Sugar Baby?

Author Topic: Group of very questionable profiles  (Read 691 times)

Offline JayEZ2K

This is a group of several profiles that all appeared this week, very hot pictures, unverified, and things like BB listed. Two of the profiles are already gone. These are unusual activity in my normal search area, so I thought I would post for others' insight. Honestly, I was hoping the BB was fake and only there because they were new profiles, and that the girls were real. But these have more red flags than a Chinese parade, so I wouldn't go unless I confirmed BB was not on offer and I would expect to walk.

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Offline JayEZ2K

Confirmed via text that BB on offer for extra £20 :vomit:  I really hope someone else is responding, and that the girl herself doesn't offer BB. And am I correct in thinking that a girl that attractive would not offer BB, so the profile is likely a B&S with the real girl being far less attractive and possibly diseased? At this point it is merely curiosity into the world of punting.

Offline HailWood

I reckon Romanian possibly trafficked. B&S highly likely. Pimp responding (try calling the number and see if you are speaking to the lass.  B.B. probably not in offer in reality along with anything like kissing OWO baybeee!!!
Definitely not worth risking.

Offline Space Invader

Shame about the BB coz they are both FAF, I did question previously on here - do you think the 'girls' actually understand what BB is , and do they ever read the profile the pimp writes ??
MTB has hit it on the head again - definitely looks like Roms - so avoid at all costs , why are they so bad !
I get alerts every day from AW about New accounts that meet my 'requirements' TBH I cant ever remember listing my 'requirements' but still they come through , somedays 6 -10 of them, most have gone within 24hrs , what a waste !
AW must get 100s or 1000s of bogus accounts per day

Offline Newtothisstuff

It's highly unlikely that the girls are even in the country yet. Sergei seems very fond of posting profiles of girls to test the reaction before paying for a big enough box with UPS. I've seen lots of profiles like this pop up for a day or even a week... then they're gone.

Offline JayEZ2K

If I take their word for it, BB is real because I verified when I texted them. To bad because if they did not offer BB then would at least consider going and seeing if they are the actual girls.

If they are that hot, BB is unecessary and detrimental, IMO. I have seen a Romanian group of young fit girls, who did not offer BB. Their only detriment was inconsistent service. Some good, several bad.

It's highly unlikely that the girls are even in the country yet. Sergei seems very fond of posting profiles of girls to test the reaction before paying for a big enough box with UPS. I've seen lots of profiles like this pop up for a day or even a week... then they're gone.
That is really interesting. So market research a head of time. If they look anything like that it should be easy to get customers, but they would first need to clean up their profile and reputation, IMO.

Offline Newtothisstuff

I saw a profile appear in the East Mids region and recognised the photo. She'd originally been showing under a different profile that AW notified me about nearer my home. She looked a bit like my neighbours daughter so it stuck in the memory. The profile was up for a couple of days and then vanished. A month or so later, same photo pops up again but it's now in the East Midlands region and this time it had AW feedback from genuine punters as well as the usual bollocks Sergei tries to bullshit us with.
I have no proof, but the best explanation I can think of is that Sergei is looking to see who it's worth paying to bring over before he puts any money down. If a profile gets enough interest, he'll bring the girl over. Worryingly, a lot of those initial profiles I've seen have fully clothed images to start with. When the girls get here, then the lingerie shots appear.

Offline badsin

Profiles like these regularly appear in the Derby search facility. I have phoned previously out of curiosity, always a text back rather than talking. Avoid them all guys. Best case scenario is they have limited English. Worst case, trafficked my Sergei :hi:

Offline Jamesbattersea

All the profilez execpt the top one have dis appeared now

Offline Mr. Noob

Once i texted hungarian girl to ask more details about services as there was BB listed. She messaged me list of services and there was "bareback owo" and sex with condom. I asked her what she mean by bareback owo and she answered its bareback oral so no condom and sex is protected. Now we can clearly see here that they dont understand the exact meaning of what they putting on their profiles.

Offline JayEZ2K

Once i texted hungarian girl to ask more details about services as there was BB listed. She messaged me list of services and there was "bareback owo" and sex with condom. I asked her what she mean by bareback owo and she answered its bareback oral so no condom and sex is protected. Now we can clearly see here that they dont understand the exact meaning of what they putting on their profiles.
I really hoped it would be something like you mention, that BB would not be true, but their exact reply to my text was "sex without is extra 20 but included in 1 hour booking". So it's going to be even harder to pretend that by sex they meant oral.