dont think that can truly ever be controlled to a point where one can assume equal risk when visiting someone that does not offer BB

Lets say you inspect her dont see well did you check? did you miss something? Your in her mouth and she does something that scratches your penis and bruises parts in her mouth...what then?
Even simple Gum disease , which lets face it she probably has , makes it easier to bleed through the mouth....while she is guzzling inside there how do you know what is happening?

And also someone like first thought would be that the mucous membrane of her mouth could potentially be a petri dish for everything and things i have never ever heard of.....what if hers mixes with mine in the piss hole?

i dont know how you control the situation but chances are that you cant and thats why visiting a BB'er IMO is high risk no matter the service you receive

Now do we know who has something and who doesnt? No....
Do we all take risks by visiting WGs? Yes

but that doesnt mean that you shouldnt try to limit your risk of exposure as much as possible (assuming you want to that is) can try and limit your exposure with a BB'er....but the idea that you share equal or similar risk to those that do NOT see BB'ers is something very strange to me

Offline johnplatano

Gonhorrea doesn't transmit through OWO for the receiver, and chlamydia, well the data on that is iffy. Studies on it from men recieving OWO have been clouded by the fact most admit to having unprotected sex. Theoretically it does happen, but the data isn't really there. It is there for people who get oral chlamydia.

Well thats not true.

That's not true at all

Offline last_days_of_logan

Well thats not true.

That's not true at all


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not saying it is high risk TS ... just yet another risk from a provider with a higher than normal set of risk factors surrounding her.... BUT .. this actually plays into Punthers theory that we all that take part in OWO risk that same level.....Gonorreah and Chlamydia etc could be with any WG

Offline johnplatano

Yeah I don't think its high risk. Think i read somewhere if 1 in 200 have it and if transmission is at 10% for OWO receivers then that puts the risk at 0.05% for the general pop.

I still don't think the risk of OWO is the same with all WG, and with all girls in general.

The issue is you can only speculate (or make an informed judgement) on the variables, which you can only do by making assumptions, which are largely subjective.

I would never judge someone else's choices though. I'm only responsible for mine... I just don't think the risk is the same for every WG. I am open to perhaps having understating the risk for "safer" WGs  :unknown:

Offline last_days_of_logan

Yeah I don't think its high risk. Think i read somewhere if 1 in 200 have it and if transmission is at 10% for OWO receivers then that puts the risk at 0.05% for the general pop.

I still don't think the risk of OWO is the same with all WG, and with all girls in general.

The issue is you can only speculate (or make an informed judgement) on the variables, which you can only do by making assumptions, which are largely subjective.

I would never judge someone else's choices though. I'm only responsible for mine... I just don't think the risk is the same for every WG. I am open to perhaps having understating the risk for "safer" WGs  :unknown:


Offline Heph

Thats twice now you've finished off a response with a condescending tone. It's unecessary...i didnt come at you with any impoliteness so i am not sure why you had to be patronising.

i read what i thought was an interesting comment from you thinking to myself that i was surprised that there were some that had a higher risk of infection then others through Oral alone....i asked and that was it.

Well, nothing personal - if the last one was; the first two weren't: your questions were too wide-open to answer, which was dull and annoying and it would've been ruder still not to reply.

It would've just been quicker for all if you'd made the minimum effort to read the results of your own google search.

Offline Brazilian Martian

Whats the odds on this making it to 14 pages  :unknown:

Offline Waterhouse

Whats the odds on this making it to 14 pages  :unknown:
Good if punther contnues to try and rationalise visiting BB'ers and maintain the OWO risks are the same regardless;  less so if the message has hit home and the day is done.    ;)

Offline stampjones

What is the actual biggest risk we as punters face? It is having large number of sexual partners each of whom in turn has a large number of sexual partners. That means the biggest risk factor is punting itself.

Not sure if you were aware of that before or you just heard it here, but either way has that now changed your attitude to punting? Are you going to stop now that you know? I obviously dont know any of you IRL but Im guessing that the answer is no in 100% of cases. We know there is a risk but we do it anyway.

In fact I made the original info up - no idea if it is true or not, but the point is if that didnt change your intention to punt, why would you think arguments about the statistics of transmission rates or whatever would change punther or anyone elses habits? Of course it wont - we all make an instinct based choice on what is too risky and go with that. So bb is a fact - you can shout til you are blue in the face and you wont change it even the tiniest amount.

So what can you do if you genuinely want to minimise your own risk without changing your habits? Read the OP and choose or not to use the information. If it concerns you what he did you might decide to go through all his punts and never see them yourself. That would reduce your risk. Probably a tad extreme here but if this was a report by someone describing a bb encounter with a prossie who didnt advertise it, then that would be very useful information indeed.

And yet some of the hysterical reactions seen on this thread actively discourage that kind of reporting. Captain bareback knows he will get pages of abuse if he posts his encounter and, lets be honest, who needs that so he probably just decides fuck it and moves on. No loss to him but it is a loss to the rest of us and tomorrow it could be you that sees the same prossie and gets a 2 week course of antibiotics for your trouble.

So next time you feel like jumping onto the moral high ground so that you can feel all self righteous and sensible for a few seconds, think about what you are actually achieving and reign it in and maybe in doing so you might actually lower your overall risk.

Offline LLPunting

Whats the odds on this making it to 14 pages  :unknown:

Am considering writing a 2 page response once I get confirmation from my prof that it would be acceptable as part of my thesis.  It would save me having to think up something proper anyway.

Offline LLPunting

What is the actual biggest risk we as punters face? It is having large number of sexual partners each of whom in turn has a large number of sexual partners. That means the biggest risk factor is punting itself.


Agreed, we all accept the subjectively perceived risk (and the immeasurable/uncalculable actual personal risk) by choosing to continue to punt.

It's OP's perception of his risk I was trying to improve, regardless of his future punting choices I hope he continues to review or indicate who he has seen or has interest in.

It would indeed be interesting to know just how many degrees of separation exist between us in this community.  Sadly I doubt it's of Kevin Bacon proportions.

Offline Heph

It would indeed be interesting to know just how many degrees of separation exist between us in this community.  Sadly I doubt it's of Kevin Bacon proportions.

You're looking for a margin of safety-by-distance?
I'd have thought most of us have a mere 1 degree by punting with the same dame.

Offline LLPunting

You're looking for a margin of safety-by-distance?
I'd have thought most of us have a mere 1 degree by punting with the same dame.

No, I was wondering how many degrees between one punter and another who haven't seen the same SP and how many between any given punter and an SP he hasn't seen.
For amusement not hand-wringing angst

Offline Heph

No, I was wondering how many degrees between one punter and another who haven't seen the same SP and how many between any given punter and an SP he hasn't seen.

The notional average for any two individuals worldwide is 6, right?

It's got to be less within the UK, and far less for denizens of London. 3-4


  • Guest
I was happy to defer to your outspoken authority earlier simply because I lazily presumed as such a vocal informed SP you had all the facts to hand.  However some of your latest statements contradict published medical advice from supposedly reliable health sites here and in US (I didn't check European, yet).  Are you a published medical researcher? I challenge you not to tear you down, I'm genuinely interested in understanding the source of your facts.  This would also give Punther and his adherents somewhere to go to fact check too.

I do however take issue with your closing statement as one who has contracted both Chlamydia and Gonorrhea in the past through OWO with civvies (oral was the only sex act).

Not to be considered exhaustive or reassuring:
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Whilst these and other authorities may state low transmission rates (in general) for OWO they do not state ZERO risk and they always caveat with being subject to oral health of giver (as has been mentioned previously).

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The prevalence of HSV1/2 in the population may lead some to think it's not really a problem having it/catching it/passing it on, perhaps due to never/rarely experiencing any discomfort from it.  But their experience is not everyone's experience.

A person with multiple STIs is more likely to carry higher viral loads or be more infectious due to their compromised immune system.  Kirie's behaviour places her in a much higher risk category of contracting the full gamut of STIs, whilst some of these may only be transmissable from contact with infected sites, her system may otherwise be laden with more infectious site-non-specific STIs.

In addition to the 4 scenarios I posited before, given Kirie's thorough enjoyment of sex, it is reasonable to expect and therefore have to consider both ATM, PTM, MTP, MTA, ATP and PTA insertions.  So chances of her being infected in all 3 "avenues of joy" are more likely than SPs who use protection some/most of the time for most/all avenues.

I'm a biomedical researcher in my day job, and am published within this field. Understandably for privacy reasons, I'm not going to link them.

The numbers pretty much every site cites are male to female. Not female to male. When they state female to male, it is almost exclusively vaginal sex that they are talking about. Oral isn't quoted much, for M2F we have some numbers, as well as M2M. It is also important to note that the percentages are generally quoted for regular exposure over a long time period (6 months to a year) with a single partner, not single encounters. Risks per exposure are statistically much lower, but there is a cumulative effect as number of exposure incidences increase.

Now I won't question your assertion that you got chlamydia and gonnorhea through oral, but if no one comes forth sans confounding factors, we can't include them in research, so it makes no impact on the stats. I can only base my conclusions on verified data.

So yes, there isn't zero risk, it is theoretically possible for OWO to transmit all the STDs to the recipient, but there is a lack of verified confirmed instances of it occurring in the published scientific data.

Now in Kirie's case, I can't accurately conclude her risk factors. I don't know how many people she sees, which of the proposed situations you suggest she actually does, how often she is tested, whether she's on PrEP, just her general medical health. So I'm making a preliminary hypothesis based upon scientific literature. You are free to disagree with it.

Offline CluckinBell

So what's the biggest fear? HIV? other STDs?getting robbed?kidnapped?  I think the thread has lost its way! End of the day I think it's a risky business,not just STDs,doesn't matter what type of woman you see.The fact there's risks and irresponsibility no matter how small or big doesn't stop us so who am i to judge

Offline LLPunting

I'm a biomedical researcher in my day job, and am published within this field. Understandably for privacy reasons, I'm not going to link them.

The numbers pretty much every site cites are male to female. Not female to male. When they state female to male, it is almost exclusively vaginal sex that they are talking about. Oral isn't quoted much, for M2F we have some numbers, as well as M2M. It is also important to note that the percentages are generally quoted for regular exposure over a long time period (6 months to a year) with a single partner, not single encounters. Risks per exposure are statistically much lower, but there is a cumulative effect as number of exposure incidences increase.

Now I won't question your assertion that you got chlamydia and gonnorhea through oral, but if no one comes forth sans confounding factors, we can't include them in research, so it makes no impact on the stats. I can only base my conclusions on verified data.

So yes, there isn't zero risk, it is theoretically possible for OWO to transmit all the STDs to the recipient, but there is a lack of verified confirmed instances of it occurring in the published scientific data.

Now in Kirie's case, I can't accurately conclude her risk factors. I don't know how many people she sees, which of the proposed situations you suggest she actually does, how often she is tested, whether she's on PrEP, just her general medical health. So I'm making a preliminary hypothesis based upon scientific literature. You are free to disagree with it.

Thanks TS.

Please marry me, when Mum asks why I married a Biomedical Researcher instead of a "real" doctor I can tell her you're an absolute ... when it counts  ;) :rose:

Don't you get your data anonymised from the NHS clinics'  patient histories?  I signed up for some study during one visit to the GUM a few years back.

The stats on some of those links I posted do mention the different vector combinations.

Offline LLPunting

So what's the biggest fear? HIV? other STDs?getting robbed?kidnapped?  I think the thread has lost its way! End of the day I think it's a risky business,not just STDs,doesn't matter what type of woman you see.The fact there's risks and irresponsibility no matter how small or big doesn't stop us so who am i to judge

Best you go back to your driving round virtualised cities committing simulated crimes (that you mentioned) if you're not following the convo.
We've been debating the degree of risk.  Responsibility was a red herring.  Everything's risky so your statement is lamentably facile unless of course you're making an askance reference to Rebecca de Mornay, in which case "Bravo".

Offline Heph

So what's the biggest fear? HIV? other STDs?getting robbed?kidnapped?  I think the thread has lost its way! End of the day I think it's a risky business,not just STDs,doesn't matter what type of woman you see.The fact there's risks and irresponsibility no matter how small or big doesn't stop us so who am i to judge


There are different degrees of risk, with vastly different, potentially game-changing outcomes. It's idiocy to wrap it all under the 'at the end of the day, it's all risky' blanket. Better to take a moderately increased risk of suffering theft over a much lower risk of contracting HIV, by narrowing the circumstances which could lead to the latter.

Offline CluckinBell

Best you go back to your driving round virtualised cities committing simulated crimes (that you mentioned) if you're not following the convo.
We've been debating the degree of risk.  Responsibility was a red herring.  Everything's risky so your statement is lamentably facile unless of course you're making an askance reference to Rebecca de Mornay, in which case "Bravo".

so what's the point of debating the degree of risk?

Offline LLPunting

so what's the point of debating the degree of risk?

It's better you learn for yourself.  Re-read the thread, it's a good challenge.  Make notes, draw charts, throw darts, the realisation at the end will be worth it.

Offline CluckinBell

It's better you learn for yourself.  Re-read the thread, it's a good challenge.  Make notes, draw charts, throw darts, the realisation at the end will be worth it.

To be honest it would be hard to learn from this thread because it seems to be so many disagreements on information and seems people just want to prove a point 

Offline Jon181

Offline Belgarion

To be honest it would be hard to learn from this thread because it seems to be so many disagreements on information and seems people just want to prove a point

Read the thread

Offline CluckinBell

Read the thread

I have read most of it but got fed up of people bickering rather go on sexual health websites but thanks!

Offline Sinz

I have read most of it but got fed up of people bickering rather go on sexual health websites but thanks!

No one is forcing you. You know where the door is.

Offline Brazilian Martian

I have read most of it but got fed up of people bickering rather go on sexual health websites but thanks!

Why dnt you kindly piss off you have not even been a member here for a month, also post a bloody review as well  :hi:


  • Guest
Think this thread has been awesome and glad it went on for so long as it allowed views of others that usually wouldn't have been voiced because  thoughts that went against the common consensus would have shut down the discussion quickly before others could come in and say their piece

A lot of what has been said has been based on assumptions by the anti-bb camp(though a few have actually made sense and you could see the rationale in their thinking) but at the end of the day its the facts that matter

i don't know how many of you have caught sti's in the time you've been punting...i personally have

as bad as you may all say kiirie is I can categorically say she has never given me an STI

As far as the non-bb WG.....well she gave me the heads up that I probably should go to a clinic so when the green gunk started spewing out of my cock.....think it would be safe to say it was her who gave it to me

as far as facts that I can verify......... (and it would be great if others could throw their own personal data into the mix....especially as some strong arguments have been put across on this thread) 

........receiving OWO from non-BB  wg's has proven  to be greater than or equal risk to  receiving OWO from wg's that offer BB

this is back up through

1. Actual events/personal data
2. Reasoning & Logic
3. Knowledge on how STI's spread

assumptions are one thing....reality is another

but we are all entitled to our opinions and naturally based on experiences views and opinions will change over time by varying degrees in different directions

your argument is a good one and would be right but you need 2 big assumptions to hold

Assumption 1:  punters who see kirrie have less of an interest in Rochelle...which is a massive assumption

if they had a similar preference for Rochelle due to her tickling their fancy in a different way the same number of Punter A's would go to see Rochelle so risk would be the same, just because there are more punter b's seeing Rochelle increasing her overall number of booking doesn't dilute her chances of getting an infection an passing it on

i.e. Kiirie sees Punter A1(infected) + Punter A2(infected)   (2 total bookings - 100% of the punters infected)   

Rochelle sees 8 x Punter B(all 8 not infected) + Punter A1 + Punter A2     (10 total bookings - 25% of punters infected)

though rochelle has seen more of punter B's which reduces the % of infected punters she sees, not because she is seeing less infected punters than kiirie, but because she is seeing more uninfected punters 

she's still exposed to the same infected punters as kirrie(Punter A1 + Punter A2) so exposed to the same risk as kiirrie....and actually ironically Rochelle would pose the greater risk to Punter B's now because she likely to infect more uninfected people than kiirie will because more uninfected people come to see her(because they believe she is safer)

Assumption 2: every time they get treatment the first punter that books rochelle happens to not be a Punter A


as far as the question on responsibility, hypocrisy and delusion....think someone tried to brush it off as a 'red herring' in a post

...those questions still hold.......  as none of the people who were forthright enough to say anybody that visited a WG like kiirie was irresponsible/crazy/an idiot etc...... has been able to state how their own choices, in their own right, as a WG(giving OWO) or a punter(receiving OWO)  is sensible
« Last Edit: July 05, 2018, 08:19:14 am by punther »

Offline Mr_Vanila1

I want to say a massive thank you Punther, this has been a very interesting thread. It has made me think and understand my actions were as before I just went with gut instincts.
We are poles apart with what we do on our visits and who we punt with, but we are extremely close in degrees. 

I take my hat off to you sir  :hi:

(nice mojos)


  • Guest
Thanks TS.

Please marry me, when Mum asks why I married a Biomedical Researcher instead of a "real" doctor I can tell her you're an absolute ... when it counts  ;) :rose:

Don't you get your data anonymised from the NHS clinics'  patient histories?  I signed up for some study during one visit to the GUM a few years back.

The stats on some of those links I posted do mention the different vector combinations.

Okay, but you'll probably want to read my T&Cs first, also I'm transitioning from science to the dirty (but wonderfully paid) world of finance. So have to be prepared for the lack of a soul.

Not always, a lot of data is kept in house for GUM clinics or just for the NHS, academic research groups have to have separate agreements. Unis, where a lot of research is done, are usually associated with particular hospitals. And anonymised data isn't enough for a lot of studies, we would pull you in for follow up and delve into your sexual history. The plus side is they are usually paid in some way. But a lot of people aren't comfortable coming in more than once for a study.

They do mention some, but oral is a hard one. As it is rarely the sole sexual act that occurs in the typical window of infection for various STDs. And that varies depending on the person's overall health, how they maintain their pubic hair (au natural, shaved, waxed), and who they are sleeping with (bbers aren't the only factor the consider for some STDs).

Offline stampjones

She looks quite gross  :vomit:
Lol - thats the best comment on this thread so far  :drinks:

Offline stampjones

Okay, but you'll probably want to read my T&Cs first, also I'm transitioning from science to the dirty (but wonderfully paid) world of finance. So have to be prepared for the lack of a soul.

Woo cilla do i need to buy a hat? Is this the first ukp wedding? Where’s the stag llp, Im up for it  :drinks:

Offline LLPunting

Okay, but you'll probably want to read my T&Cs first, also I'm transitioning from science to the dirty (but wonderfully paid) world of finance. So have to be prepared for the lack of a soul.

Not always, a lot of data is kept in house for GUM clinics or just for the NHS, academic research groups have to have separate agreements. Unis, where a lot of research is done, are usually associated with particular hospitals. And anonymised data isn't enough for a lot of studies, we would pull you in for follow up and delve into your sexual history. The plus side is they are usually paid in some way. But a lot of people aren't comfortable coming in more than once for a study.

They do mention some, but oral is a hard one. As it is rarely the sole sexual act that occurs in the typical window of infection for various STDs. And that varies depending on the person's overall health, how they maintain their pubic hair (au natural, shaved, waxed), and who they are sleeping with (bbers aren't the only factor the consider for some STDs).

Noooo!  Not a finance whore!   :dash:
I'd be up for participating in studies.

Offline LLPunting

Woo cilla do i need to buy a hat? Is this the first ukp wedding? Where’s the stag llp, Im up for it  :drinks:

Just wear a Dutch Cap.

Her T&Cs are not the usual ones for love and can't be married to a soulless temptress no matter how cute the wink from her starfish.

No stag as it looks like I'll be spending all my wedding money chasing TailSeeker around the bedroom in the absence of conjugal rights.


  • Guest
Noooo!  Not a finance whore!   :dash:
I'd be up for participating in studies.

T&Cs are simple:

1) If it's not a kink I share, I'm outsourcing.
2) No fussy eaters, you would be my live in taste tester.
3) The kitchen is my domain, never rearrange anything, I didn't date and take lessons of Michelin starred chefs for nothing.
4) Never, on pain of having to take me shopping, put my bras or hand wash clothes through the machine... actually just don't touch the washing machine.
5) There will never be any kids. Go elsewhere for sprogs.
6) You are not allowed to bitch about my massive comic book collection.

As for the studies, most unis have dedicated sites for them. Just got to do a bit of web hunting.

Offline Waterhouse

T&Cs are simple:

1) If it's not a kink I share, I'm outsourcing.
2) No fussy eaters, you would be my live in taste tester.
3) The kitchen is my domain, never rearrange anything, I didn't date and take lessons of Michelin starred chefs for nothing.
4) Never, on pain of having to take me shopping, put my bras or hand wash clothes through the machine... actually just don't touch the washing machine.
5) There will never be any kids. Go elsewhere for sprogs.
6) You are not allowed to bitch about my massive comic book collection.

As for the studies, most unis have dedicated sites for them. Just got to do a bit of web hunting.

Just found my soul mate!   :rose:

Offline AlexAlvarez

When a SP decide to meet a WG both parts are taken risks.
One way to minimize the risk of any STI is protected Oral which in this days the WG who adverts on her profile protected Oral basically she will not be busy(no-one will call her) . Oral without is basic requirement from most of the SP.

SP's and WG's are not aware that trought CIM and swallow not only Claymidia and Ghonorrea may be taken. Even HIV if you swallow and the person is not aware that he has it. Sometimes the symptoms can be so mild that you don't realise it,  only if you are tested. Which in most of the cases I may think not everyone go regularly for health test :dash:

Anyway Let's keep ourselves, both parts safe!!
« Last Edit: July 07, 2018, 06:44:27 pm by AlexAlvarez »

Offline Heph

When a SP decide to meet a WG both parts are taken risks.

SP =  a Service Provider (usually, though not always a WG)
WG = a Working Girl (a prostitute / prossie)

For the purposes of most discussions on this and other paid-for sex platforms, they are pretty much always considered to be the same thing.

« Last Edit: July 07, 2018, 07:21:19 pm by Heph »


  • Guest
Just found my soul mate!   :rose:

 :drinks: Just don't expect me to be your sugar mama.

Offline LLPunting

When a SP decide to meet a WG both parts are taken risks.
One way to minimize the risk of any STI is protected Oral which in this days the WG who adverts on her profile protected Oral basically she will not be busy(no-one will call her) . Oral without is basic requirement from most of the SP.

SP's and WG's are not aware that trought CIM and swallow not only Claymidia and Ghonorrea may be taken. Even HIV if you swallow and the person is not aware that he has it. Sometimes the symptoms can be so mild that you don't realise it,  only if you are tested. Which in most of the cases I may think not everyone go regularly for health test :dash:

Anyway Let's keep ourselves, both parts safe!!

Did you read the thread?

Why do you think anything of what you stated adds to the debate we've already had?

Nice of you to surface after 3 months but were you just trying to keep your privileges active?

Offline LLPunting

Just found my soul mate!   :rose:

Oi!  Shotgun!  Dibs!
Get in line  :diablo:


  • Guest
Oi!  Shotgun!  Dibs!
Get in line  :diablo:

 :lol: Don't worry LL, you've got first refusal.

Offline LLPunting

T&Cs are simple:

1) If it's not a kink I share, I'm outsourcing.
- Fine, as long as they're female friends of yours.  I'll try not to think up anything to troubling.  :D

2) No fussy eaters, you would be my live in taste tester.
- Are we talking oyster or food here?  I'm TOTALLY up for eating both, together in a VERY appreciative manner.  I can dine for hours.  We will of course have to sort out a fitness plan or sufficient physical activity to work the calories off.   :dance:

3) The kitchen is my domain, never rearrange anything, I didn't date and take lessons of Michelin starred chefs for nothing.
- Happy to cede the kitchen to you provided you can cook a good Laksa, Pho, lobster with Ginger and black bean, Seabass, Seared steak a point, Linguine Vongole, Rack of Lamb, fish and chips, morning glory, kai lan, various yakitori, roast chicken, sushi, steak and kidney pie...

4) Never, on pain of having to take me shopping, put my bras or hand wash clothes through the machine... actually just don't touch the washing machine. 
- So what about my washing?  How about I handwash your bras and delicate underwear in the shower whilst you're still in them?

5) There will never be any kids. Go elsewhere for sprogs.
- I'm not THAT kinky!  Probably firing blanks anyway.

6) You are not allowed to bitch about my massive comic book collection.
I'll show you mine if you show me yours - You can read mine as they're not mint but be very careful, you will have to be nude though as I will need something to do whilst you read the adventures out loud (that's not kinky right?).

As for the studies, most unis have dedicated sites for them. Just got to do a bit of web hunting.

Offline LLPunting

:drinks: Just don't expect me to be your sugar mama.

He can be your Sugar Daddy for feeding and talking to.
I think you'll find your body, heart and soul will be best attended to by me.  :hi:


  • Guest
1) If it's not a kink I share, I'm outsourcing.
- Fine, as long as they're female friends of yours.  I'll try not to think up anything to troubling.  :D
This is what AntiChrist is for, I can even have fun watching and dictating :P

2) No fussy eaters, you would be my live in taste tester.
- Are we talking oyster or food here?  I'm TOTALLY up for eating both, together in a VERY appreciative manner.  I can dine for hours.  We will of course have to sort out a fitness plan or sufficient physical activity to work the calories off.   :dance:
Both, but I won't hold you to the oyster when I'm running red. And I'll go half in on your gym membership, as long as you promise to spot me in the weights section. Oh, and run you ragged in other ways if you decide to skip.

3) The kitchen is my domain, never rearrange anything, I didn't date and take lessons of Michelin starred chefs for nothing.
- Happy to cede the kitchen to you provided you can cook a good Laksa, Pho, lobster with Ginger and black bean, Seabass, Seared steak a point, Linguine Vongole, Rack of Lamb, fish and chips, morning glory, kai lan, various yakitori, roast chicken, sushi, steak and kidney pie...
Can cook all of those an more, even done the 4am run for proper sushi grade fish fresh from the fish market. And learnt a lot of cuisines while I was out visiting the places, or from friends from there. And as my michelin starred exes said, I cook steak better than a lot of their restaurants.  :hi:

4) Never, on pain of having to take me shopping, put my bras or hand wash clothes through the machine... actually just don't touch the washing machine. 
- So what about my washing?  How about I handwash your bras and delicate underwear in the shower whilst you're still in them?
Just put it in the basket, and pop it away when it is ironed, if you're home at the time. Certainly works for a prewash. And in this weather, any excuse to go in the water I will take... or really any weather.

5) There will never be any kids. Go elsewhere for sprogs.
- I'm not THAT kinky!  Probably firing blanks anyway.
Good as I'm definitely storing blanks.

6) You are not allowed to bitch about my massive comic book collection.
-  I'll show you mine if you show me yours - You can read mine as they're not mint but be very careful, you will have to be nude though as I will need something to do whilst you read the adventures out loud (that's not kinky right?).
Well depends, if they're marvel, then I think it sounds as torture. If DC, I'll happily read out any, but especially Harley, Selina and Ivy's escapades from my copies of the full run of Sirens. I've been collecting DC comics since I was 4, if you like DC, we'll get along (I am well aware the current movies are quite shite, but the TV isn't that bad, just slightly trashy).

Offline puntingpumping1920

Isn't flirting against the rules ?
Service providers
The site allows service providers to be members, but there is no tolerance for touting, flirting, attention-seeking and negative attitude towards punters.
Banned reason: Mr £500k go and buy some fucking manners
Banned by: Iloveoral

Offline LLPunting

Isn't flirting against the rules ?
Service providers
The site allows service providers to be members, but there is no tolerance for touting, flirting, attention-seeking and negative attitude towards punters.

Oh my!  Really?  Flirting?  Ah well. 

Sorry TS, we have to stop, I have to pull out.   ;)

Thanks to puntingpumping1920 for the cold water.   :hi:


  • Guest
Oh my!  Really?  Flirting?  Ah well. 

Sorry TS, we have to stop, I have to pull out.   ;)

Thanks to puntingpumping1920 for the cold water.   :hi:

Shock, horror! We've been rumbled by the police. How terrible. I know you were so desperate to see me. And I was creaming my panties at the thought of you. But we shall just have to lust from afar  :lol: