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Author Topic: SA student. Thoughts please.  (Read 2754 times)

Offline NIK

I can't post this in the SA thread because I don't have a premium account. As I have said before I am a member but not a fully paid up one. Therefore I get loads of notifications  that someone has looked at my account or favourited me or even sent me a message, but I cannot reciprocate. 
I started a thread before about whether it was worth paying for a premium account, bearing in mind it's expensive and then you have to pay the women hundreds on top and there is always the possibility that you get sweet FA in return.
In the last thread someone said many of these notificications come from SA themsleves to try to get you to pay up out of curiosity or in the false hope you will be inundated.

Now the reason I have started a new thread it because a young cute looking student keeps looking at my profile virtually every other day. I did contact her months ago and she sent me some pics, but I didn't follow it up. She now looks at my profile regularly, presumably in the hope that I will have upgraded to a premium account.
I must admit from the photos I like the look of her and she is based only about 50 miles away, but will she look like her photos? My own are way out of date!    :D Does she log into everyone's account regularly? She is a cute looking blonde based in the East Midlands. Is it a con?

Is it worth paying for a premium account? I can't easily afford the regular monthly payment and pay hundreds of pounds to a woman on a regular basis on top. Are there many gold diggers who have no intention of delivering a sexual service?

She is tempting me and ten years or so ago I would have been in there like a shot, but I am much more circumspect these days about shelling out. I would have to pay £70 or so just to even contact her.  :thumbsdown:

Thoughts please and does anyone know her? I can name her by PM if necessary.
« Last Edit: June 14, 2018, 01:48:40 pm by NIK »

Offline pamplona

If its a young blonde from Loughborough, she looks and favourites loads of profiles but never commits to meeting. So don't waste your money.

Online Kev40ish

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If its a young blonde from Loughborough, she looks and favourites loads of profiles but never commits to meeting. So don't waste your money.

Sent you a Pm saying the same

Offline Paul1738

Not sure if you have a smart punting phone, Nik, but you can get the App and on there get a weeks membership. Think it’s about $26 so £20ish. Only available on the app as I can see though

Offline LLPunting

If you don't have the budget then SA is a total waste of your time even thinking about it.  Just go back to regular punting it's a lot less hassle.
There are too many timewasters doing exactly as you describe trying to lure blokes into subs.  With the amount of money SA make they most certainly have touts both in the site and cruising all the punter haunts try to drum up business, perhaps even here too.

For 300 you could have a fistful of 30 min encounters with women who've been "vetted" here or 2 or 3 hr long romps with a good SP.  No muss, no fuss.
If you're a sex addict and need the hours of action then SA may pay off but it's more than a full-time job to put that in place over more than a month.

Offline king tarzan

If you don't have the budget then SA is a total waste of your time even thinking about it.  Just go back to regular punting it's a lot less hassle.
There are too many timewasters doing exactly as you describe trying to lure blokes into subs.  With the amount of money SA make they most certainly have touts both in the site and cruising all the punter haunts try to drum up business, perhaps even here too.

For 300 you could have a fistful of 30 min encounters with women who've been "vetted" here or 2 or 3 hr long romps with a good SP.  No muss, no fuss.
If you're a sex addict and need the hours of action then SA may pay off but it's more than a full-time job to put that in place over more than a month.

+1 :thumbsup:
Banned reason: Misogynist who gets free bookings from agencies for pos reviews.
Banned by: daviemac

Offline NIK

If its a young blonde from Loughborough, she looks and favourites loads of profiles but never commits to meeting. So don't waste your money.

Thanks for this and the pm below.
Yes that's her. Seems to be a timewaster then.  I thought she must be looking at others regularly too. Presumably she gets off on it.

UKP quickly saves the day again!   :yahoo:

Offline NIK

As I have just said in pm I wonder if some of these girls are on commission from SA to try to tempt men to sign up. Otherwise what is the point of such timewasting?
Stranger things have happened.

Offline sublimetoridiculous

As I have just said in pm I wonder if some of these girls are on commission from SA to try to tempt men to sign up. Otherwise what is the point of such timewasting?
Stranger things have happened.

Not sure if she is an SA troll or not. There certainly have been such trolls in the past, but not seen any in quite a while.

I think she is just weird. And I see it's been a whole 15 hours since she viewed my profile. Must be otherwise occupied today.

Offline peter_bungee

SA is a COMPLETE joke you might as well try on tinder

I did meet some from there but most 90% want big bucks and dating before hand despite fsct u are paying for sex, then unless you trust to take them back to your flat u have to pay 50-100£ for a hotel (london experience).  Plus send 10000’s of emails

Offline MilleMiglia

As I have just said in pm I wonder if some of these girls are on commission from SA to try to tempt men to sign up. Otherwise what is the point of such timewasting?
Stranger things have happened.

Sounds like the digital equivalent of the really hot women who are paid to frequent nightclubs, in order to boost their image, and attract more paying punters.


  • Guest
I’m in a similar position, but London based and waiting to pull the trigger

Some of the profiles I’m seeing are incredibley hot, too good to be true I’d say


  • Guest
I’m in a similar position, but London based and waiting to pull the trigger

Some of the profiles I’m seeing are incredibley hot, too good to be true I’d say

Majority of these hot profiles won't respond.

Offline NIK

She had just checked me again. I expect she’s one of those phone addicts.
Also I wonder how accurate are the photos.
Mine isn’t!  :sarcastic:


  • Guest
Not had any experience of the girl from Loughborough, but actually a number of other very good experiences with girls from SA. Almost all have been real, and if agreed to meet they have normally turned up.
Some say no intimacy, but they are living in a dream land, but if you are clear and open at the start, always had good experiences
But to the original question, if you cant afford £70 to be a member, not sure you will be able to afford many of the girls.


  • Guest
SA is a COMPLETE joke you might as well try on tinder

I did meet some from there but most 90% want big bucks and dating before hand despite fsct u are paying for sex, then unless you trust to take them back to your flat u have to pay 50-100£ for a hotel (london experience).  Plus send 10000’s of emails

There is a whole thread of people with different experiences to be fair. Works for some and not for others no doubt.

Offline Desimonic

I send you her pictures NIK but how the fuck do i get them on the message. been trying to pm them to you but having no joy getting them on the message. Just puts the picture on a full screen that i cant do anything with bah .

Offline Desimonic

Majority of these hot profiles won't respond.

I wont say they won't respond. They just choose who to respond too. Money, arrangement, looks, age, location, festishes, kinks and time all play apart. Most of the time its, get them while it hot n fresh as in a day or so they would have gotten a better offer.

Just my too cents

Offline scutty brown

why is a cute student eying up a bloke of your age?
She thinks you've got money and wants ALL of it. Yes I know we're talking about paid sex, but she'll want a damned sight more than a normal prossie

Offline Bogof60

Give your head a good wobble NIK
I would have thought someone as experienced as you could tell your arse from your errrr dick
Or maybe you are too taken thinking about Muzzies or Radio Sheffield.
Come on man don't be so silly.
And just remember admin has banned threads on SA other than the members one
Banned reason: Abuse of a mod.
Banned by: daviemac

Offline tantric talents

If you don't have the budget then SA is a total waste of your time even thinking about it.  Just go back to regular punting it's a lot less hassle.
There are too many timewasters doing exactly as you describe trying to lure blokes into subs.  With the amount of money SA make they most certainly have touts both in the site and cruising all the punter haunts try to drum up business, perhaps even here too.

For 300 you could have a fistful of 30 min encounters with women who've been "vetted" here or 2 or 3 hr long romps with a good SP.  No muss, no fuss.
If you're a sex addict and need the hours of action then SA may pay off but it's more than a full-time job to put that in place over more than a month.

This sounds like very sage advice. I joined at the basic level and suspected a lot of scamming potential so declined to throw money at it. I also pm’d a member here who was boasting of his student conquests. Never even got a reply so you may well right about SA infiltrators and lurkers here?

Offline NIK

Give your head a good wobble NIK
I would have thought someone as experienced as you could tell your arse from your errrr dick
Or maybe you are too taken thinking about Muzzies or Radio Sheffield.
Come on man don't be so silly.
And just remember admin has banned threads on SA other than the members one

Are you a moderator?
If you read what I said I would have put it in the thread but I don’t have access to it.  :dash:


  • Guest
you may well right about SA infiltrators and lurkers here?
That's an understatement, do you remember the guy who claimed he fucked a med student in a shed. :D
« Last Edit: June 17, 2018, 08:46:44 pm by bristolqwerty »

Offline Jimmyredcab

why is a cute student eying up a bloke of your age?

Because handsome hunks of her own age are not going to pay to fuck her, that’s why.  :hi:

Offline tantric talents

do you remember the guy who claimed he fucked a med student in a shed. :D
A shed? Must have been where he kept all his money  :dance:

Offline manc36

Thanks for this and the pm below.
Yes that's her. Seems to be a timewaster then.  I thought she must be looking at others regularly too. Presumably she gets off on it.

UKP quickly saves the day again!   :yahoo:

Yes she was doing the same to a few of us in the SA thread which to me is shifty as fuck. I blocked her/him.
Banned reason: Abuse
Banned by: daviemac

Offline tantric talents

you can get the App and on there get a weeks membership. Think it’s about $26 so £20ish. Only available on the app as I can see though
Unfortunately it doesn’t appear to be available on iOS unless you have a US account which apple has recently made tricky to get  :angry:

Offline Bogof60

Are you a moderator?
If you read what I said I would have put it in the thread but I don’t have access to it.  :dash:

Not a moderator  but you are no longer owner.
Banned reason: Abuse of a mod.
Banned by: daviemac

Online Kev40ish

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Not a moderator  but you are no longer owner.

And your point is????
It’s okay to discuss SA on an open thread but not give details which is exactly what NIK did.

Offline NIK

And your point is????
It’s okay to discuss SA on an open thread but not give details which is exactly what NIK did.

See his reference to my comments on Radio Sheffield and muzzies. Tells you all you need to know.
I would suggest it’s also bad form to bring off topic onto the main forum.