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Author Topic: Longest time  (Read 1728 times)

Offline tonyvgf

What's the longest time you've gone without having an ejaculation?
Mines is 3 weeks and I'm pretty sure in this time I was going blind  :D

Offline MrMatrix

6 weeks about 18 months ago.  :hi:


  • Guest
Age plays a big part in this. In my 20's and 30's it was always less than a day. After 40 there started to be days without and after 50 a couple of days without became more common.

Offline JamesKW

Often more than a week or two.Last week I was at a party had all four girls,some twice,and didn't ejaculate at all in two and a half hours.I have had to train myself not to ejaculate quickly as I can only come once and I want to get my monies worth.


  • Guest
Often more than a week or two.Last week I was at a party had all four girls,some twice,and didn't ejaculate at all in two and a half hours.I have had to train myself not to ejaculate quickly as I can only come once and I want to get my monies worth.
That post describes my situation as well and I've left parties having fucked all the girls but not cum once. An ejaculation lasts 20 seconds and although great to have my erection and sensations are never as strong when going again after popping so I give up the 20 seconds to get an hour or so more of fun.

Offline MrMatrix

That post describes my situation as well and I've left parties having fucked all the girls but not cum once. An ejaculation lasts 20 seconds and although great to have my erection and sensations are never as strong when going again after popping so I give up the 20 seconds to get an hour or so more of fun.
+1. Sometimes I unload, some times not. I can be with the hottest girl and still nothing- even Mrs P cant bail me out some times. But as I enjoy foreplay I am quite happy doing that and get my moneys worth that way. Yes its damned frustrating.. :unknown:
But there are other threads that deal with this topic.  :hi:

This thread is about the longest period without cumming. :hi:

Offline Rockhead

I think I managed about three months last year - this self-imposed drought was part of a (successful) experiment to see if I could improve 'performance'.

These days I can go for a week or so, but it's relatively unusual. A couple of days is more normal (for me).

Online OakTree

I usually bang one out everyday but there are times I’ve gone a couple of days without. On the very rare occasion for what ever reason I’ve had a prolonged absence of spunking I’ve noticed a definite decline in my libido. The more I wank (Up to a point) the stronger I have sexual urges. If I’m going to see a girl on for example a Friday, I’ll make sure I knock one out every day up to the Thursday. I’ll give it a rest that day. By Friday I’m usually then we’ll on form.

Offline Rockhead

On the very rare occasion for what ever reason I’ve had a prolonged absence of spunking I’ve noticed a definite decline in my libido.

This is what the 'nofap' community refers to as 'flatlining'. The general consensus is that avoiding the pleasures of the palm will initially drive you crazy, before leading to a decline in libido. Then it comes back strong again - though the time periods involved seem to vary greatly from person to person.

Offline JonasG

Not much longer than a week since I was 16 tbh.

Offline insignia

5 months back in 2011. But in my defence i was in an induced coma. The nurses may have given me a blowy or a HJ but doubt i will ever know

Offline MrMatrix

5 months back in 2011. But in my defence i was in an induced coma. The nurses may have given me a blowy or a HJ but doubt i will ever know
I dare say those nurses were queueing up. :thumbsup:

Online OakTree

This is what the 'nofap' community refers to as 'flatlining'. The general consensus is that avoiding the pleasures of the palm will initially drive you crazy, before leading to a decline in libido. Then it comes back strong again - though the time periods involved seem to vary greatly from person to person.

Actually my libido drops of quite quickly. Four or five days and I’m not harbouring thoughts of sex. It’s odd too, in that if I have had a lay off the first couple of wanks are very lack lustre. There’s no explosive popping but more of a low pressure splaff.

Offline captainarcher

Probably gone without for a week at the most

Offline Romney

As others have said, it definitely changes with age, or at least it has for me.  I used to ejaculate at least 3 or 4 times a week when I was younger, but it has definitely gone down as the years have gone by.  Now maybe once a week, sometimes once every two weeks.  One of the reasons I go so long now is that I want to save it for my punts, so I try not to "waste" it on solo activities.....

Offline Dipper

5 months back in 2011. But in my defence i was in an induced coma. The nurses may have given me a blowy or a HJ but doubt i will ever know

Blimey. Do you remember your first eruption after?

Once went 3-4 weeks due to medical reasons and rather that the powerful spurts I expected , I got
More of a pumping fountain effect :D


  • Guest
In my younger years a few hours 🙂, these days on average several days. The record stands at about two months. Gosh, I am getting old😉

Offline two20

About 3 weeks following an operation when all horny thoughts disappeared. I was gutted when I did though, I was expecting a pornstar monster load and could barely fill a tablespoon.


  • Guest
I think I managed about three months last year - this self-imposed drought was part of a (successful) experiment to see if I could improve 'performance'.

I'm glad it was successful. Another thread discusses the pros and cons of abstinence. Can you tell us more?

Offline BarryProudfoot

Blimey. Do you remember your first eruption after?

Once went 3-4 weeks due to medical reasons and rather that the powerful spurts I expected , I got
More of a pumping fountain effect :D

I did 4 months and the first release was immense :wacko:

Offline JonasG

Punting has increased my libido I've found.

Cos you know it's on tap and you're always feeling it. Especially in the early stages of punting.
« Last Edit: June 12, 2018, 11:09:54 pm by JonasG »

Offline mrdiamond77

About 2 weeks I guess. That was done in advance of a punt. Had been having some erection problems at the time. I now try and have a weeks break from wanking before a punt.

Offline undercoverpunter

Often more than a week or two.Last week I was at a party had all four girls,some twice,and didn't ejaculate at all in two and a half hours.I have had to train myself not to ejaculate quickly as I can only come once and I want to get my monies worth.
What does your training regime consist of?

Offline Dipper

About 2 weeks I guess. That was done in advance of a punt. Had been having some erection problems at the time. I now try and have a weeks break from wanking before a punt.

Couldn’t go a week pre punt, I’d spunk too soon then. A couple of days at most for me.

Offline PatMacGroin

For most of my life I would always cum everyday. Over the last few years I often go a couple of days or even more without even realising it's been that long. Not sure how long ago that behaviour started.

I used to abstain for a week to two weeks before a planned punt. But it would just drive me crazy, especially the last few nights before the punt. I'd be awake all night imagination working overdrive trying to avoid the temptation, like a kid before christmas.

Offline JamesKW

What does your training regime consist of?

I have been doing these parties for about four years but I tend to start with a fattie or regular who I know wont make me cum,as a kind of warm up.I tend to stay away from the African girls until later as I love the feel of their silky skin,although some of these give me the BDSM blowjob(peel foreskin right back) or use their hands a lot,which I know wont make me cum.I am fairly experienced now to know which girls will make me cum quickly and stay away from these until towards the end,though sometimes there are surprises.I am extremely disappointed if it happens in the first half hour (as I haven't got my monies worth) but this hasn't happened for a long time.

Offline manobo

Twelve years. No fap is the way.

Offline Rockhead

I think I managed about three months last year - this self-imposed drought was part of a (successful) experiment to see if I could improve 'performance'.

I'm glad it was successful. Another thread discusses the pros and cons of abstinence. Can you tell us more?

I find it an interesting topic, because results do seem to vary drastically from person to person. There are some who say that regular masturbation is actually good for the libido, providing you avoid the death grip syndrome. They make a good case.
There are others, including me, that tried abstinence to see if I could improve matters. My main problem was a lack of sensitivity, so my self-imposed drought was an attempt to regain that. After a few months I had a punt and it was only partly successful, but I persisted and next time out was great. I haven't had a problem since (except on a dreadful Seeking Arrangements experience, but that's a one-off).
I do think learning to self-pleasure 'properly' is important too. If you're going to do it, try a very light grip, just two fingers. Don't be tempted to throttle the old boy because there's no way a pussy can replicate that kind of grip. Laying off porn can be a big deal too (for some).

Offline MrMatrix

OK, so whose going to own up to having a wank over Mila Azul in HD.
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Sorry guys but I did.  :wackogirl: I know I'm a failure....  :unknown:  I will try harder..